The Blue Ridge Messenger Newsletter of the Madison County Republican Women Chartered September 15, 1998 January 2016 P.O. Box 314• Madison,VA 22727• (540)923-4300• Biosolids Citizen Information Group C.W. Williams / 3 Dr. Mark Berg Beat the cold at MCRW's 16th Annual Chili Festival. Former Delegate Mark J. Berg, M.D. will be the Guest Speaker at the January 19th MCRW Meeting, 6:30-8:30 PM. Virginia Attorney GenCrocodile Tears eral Mark R. Herring A Photo Op for (D) has announced that beginning Febru- treacherous totalitarianism ary 1, Virginia will no Obama’s Gun Grab / 4 - 5 longer honor the outProvidence & Courage of-state concealed Saving the Republic Ponch McPhee / 6 handgun carry permits of gun owners Oregon Mark Herring from more than two Citizens stand against tyrandozen of the states with which the com- nical government overreach monwealth currently has reciprocal Constitutional Freedom / 7 privileges. The pushback was swift. 2016 Dr. Berg received a B.S. in Biology from Allegheny College in 1980 and an M.D. from State University of New York Upstate Medical University in 1984. His professional experiences include two Gonna be a busy year decades as an ER doctor and ownership “This unilateral politically motivated exComing Events / 8 of a family practice in Winchester, Virginia. ecutive action seriously limits the rights of those Virginians who have conMark represented our 29th district as cealed weapon permits. After claiming “Saudi Prince Alwaleed delegate in the Virginia House of that this action doesn’t affect the validi- bin Talal, a senior memDelegates, having been first elected in ty of any permits that may have been ber of the Saudi monar2013. His term will end January 13, 2016, issued by Virginia, the official an- chy, says he’ll pledge his having lost a close 2015 primary. nouncement from the Attorney General $32 billion to advance closes with the warning that Virginia the islamization of AmerThe 29th district includes the city of permit holders had better check the ica… The Saudis have Winchester, most of Frederick County, laws of states they may visit because in spent billions already. and a portion of Warren County. many of those states their permits will 80% of the mosques build in America are Everyone is invited to attend this informa- not be valid any longer. Saudi funded. Islamic Jan. 15th! tive meeting about Medicare and Medic- “These permit holders are not the peo- groups working to imaid. ple committing gun crimes in Virginia. pose theJewell sharia Duvall are They are the people who go to the largely funded by the will be collecting 2016 club officers will be inducted in a brief trouble to get permits to comply with Saudis… books Wikileaks has for donaceremony led by Linda Bartlett, Virginia the law… begun releasing trove tion to aMESA, Federation of Republican Women (VFRW) documents — half Lia the Madison “In his announcement, the Attorney ofJewell President. cables and other brary or the LitGeneral has not pointed to a single million Duvall The evening's menu includes: Various crime committed by an out-of-state documents the eracyfrom Council. tasty Chili recipes, Soup, Cornbread, concealed weapons permit holder le- Saudi Foreign Ministry. Cheese and other condiments and gally carrying in Virginia under the rec- Wikileaks declares, “Mescrumptious desserts by our members. iprocity agreement; not one. Indeed, dia is not Please bringbya ‘controlled Dinner: $8. donation for by Saudi the State Police concede that they are Jews’ but the Arabia: media loyalties Location: Madison Presbyterian Church not aware of any either. It is evident Dottie purchasedCommunity around that this is nothing more than liberal Stephenson Fellowship Hall, 1236 Fishback Road, Rt. FoodAmerican Box that the world. The window dressing and political payback 722 at the north traffic light. For additional media is already in the information, please call (540) 923-4300 or for the millions of dollars former New Dottie Stephenson has tank for Islam.” JewNews at each meeting. York Mayor Bloomberg has pumped available (540) 923-4085. continued on page 2 AG continued from page 1 The Blue Ridge Messenger January 2016 into the campaigns of Virginia Democrats, including piled up around the altar of gun control.” that of the Attorney General, over the past two and a Dave Workman, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner half years.” Sen. Mark Obenshain (R-Rockingham) }When faced with government overreach (a common “Despite promising to take politics out of the Attorney occurrence”under AG Herring), the clarion call, BY General's office, Mark Herring consistently seeks to WHAT AUTHORITY, sounds from the rafters. Well, interpret and apply the law of the Commonwealth um, Herring does not have authority… AG Herring through the lens