1 Appendix 1 LAA Improvement Indicators and proposed changes

Appendix 1 LAA Improvement Indicators and proposed changes
Better Places
1. NI 192 Household waste recycled and composted
2. NI 186 per capita CO2 emissions in the LAA area – domestic
3. NI 195 Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels
of graffiti, litter, detritus and fly-posting)
§ Number of Green Flag parks – Local Indicator
§ NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport
(and other specified models) – Local indicator
Safer Communities Executive Board
4. NI 35 Building resilience to violent extremism
5. NI 40 Drug Users in effective treatment
6. NI 15 Serious violent crime rate
7. NI 16 Serious acquisitive crime rate
8. NI 111 First time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged
9. NI 21 Dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour
and crime by the local council and police
Suggested Changes
PMG proposed NI 32 repeat incidents of domestic
violence be considered as a local indicator
The inclusion of re-offending measures were suggested
by GOL:
NI 18 adult re-offending rates for those under probation
NI 19 rate of proven re-offending by young offenders
NI 38 drug-related (class A) offending rate
NI 43 young people within the youth justice system
receiving a conviction in court who are sentenced to
GOL proposed consideration be given to replacing NI 39
alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates with NI 20
assault with injury crime rate.
Children and Young People
10. NI 51 Effectiveness of CAMHS services
11. NI 54 Services for disabled children
12. NI 112 Under 18 conception rate
13. NI 198 Children travelling to school l- mode of transport usually
14. NI 113 Prevalence of Chlamydia in under 20 years olds
15. NI 126 Early access for women to maternity services
§ NI 60 Core assessments children’s social care that were
carried out within 35 working days of their commencement –
Local Indicator
§ NI 53 Prevalence of breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks from birth –
Local Indicator
§ Increase the % of children immunised by the 2nd birthday –
Local Indicator
§ Victim support services for children and young people – Local
Integrated Housing Board
16. NI 154 Net additional homes provided
17. NI 158 % of decent Council homes
18. NI 156 Number of households living in temporary
§ NI 155 Number of affordable homes delivered (gross) – Local
19. NI 8 Adult participation in sport
20. NI 123 16+ current smoking rate prevalence
21. NI 187 Tackling fuel poverty – people receiving income based
benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating
22. NI 39 Alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates
23. NI 121 Mortality rate from all circulatory diseases at ages
GOL proposed NI 198 children travelling to school – mode
of transport be moved to a local indicator and NI 56
obesity among primary school age children in Year 6
become the main indicator sitting above it
GOL suggested NI 116 proportion of children in poverty
be considered as a one of the 35 improvement targets
GOL proposed NI 158 % of decent council homes could
be a local indicator
LA proposed NI 128 user reported measure of respect
and dignity in their treatment to be replaced with NI 119
Self-reported measure of people’s overall health and wellbeing
GOL proposed consideration be given to replacing NI 39
under 75
24. NI 149 Adults in secondary mental health services in settled
25. NI 135 Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a
specific carer’s services, or advice and information
26. NI 141 Number of vulnerable people achieving independent
27. NI 125 Achieving independence for older people through
rehabilitation/intermediate care
§ NI 128 User reported measure of respect and dignity in their
treatment – Local Indicator
§ NI 127 Self reported measure of respect and dignity in their
treatment – Local Indicator
§ % of HIV infected patients with CD4 count <200 cells per mm3
at diagnosis – Local Indicator
28. NI 153 Working age people claiming out of work benefits in the
worst performing neighbourhoods
29. NI 117 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, training or
employment (NEET)
30. NI 79 Achievement of level 2 qualifications by aged 19
31. NI 171 VAT registration rate
§ The number of in-work families claiming working families tax
credit and child tax credit – Local Indicator
32. NI 4 % of people who feel that they can influence decisions in
their locality
33. NI 140 Fair treatment by local services
34. NI 6 Participation in regular volunteering
35. NI 1 % of people who believe people from different
backgrounds get on well together in their local area
alcohol-harm related hospital admission rates with NI 20
assault with injury crime rate.
GOL proposed consideration be given to moving NI 8
adult participation in sport to a local indicator
GOL proposed NI 180 changes in housing benefit/council
tax benefit new claims and change events be considered
as an improvement target
HAVCO proposed NI 7 environment for a thriving third
sector to be included as one of the 35 improvement target