Research Report UKTRP-84-23 PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGNS UTILIZING LOW-STRENGTH (POZZOLANIC) BASE AND SUBBASE MATERIALS hy Gary w. Sharpe Rohert C. Deen Herbert F. Southgate and Mark Anderson Transportation Research Program University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGNS UTILIZING LOW-STRENGTH (POZZOLANIC) BASE AND SUBBASE MATERIALS by Gary H. Sharpe Robert C. Deen Herbert F. Southgate and Mark 1\nnerson Transportation Research Program University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky ABSTRACT This paper presents information whereby laboratory data for pozzolanic base and combinen with elastic layer criterion to determine subbase theory thickness conventional asphaltic concrete and A structures. also is summary presenten. of is comparison alternative crushed example presented and designs a limiting designs laboratory An determination of and materials test may strain equivalent stone he to pavement testing in Kentucky thickness includes with asphaltic - crushed stone thickness design. the an design economic conventional INTRODUCTION NATURE OF POZZOLANIC MATERIALS The use of pozzolans in recoroed history. of calcined calcined cementing materials anteoates Ancient F:gyptians used a cement composeo impure gypsum. The Greeks and Romans usee limestone and later developed pozzolanic cements hy grinding together lime ann a volcanic ash. The material added to hydraulic cements to improve quality was a loosely by the consolidated volcanic origin, consisting of various fragments obsioian, pyroxines, "elospar, pozzolana was first applied to that term has of material; of pumice, The nane however, the been extendeo to incluoe not only natural volcanic materials, but siliceous rocks diatomaceous and earths artificial and themselves, since combine with lime temperatures they products. in to the form contain presence compounds highly other Pozzolans defined as siliceous materials, even though not in rock etc. quartz, Romans are cementitious constituents that will of that water at oroinary possess cementing properties. Naturally occurring pozzolans incluoe clays and opaline materials, and volcanic Pozzolans may or may not require active. Most (and natural tuffs calcination arti fical) and to wastes and pozzolans include come fly from ash industrial (flue pumicites. make pozzolans grinding to a high degree of fineness to make them Artifical shales, dust), them require suitable. byproducts silica powdered brick, burnt clays and shales, and some slags. or fume, USE OF LOW-STRENGTH MATERIALS With the escalating costs of materials ann for highways ann streets, responsibility of designing utilizing byproduct many ann construction agencies charged with the constructing pozzolanic highways materials. (pozzolanic) materials have been used fairly are Low-strength extensively in well as abroad. In general, pozzolanic materials have been useo to stabilize an some areas aggregate source of the base of or lime Adoitionally, Uni teo States subbase to by adoition develop portlano as of fly ash and a cementitious a reaction. cement or cement kiln dust have been used to stabilize aggregate subbase and (or) base materials. Until recently, highway ann the street economically use construction competitive high-quality of aggregates. with pozzolanic abunoant However, as the bases, stabilized pozzolanic base materials. Kentucky have situations. been ~1ixtures To used date, primarily supplies of costs of proouction have of in in Kentucky was not often ann processing aggregate materials feasibility materials increased, and has particularly pozzolanic in so bases in low-volume traffic that have been considereo recently anil evaluateo to some oegree incluoe the following: • Lime kiln oust, fly ash, and dense-graded • Byproduct lime and oense-graded aggregate; • Lime kiln oust, fly ash, dense-graded aggregate, sand; • Lime kiln oust, fly ash, ann limestone mine screenings (waste material from limestone 2 aggregate; ann quarrying operations); and • ''Scrubber sludge,'' quicklime, and dense-graded aggregate or pond ash. Pozzolanic base or subbase materials have been on experimental an basis Kentucky, street projects. Transportation Cabinet for Two also a number projects are of for being utilized Lexington, the Kentucky Thus, evaluated. performance experience currently is limited, but at the time evolutionary. Therefore, modifications presented in this report may be required reflect additional experience and in in the same designs future performance of to field projects. ELASTIC LAYER THEORY OF PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGN Current thickness design procedures for both flexible elastic pavements layer histories. supported theory Flexible by experience data. in and over Kentucky matched have with rigid been developed using pavement performance thickness design procedures (1, 2) are years 40 also have of been pavement performance related to AASHO Road Test Rigid pavement design procedures (3, 4, 5) related to performance experience procedures of the Portland Cement AASHO Road ~est have embodied Association in (~) failure criterion for flexible theoretically determined from design the (7, R). based on limiting strain criteria. matching been and Thickness designs in Kentucky (both flexible and are and historical 3 A strain-repetitions pavements computed strains pavement rigid) was developed with performance by repetitions data and previous empirical thickness design pavements, a limiting relaten to the mergen strain procenures. criterion fatigue For rigin was developen and criteria of the Portlano Cement Association and AASHTO thickness design procedures. LOW-STRENGTH BASE AND SUBBASE MIXTURES MATERIALS Kentucky pozzolanic specifications mixtures usen currently ( 9) as base components structures to have unconfinen compressive than require of pavement strengths greater 600 psi at 7 days when specimens are preparen and curen in accordance with ASTM normally have (hydra teo three lime, aggregate. C 593. Mixtures components: quicklime, or used for bases fly ash, a source of lime lime kiln oust), and an Cement or cement kiln oust have been substituteo for the lime source. Pozzolanic mixtures useo as subbases are required to have strengths as great There are no strength requirements in applications. Recent not generally as those for bases. Kentucky for subbase experience on one project resulteo in compressive strengths in the order of 300 psi at 7 days cured according to ASTM c potential as a subbase material the laboratory: l) scrubber 593. Two have mixtures that have been sluoge, investigated aggregate, strengths of 300 to 600 psi lime. at 7 days when cured according to .1\.S'l'M C 593 have been obtained. 