of his own personal, political opinions. gives the advice, makes the large public pronounceHe is damaging the integrity of the office he holds." ment and tries to take credit for curbing the Second Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford) Amendment. The Superintendent of the State Police Colonel W. Steven Flaherty rolls over like a bureaucrat"This is another Washington-style overreach from a ic shill for the AG’s office… Imagine how much power nakedly partisan Attorney General. The Attorney Gen- and influence Herring has when he can convince a eral's job is to faithfully interpret and enforce the law of career law enforcement officer to renege on 12 years of the Commonwealth. Virginians who have concealed his accepted policy.” Paul A. Prados carry permits may lose the ability to protect themselves when traveling in 25 states. Instead of doing the “My colleagues and I are working on ways to stop this job he was elected to do, Mark Herring continues to over-reaching move. I will co-sponsor put the political goals of his liberal supporters ahead of legislation dealing with this issue. Additionally, I am sound legal judgement." Del. Rob Bell (R-Albemarle) drafting constitutional carry legislation in cooperation with VCDL. One thing is clear, my colleagues and I will “Since Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Herring, and Democrats fight this from multiple angles in the upcoming 2016 lost big-time in electoral contests last month - despite Legislative Session.” Sen. Richard Black, 13th District millions of dollars from their billionaire benefactor Michael Bloomberg - they are now using tyrannical “As a result, our Virginia concealed carry permits are no means to impose more gun control as retribution for longer good in 5 states. Border states like Tennessee and North Carolina could be next. It's just further proof their losses. “This usurping of legislative power is a common trend that Democrats in Virginia have declared war on the under McAuliffe. In October, he issued a directive Second Amendment. Mark Herring's decision sets the forbidding openly carried firearms in most Virginia stage for other states to end their recognition of Virginia state offices. The ban, which went into effect last permits, and make it much harder for law abiding citimonth, immediately prohibits openly carried guns in zens to exercise their constitutional rights. But of executive offices at the state capital but required ena- course, that's what Democrats like Mark Herring, Terry bling regulation to ban concealed firearms. Members McAuliffe, and Hillary Clinton want. of law enforcement, security, and military personnel are all exempt from this regulation, which is set to expire in June 2017… “What’s the takeaway from all of this? Elections can have very deleterious consequences. Virginians knew very well that McAuliffe, Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, and Herring were going to enact gun control by any means possible, but they chose to elect them over good men like former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and state Sen. Mark Obenshain. Come 2017, it’s imperative to elect pro-gun, pro-Second-Amendment candidates to the highest state offices.” Gabriella Hoffman “Political elitists like McAuliffe should be constantly reminded of the fatal failures of gun control policies they perpetuate. Restrictive gun control kept the late Carol Bowne of New Jersey disarmed, making it easy for a stalker ex-boyfriend to kill her in June. Washington’s new background check law hasn’t kept guns out of the wrong hands. California’s restrictive gun laws didn’t prevent San Bernardino. Chicago, Baltimore and Washington, D.C. are killing fields. The bodies have We have to fight back. Here's what you can do: • Call Attorney General Herring at (804) 786-2071 and tell him you don't support this anti-gun effort. • Call Governor McAuliffe at (804) 786-2211 and tell him you expect him to support the Second Amendment, not make it harder to exercise your rights. • Vote for the Republican candidate of your choice on March 1. All of our GOP candidates are far better on the Second Amendment than Hillary Clinton. John Whitbeck, Chairman, RPV In November, a bill was filed that would require Virginia to recognize permits from other states. If approved, it would reverse Herring’s ruling. “A lot of the governor’s power is deferred to the General Assembly at that point and I’ll be getting with my collegues to circumvent everything this governor has done on this point. have a budget amendment that I’m looking at to take away his executive protection unit. If he’s so afraid of guns, then I’m not going to surround him with armed state policemen.” Senator Bob Carrico 2 by C.W. Williams The Blue Ridge Messenger January 2016 good