Creating Possibility: Strategies that reduce multi-generational approaches to poverty Presented by: Lyndsie White May 29, 2015 Inheriting Poverty “The American ghetto appears to be inherited…the neighborhood environments in which African Americans and white Americans live have been passed down across generations”. Stuck in Place: Urban Neighborhoods and the End of Progress toward Racial Equality -Patrick Sharkey Economic Disparities During the Great Migration • Overcrowded neighborhoods • Substandard and unsafe working conditions • Extended working hours • Underpaid jobs Mortality Rate for African American Women • The probability of African American women living to age 70 decreased from 90% to 85 % after migrating from the South to the North The Warmth of Our Sons: The epic story of America's Great Migration - Isabel Wilkerson Post-War Unemployment Rates Escalate In 1973 over 5,000 African American veterans in Detroit found that one out of every five young men who returned home was still unemployed six months later. Fighting on Two Fronts: African Americans and the Vietnam War - James Westheider Why is the need to promote economic equity and social justice imperative for reducing aspects of poverty? Self-sufficiency Standards for Franklin County • Self-sufficiency standard for single parents is $42,000 annually • Federal poverty guideline for 2012 was $15,130, which translates to $7.27 per hour • Reflects a $27, 000 gap in the minimum self-sufficiency standard being met Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies; Chetty, R., Hendren, N., Kline, P., & Saez, E; Corporation for Enterprise Development. The State of Poverty in Ohio • Individuals living in poverty experience: • adverse outcomes related to their health • higher rates of disease • chronic illness • disabilities The State of Poverty in Ohio - Holzer et. al. Unmasking Income Mobility • One out of every 20 Columbus children born into the bottom fifth of the income distribution ladder is able to climb to the top as an adult. • Forty-two percent of all Ohioans are deemed economically immobile. -Chetty, R., Hendren, N., Kline, P., & Saez, E; Corporation for Enterprise Development. Internalizing Poverty Potapchuk, M., Leiderman, S., Bivens, D., & Major, B. - Flipping the Script Strategic Interventions Neighborhood-focused and holistic approaches to create strategic interventions that positively impact a child’s life - United Way of Central Ohio - Stepping up early childhood development: investing in young children for high returns Focus equally and intentionally on services as well as opportunities for the parent and the child - Denboba, A. et al. - Stepping up early childhood development: investing in young children for high returns The Mentoring Effect • Over 1,000 young people ages 18-21 were surveyed and an overwhelming majority 69% indicated that their mentor inspired them, motivated them to do better, and advised them in making the right decision. - Bruce, M., & Bridgeland, J. -The mentoring effect: Young people’s perspectives on the outcomes and availability of mentoring. Where do we go from here? References Bruce, M., & Bridgeland, J. (2014). 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State of poverty 2014: Understanding economic hardship 50 years after the War on Poverty. Retrieved from Potapchuk, M., Leiderman, S., Bivens, D., & Major, B. (2005). Flipping the script: White privilege and community building. Silver Springs, Md.: MP Associates, Inc., and the Center for Assessment and Policy Development (CAPD). Reed, M., Cochrane, D. (2014). Student debt and the class of 2014. The Institute for College Access & Success, Project on Student Debt. Retrieved from Ricketts, E. (1989). The origin of black female-headed families. Focus, 12(1), 32-36. Sharkey, P. (2013). Stuck in place: Urban neighborhoods and the end of progress toward racial equality. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. References Cont. United Way of Central Ohio. (2013). Why Neighborhoods Matter to Education, Franklin County Children Report. Retrieved from Westheider, J. E. (1999). Fighting on Two Fronts: African Americans and the Vietnam War. New York, NY: New York University Press. Wilkerson, I. (2010). The warmth of other suns: The epic story of America's great migration. New York, NY: Random House.