AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY Vol. 213, No. 6, Ihcember 1967. Printed in U.S.A. Series elastic component of mammalian skeletal muscle1 ALAN S. BAHLER2 Department of Biomedical Baltimore, Maryland balance nonlinear technique stress-strain The Johns Hopkins University, series elastic component of the frog sartorius muscle using fast constant ve!ocity releases and has found the maximum extension of the series elastic component to be about 3 ‘% of rest length with maximum isometric tension. The damping of this element is less than 200 dyne/ cm per sec. The second (9) quicklv changes the force across the muscle from full isometric tension to a given isotonic level and measures the instantaneous shortening that occurs. During release there is an instantaneous shortening of the lightly damped series elastic component and negligible shortening of the slower contractile component. This method applied to the frog sartorius muscle yields a series elastic component that stretches up to 4 % of rest length at maximum isometric tension ( 10). The third (6, 7) assumes that during an isometric contraction the contractile component is stretching the series elastic component and thus the time derivative of developed force is BAHLER, ALAN S. Series elastic component of mammalian skeletal 1967.-A method muscle. Am. J. Physiol. 213(6): 1560-1564. of modifying the Wilkie quick-release technique of determining the compliance of the series elastic component of mammalian muscle is described. This modification eliminates the effect of muscle and lever system mass by adding an additional factor related to the shortening of the contractile component. The compliance of the series elastic component of the rat gracilis anticus muscle varies from 1.1 X lo+ cm/dyne at maximum isometric tetanic tension to 17.6 X lOA cm/dyne at zero tension. The extension of this component was 0.07 rest length at maximum isometric tetanic tension. The damping of the series elastic component was calculated from an energy balance technique to be typically 300 dyne/cm per sec. The results of this study are compared with those obtained from other striated muscles. method ; energy modified quick-release lightly damped series elastic component; relationship Engineering, ; 6P dP d7 = 6L’ dL’ l 6P -$+G- T BEHAVIOR of mammalian skeletal can be explained by postulating the presence of three functionally different components of the muscle (2, 3). This three-component model of muscle consists of a nonlinear elastic element in series with a contractile component both bridged by another nonlinear elastic element. The active element of this model, the contractile component, is a function of length, external load, temperature, and real time. For most parallel-fibered mammalian skeletal muscles, the parallel elastic component can be neglected at lengths less than or equal to rest length, L, (length at which maximum isometric tetanic tension, PO, is devel oped). The characteristics of the series elastic component are commonly determined by three different methods. The f rst (4) has mapped out the force-length diagram of the HE MECHANICAL where P is the isometric tension, L’ is the length of the contractile component, and t is the time. If 6P/6t is zero, then muscle Received for publication 9 June 1967. 1 This work was supported by Public 5-F3-GM-23, 697-02, 5-Tl -GM-576, and 2 Special Fellow, Public Health Service. of Electrical Engineering and Bioengineering University, Houston, Texas 77001. Health AM-05524. Present Service address Laboratory, dP -dL’ dP - dt dt l dL’ Therefore, dP/dL’, the compliance of the series elastic component, is determined from the experimental data (dP/dt and l/dL’/dt) obtained when the muscle is allowed to shorten after an initial period of isometric contraction. This technique has shown the frog sartorius muscle to have a series elastic component extension of from 3 to 5 % of rest length (6) and the cat papillary muscle to have a series elastic component extension of greater than 10 %) of rest length ( 7). The purpose of the present study is to define the series elastic component of a mammalian skeletal muscle, the rat gracilis anticus. The quick release technique has been used since this method is the most applicable with the Grants : Dept. Rice 1560 MAMMALIAN SERIES 1561 ELASTIC M K SE tP ‘: b SE ‘1 3 bL FIG. 1. Linearized equivalent model of muscle quick-release method. (Note : since