work that was accomplished by all stakeholders participating on the BURAC. My dear citizens, I wish to provide you a brief summary of facts regarding this material known as biosolids or sludge. I first became aware of the term "biosolids" approximately sixteen years ago C.W. Williams when I was awakened at 3:30 AM, by the dumping noise and odor emanating from across the road to my home. Upon inquiring why the dumping was at such an early time and what was the terrible odor, I was informed that the landowner was using sewage waste sludge for fertilizer and that they could apply anytime they wished. Upon investigation, this was in fact true, even though the odor was present for five months. Having had to step back due to illness for several years, I have recently been asked by my fellow citizens to assist in rectifying the atrocities allowed by DEQ. As a result, I gave my word and therefore I am now back in the driver’s seat making additional contacts and involved to make a difference once again. Within only three months, several citizen groups have been formed due to the lack of DEQ to voluntarily institute changes. I have accepted the chairmanship of the Biosolids Information Group with a mission to procure factual information and circumstances, conduct unbiased research and investigation, disseminate pertinent information to government agencies, waste industry entities, citizen groups, the local medical districts and the General Assembly. A group of concerned citizens approached the Board of Supervisors in Louisa, VA and asked that a study committee of citizen landowners and farmer landowners be convened. I was asked to serve on this committee and represented my district. Little was accomplished on this committee due to the lack of sludge knowledge available at the time. Many of the same factual documentation actions will be followed as I used in the past, e.g., video documentation of citizens harmed by exposure to the toxic pollution known as biosolids, writing a monthly newsletter exhibiting current constituent information, renewing and corresponding with contacts at Harvard, Cornell, William & Mary, UNC, NC State, VT, EPA, etc., in order to However, I pursued the quest for knowledge to the VA pass on relevant information for the general Assembly Department of Health (VDH), which was managing the for effecting a change for the health, safety, and land application of biosolids. I attended many meetings welfare of the citizens of Virginia and their environment. on the subject and researched the files of the VDH. My I welcome all citizens interested in making a difference findings at the time of my research were that VDH was for families and our environment here in the Commonunder-staffed and under-funded for administrating the wealth, to reach out and give myself and like-minded land application of a toxic sludge called biosolids. participants a call. The more people involved, the more I presented my documentations of citizen's illnesses information can be made aware and dispersed. from exposure, property damages, county ordinance For more information: violations, VDH under-funding and under-staffing, to the C. W. Williams, Chair VA Board of Health, Governor, various related agencies Biosolids Information Group and citizen groups. By virtue of my factual documentaP. O. Box 15531 tion, I was asked to participate on the VDH Biosolids Richmond, VA 23227 Use Regulation Advisory Committee (BURAC), as the (804) 264-1930 Citizens' Representative.\sludge Rather than being a token representative, I took to heart my commitment to you my fellow citizens as well as ““If this guy doesn’t look like an Arab terrorist, donating my time and experience to the Commonwealth then nothing does,” the ticket agent who let 9/11 voluntarily. Much was accomplished by regulatory lanhijacker Mohamed Atta pass through security guage changes, authorization of a local monitor for recalled thinking, “but it’s not nice to say things testing, monitoring and abatement should the rules of like this.” Neighbors of the San Bernardino permits and local ordinances not be followed. Additionterrorists noticed peculiar goings-on but didn’t ally, local jurisdiction ordinances were to be followed report them to authorities. and a "sludge fund" was established to assure conformity. It seems that many Americans, out of a “misunderestimated” reluctance to discriminate by We were able to convince the General Assembly to religion, have difficulty making the distinctions — switch the administration of the land applications of or discriminations — needed to identify terrorists.” biosolids to the Department of Environmental Quality Michael Barone (DEQ) with additional funding and staffing. While this should have been the right move, DEQ has eroded the 3 The Blue Ridge Messenger