4 in and some form of lime and 2) aggregate stabilizeo with baghouse Compressive when Fly Ash The properties of sources and facility properties under properties fly of ash of will burned coal consideration. dependent vary The upon at the specific range of typical fly ash are illustrated in Reference 10. fly ash is silt-size spherical particles 0.015 to 0.050 The mm in diameter. Sources of Lime Commercial sources of lime material use as a stabilizing quicklime and hydrated lime. Most highway agencies specify that lime materials shall meet requirements of include for ASTM C 207, Type N. Typical properties of limes used for stabilization are summarized in References 10 and 11. The characteristics of lime and cement dependent significantly, vary producing physical Typical location. properties of cement reported elsewhere (12). for laboratory upon kiln dusts may for each composition and specifics ranges of and lime Lime kiln dusts kiln used dusts in are Kentucky and field analyses were within those typical ranges. Scrubber sludge is a waste material obtained use of scrubbers to remove fly ash and coal-burning processes of electric generating Scrubber sludqe (flue with residue power sulfite. the cake is a from plants. gas desulfurization sludgel consists of fly ash and a lime dust slurry filter cake material. filter the compound of calcium sulfate and calcium Quicklime or hydrated lime sludge for stabilization. 5 The normally is added to Stabilization reactions begin almost immecUately after the combination of fly ash and lime to the dewatered sludge. Aggregates for Aggregates mixtures that both have base and limestone gravels. quarrying in the aggregate for a Kentucky has ash laboratory subbase. been mine screenings operations\, Additionally, pond evaluated pozzolanic been investigated included dense-graded limestone aggregates, limestone of subbase and The dense-grac'!ed (byoroduct river sand, slag, and waste may material be an predominant limestone. has been appropriate aggregate Specifications for dense-graded aggregates ann gravel bases in Kentucky summarized in Table l Two aggregate types of Cabinet. (Kentucky aggregate dense-graded limestone and pond ash (also called bottom ash) The have been dense-graded meet specifications of the Kentucky Transportation Gradation tests as well as a slake-durability method) for specifications dense-graded aggregate gradations and characteristics of a pond facility in base) ash of amount plus (outside as well material specifications pond ash might as from There for l-inch material for the pond ash. The large size of the coarse particles is an indication the The Gradation Kentucky are presented in Figure 1. was a disproportionate compacted test (14) were performed on the pond ash. slake-durability test resulted in 5 percent loss. one are (13). used to prepare sludge-aggreaate mixtures. aggregate in that be more suitable as a subbase material than as a base material. 6 SPECIMEN PREPARATION All specimens for this study were accordance with 4.6-inch molds. use ASTM C 593(79) Deviations from prepared in that in 4-inch general diameter method involved by the of a 5.5-pound hammer and a 12-inch free fall instead of the specified 10-pounn Moisture-density hammer Hi-inch ann relationships were determineil in accordance with ASTM D 698(79) instean of A.STM D l'i57(79). density drop. Maximum dry and optimum moisture content were determined using a A polynomial curve-fitting procedure. smoothing technique was used to eliminate localized changes in concavity. Initial mixtures particles, and specified in coarse high percentages of fine compaction procedures were varien from those AST~1 mixes. containen C 'i93(79), which Even though are more subsequent coarser mixes, compaction techniques were applicable to specimens involved kept constant so direct comparisons of engineering properties could he made. All specimens prepared for or obtained from base mixtures were submerged in water for 4 hours before testing for compressive strengths, as required If slaking course occurred, then the proportions were eliminated from by ASTM C 593(79). materials and (or) mixture consideration as pavement components. The only deviations from ASTM C 593 (79) aggregate-scrubber sludge occurred mixtures were tested. It was not possible to submerge sludge specimens, because some began slake immediately upon submergence. to Slaking also prevented vacuum saturation or freeze-thaw testing. 7 when Strength testing of scrubber sludge was performed without deficiency, while considered submergence. acceptable for material proposed as a subbase where confinement is provided and pavement construction. at curing layers, is ASTM ~CJ3(79) 100 F conditions C in included a and research necessary variations ambient also container. and curing. Other curinq combinations of additional specifications adequately to base accelerated Certainly, develop by for base course specifies curing to thereof appropriate sealed ambient accelerated is not This reflect and needed characterizations of materials for specific applications. TESTING Unconfined compressive strength tests (ASTM splitting compressive strength C 469(65)) tests, A computer were with deflection (see axial load and axial deformation data. computer solution, dial program was developed to calculate and plot the static-chord modulus of elasticity from oerformed. additional information was obtained by measuring deformation gauges. 