the contractile cannot change its length instantaneously, it has been this approximation.) for Wilkie’s component neglected in present muscle preparation and lever system. Rat skeletal muscle shortens rapidly; therefore, the quick release method has been modified to correct for the combined mass of the lever system and the muscle. The damping of the series elastic component was determined by applying the principle of conservation of energy to the quick release. METHODS Preparution. The experiments were performed on the right gracilis anticus muscle from white male Wistar rats (Carworth Farms, Type CFN), approximately 50 days old, 140-165 g body wt, fed a normal balanced rat diet. The muscles had a mean weight of 60 mg and a mean rest length of 2.7 cm (fiber length). The gracilis anticus, a thin parallel-fibered muscle which takes its origin from the posterior half of the pubic symphysis and is inserted into the upper part of the crest and medial border of the tibia, was surgically removed from anesthetized rats (45 mg/kg sodium pentobarbital ip). After removal, the muscle, with a portion of the tibia and pubis, was placed immediately in a 1,500 ml bath (17.5 C) containing oxygenated (95 % OL, 5 % COO) bicarbonate-buffered Krebs-Ringer solution pH 7.3 (NaCl, 116.8 InM; NaHCO,, 28 mM; CaClp, 2.5 mM; MgS04, 3.1 mM; KCl, 3.5 mM; KHtPO,, 1.2 mM; and glucose, 11.1 mM). The muscle was trimmed and small stainless steel yokes were attached to the pubis and tibia bones by means of “00” noncapillary braided black-silk suture. These yokes were then placed between the lever member and the force transducer. Lever system. The lever system used in this study (equivalent mass 350 mg) consists of an electromechanical torque source, lightweight magnesium lever, velocity and force transducers, control circuit, and low impedance pulse generator. A detailed description of this lever has been presented previously ( 1). The muscle was supramaximally stimulated by two platinum multielectrode assemblies which set up an electric field normal to the long axis of the muscle (current density = 0.08 amp/cm2). Stimulation consisted of a train of 32 2-msec pulses with a pulse separation of 10.5 msec. All records were displayed on a Tek- PIG. 2. Records showing the effect of quick changes of load (from isometric to a fixed isotonic level). In each frame, a, force record; b, length record. Base lines are given for both. Initial length is 2.8 cm. Force sensitivity is 10 g/major vertical division. Sweep speed is 10 msec/major horizontal division. A: length sensitivity is I mm/major vertical division; AP = 29 g. B: length sensitivity is 0.4 mm/major vertical division; AP = 21.8 g. C. length sensitivity is 0.4 mm/ major vertical division; AP = 15.8 g. D: length sensitivity is 0.2 mm/major vertical division; AP = 6.2 g. Muscle wt = 68 mg; L, = 2.8 cm; P,, = 34 g; bath temperature = 17.7 C. 1562 A. S. BAHLER SION LerrOth AU Transients Omitted in Massless AL . System UE TIME ta LENGTH [Ime t Release FIG. component 4. Stej II: length comparison changes EXTENSION, t FIG. elastic 3. 2%~ I: component method for obtaining the total uncorrected of massless a quick and actual contractile change of force. MM 1.6 TIME RELEASE during series (AL&. tronix RM561A oscilloscope and recorded on Polaroid type 107 film. Experimental details. Isometric experiments were performed at y<-hr intervals on all muscles. At a given length, the tension developed 180 msec after the onset of stimulation was the value used in the length-tension plot. The reproducibility of the isometric length-tension curve served as a measure of the viability of the preparation. Experiments were terminated when a 15 % change was noted between these isometric length-tension curves. The preparation fulfilled this requirement of reproducibility for over 3 hr of experimentation. A minimum of nine quick releases was performed on each muscle. These experiments consisted of releasing a supramaximally stimulated muscle from isometric conditions to some fixed isotonic load. RESULTS In practice, any quick release cannot be instantaneous because the lever system to which the muscle is attached has finite mass. The effect of this mass can be estimated by analyzing the linearized three-component model shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, P is the load, A& is the combined equivalent mass of the lever system and the muscle, KsE’ is the force coefficient