ETD-IMS and LC-ETD Studies on a QTOF Mass Spectrometer Jeffery Brown, Steven Pringle, Keith Richardson, James Langridge, Richard Chapman, Iain Campuzano and John Hoyes Waters Corporation, Wythenshawe, Manchester, UK. OVERVIEW • • • A hybrid Q-IMS-TOF (Waters Synapt) has been modified to enable Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD) on LC time scales. A new glow discharge reagent ion source is described. Ion mobility measurements of ETD product ions are also presented. Applied voltage –500V Isolation Valve Discharge Pin Analyte Sampling Cone Extraction Vapour Inlet Tube Vial of Reagent Crystals i.e. Azobenzene or Fluoranthene INTRODUCTION ETD (Electron Transfer Dissociation) is a MS/MS technique in which precursor cations are reacted with radical reagent anions. Electrons transfer from anion to cation promoting fast and randomised dissociation compared to collision induced dissociation (CID). ETD product ion spectra contain predominantly "c" and "z" type ions and post translational modifications often remain intact providing valuable sequence information. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) tryptic peptides (250fm and 50fm) were separated by nanoAcquity UPLC and a selection of triply charged precursor mass chromatograms are shown in Figure 4. Figures 5 to 9 show the LC-ETD spectra annotated and database matched to BSA with high probability (Mascot scores inset). Similar high quality data was observed for the 50fm injections (see Figures 10 and 11 for comparative data). The anion source was activated between 10% and 20% of the analysis time using Waters Research Enabled Software “WRENS”. Data were acquired at 1 spectra/second. ETD m/z 450 3+ 2+ IMS CID (40eV) m/z 450 3+ TOF TOF 1+ Figure 8: ETD m/z 381.57 BSA KQTALVELLK 2+ Figure 2: Cross section of modified z-spray ion source block incorporating glow discharge pin 3+ 1+ Trap Twave IMS Twave Precursor (M+3H) 3+ Transfer Twave Figure 5:ETD m/z 488.53 BSA TCVADESHAGCEK+2 CAM (C) Figure 12: m/z versus drift time for the ETD products of Substance-P m/z 450 with 1eV collision energy into Transfer guide Figure 14: m/z versus drift time for ETD products of Substance-P m/z 450 with 40eV collision energy into Transfer guide A A Figure 9: ETD m/z 580.94 MPCTEDYLSLILNR+CAM+Metox (a) 3+ 3+ 2+ 1+ 2+ B B Figure 3: Potential energy schematic depicting flow of anions and cations into Trap ion guide C (b) RESULTS 1+ Figure 13: A multiply charged product ions and B singly charged product ions extracted of data in Figure 11 m/z 488.53 Figure 6: ETD m/z 435.90 BSA HLVDEPQNLIK Figure 10: ETD m/z 435.90 (a) 250fm and (b) 50fm injected m/z 435.90 (a) 3+ m/z 547.31 3+ 2+ 2+ • • m/z 381.57 • • • m/z 580.94 Figure 1: Synapt — ETD is performed in the TRAP travelling wave ion guide ETD 3+ METHODS ETD was performed on a hybrid Q-IMS-TOF (Waters Synapt) (Figure 1), a high voltage discharge pin was added to the ion source to generate reagent anions (Figure 2). Analyte cations were generated using the standard nanospray source via infusion or UPLC system. For ETD, the ion source polarity and the quadrupole set mass were sequentially switched to deliver anions and cations into the TRAP travelling wave (TWAVE) ion guide where they reacted to form ETD product ions (Figure 3). Product ions were optionally separated by ion mobility in the IMS TWAVE ion guide or were accelerated into the TRANSFER TWAVE ion guide to cause 2nd generation collision induced dissociation (CID) ions prior to mass analysis in the TOF. IMS nanoAcquity 75um x 100mm BEH column 1uL/min BSA digest 50fm 30 min linear gradient 1+ 1+ (b) Figure 4: LC mass chromatograms of ETD precursors Figure 7: ETD m/z 547.31 BSA KVPQVSTPTLVEVSR Figure 11: ETD m/z 381.57 (a) 250fm and (b) 50fm injected TO DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THIS POSTER, VISIT WWW.WATERS.COM/POSTERS Figure 12 depicts m/z versus drift time for the ETD products of Substance-P m/z 450 (infusion of 1pm/ul) Multiply and singly charged product ions were extracted from the data in Figure 12 and are shown in Figures 13 A and B. For ETD-IMS-CID (Figure 14) , the collision energy between the exit of the IMS cell and the entry of the Transfer cell was increased from 1eV to 40eV. This resulted in vertical bands of second generation product ion data. Data from bands A, B and C were extracted, annotated and displayed in Figure 15. For example, band C shows the second generation fragments of the single charge reduced ETD product ion at m/z 1347.7, these ions are predominantly “c” type ETD process ions despite being activated by CID This suggests that these products may have been held together non-covalently prior to the CID activation. Figure 15: Annotated product ion spectra extracted from the vertical bands A,B and C of data in figure 14 CONCLUSION • • • LC-ETD has been demonstrated on a hybrid Q-IMS-TOF instrument (Synapt). A new glow discharge ionisation source provides an effective reagent source for ETD. Ion mobility enables novel experiments such as ETD-IMS and ETD-IMS-CID. ©2009 Waters Corporation v1