39(72)), tensile strength tests (ASTt1 C 496(71)), and tests for static-chord modulus (ASTM During C the modulus was Figure 2) To facilitate a calculated by a four-point least-squares fitting technique. Attempts during were compressive obtaining estimated. data made to measure lateral deformation strength testing for purpose of could be from Poisson's which Poisson's stress-lateral ratio ratio was estimated from the ratio of the slopes of the axial stress-axial axial the strain 8 curves. strain curve Techniques and used the to measure lateral strains, however, nio not produce ann reliable results. Therefore, searched to determine the values from to 0.08 percentage of the ratio (16) of mixtures of literature others was 15); (10, 0.3, dependent upon stress level as a were ultimate, indicated. A Poisson's was assumed for all pozzolanic base mixtures 0.15 until experience the consistent sufficient couln he recent laboratory reliable test data A summary accumulateo. analyses in Kentucky for Kentucky of results of are presented in Table 2. PAVEMENT THICKNESS DESIGN DESIGN METHODOLOGIES Structural Number Other agencies have pozzolanic base materials Guide for flexible considerable layer developed for pavement layer coefficients for use with the AASHTO Interim (7 ) . design There has been discussion regarding the use and reliability of coefficients comparen with more rationally haseo design systems have been advocated by others. A review variability of literature among has suggesteo layer pozzolanic materials (10, 17, 18). coefficients varies from indicated The 0.20 to coefficients range are mixtures. recommenned Lesser for values lower subbases. 9 of 0.44 recommendations in the order of 0.28 to 0.30 base consioerable for for suggested with most pozzo1anic for structural coefficients strength materials used as Stress Ratio Other thickness design procenures criterion of use a failure relating the ratio of flexural strength to modulus rupture Flexural (19) as a function of repetitions failure. to strength and modulus of rupture are determine<'! from laboratory tests and analyses. ELASTIC MODULUS FOR POZZOLANS Early thickness designs utilizing pozzolans in were restricte<'l to low-volume city street applications (201 an<'l related well to other evaluations using design thickness static-chord modulus) applications resulted in applie<'l. Comparisons other with reasonable correlations variations for somewhat to and same (based city on street unrealistic high-fatigue thickness design levels. design methodologies also indicated at low field fatigue levels applications. elastic-laver laboratory The procedures low-fatigue high-fatigue was concern that methodologies. design for requirements when some Kentucky parameters analyses but However, there determined did wide not from completely account for the characteristics of pozzolanic materials. A literature review indicated a wide moduli of elastic for low-strength hase and subbase materials dependent upon specific proce<'lures used to All range determine the parameters. studies reviewed indicated increasing elastic moduli for pozzolanic materials compressive strength magnitudes of elastic proportionate and (or) moduli similar compressive strengths. 10 to increases tensile strength. did vary in However, considerably for Initial estimates of elastic moduli in this determined by the Figure were static-chord method (ASTM C 460(65)) and generally were relatively low (30,000 (see study 3). Elastic psi to 300,000 psi' moduli for lime-fly ash mixtures reported in Reference 10 were on the order of 100,000 psi 500,000 psi Figure for similar levels of compressive stresses (see Even 3) • (1,600,000 to psi greater to magnitudes 3,300,000 psi) of have elastic been moduli reported by others (12). Least-squares regression analyses were used to trends of modulus of elasticity compressive strength and tensile sources the of data (Figure 3). static-chord developed the indicated greatest stress a FHj,~A repeated various The Kentucky relationship (for is most rate conservative and was while data from the report ( 12) are resilient testing (lime and for cement illustrate trends of unconfined a range of of dusts). resilient modulus strength determined fly ash as and a splitting proportions were and 4 of tensile developed components. moduli presented in Table a of Reference 10 11 3 kiln function for or and Figures Additional plots have been mixture by fly ash-kiln dust strength for all data. specific report Data presented moduli kiln compressive report NCHRP somewhat lesser rate of change. load FHWA of change of modulus per unit_ of ratios and also a variety of sources dusts the Resilient moduli presented in the compressive in the for for a number of pozzolanic hase mixtures evaluated in Kentucky. showed modulus) unconfined versus strength evaluate Elastic determined from plate load Median tests. moduli compressive and strengths were used to develop the relationship presented in Figure 3. The relationship of modulus of elasticity based synthesis was selected as to determine compressive a strength versus on data reported in the "middle-of-the-road" design elastic moduli. ~CHRP criterion Additional research is necessary to verify and refine this design criterion. Kentucky 469(65) laboratory and analyses based on ASTM C resultino values were essentially static moduli of elasticity. A Model 400 Road Rater deflection measurements pavements. Deflection variability and detail. were are However, from used to in-service data currently was pozzolanic indicated being preliminary obtain considerable evaluated in analyses more indicate back-calculated moduli of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 psi. 1\hlberg and Barenburg ( 15) reported flexural elasticity from 1,500,000 to 2,500,000 psi. reported by Collins and Emery (12) 3,300,000 psi. varied of of Resilent moduli from 370,000 to Others (10) have reported ranges of modulus from 100,000 psi at a compressive strength of 400 modulus moduli 500,000 psi psi to a at a compressive strength of 1,000 psi. The modulus of elasticity of asphaltic as a function concrete varies of temperature and frequency of loading (21, 22). On the have relatively constant moduli for frequencies of 0.1 to SO Hz (23). linear other hand, granular cohesionless For a soil that may be considered to materials behave as a viscoelastic solid, the elastic modulus is a function 12 of frequency Hardin (24). demonstrated and Black variations dramatic 26) ( 2 5. of elastic moduli cohesive soils at low frequencies (less than 0.1 Hz) of creep phenomena. This