C.P. No. 93 I MINISTRY OF AERONAUTICAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH CURRENT COUNCIL PAPERS “Zero Rate of Climb Speed” as a Low Speed Limitation for the Stall-Free Aircraft bY W. 1. G. Pinsker LONDON: HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY 1967 PRICE 4s 6d NET OFFICE U.D.C. No. 533.5.013.66 : 533.6.015.32 533.693.3 : 533.6.013.61 : : 656.7.08 C.P. No.931 * by 1966 "ZXRO l?A!?E OF CLI1SE3SPEED" AS A LOV SPhBD L3XI11ATION FOR TIE3 Sm&-F~ AIRCRAFT 17. J. G. Pinsker An attempt is made to assess the significance to flight safety of a oondition at low speeds where drag exceeds the available engine thrust. For the low aspect ratio aircraft and especially with slender wing designs the "zero rate of climb speed" define6 by the having practically no stall, condition may constitute the lowest limit of the practical speed range, Methods are suggested to assess the necessary margins to protect airoraft of this general dass against the accidental, possibly catastrophic, loss of performance below this speed, *Replaces R.A.C. Technical Report No,66144- - A,R,C, 28297 2 CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page 1rvTR0DUCT10N RIXOVERY FROMFLIGXT BELOWZERO RAT% OF CLIh23 SPEED !&E POTENTIAL RISK OF STALLING THE POTENTIAL RISK OF CATASTROPHIC LOSS OP PFXFOilMANCE CALCULATIONS AND PWIJ~TS~ DISCUSSION GENER4L CONSIDERATIONS CONCLUSIONS Table 1 Symbols Illustrations Detachable 3 5 8 Figures abstract cards 3 3 -: 12 -l3 14 15 16 . l-8 3 ratio stall The low speed potential of the clnssioal aircraft with its high aspect In non-manoeuvring Plight the wing is sharply limited by the stall. defines a speed below which flight cannot be sustained and furthermore it is a condition of height even if from which recovery the pilot can avoid is only possible with a substantial. entry into a spin. These unique 10s~ charscteristics made the stall a compulsive datum from which to define speed It is not and manoeuvring margins to provide safety in low speed flying. surprising therefore that in the formulation of airworthiness requirements the stalling speed vs plays a dominant role. Xowever , as wing aspect ratio is decreased the stsll is delayed to larger angles of incidence and in the extreme case of a slender wing, say if the aspect ratio is below 2, it would occur at an incidence which is completely outside the practical flight range. With such aircraft low speed flying must be limited by considerations other than the stall, such as for instance general deterioration of lateral or longitudinal control, pitch tendencies or difficulties in speed holding in flight below minimum drag &peed. up Tith the possible exception of pitch up, if and when it occur3, these graaually cith dccrcasing spa ma it characteristics will deteriorate fairly certainly in the design stage, to use them for the generally impossible, definition of a sharply and uniquely determined absolute low speed limit. As an alternative it has been proposed that the nsnufacturer sha.L?. select operational sFeeds, such as for instance the initial climb out speed, and demonstrate that at these speeds and at speeds a specified number of knots below these, the aircraft satisfies certain stand~&s of controllability. !i!his procedure api>ears generally satisfactory, since the use of autostabilisation is permitted to achieve these handling characteristics provided it is designed to an acceptable skndard of reliability - and these regulations give the designer good scope to exploit the low speed potential of a design. requirements for the hIore recently, however, in an attempt to formulate tie British and French airworthiness supersonic trensprt aircraft, authorities have suggested new minimum speeds to take the place of the stalling speed of the conventional These are the "zero rate aircraft of climb in the take off speeds", defined performance requirements. as the lowest speeds at is which with either full power or with one engine inoperative level flight can just be maintained. Fig.1 shows how these conditions are defined by the thrust and drag-characteristics of an aircraft. For the legislator these speeds are clearly attractive as they share at least two of the outstanding features of the stalling speed: (i) they are sharply precision in flight (ii) they define and they therefore defined and can be established with adequate speeds below which level flight cannot be maintained set a limit to the practical speed range* It should be noted, however, that whereas the 5tall is uniquely determined by a purely aerodynamic phenomenon and is usually preceded by symptoms indicating to the pilot the imminence of flow breakdown, no such warning will signal the approach to zero rate of climb speed, which is entirely governed by performance and thus a direct function of weight, drag, configuration, and parameters influencing engine power such as air temperature and altitude. As the term zero rate of climb speed implies, it considers the ability of an aircraft to maintain level flight. It may be more appropriate for take off for instance, to consider instead the speed at which a given minimum Such a speed climb gradient can be maintained, rather than level flight. would of course be higher than zero rate of climb speed, as the available /T - sin \ . propulsive force is