of the linearized series elastic component, bL is the damping of the lever system, and bSE is the damping of the series elastic component. The parallel elastic component has been neglected since it I. 2 0.8 0.4 0 L 0 IO 30 20 FIG. 5. Extension-load characteristics of the series elastic component of a typical rat gracilis anticus muscle. Experimental points have been corrected to eliminate the effects of lever system mass and compliance. Muscle wt = 65 mg; L, = 2.8 cm; PO = 35 g; bath temperature = 17.5 C. has a negligible effect on the characteristics of the rat gracilis anticus for muscle lengths less than 110 % rest length, L,; the contractile component has been neglected since it changes its length at a rate much slower than the lightly damped series elastic component. If P is changed instantaneously, the change of force across the series elastic component would follow the relationship : f'8~ = Ape +fidl--z2)wt where z is the damping coefhcient bT is the total damping ( bT = bL + frequency (~3 = ~&/A&), and change in P. The change of force < < 1 (Z = b,/2 d&M,), bsE), o is the resonant AP is the instantaneous in the series elastic is MAMMALIAN SERIES 1563 ELASTIC of the form of a damped sinusoid. That this is the case with the gracilis anticus can be seen by examining Fig. 2. The method of estimating this instantaneous extension is obtained by the following procedure. Step I assumes that the force across the total uncorrected series elastic component changes instantaneously for a decrement of load (Wilkie’s (9) method). This change of force causes an instantaneous shortening of the lightly damped total uncorrected series elastic component, A&E, which is estimated by assuming that the contractile component shortens with a constant velocity during the release. This total series elastic is found graphically by extending a line tangential to the shortening curve (slope of line is the contractile component velocity). The intersection of this line and the axis formed by the time of release determines the change in extension of the total uncorrected series elastic component (see Fig. 3). Step II corrects this total uncorrected series elastic component for the combined mass of the lever system and the muscle. The change in length determined in step I underestimates the series elastic component because the mass of the system prevents the force and therefore the velocity (u = V(P)) from changing instantaneously. Figure 4 indicates the effect this mass has on the performance of the contractile component. The correction can be obtained by assuming a piecewise linear forcevelocity relationship and a sinusoidally declining force in the series elastic component. Since step I overestimates the velocity and hence underestimates the total series elastic component, this correction factor must be added to the extension found from step I. The magnitude of this correction can be calculated by the following analysis. During time, t,, the massless system will shorten vAta but the system with mass will shorten approximately EXTENSION, L/Lo 0.08 0.06 Tfd3LE 1. Comparison of series elastic component Compliance, cm/dyne X Muscle Normalized Compliance, LPO x 10’ Normalized Extension at PO 102 Cat L, P, Rat papillary (7) = 1.4 cm = log anterior tibialis (8) L, = 2.5 cm P, = 440 g Rat gracilis anticus L, = 2.7 cm P, = 30 g Frog illiofibularis 03 L, = 2.5 cm P, = 48 g Frog sartorius (10) L, = 3 cm P, = 45 g assumed Frog sartorius (4) L, = 2.8 cm P, = 120 g ta 5 at P, 50 at 0.2 P, 0.25 at P, 1.5 at 0.1 P, 1.1 at P, 17 at 0.1 P, 3.6 36 0.1 L, 4.4 26.4 0.05 L, 1.3 19.5 0.07 L, 1.1 at 0.6 P, 5 at 0.1 P, 2.0 9.6 1 .6 at 0.7 P, 20 at 0.02 P, 2.4 30.0 0.04 L, 0.5 at P, 6 at 0.1 P, 2.0 26 0.04 L, - 1.03-O .05 L, --. bA VA cos - wt) dt = VA t, - VA 2&-&r s0 must be added to the extension Therefore vA( &/r) determined by steb I. Step III takes account of the change in extension of the lever system. This extension of the lever system must be substracted from the total extension determined in step II. The compliance of the lever system was 3.5 X 1O-7 cm/dyne. Figure 5 shows the effect of applying this technique to a typical rat gracilis anticus muscle. When this procedure was repeated on five different muscles, the data displayed in Fig.L 6 were obtained. These results show several interesting features. First, the series elastic component is highly nonlinear (compliance varying from 1.1 X 1O+ cm/dyne at 