partially explains variations in elastic moduli from static and Futhermore, it also has been of because observed dynamic demonstrated have tests. that modulus varies as a function of strain amplitude (23, 25, 26), which varies considerably among test procedures. Static moduli were actual traffic not loading considered representative Resilient conditions. moduli are determined on the basis of repeated load tests at l to 2 Road Rater deflections were obtained at 25 600-pound force dynamic load and a 1,670-pound load. Others (15) both frequency at is apparent. procedures, Benkelman deflections beam using a static strain this amplitude time of for actual conservative of traffic design Additionally, Kentucky thickness design while strain-repetitions force Hz. estimated elastic moduli from tests for and loadings, the need moduli Hz In view of the significant variations flexural strength. for predicated criterion, defelection were on verified behavior limiting a initially where by rebound were obtained at low (creep) vehicle speeds (0.5 to 1.0 Hz) for an 18,000-pound with deflections theoretical axleload calculated were matched using the Chevron N-layer program (27). Thus, an compressive and modulus of elasticity is presented strength in Figure 3. 13 interim and criterion relating SUGGESTED DESIGN METHODOLOGY Kentucky Thickness design procedures in rigid) been have limits the on criteria. strain-repetitions criterion developed basis of concrete (l, 2, 28) criterion at the bottom (Figures S and 6). (3, 4, in 5) versus repetitions for various elasticity and pavement vertical compressive strains at the top of pavement design criterion is an expression of a fatigue and limiting flexible The the subgrade and the tensile strain asphaltic (flexible modulus of used to develop a tensile terms the The rigid stress-ratio of tensile strain combinations rupture. of of moc'lulus of The same approach was strain-repetitions criterion for pozzolanic base materials (Figure 7). For the stress to pozzolanic material, ratio of flexural compressive stress at failure was estimated to be 0.2S at the ultimate compressive current the Kentucky specifications strength of a ( 15) . Based minimum compressive strength of 600 psi, the flexural stress for pozzolanic materials is elasticity from Poisson's ratio 150 psi. Figure of The minimum desian is 250,000 psi. 3 0.15 for on modulus The base of assumed pozzolanic materials (16) is near the value used to develop rigid Kentucky. of fatigue envelope used by the "'he shape the pavement designs Portland Cement Association (6) for portlanc'l cement pavements was applied repetitions of an of allowable 18,000-pound tensile stress to single axleload (3, 4, 5). The allowable tensile stress versus repetitions 14 concrete pozzolanic materials and defines to the relationship of ratio in relationship for pozzolanic materials is the Portland Cement Association curve shifted according to the following relationship: = (Flexural Strength) x (Stress Ratio) Tensile Strain +(Modulus of Elasticity) where the stress ratio value corresponds to a specific for repetitions of an lR,OOO-pound equivalent value axleloan. More specifically, for pozzolanic base mixtures, = (150 psi) x (Stress Ratio) Tensile Strain + The above stress the equations ratio to pozzolanic criterion, convert allowable base when (250,000 psi). in (see of allowable 7). Figure The resulting to one proposed by Thompson (19), compared Kentucky ratio tensile strain at the bottom of is slightly more conservative. pavements the has Experience been with limited; pozzolanic the proposed criterion also may adjustment based on field performance. Recent studies (3, 4, 51 have involved of work and energy principles to components into a single resultant. is the energy at a point to combine Strain load and is in structure pavement must by the external force. or work, at a given location used as the density equal and basis of within design 15 each point he summed (integrated) to obtain the total strain energy, which would equal caused strain the WORK at that point, as defined by classical The strain energy density for work all energy physics (29, 30). the application in a body to resist the energy imposed on that body hy an outside opposite the the total Strain energy density, the rather structure may be than using a single strain, such as criterion. the vertical compressive strain, of thickness utilizing proce~ure rigi~ the bases pozzolans in pavement structure, the elastic layer theory embodien in the Chevron N-layer computer nrogram 127) was c'letermine thickness requirements (l/3 asphaltic concrete tranitional an~ 2/3 for asphaltic use~ ~irst to conventional designs crushed stone using basel presentee'~ materials based on criteria c; ann 6 ( 1, 2, 281 . the the ~esigns. To develop a design the an~ Recent investigations of both flexible pavements have utilizen concepts of equal work as as in Figures 1qork at critical locations -- bottom of concrete and (or1 top of the subgrade -- were determined ann used as the controlling fatigue value for the respective materials at their critical locations. Elastic layer theory then was usen to netermine and work varying strains for a matrix of thicknesses of pozzolanic base (of mor'!uli thicknesses of of elasticity) asphaltic those analyses were user'! combined concrete to with surfacino. develop a series several Results of of oraphs similar to Figures R ann q. Determination design of an equivalent structural thickness utilizing pozzolans may he determined by matching the critical strains ann work for a conventional pavement with companion work and strains thicknesses of asphaltic concrete base. The work usen in some combination of surfacing and pozzolanic and the vertical compressive strain at the top of the subgrade for the control were for nesign combination 16 with (conventional) pavement Figures 8 and q (and other similar graphs) to determine thicknesses of pozzolanic corresponding specific to elastic moduli thicknesses of asphaltic concrete surfacing. pozzolanic bases will criterion based on strain. work slightly compared to various Thicknesses increased vertical of using a compressive Resultant thicknesses of pozzolanic bases were used to develop Figure 10. base be and