January 2016 “At this very moment, Americans sit, anxiously awaiting the next terrorist attack on our soil. It’s no longer a question of if, but when. The recent terror attack in San “Today the Obama Administration Bernardino was the latest and greatest act of war to go laid out a series of new executive largely ignored by this administration. Lost in an incredible sense of denial, it took actions tightening gun control. The the President 16 days to even go package includes a long list of provipay homage to the dead. Instead sions, including one expected to of moving troops to secure our broaden the Bureau of Alcohol, Tosouthern border, he opens up the Dear Leader bacco, Firearms and Explosives’ floodgates to Syrian refugees. (ATF) definition of gun dealers in order to expand the And throughout what is rising to types of gun sales that subject buyers to background the level of a new World War, checks and to force more gun sellers – particularly he remains driven to reduce our those doing business on the Internet and at gun shows rights to own guns!” – to get licenses. At the President’s direction, the FBI Sen. Elbert Lee Guillory will begin hiring over 230 additional examiners and (R-Louisiana District 24) other staff members to assist with processing mandato- Sen. Elbert Guillory ry background checks. Not only does this executive overreach circumvent the legislative process by com- “Obama promises his executive order will be a small pletely circumventing Congress, it also undermines the step in the right direction to the type of gun control Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens. I will communist China has. (Yes, he did in fact cite the continue to push back against the President’s over- authoritarian state’s lack of guns as something to reach, and to stand for the Constitution and in defense aspire to.) ..The unstated thing that matters is ensuring America becomes where the stereotypical gun of every Americans’ right to bear arms.” Congressman Randy Forbes owner can no longer be a gun owner, and their way of life is extinguished.” Scott Greer, The Daily Caller “When the president announced his new executive actions.. to restrict the Second Amendment rights of “Virginia is under no constitutional obligation to enlaw-abiding Americans to own a firearm, I was struck by force Barack Obama’s executive efforts at restricting his tone. Obama seemed more agitated talking about Second Amendment Rights. Anticipating Barack this issue than when the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Obama’s actions, I filed HB 83 to prevent the Comfired a rocket last week near a U.S. aircraft carrier. He monwealth of Virginia or its localities from assisting seemed more angry today than when we found out Iran Obama’s efforts which have been issued without Conwas lying about its nuclear program. He showed more gressional authority and even in defiance of Conanger about guns in America than when Iran tested gress. nuclear-capable missiles in violation of U.N. sanctions. “In 1992 the US Supreme Court ruled that, “Congress In fact, Obama seems more emotionally committed to may not simply "commandee[r] the legislative proctaking away your guns than he is to preventing the esses of the States by directly compelling them to mullahs of Iran from getting weapons of mass destruc- enact and enforce a federal regulatory program.” tion.” Gary Bauer (New York vs. United States, 488 U.S. 1041) The Court has ruled that way since 1842. “Obama's pep rally, the whole thing was spin. And by “..In the absence of more details or a better explanathat I mean none of it was real. It was all designed to tion, Obama’s proposal seems to require all persons present an emotion, an attitude that is not real. Liberwho sell even a single firearm to have a federal lials, by definition, cannot be honest about their true cense which would effectively prevent a citizen from objectives. They'd never get elected. They would never selling his firearms through a licensed dealer without win arguments. So they have to mask and camouflage themselves having to get a federal firearms license! everything, and they usually do so under the auspices of compassion and equality and fairness, sameness, “Could these rules disqualifying people from firearms kindness, and so forth, when they're actually some of ownership and use be used as a tool reflecting Soviet practices of having psychiatrists neutralize political the most vicious, mean-spirited extremists among us. Rush Limbaugh dissidents through mental health determinations to restrict their rights? “Despite President Obama himself noting that this “will “..Please contact your delegate and senator to ask not solve every violent crime in the country, prevent them to support HB 83 to stop Obama's overreach. every mass