Instructor Information Document

GRU Music Conservatory
Instructor Information Document
Current and Effective July 2015
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
Instructors with the GRU Music Conservatory Program not affiliated with GRU (full/part time; graduate
status) is paid as a GRU Temporary Employee, unless independent contractor status is established.
Neither instructor nor any of her/his agents, employees or servants shall be or shall be deemed to be
the employee, agent or servant of GRU. None of the benefits provided by GRU to its employees,
including, but not limited to; community business benefits, building access other than the Fine Arts
Center, JagCard discounts, insurance, pension and profit sharing, unemployment insurance, etc. are
available to instructor or her/his employees, agents or servants. Instructor will be solely and entire
responsible for his acts. If at any time the instructor intends to leave this position with the Music
Conservatory Program, a notice must be submitted in writing to the Director as soon as the instructor
comes upon this realization. Notice should be given with a month’s notice to properly search for a
replacement instructor when able.
Instructors who resign from teaching privately through the Conservatory Program agree not to take
their private students with them to their own personal studio within the first 12 months of leaving the
Conservatory Program. Instructor who resign and take students to their home studio will pay a fine of
$400.00 per student.
Instructors teaching private lessons agree to teach private lessons through the Conservatory Program.
The instructor agrees that students sent to them through the Conservatory Program will enroll in lessons
through the Conservatory Program and not through the instructor’s private studios.
Instructors who also teach Conservatory Music Classes, Ensembles, or in the Conservatory’s Music
Camps agree that students who are registered for these classes, and are not enrolled in lessons, will
register for lessons through the Conservatory Program and not through the instructor’s private studio.
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
All instructors teaching through the GRU Music Conservatory Program, are required to hold a completed
degree in a music-related field.
Private Lesson Instructors
Compensation will be based on the highest music degree completed and held by the individual.
Individuals holding a Bachelors level degree in a music related field will receive $36.00/hr. of
instruction. Individuals holding a Masters level degree in a music related field will receive
$40.00/hr. of instruction. Individuals holding a Doctoral degree in a music related field will
receive $44.00/hr. of instruction. Education will be verified and a current resume must be on file
at the time of hire, or when agreements have been renewed each academic year. At the time of
agreement renewal, if changes have been made to an employee’s resume, a new resume must
be placed on file with the office. Employees will only be compensated for instruction if
necessary payroll procedures have been followed. See following paragraph on payroll
Ensemble Instructors
Compensation for ensembles will be based on total course enrollment. Instructors teaching
ensembles will receive 50% of the tuition. This fee is applicable to all ensembles with the GRU
Music Conservatory Program and is non-negotiable.
Course Instructors
Because of the nature and variety of courses offered through the Music Conservatory Program,
payment will be based on the specifics of the course taught. Rates will vary and will be decided
upon by the Division of Professional and Community Education.
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
Payroll Procedures
All instructors teaching through the GRU Music Conservatory Program will be expected to adhere to the
following guidelines concerning payroll procedures.
Instructors hired as contracted employees will complete the Contractor’s packet at the time of
hire. Upon completion of the duties and expectations provided, the instructor will be paid by
check. Only after the instructor has completed their respective duties and responsibilities will
the check request be placed by the Division. Individuals hired as contracted employees will be
required to complete and sign a GRU ACA Timesheet, provided at the time of agreement. The
GRU ACA Timesheet must be on file before the Division will submit a check request for pay.
Instructors providing an addition service to their usual position and responsibilities with GRU
will be paid as an Extra-Duty. Approval from the University must be secured prior to the faculty
member providing the extra duty services. An Extra-Duty packet will be provided at the time of
agreement. When instructors sign the Music Conservatory Service Agreement they are agreeing
that they have read and reviewed the Extra Duty Compensation Process provided by Faculty
Support Services. This information can be found online through the employee portal, as well as
at the following link. After the employee has successfully completed their agreement, the
Division will submit a pay request for Extra-Duty Compensation. Once the Division submits the
request, the request must be approved by the University before the individual will receive those
allotted funds. All Extra-Duty pay will be applied based on the payroll deadlines and will be
processed within the next available payroll cycle.
Private Lessons
Individuals teaching private lessons will submit all payroll documents by the action deadline
respective to their compensation status. All payroll documents must be completed accurately.
GRU ACA Timesheets must accurately reflect the lesson log for that respective pay period. If
inaccuracies are discovered, the documents will be returned for corrections. If corrections are
not received prior to the deadline, those funds are subject to delay. All documents must be
signed by the instructor. Any documents not signed will be returned. All documents can be
found electronically online here.
Exempt Extra-Duty
Exempt employees will submit all payroll documents within the first week of the month
to include all lessons taught in the month prior. Exempt employees must submit the
following documentation by the deadline:
Lesson Log (The lesson log must notate each individual taught, on what
days and times. Your documents will not be process without this
information penned on the correct document. This information is
imperative for the Director to keep up with students and their account
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
standings. This document is also used as verification for your pay and
must be submitted with every timesheet.)
GRU ACA Exempt Timesheet (The GRU ACA Timesheet must accurately
include hours exactly as they are listed on the Lesson Log. If
discrepancies are found, your Timesheet will be sent back to you for
correction before it will be submitted for processing. Turning in the GRU
ACA Timesheet alone will delay the distribution of any and all funds.)
Individuals who do not submit payroll documents by the deadline will not receive pay
that month. Those funds will be applied to the following pay period (month) upon
approval by the payroll office.