bases may then be The specific thickness determined dependent of pozzolanic upon the desired modulus of elasticity and the desired thickness of concrete surfacing. asphaltic Modulus of elasticity may be related to compressive strength hy Figure 3. Design thicknesses (based on the work at the top of subgrade) were checked criterion (Figure asphaltic 6) concrete bottom of the pozzolanic fatigue of the 2R) 2, the at the bottom of the limiting tensile strain at the base (Figure 7) to verify that asphaltic concrete and pozzolanic base were not controlling. tensile against the limiting tensile strain ( l. and the Experience in Kentucky has shown that strain at the bottom of the asphaltic concrete layer is normally not the controlling design criterion because relatively magnitude "stiff" of moduli tensile of strains pozzolanic at the bases interface the limit the between asphaltic concrete and pozzolanic base. EXAMPLE DESIGN Phase I of determination of asphaltic concrete the design thickness pavement. following design conditions: 17 procedure involves the requirements for a conventional Consider, for example, the Design lR-Kip EAL's = 5,000,000 nesiqn Suhgrade = CBP 9 Using Kentucky thickness <'lesiqn curves, conventional a asphaltic concrete pavement woul<'l be as follows: = Asphaltic Concrete Surface and (or) Base = Dense-graded Aggregate Base In Phase pozzolanic base 14 inches structurally II, equivalent materials are determine<'!. an<'! work for conventional <'lesigns are Chevron N-layer Limiting strains structures may computer be to Analyses Critical strains (Fiqures those design obtained from is an 3). (Figure Three Table 3, which using the and 91. R of conventional of a thickness number of of concrete The specific based on estimated analyses of compressive alternative illustrates also designs the asphaltic asphaltic thicknesses may be used to develop Figure 10. thickness using used to determine thickness requirements for pozzolanic bases for a constant concrete. designs determined program corresponding 7 inches elastic mo<'lulus strength data are summarized in economic comparisons with conventional designs. ECONOMICS OF THE USE OF POZZOLANIC MATERIALS The major pozzolanic base benefit is the associated with substitution the of use structure. advantageous asphaltic as Pozzolanic alternatives concrete pavements 18 to bases very a a less expensive material for a portion of a more expensive component pavement of may thick be of the especially conventional or thick full-depth asphaltic concrete pavements where deep Pozzolanic problem. bases alternative for some rigid rutting also may may be be potential a cost effective This, pavements. a has however, not been considered in Kentucky. Table 3 conventional summarizes an economic asphaltic concrete pavement theoretically equivalent thickness designs bases. Thickness designs for the the pozzolanic material; this are actual three pozzolanic pozzolanic bases were of 350,000 psi corresponds to a 7-day compressive strength (ASn1 C 593 curing) quantities with a using determined on the basis of a design modulus for of comparison of 800 psi. The quantities for a project for which a pozzolanic base is being considered. OTHER FACTORS EFFECTS OF CURING Effects deflection of curing were detected Table measurements. 4 in presents the a field summary of deflection data obtained directly on a 6-inch layer kiln dust - fly 2 were fly ash, ann proportions for percent fly ash, Field for deflection all Desicrn the same: 84 sites: of lime ash - dense-graded aggregate base for three city street projects. Site by oense-gradeo were 3 and for Site l and 8 percent lime kiln dust, R percent percent Site proportions 88 6 percent aggregate. Design percent lime kiln dust, 6 dense-graded aggregate. measurements were obtained at similar ages 7 to q 19 days after placement. Prior laboratory and field data indicated subqrade conditions were similar for the three projects (CBR 4). Site l was placed in mid August were curing Site 2 was placed were much cooler was membrane was was in (40 F in cool membrane, locations. condition. in early November when air temperatures to 60 F). The early and Hay. Air bituminous curing Site temperatures rainfall was recorn setting. was drenched immediately after placement curing good not placed immediately after compaction. placed unseasonably was conditions very favorable -- temperatures ranged from 60 F to 80 F and the bituminous curing membrane 3 and of the were Site 3 bituminous and the membrane was "washed" away in some In those areas, the surface of unbounn or poorly hounc1. the base course The site also was subjected to significant rainfall nuring the initial 7-day curing period. It greater is apparent from the strengths resulted for more Deflection also data deflection favorable indicated bituminous curing membrane on proper nata that curing the conditions. influence curing and of the associated strength gains. Both laboratory (Table indicated that ?) and field data (Table high temperatures and moisture retention are primary contributors to good curing and associated strength. Thus, placement gains 60 F for at least 7 days. 20 greater Placement of a bituminous curing membrane is apparentlv essential for of high early strengths. in of pozzolanic base materials is recommended when air temperatures are expected to be than 4) the development AUTOGENOUS HEALING Another aspect associated with base materials the is overlying anticipate!