1 .O P0 to 17.6 X 10mF en/dyne at 0.0 PO). Second, the extension of the series elastic component at maximum isometric tension is 0.07 rest length. Last, there is little variability in the normalized results when different muscles are compared. The series elastic component is lightly damped. This can be verified by the following analysis. The energy stored in the series elastic component is calculated by use of the relationship : LsE+L, E SE 0 6. Stress-strain of five muscles AX 1 0.2 curve FIG. SD. 0.4 0.6 0.8 of the series elastic = s PSE (LSE) dLSE La 1.0 component. Means where LSE is the variable length of the series elastic, PSE( LICE) is the force across the series elastic, and Es. is 1564 A. the energy stored in the series elastic when it is extended from length L, to length L SE --/- L,. This energy can be calculated by integrating the area under the extensionforce relationship of the series elastic component. When the muscle is released, the energy stored in the series elastic component is used to accelerate the lever system and to supply frictional losses (both damping of the lever system and damping of the series elastic). The energy used in accelerating the lever system is calculated from the expression V E lever V ML = s dv/ = 0 where v is the velocity. component is calculated E (>s> ML v2 26v dL * = =SE+=, Iv- - vdv 0 The energy lost to the viscous from the expression 2bv VisC ML s s =a = L$E n- assuming the velocity varies sinusoidally from 0 to v as the series elastic component shortens from J!,, + L$E to I,,. With this procedure, the damping of the series elastic component is typically 300 dyne/cm per sec. DISCUSSION Although Wilkie’s quick-release method is applicable to the frog sartorius at 0 C, this procedure had to be modified to include the effect of lever system mass if meaningful results were to be obtained with rat fast muscle at 17.5 C. A technique for eliminating the effect of lever system mass has been outlined. Experimental results typically showed the uncorrected Wilkie method S. BAHLER to underestimate the extension of the series elastic component at P, by 1 % of L,. This discrepancy amounted to a 13 % error in the extension of this component. This paper has shown the rat gracilis anticus muscle to have a series elastic component which stretches 7 % of L, when P, is impressed across it. Furthermore, the compliance of this element varies from 1.1 X 10-F cm/ dyne at P, to 17.6 X lo+ cm,/dyne at 0 P,. A comparison of the series elastic components reported for different striated muscles is given in Table 1. This table indicates a basic similarity among these striated muscles both in normalized compliance and normalized total extension. Since this similarity exists, one may conclude that observations made from other striated muscles are applicable to mammalian fast muscle in general and to the rat gracilis anticus muscle in particular. These observations indicate that the series elastic component of mammalian fast muscle is lightly damped ( 1 1 ), independent of muscle length (5), and independent of muscle temperature ( 5). The viscous damping of the series elastic component of the rat gracilis anticus is of the order of 300 dyne/cm per sec. Woledge ( 11) has reported values of damping of from 200 to 500 dyne/cm per set in frog sartorius which is in general agreement with the results obtained for rat fast muscle. Wells (8) however finds a viscous element of 1.3 X lo4 dyne/cm per set for an in situ preparation of rat anterior tibialis. This high value of damping obtained by Wells is probably due to the high viscosity caused by the surrounding fascia inherent in an in situ muscle preparation. It is a pleasure to thank Drs. K. L. Zierler and J. T. Fales for their support throughout this work, and to acknowledge the careful preparation of the line drawings by Mr. Larry Shack. REFERENCES 1. RAHLER, A. S., AND J. T. FALES. A flexible lever system for quantitative measurements of mammalian muscle dynamics. J. A@Z. Physiol. 2 1: 142 l-l 426,1966. FENN, W. O., AND B. S. MARSH. Muscular force at different speeds of shortening. J. Physiol., London 85: 277-297, 1935. HILL, A. V. The heat of shortening and the dynamic constants of muscle. Proc. Roy. Sot., London, Ser. B 126: 136-195, 1938. HILL, A. V. The series elastic component of muscle. Proc. Roy. Sot., London, Ser. B 137 : 273-280, 1950. JEWELL, B. 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