shooting, or keep guns out of the hands of Thank you for your help and support!” criminals,” the media are already celebrating his new Delegate Bob Marshall continued on page 5 executive actions.” Media Research Center Action 4 Obama continued from page 4 The Blue Ridge Messenger January 2016 fancy, gated Hawaiian vacation homes.” “Obama announced new executive orders on gun Debbie Schlussel control designed to keep “mentally ill” people from buying guns – but, will they be used to prevent climate “Citizen Asks ATF [on Facebook]: Do I skeptics from buying firearms? ..If, as Pres. Obama has repeatedly claimed, climate change is a greater Need a Federal Firearms License to Sell threat than terrorism, then aren’t people who deny Thousands of Guns to Mexican Cartels? the climate threat “a danger to themselves or others” Of course the reference is to Operation Fast and Furious, when ATF (under and unfit to own guns? ..If you don’t think the climate guidance and direction from the Departthreat is great enough, or you’re not furious about it, or Brian Terry you’re not politically active in the climate fight, then ment of Justice) purposely sold thousands of firearms you’ve got mental issues. [Psychology Today article] to Mexican cartels between 2009 and 2010. The result? ..And remember when Obama's EPA Chief Gina Thousands of lost guns, the murder of Border Patrol McCarthy declared that climate skeptics aren’t Agent Brian Terry and the slaughter of hundreds of “normal” people? So, you might want to think twice Mexican citizens.” Katie Pavlich before discussing the nearly two-decade pause in global warming with your doctor the next time you go “A bill supported by nearly every Democrat in the Senin for your annual check-up.” Craig Bannister ate and cosponsored by more than 90 Democrats in the House -- including many self-identified civil libertarians “The Muslim world has a long history of prohibiting -- would make it even easier to take away someone's Jews in its midst from owning and using weapons. The Second Amendment rights. The Denying Firearms and Jews o Yemen were famous for being in the business Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act gives the attorcrafting ornate swords and other similarly bladed ney general essentially unlimited power to block gun weapons. But they could only craft them for Muslims. sales, provided he "determines" that the buyers are The Jews, themselves, were not allowed to own them. "appropriately suspected" of involvement in terrorism This made it easier for Muslims to steal from, rape, and "has a reasonable belief" that they "may" use the torture, and kill Jews. The same goes for Hitler. my firearms "in connection with terrorism." late Holocaust survivor grandfather, Isaac Engel, always carried around his three illegal, unregistered “If a blocked gun buyer challenges the attorney generguns, and he concealed them to and from his busi- al's decision, the government need only show it is more ness. He told me that this was his way of having what likely than not that the statutory requirements were met. the Nazis told him he couldn’t have. His entire family If there were, say, a 30 percent chance that a reasonawas wiped out in the Holocaust because Jews were ble suspicion is correct, this standard would amount to not allowed to have guns. Whenever the names of slightly more than a 15 percent chance that an appelliberal, pro-gun-control politicians, like then-U.S. Sen- lant is a terrorist. Furthermore, the government could ator Carl Levin came up, my grandfather used to avoid showing the appellant evidence against him by always say, “he is a linka [a leftist],” and he would point claiming that doing so would jeopardize national secuout that these leftists weren’t that far off from the rity. Last month, Rep. Mike Thompson, D., Calif., who not long ago received the highest possible rating from politics of the Nazis who tried to take his life. the American Civil Liberties Union, defended this bill in “The late Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky, in the early an interview with The Washington Post's Greg Sargent. 