Non-Exempt Extra-Duty
Non-Exempt employees will submit all payroll documents by NOON on the Friday ending
that payroll cycle. All Non-Exempt employees are provided with a personnel action
deadline calendar by the Conservatory Director. Reminder emails will be send out within
the days leading up to the deadline. All payroll documents not submitted by NOON on
designated Fridays are subject to delay in payment. Late payroll documents will be
processed on the following pay period.
Non-Exempt employees must submit the following documentation by the deadline:
Lesson Log (The lesson log must notate each individual taught, on what
days and times. Your documents will not be process without this
information penned on the correct document. This information is
imperative for the Director to keep up with students and their account
standings. This document is also used as verification for your pay and
must be submitted with every timesheet.)
GRU ACA Exempt Timesheet (The GRU ACA Timesheet must accurately
include hours exactly as they are listed on the Lesson Log. If
discrepancies are found, your Timesheet will be sent back to you for
correction before it will be submitted for processing. Turning in the GRU
ACA Timesheet alone will delay the distribution of any and all funds.)
Individuals who do not submit payroll documents by the deadline will not receive pay
for that pay cycle. Those funds will be applied to the following pay period upon approval
by the payroll office.
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
Private Lesson Procedures
For a complete breakdown of the Private Lesson Process, please be sure to review the Private Lesson
Instructor Responsibilities and Expectations
All Private Lesson Instructors are expected to be able to meet the minimum lesson
requirement of 14 sessions (or their respective hourly equivalents listed below) each fall
and spring semester. If at any time circumstances retain your ability to meet this
requirement, contact the Director immediately.
New students will be accepted the first month of the fall and spring semesters and not
again until the mid-term. Instructors will only be able to take on new students at these
times due to the limitations of the registration process.
When a student has registered for lessons successfully, they will receive an email
confirmation page which they are required to provide you prior to their first lesson of
the semester. Private Lesson Instructors are NOT to teach a student if they cannot
provide a registration confirmation. Any lessons taught without confirmation may not
be subject to compensation.
Private Lessons are expected to be kept and maintained on a regular schedule worked
out between the instructor and the student. If a student routinely fails to meet that
agreed upon schedule, the instructor should notify the Director so that a solution may
be worked out.
If the student fails to cancel or make contact, and does not show up for a lesson, that
should be noted on the lesson log as a “no show” listing the students name, date, and
times of the scheduled lesson. This should also be noted on the instructor’s semester
log as a “received” lesson. If this happens routinely the student may be dropped from
the program. Although it is not the instructor’s responsibility to notify the Director of a
registration cancellation, the instructor should notify the Director if the student has not
received a lesson in an abnormal amount of time. If a student fails to show, they may be
dropped from the program.
It is at the discretion of the instructor to allow and schedule make-up lessons. It is at the
discretion of the instructor as to the way in which those lessons will be made up.
It is NOT the instructor’s job to monitor student account payments. Because of the new
registration process, the instructors will only be notified when a student’s scheduled
payment has been missed. If the student fails to make a payment within an allotted
time, the instructor will first be notified of the situation, and possibly instructed to cease
instructor until payment is received by the office.
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
Tracking Student’s Lessons (Exempt AND Non-Exempt)
The Director will keep track with student’s lessons along with the private lesson instructor. All
instructors are required to keep up with the number hours/minutes of instruction each student
receives within a semester. A spreadsheet has been created for the instructor’s convenience
and can be found here. If the instructor wishes to keep track of this information in a different
format, they may do so, however, the instructor must be able to keep up with this information
to confirm with the Director of a student’s account standing. As a student approaches the end of
their allotted lessons for the semester, the instructor will be contacted by the Director to verify.
If the student wishes to purchase more lessons for their semester account at that time, they
may only do so with the approval of the Director only after their account standing has been
verified with the instructor.
The allotted hours of instruction per registration category are listed below. The student will not
be subject to 14 lessons if the following hour requirements have been reached instead. This
way, if a student wishes to change their lessons from 30 to 45 minutes halfway through the
semester, the instructor should then keep track of the hours allotted to the initial registration.
14 sessions
Hour Equivalents
30-Minute Lessons
7 Hrs. of instruction
45-Minute Lessons
10.5 Hrs. of
60-Minute Lessons
14 Hrs. of instruction
GRU Music Conservatory Program- Instructor Information Document
Facilities Use
The GRU Music Conservatory Program routinely uses the Fine Arts Center and Maxwell Performing Arts
Theatre, located on the GRU Summerville Campus, for all its events. Because of the relationship the
Music Conservatory has with the Music Department, the following must be in place to ensure the
preservation of our facilities practice.
Instructors are required to teach GRU Music Conservatory Students in the Fine Arts Center of
the Summerville Campus.
All practice rooms that will be used for the teaching of private lessons through the Conservatory
Program, must be reserved through the Director. The reservation of these rooms will guarantee
you access to that room when you arrive for the lesson times you blocked the reservation for.
Once you pick a room, you will be asked to use this reservation consistently.
Rooms are only allowed to be reserved or used if the instructor is actively teaching through the
Music Conservatory Program. If at any point you discontinue teaching with the Conservatory
Program, you will no longer have the right to access the building for personal gain.
Classrooms in the Fine Arts Center are not to be used for the teaching of private lessons. These
rooms are listed as the following; A-10, B-11, C-1, D-1, D-3
All instruments and furniture are to remain in the room. Bringing furniture from the lobby to a
practice room, as an example, is not allowed. The rooms should be left the exact same way they
were found.
Conservatory instructors are not allowed to leave personal belongings or teaching materials in
the Fine Arts Center.
Conservatory instructor are not permitted to use the copy machine in the Music Department.
Copies can be made in Allgood Hall, or in Media Services in University Hall for $0.10.