Face Facts - Scholastic

Scholastic Success With: Math, Grade 5
© Scholastic Teaching Resources
Facts & factors
Face Facts
Name ______________________________________________
Date _________________
✏ The most common way people recognize each other is by the way
they look. Each person has distinct eyes, ears, and other features that
set them apart from everyone else. Try answering the wacky riddle
below to name another feature people have that sets them apart.
Factors will help you find the answer.
Each number is followed by two possible factors. Circle the letter after
the number that is a factor. Write the letters in
order from the first problem to the last to
solve the riddle.
1. 22
2 I
6 O
2. 70
5 T
15 A
3. 48
5 O
8 S
4. 80
16 T
11 B
5. 120
3 U
13 E
6. 644
9 D
7 L
7. 182
13 I
4 L
8. 156
16 F
4 P
9. 198
10 R
9 S
What grows between your nose and your chin?
__ __ ’ __
“ __ __ __ __ __ __ ”!
Make a list of numbers. Ask someone in your class to
find at least two factors for each number.
Scholastic Success With: Math, Grade 5
© Scholastic Teaching Resources
Answer Key
Page 22
1. 2; 2. 5; 3. 8
4. 16; 5. 3; 6. 7
7. 13; 8. 4; 9. 9
Answer: IT’S “TULIPS”!