} pozzolanic the potential for reflective cracking of asphaltic that low-strength concrete greater amounts surfacing. of It cracking is will occur during curing of hi9her-strength pozzolans. Results of the deflection sites reported above testing of the dust - fly ash - dense-graded room temperature A series of for 2R days. cylinders B. sand Mixture high by for 7 days). psi 4.6-inch Compressive not to ASTM C cured to an age subjected to of 240 Mixture B. were in those days. sealed The compressive testing. that time were 870 psi for Significant Mixture strength 21 593 diameter cylinder cured at 100 F strengths but of That was considerably less than cases for Mixture A and 1,194 for Mixture B. destroyed, 42 The each were The 6- by 12-inch cylinders tested for compressive strengths at 7 were for contained percent for specimens compacted and cured according 1,501 psi and 42 percent limestone mine screenings. ash and lime kiln dust. (4-inch 209 B fine portions of both mixtures contained R fly curecl The aggregate portion for Mixture A consisted of 84 percent dense-graded limestone; percent and Compressive strengths of those specimens were 231 psi for Mixture A and Mixture lime aggregate mixtures were prepared in fi-inch cliameter by 12-inch at test stimulated additional interest in the effects of curing and autogenous healing. kiln three days in plastic bags and cylinders were again Compressive strengths at A and gains 1,367 may psi for be partially attributable to long-term strength pozzolanic materials and also gain characteristics autogenous healing of of the initial failure locations. Autogenous healing apparently occurs in pozzolanic specimens if left undisturbed and curing conditions remain favorable. However, conditions duplicated by laboratory conditions. in the field may traffic loadings. not he Autogeneous healing of cracks in field installations may he slowed by the under base Field curing stressing conditions (temperature and moisture) also may vary considerably. CLOSING COMMENTS Experience in Kentucky relative to the life-cycle costs nonexistent. pavements of pozzolanic Thickness have been pavements design developed which represented be determined paper represents design to methodology performance laboratory pozzolans. herein initial may efforts pozzolanic Kentucky to at conditions are this time. develop a This thickness for pozzolanic pavements that is related histories test for by other agencies for other to not and almost has been procedures regions, but the extent could performance data in Kentucky characterizing It is anticipated that the as well the properties procedures as to of presented be the nucleus for the development of a complete set of thickness design curves using pozzolanic or other low-strength base materials. Additional life-cycle costs, research and durability 22 experience of materials, relative to fatigue-shear strain relationships, necessary to refine thickness design. and are and being pavement performance procedures and will he methodologies for Pavement sections are currently monitored analyses and indicate competitiveness to refinements. provide place such data for future Economic with in analyses other apparently materials for initial construction. A major criticism of reflective cracking pozzolanic pavements are significant layers to of asphaltic concrete layers associated with shrinkage cracking in the pozzolanic evaluations relates currently potential ongoing. involves the base. One use Additional technique of with stress-relief between the pozzolanic and asphaltic concrete layers. Benefits are yet to be determined. REFERENCES Havens, ,J. H.; Deen, R. C.; and ''Design Guide Southgate, Report Research Program, UKTRP-81-l 7, Kentucky of Transportation University of Kentucky, Lexington, August Southgate, H. F.; Deen, R. C.; and a Thickness Concrete Pavements," Research Transportation F. ; for Bituminous Concrete Pavement Structures,'' Research "Development H. Research Desiqn Report Program, Havens, ,J. H.; System for bituminous UKTRP-81-20, University of Kentucky Kentucky, Lexington, November 1981. 3. Newberry, Southgate, H. F.; Havens, J. H.; Deen, D. c. Jr~ "Development 23 of a R. c. : and Thickness Design System for Report Portlann Cement Concrete Pavements," Research UKTRP-83-5, Kentucky Transportation Research Program, TJniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, February 1983. 4. Design Southgate, Curves H. for ano F. ; Portlano Deen, Cement c. R. "Thickness 7 Concrete Pavements,'' Research Report TJKTRP-84-3, Kentucky Transportation Research Program, University of Kentucky, Lexington, February 1984. 5. Design Southgate, Proceoure H. for ano F. ; Portland Deen, c. ; R. "Thickness Cement Concrete Pavements,'' Research Report UKTRP-84-6, Kentucky Transportation Research Program, 1Jniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, March 1984. 6. "Thickness Design for Concrete Pavements," PortlanCI Cement Association, Skokie, Il, 1966. 7. American Interim Guide for Association of Design State of Pavement Highway Structures, ano Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, 1972 and 1981. Fl. Special The AASHO Road Test Report Report 5, Pavement Research, 6lE, Highway Research Board, Washington, DC, 1962. 9. Special Provision 83(70), "Fly Ash Stabilized Bases," Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Frankfort. 10. National Highway Lime - Fly Cooperative Practice No. Ash - Stabilized Highway 37, Bases and Subbases, Research Program Synthesis of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 1976. ll. Chemical Lime Facts, National Lime Association, 1973. 24 Bulletin 214, 3rd Edition, 12. Ash Collins, R. J. r and Emery, J. J.; ''Kiln Dust Systems for Highway Bases FHWA/RD-82/167, Federal Highway and Fly Subbases," Report No. Administration, Washington, DC, September 1983. 13. Standard Construction, Specifications Kentucky for Road Transportation and Bridge Frankfort, Cabinet, l 983. 14. "Slake Durability Innex Test," Method KM-64-513- 76, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Frankfort, 1976. 15. Ahlberg, H. L.; and Barenburg, E. Pavements,'' Engineering Experiment 11 Station Pozzolanic Bulletin 473, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1965. 16. Barenburg, E. J.; ''Lime-Fly Ash-Aggregate Mixtures in Pavement Construction,'' National Ash Association, 1974. 17. Gomez, Coefficients and M. i and Thompson, Thickness M. "Structural R. ; Equivalency Ratios," University of Illinois, Urbana, June 1983. 18. of Larson, T. D.; and Lindow, E. s. 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"Factors F. ; Asphaltic of Concrete, '' Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol 38, 1969. 23. Drnevich, V. P.; and Saturated Sands to Jent, J. P.; "Response of Cyclic Shear at Earthquake Amplitudes," Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 87, University of Kentucky, Lexington, October 1975. Richart, F. E., Jr.; Hall, J. R., Jr.; 24. R. D.; Vibrations and Woods, of Soils and Foundations, Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970. 