1930s, could see what was happening in Europe, with If you want to keep your constitutional rights, Thompthe Nazis gaining power and popularity. And his advice son said, you just have to "show you're not a problem." was, “Yiddin learnin shissin [Jews, learn to shoot!].” In other words, your hands are presumed wrong until Sadly, too many Jews today, don’t get the message. proven right.” Jacob Sulllum They are the JINOs (Jews In Name Only) who support Barack Obama and who are on the side of the gun- "Obama plans to require you to get a license to sell one grabbers. They love to hijack the Holocaust but don’t gun. Hillary has already announced that the price of a seem to notice that with guns, many Jews were saved, license should be $2,500. This will make it prohibitively and had Jews had guns, many more would have been expensive for individuals to sell their own guns. Under saved. the Obama-Clinton model, the cost of selling your best “..Guns save lives. And they saved and continue to friend a $400 shotgun will be $2,900." Grover Norquist save Jewish lives. If we owe anything to the Jews of Kansas City, it’s to let them easily arm up. Closing “I do have a concealed carry permit, as does my wife. “loopholes” only affects the innocent who abide by the There’s terrorism and there’s crime. You never know law, not those who shoot up schools and community when either one is going to happen. You can rely on centers. Gun control is for suckers and dummies . . . terrorists and criminals not to hurt you, or you can and those with armed Secret Service bodyguards and prepare yourself so they don’t hurt you. I trust myself more than the terrorist.” Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) 5 The Blue Ridge Messenger By Ponch K. McPhee Can we imagine for a moment what the founders or signers would think of the political environs of the 21st century? Example: What or whom was Jefferson in thought of when he penned “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness“ Yes, “Endowed by their Creator “ Today the signers would most certainly insist on continuity of the people’s voice first over elected government. They would encourage we the people of one nation under one flag enforcing the words of the United States Constitution. The signers would have the courage to be insisting on a nation of free men and women without foreign influence of any kind including most certainly the United Nations. In the whole of thinking as defined by the Declaration of Independence, what do you suppose Jefferson was in mind of when he penned “We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions ”Yes, “ The Supreme Judge of the world.“ Is it not clear what Jefferson was referring to? Today would the signers be on internet social media? Would they be all across the globe posting and insisting on smaller government? Might they be on line communicating whatever is necessary to retain liberty and freedom in the nation? Absolutely, they would shout out coast to coast that it is every legal or natural citizen’s right to speak out and be heard in fact it is their duty. They would insist on fair trade and not tolerate illegal border entry into the United States. They would be reminding all of the people in this Republic that “we are endowed by our creator “ January 2016 In addition Franklin also stated in his own words, “I must own I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance to the welfare of millions now existing, and to exist in the posterity of a great nation, should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenced, guided, and governed by that omnipotent, omnipresent, and beneficent Ruler.” It is clear by men and women of faith and all who come to know, that this nation of free people are of an unconditional faith guided by the almighty hand of God. In this time of now as in the time of yesterday and the time of tomorrow, we must once again restore our faith as it was purposely intended by Jefferson pen to paper in The Declaration of Independence. We needed then to declare that we must insist on being independent from the king to establish separate states and enforce our own laws for republicanism and have the government answer to we the people. With 2016 underway, this Republic needs this kind of moral foundation now more than ever. John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence” Further, Adams also stated, “Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.” Therefore we must put the word forward, while relying on faith (though not entirely) and have the courage and the conviction to get out the vote and restore the signers meaning of our most cherished documents, The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution, “for we the people to remain free of tyranny, we must control government and insist with extreme prejudice that it never be allowed to control the people.” Amen “..It's now harder to find out where your meat was born, raised and slaughtered. After more than a decade of their family values with faith to a higher deity. Even wrangling, Congress repealed a meat labeling law last Benjamin Franklin, Using the colonial term for the month that required retailers to include the animal’s hand of God, “Providence,” Franklin proclaims the country of origin on packages of pork and beef... following on the birth of our nation: Lawmakers said they had no choice but to get rid of the labels after the World Trade Organization repeatedly “The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see ruled against them. ..Congress first required the labels of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. in 2002 amid fears of mad cow disease from imported And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without cattle. The labels weren't on most packages until 2009, His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise though, due to delays pushed by the meat industry.” without His aid?” 6 Associated Press The signers were men of principle who honored The Blue Ridge Messenger January 2016 to take over and destroy our country, forever.” Allan Erickson, Ammon Bundy “In protest over what they perceive to be the unjust reincarceration of two Oregon ranchers.. more than a hundred “A US Geological Survey Bulletin (1740-B) indicates there is a high potential for silver, gold, copper, mercury, uranium and molybdenum (a refractory metallic element used principally as an alloying agent in steel) and other resources in the area. There is also a moderate estimate for natural gas and oil. The feds want to drive ranchers and private property owners off the land because on patented land (an exclusive private property land grant), which has passed into private ownership, a mining interest does not need to lease land or file a plan or notice with the federal government. armed militia members occupied a deserted federal wildlife reserve ... in their attempt to protest a tyrannical U.S. government that is no longer by and for the people. More than 14 years ago ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond lit a small brushfire on their property that eventually led to the destruction of nearby federal lands. A U.S. court found them guilty of the In regard to oil, the BLM “does not tell you that its share destruction of federal property and each were senof total oil production has dropped dramatically due to tenced to jail for their actions… served their sentences substantial increases in oil production on private and but were ordered back to jail to serve four more years. state lands that are not subject to the onerous regulaDwight Hammond Jr., 73, and his 46-year-old son, tions and permitting delays of the federal government,” Steven, have claimed that they lit the fires in 2001 and notes the Institute for Energy Research. The Ham2006 to reduce the growth of invasive plants and monds and other private property owners stand in the protect their property from wildfires. However, prose- way of total federal monopolization of natural resources cutors said the fires were set to cover up poaching. and that is why in part we are witnessing an unprece[This is] part of a decades-long dispute between some dented land grab in the West.” Kurt Nimmo, Infowars Westerners and the federal government over the use of public lands. The issue traces back to the 1970s “During the Bundy Ranch Siege of 2014, it was discovand the “Sagebrush Rebellion,” a move by West- ered the various connections of the Bureau of Land ern states like Nevada to increase local control Management to Agenda 21. This is now the case conover federal land.” cerning the Hammond’s ranch in Oregon, which sits on precious metals, minerals, uranium and other deposits “The federal government does not have authority to that the criminal BLM desperately wants. According to come down into the states and to control its land and the Property Rights Alliance, “Much of the land targeted resources. That is for the people to do. And that is for government takeover holds great oil and natural gas clearly stated in Article 1, [Section] 8, [Clause] 17 of resources which could provide jobs in the energy industhe Constitution. The plaintiff is the federal govern- try and a flow of resources from our own American ment, and yet, the prosecutors are the federal govern- supply. Once those lands become ‘monuments’, acment… and those who want ‘their’ land is the federal cess to those natural resources is limited and in the government… and those agencies that have been hands of the federal government.” oppressing the people here are the federal governThe government offers little explanation for the landment. There is no proper redress because the design grab frenzy, but there are plenty of reasons to oppose and structure of this government is not intended for the it,” the PRA added. “First and foremost, it is unconstitufederal government to come down against individuals tional for the government to simply take land from in a state on these matters, and that is what this is all states without compensation. Second, governmentabout.” Ammon Bundy controlled land takes away opportunities for development, particularly when it comes to accessing much “..This government is lawless, out of control, injurious needed resources. The land designated as ‘monument’ to the rights of citizens, and headed in a direction that space could have created dozens of employment opis completely contrary to the principles embodied in portunities—opportunities which will go wasted under the Declaration and the Constitution… when a governthe thumb of the federal government. Just like the value ment becomes deaf to the voice of the people, and of the land of the Bundy Ranch, the Hammonds, along when that government works hard against the will of with other ranchers across several states is valuable to the people—destroying their rights, their liberty and the very people who are attempting to get their hands their livelihoods—then the people have a right to take on that land. Ammon Bundy was exactly right when he that government back and put it in its place. That is as pointed out the federal overreach and the crooked American as it gets. Equally American, the rule of schemes of federal agencies and judges in their atlaw. We had better preserve it, because without that, tempt to grab land that is constitutionally not theirs. we’ll all lose, giving the tyrant all the excuse he needs Tim Brown, 7 The Blue Ridge Messenger January 2016 1. Laquan McDonald’s death Obama’s hometown of Chicago - he hasn’t publicly shed tears over a police officer shooting this teenager 16 times. 2. Tamir Rice’s Death - Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice who was as shot to death while playing with a toy gun at a park in Nov. 2014. 3. Eric Garner’s Death - for selling untaxed cigarettes 4. San Bernardino Attack - Obama was so undisturbed by the worst terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 that he waited two weeks before he finally making a pit stop at the site of the tragedy before taking off on his vacation to Hawaii. 5. Paris Terror Attacks – But Obama said climate change negotiations would be a “powerful rebuke” to ISIS 6. Fort Hood Massacre – It took six years for Obama to even call it terrorism 7. Planned Parenthood’s Baby Butchery and Organ Harvesting 8. Kayla Mueller’s Kidnapping and Death - The 27year-old American aid worker was raped, tortured and killed earlier this year while in captivity to ISIS. 9. James Foley’s Beheading - Obama immediately ran off to play a round of golf. 10. ISIS’s Attack on a Russian Plane Carrying 224 Passengers -. Don’t panic, though: Obama says he is taking the whole thing “very seriously.” 11. Boko Haram’s Kidnapping of More than 300 Girls - Michelle tweeted a hashtag though. Rev. Cruz “They say ‘pro-life’ or ‘pro-choice.’ That’s not the right word. It is ‘prolife’ or ‘pro-death.’ It is ‘pro-life’ or ‘pro-murder.’ ..So we’re supposed to prostitute our principles on behalf of tolerance… There are absolutes. Start being biblically correct instead of politically correct.” Reverend Rafael Cruz SUPPORT MCRW WITH YOUR 2016 MEMBERSHIP! Dues are $20.00 for membership, $10.00 for an Associate Membership. (Associate Membership is open to women who are a full paying member of another unit Currently, we have 57 regular members and 77 Assoc. and to Republican men.) Just want to stay on our members. If you haven’t updated your membership for 2016, please pay or join at our January 19th meeting. mailing list? Your donation is greatly appreciated. UPCOMING EVENTS Mail your check, payable to: • Saturday, January 16 - Ceremonial swearing in and "Madison County Republican Women" and send it, Reception for Delegate-elect Nick Freitas, 12:30 - 2:30 along with this application form to: PM, Capitol Bldg. And General Assembly Bldg., RSVP ATTN: Treasurer • Tuesday, January 19 - MCRW Annual Chili Festival, Madison County Republican Women 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Guest Speaker: Delegate Mark J. Berg, P.O. Box 314 M.D. (Winchester), Madison Presbyterian Fellowship Madison, VA 22727 Hall. Dr. Berg will be speaking about Medicaid and Medicare issues. Name: ___________________________________ • Tuesday, January 19 - absentee voting starts • Wednesday, January 27 - Legislative Day, Marriott Phone No. ________________________________ Hotel, Richmond • Monday, February 8 - voter registration closes Address:__________________________________ • Saturday, February 6 to April 11 - Mass Meetings • Tuesday, March 1 - Dual Presidential Primary City/State/Zip: _____________________________ (Statement of Affiliation: "My signature below indicates that I am a Republican.") Email: _________________________________ • Saturday, April 23 - Reagan Dinner w/ Ambassador Would you prefer to receive your newsletter as email: Gil Robinson, Rappahannock County Republican Y / N Committee Amount Enclosed: _____________ • Friday, April 29 and 30 - Republican state convention at James Madison University Check No. _______________ • Saturday, May 14 - 5th District Convention 8