25. Modulus Hardin, of Mechanics B. 0.; and Black, w. L.; Normally Consolidated Clay," Journal of the Soil and Foundation Division, Vol 94, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 26. "Vibration Hardin, B. Modulus 0.; of and Black, w. )\To. ~1arch L.; SM2, 1968. Closure to Normally Consolidated Clay," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, SM6, "'Vibration Vol 95, No. American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, November 1969. 27. Michelow, Displacements in J. an "Analysis i N-layered 26 of Stresses and Elastic System under a Load Uniformily Distributed on a Circular Area," Chevron Research Corporation, Richmond, Ca, September 1963. 28. Deen, R. C.; Southoate, H. F.; and Havens, "Structural Research Analysis Report of Bituminous Division 305, Concrete of J. H. ; Pavements,'' Research, Kentucky Department of Highways, Lexington, May 1971. 29. Sokolnikoff, Elasticity, Second s. ; I. Edition, Mathematical Theory of McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York, 1956. 30. 11 The Deen, R. C.; Southgate, H. F.; and Effect Proceedings, of The Truck Design Association Technologists, Vol 49, l9RO. 27 on Mayes, Pavement of J. G. ; Performance," Asphalt Pavinq SIEVE SIZES 0 0 1\ '' t!lo (/") ,t>f)...~'l.f)f)('() 'of) LEGEND ......... I'ONO ASH GftAill Sit! \ ANALYSIS 1-o z ... w ', \ ' u KUTUCICT STANDAftD '' ', ,, \ ,, \ \ ,, I' [', WN 0.... P'INE ORfi!IE SAND GfiAYEL POND ASH CHARACTER! STICS ' a:o 1 D' ... - - - · Ll"l f5 FOR \ \ ' SP'ECIFJC GfiAYJTT• S.U AB!Ofti'TJON • 2.01 '•, ... .. . DIRMETER, Gra~ation ~gu~~~~:~ • t. 01 lOS! UNIT Nf.JGHh 1!2, D I"Cf NEAft "' 2t. !I LOSS . ~-r-,, r-~~~~ !lAND,. SAND 1 D" 1 D' Figure 1. ...~ '' \ 0 ,fb '),.'!> \ \ Zco ,t> ' SILT ,., 10"' 1 D·' MM Curves -- nense-Gra~e~ Limestone an~ Pond Ash Material. Aqqregate SRMPLE NUMBER 84% DGR. 8% FL YRSH, 13 8% KILN DUST PREPARED : 2-7-84 CURED 28 DA'!'S 0 0 HAXIHUM COMPRESSIVE STRESS • 2929 PSI ------------------.-+- ...,.._ __ 0 ..... "" (/") 0.... I / ,.. I ~'-~' ...."-/' :?I ., "?"*;/ •I .. "-/ /. I ..... / / t!l z w / . I / • ,I# e 0£---~~--~~--~~--~~--~------. D Figure /. D. 2 D. 4 D. 6 D. 8 !. D !. 2 ENGINEERING STRR IN, /. Example Determination of Moc1ulus. Static-Chor~ LEGEND FHWA DATA 1121, TABLES 25 AND 31 C)= NCHRP DATA 11Dl, TABLE 9, MIDRANGE KTRP DATA, TABLE 2 "" = [!]= 0 0 ....0 Figure 3. Modulus of Elasticity versus Compressive Strength for Various Data Sources. [!] = LEGEND FHWA DATA 1121, TABLE 31 r.n :::J _J :::J 0 m oo ::t:O 0 o-N z w _J r.n w c: o¥----.---~-~~-~---. D D. 1 D. 2 D. 3 D. 4 D.S TENSILE STRENGTH, KSI Fiqure 4. Resilient Modulus as a Function oF Splitting Tensile Strength. ~a:~ u~ .-a:b .~. 1-1.. ,.,o::c,;---1roo"•--1...,.,0,-;',-----1roo·'--.1' o• 18-KIP EQUIVALENT AXLELOAO ffi ~ l+0~,--1_,.0__,1,-l > Fiqure S. t Limitinq Suhqrane Vertical Compressive Strain versus Repetitions of an lR,OOO-pounn Axleload. ~ zD ~a: a:~ f-' ~ <f1 UJ - -I -'· <f1 0 AC lK 5 I l F==::::::::::::~~M~OOULUS zw f-~ uD~--.....-,-l a: 1 Figure 6. o' t 150 270 600 1eoo ~~-~~-........,~-~-~ 1 o• 1'o• 1'o• 1'o• 1'o' 1'o• 18-KIP EQUIVALENT AXLELOAO Limitinq Tensile Strain at Bottom of the Asphaltic Concrete versus Repetitions of an lA,OOO-pound Axleloan. - z ·t ow~ tnb ~g;~WT r---------~~--- ~-0 tnza: -- LIJ...J --'0~ -No tr>N- ZO ~ LIJ 0.. ' =) o• t 1o•1'o• I'o' !'o• 1'o' 18-KIP EQUIVALENT AXLELOAO Pigure 7. Limiting ~ensile Strain at Rottom of the Pozzolanic Rase versus Repetitions o~ an lR,OOO-pound Axleload. '\' 0 LIJ >LIJ -o tna: "'~ LIJt!> ~a:> 0.. =>. ::L 0 "' 0' wzo --' a:z w-a: 375 550 720 ~~ ~~ LIJV'l > 'I' ~~----r--r~-.~~.---~--,-,-~-r~ 1o• Figure R. 1o• THICKNESS OF POZZOLANIC BASE, INCHES 1o• Vertical Compressive Strain at ~op of Suhgrade versus Thickness of Pozzolanic Rase for Constant Modulus of Elasticity of Pozzolanic Base and Constant Thickness of .1\sphal tic Concrete Surfacing. ':' 0 - li..J 0 a: a: t!> ID => en LL-• - ob 0... 0 ..... ..... a: X: 375 0 550 a: 3: 720 'I' ~4-----r--r-r~rT~r----r--~~rT,~ I O' Fioure q. I O' THICKNESS OF POZZOLANIC BASE, INCHES I 02 Hark at Top of Subgrane versus Thickness of Pozzolanic ~ase for Constant Modulus of Elasticity of Pozzolanic Rase ann Constant Thickness of Asphaltic Concrete Surfacing. LL0 >-en 1--0... u • -w l-en en a: a:ID~ ...J 0 wu- LL-Z oa: ...J eno =:>N 3 INCHES RC 4 INCHES RC ...JN 5 INCHES RC =:>O 00... 0 :t: 7 INCHES RC ~ ~4---~--r-~~rn.----r~~-r~~ I~ 10 1 I~ THICKNESS OF POZZOLANJC BASE, INCHES Figure 10. Equivalent Thickness Designs Tlsinq Pozzolanic Base for Varying Thicknesses of Asphaltic Concrete ann Moduli of Pozzolanic Rase ~laterials. TABLE 1. SPECIFICATIONS FOR DENSE-GRADED AGGREGATE BASES AND GRAVEL BASES IN KENTUCKY (13) ================================== PERCENTAGE FINER (BY WEIGHT) SIEVE SIZE (SQUARE OPENING) 2" 1" 3/4" 3/8" No. 4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 100 No. 200 DENSEGRADED AGGREGATE GRAVEL AGGREGATE 100 70 50 35 25 12 5 - - 100 100 80 65 '00 30 12 Wear -- 40* loss (maximum) Soundness (Five Cycles) -12% loss (maximum) Friable Particles -1.0% (maximum) Shale -- 2.0% (maximum) 25 6 5 -- 65 30 20 W B W 2 B B - ~ ~ - - ~ _________________________ ~ g g m R W B B - W 2 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STRENGTH PARAMETERS FOR VARIOUS POZZOLANIC MIXTURES AND FOR VARIOUS CURH:G CONDITIONS - - - - - - - - - TABLE 2. ___________________ DWRRR--REE MIXTURE COMPONENTS (percent) -----------------------------.-------------------" ,_ LIME DENSE· nY ASH KILN DUST PRODUCT LIME SCRUBBER SLUDGE RIVER SANO GRADED AGGREGATE POND ASH OPTlMUN MOISTURE CONTENT (pt'rcent) MAXIMUM '" DtNSITY (pcf) MIXTURE SOI.ffiCE (o) UNCONFINED CUR INC CQflPRESS!Vt CotlDITIOll STRENGTII (psi) (>l MODULUS " ELASTICITY (psi) SPLITTI TDISIL STRENG (psi) "- -------------------- "---- -------"- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------------" " 90 90 10 15 15 20 20 85 85 80 80 70 70 30 30 100 100 100 100 100 11.8 11.8 9. 5 9. 5 1]. 7 11.7 12.4 12.4 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 126.2 126.2 ll\3 .6 ll\3 .6 133.5 133.5 128.3 128. 3 71.6 71.6 71.6 71.6 71 . 6 llo. 1 7 No. 1 No. 7 No. 1 No. 7 !lo. 1 No. 7 llo. 3 No. 1 llo. 6 No. 7 No. 11 field fielrl field field field field field fie 1rl field field field field field 186 557 No. 309 670 264 560 211 393 71 98 166 130 14 ,l\53 83,836 24 '185 37,526 18,067 29,029 14 ,302 58' 306 9 ,564 II ,430 21 '369 10,814 21 ,007 155 --------------"- ---------------------------.------.---- .. ". "-------.----- ----------.--.--.---.-.".------------------ -----10 90 10.3 150.5 99 8,870 13 10 90 10.3 150.5 lob llo. 826 ,471 62 '"' 10 90 9.9 133.7 lob 153 4 7 '159 No. 77 -"-------- 90 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 100 100 9. 9 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 80 133.7 151 .4 11.2 151.4 11.2 10.9 10.9 11.0 11.0 11.8 11.8 50.4 50.4 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. l9b lob l9b lob lob loo lob lob lob lob lob 130.6 130.6 132.9 132.8 124.9 124.9 65.2 286 160 646 189 196 617 168 254 107 207 26 '124 10 ,21!5 59' 187 7 '782 17 '700 1.">,512 55,834 10,080 17 '576 9 '508 14 '955 738 636 515 315 232 44,431 23,295 25,157 ll '589 6 ,377 1,192 87,545 74,445 62,980 216,524 166,618 202 ,027 96,608 259,895 275 10 7 68 6 12 12 9 9 65.2 ---.----.---"---- -----------.--------------------------.------------------------.---- --------------------------12 88 6. 5 ll\2 .1 lob 646 35,038 No. 12 16 16 20 20 BB 84 84 80 80 6. 5 7.3 7 .3 6.8 6.8 142 .1 140.6 140' 6 135.8 135' 8 lob lob lob lob lob 5.6 5.6 134.3 134.3 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 139.6 139.6 field field cores cores lab lab 139.6 lab lab 7 .5 139.2 139.2 139.6 139 .6 146.3 133 .I 142 ,J 150.8 lob lob lob lob lob leb lob lob 141.0 141.0 8 8 84 84 8 84 8 8 8 St. 8 8 84 84 84 St. 139.!1 llo. No. No. No. No. No, 1 No.4 No. 9 No, 10 Nu. 1 No. 2 tlo. 4 No. 6 922 585 1,570 1,987 2,403 897 3,222 No. 1 1 ,291 No. 2 1 '526 226 387 -- ~------ ---------------.--.-.-.------" ~~-.-------- ---- ~ ~~.-----~ ~~: ~--- -- ~~~.- ------ ~~:- ~.--- --- ~~~---- --------------.--5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 10 10 s 90 90 90 90 90 80 88 86 8 7. 5 7. 5 7. 5 6.4 8.0 6. 9 No. 4 228 No. 280 tlo. 488 No. tlo. No. 296 1 '116 94,669 1 so' 962 18,314 37,634 17,619 8.\ 1' 290 ----------------------------------------------------------------.-.--------------------------------------.-.-. s 8 10 74 7. 5 141.0 lob tlo. 1 1 '25) ""- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 74 74 74 59 59 59 59 50 50 50 50 80 34 34 34 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 32 42 42 42 135 .(, lob leo leb lob lob lob lob lob lob 7 .1 135.6 lJS. 6 leb 7.1 10.1 110.9 ~ leb leb i~b--- 6.6 137.5 135.1 lab lab 133.6 133.6 \33.6 lab lab lab 1"- I .0 138.7 138.7 138.7 138. 7 7 .6 7 .1 135.6 7 .1 34 --s---·a-------------·-------- ·;:z------ t.i 8 7. 5 7.5 7. 5 7.6 7.6 7.6 (~j------ 52(d) 84(e) 42(e) 42(e) 42(e) ---- ·;: o·----- i ;s i · · --8.0 7.2 7.2 7.2 ---------------- .. "- ---------"-- ·-. --------.---------------.--"Lab" refer~ to samples mixed from tlry components in the llo. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No, No. No, tlo. 1 2 3 4 No. 1 ---· · 82 123 923 157 No. 3 tlo. 4 105 tlo. No. Uo. ;~o. tlo. ---- 134 1)6 1,272 356 No. 2 No. 1 ;~ ~--- "- 200 79 89 139 ------ ;;:9------- ·149'~956---- ·-- · 157 1,317 1,194 69 l\39 4,237 127,193 tab~~~~~;;:-~fi:~id~-~~f~~~-~~-;~~~i:~~-~i~;d-1~-~;;;·i:~~;:~~~; a. b. ~~~~n~o~~~~~~~~n!rorn a field situation, "cores" refers to saotples obtai.ned by corine an existing vavement. c. d. e. Clo. 1 7 days at 100 F in a sealed contRiner (ASTM C 593·79) tlo. 2 7 days at 100 F in a sealed container and then 7 days at room temperature ln Air No. 3 7 days at room temperature ln a sealed container No. 4 14 <.lays at room ter~~perature in air No. 5 21 days at room temperature in a :~ealed container No, 6 28 days at 100 F in a sealed contnlner No. 7 7 days at 100 F in a sealed container and then 21 days at room temperature in 11 tr No, 8 28 days at room temperature in air No. 9 49 days ambient curin~; (field con<lltions) followed by a 14 day soaking period No. 10 -· 132 days ambient curing (field ccmditions) followed by a 14 day soaking perLod No. 11 -- 62 days at room temperature in air No. 11 aggregate substituted for dense-graded aggregate. Aggreeate substituted for dense-graded aggregate consists of 32t No. 11, 20:t aggregate meal. Hines screenings substituted for dense-graded nggregate. TABLE 3. ECONOMIC COMPARISONS FOR PAVEMENT DESIGNS UTILIZING POZZOLANIC MATERIALS ====================================================================================== MA'T''I<:RIALS THICKNF.SS f!NCHF.S) PAVING TJN!'I' COST AREA (SO!JARF. YARDS) 'I'Ot>JNAGE* ($/'T'Ol'l) ALTP.RNATF: A -- Conventional nesiqn -- 7" asphaltic concrete 14" nense-qraneo aqqreqate nense-GraOeO S7.55 .1\gqreqate 14 lfll,?3l 131' 4fi<) Asphaltic Concrete 7.fJ.f'iQ l7.Q,767. Rase 4 1/?. 32,llh 2(),?'> l2A,7t:;Q 10,623 Binner 1 1/? l2R,3fl2 7,057 ?4.31 Surf'ace 1 Total for Alternate TOTAL COST (S I 4.1, 3R"i ::1?.,116 10,623 7,057 fih4,4A:? 22fl,41CJ 171,546 U,7!!: ~96,544 1.A~ 243,q52 :?.0.1'i9 664,4R2 2?.:0,41Q 171, 154F.i ?.:0.7"i ~4.31 1,Fiq6,943 Total for Alternate AL'l''!\RNA'l'F. C - - 5" asphaltic concrete R" pnzzolanic base Pozzolanic Rase A 111, 4Fi9 l?.:Q,762 Crack Relief Layer Asphaltic Concrete 12Q,7f>?. Base ?: 1/?.: 12R,75Q Rin<'ler 1/2 Surface 1 l?:A,302 57,84fi 17,84?. 1fl,fi23 7,057 13.75 7q5,3~7 1.88 243,QS2 2f).6Q ?.0.75 24.31 36Q,l'>7 ?:20,41Q 171,546 l;FH10,4Fi1 'l'otal f'or Alternate (s I $7fi4, 295 l,R2n,74:? AL'l'F.RN"A'l':P. R -- 7" asphaltic concrete fi" pozzolanic base 131,46Q Pozzolanic Rase fi 1/.Q, 7f'i2 Crack Relief Layer Asphaltic Concrete 12Q,76? Base 4 1/2 1?.:R,75Q 1 1/7. Rin<'ler 1?.A, 302 Surface 1 SAVINGS n (76,201) ?:0,2Rl AL'l'F.RNA'l'E n -- :!" asphaltic concrete 10" poz7.olanic hase Hl 131, 46Q Pozzolanic Rase Crack Relief Layer Asphaltic ~oncrete l?.:R,7t;Q Ain<ier 1?.R,302 Surface 1 ' ~otal for Alternate 7'2,3011 1],7<; 1. RR 9Q4,?.14 ?4:l,QS?. 14, 1F;3 7,057 :W.7'i 24.:n 2q3,RQ2 171. l:i4fi 1,1"iQ4,624 *Tonnaqes estimaterl on the basis of 110 pounOs per square yarrl per inch 12fi,11R TABLE 4. ROAD RATER DEFLECTIONS ON 6-INCH POZZOLANIC BASES ================================= DEFLECTIONS (inches x 10- 5 ' SENSOR Nm1BER PROJECT NUMBER No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 1 53.R 2 3 llR. 5 29.R 46.0 56,Q 15.1 24.R 24.3 147.2