now reduced ,to \,f Honever these are matters ';; for the certification authorities to consider and will not be further discu3sed here. We shall only investigate the nature of the hazard - in relation to the flight condition to be maintained - when an aircraft drops below this minimum speed and the nature of the protection afforded by speed 1 margins. Quite clearly it is of interest to know whether zero rate of climb speed has a practical significance to flight sef'ety similar to that of the Equally it is necessary to consider stalling speed of conventional aircraft. if the speed margins required to protect an aircraft against the consequences of a stall would be also appropriate The drag characteristics typical high speed aircraft with respect of the low aspect of the foreseeable to zero rate ratio future, of climb speed. wing and thus of the are such as to bring the speed below which drag is greater than the available engine thrust In certain cases this near to the speed range considered for take off. 1 5 condition might even be relevant in the landing realistic safety margins against the occurrence speed is therefore an important task. The establishment of phase, of catastrophic fall off in The airworthiness authorities argue that since the existing speed margins have beeneffective in preventing stalls in civil operations, similar m,argins will safeguard drcraf't equally well against the exceedence of zero On the other hand such a requirement n‘ay appear unduly rate of climb speed. The severe as a safeguard a,gainst an essentially less sovcre phenomenon. contribution towards a possible resolution present paper is written as a first of this problem although, and this must be clearly stated, it considers only some aspects which may well of the problems, In particular of climb speed (V,) V. is compared with The first study question which arises In the case of the stall of climb with we require the stall shall be essentially not more than a specified loss As zero rate basis. Z3RO R.X!E OP CLIEB SPlG3D en aircraft of climb speed rather than by the stall is the nature to the pilot in the region below this speed. entering require on a broader below zero rate the height loss in recovering from flight below is calculated and also the probability OP falling the probability of stalling a conventional aeroplane. RECCNERYFROM FLIGHT ~3'J 2 require limited hy zero rate of the hazard presented tJlat the motion symmetric of height. and that speed i s not necessarily of the aircraft recovery associated with shall a change of flow behaviour on the aircraft, control difficulties need not be expected, although they may of course appear in about the same sptied rogine for separate The only flying hazard directly associated with the phenomenon reasons. This is perhaps best expressed as under discussion is loss of performmanoo. the height loss incurred in recovery to a condition from xh-ich love1 flight can be maintained. This recovery manoeuvre can of course bc demonstrated in flight, where one would expect the height loss to incrcasc progrcssivcly with the anlount the speed has been allowed to drop initially bclom zero rate of climb speed. The certification of climb speeds, but one engine. iS authorities are interested mainly in tno specific zero rate that with full engine poyrer and one with full power on all These arc of special One may have to consider, Operated with partial power, interest for take off. however, also a condition where the aircraft e.C. in the approach. If in such a condition 6 due to gross mishandling, speed is allowed to drop to a certain value still above the zero rate of climb speed appropriate to full power, imbalance of drag aver thrust canreduce speed at so fast a rate that as a consequence drag This increeaoa faster than it is possible for the engines to increase t‘nrust. pflenomenon would then mean that in this situation a speed exists slightly above zero rate of climb speed proper, from which recovery without loss of height is impossible. Returning now to the basic case with engines operating at full power, it is clear that once speed has dropped below zero rate of climb speed Soma broad indications of the recovery recovery must involve loss of height. penalties can be obtained from simple energy considerations. If V. is zero rate of climb speed and AV is an increment in speed with The minimum height AH, required for the respect to V. we get V = V. + AV. aircraft to recover from a negative diversion in speed AV to V. can be calculated by considering the exchange of potential and kinetic energy as AH, q & (2 v. AV + 21') (1) . For For negative values of AV, AH, will be negative, i.e. a loss in hoight. has been plotted a representative range of v'alues for Vo and AV this function in Pig.2. however, presents an optimistic picture, as it does This energy equation, In fact during not allow for loss of energy during the recovery manoeuvre. this manoeuvre the aircraft flies below zero rate of climb speed where arag is in excess of thrust. Consequently the work done against this excess drag during the duration tR of the recovery manoeuvre, It R (D-T)V requires the e-xpenditure of additioilal AH2 mg at potential energy = - I tR Orngv Vdt . 69 :0 Thus the total height loss for adding equations (1) end (2). recovery from (V. + AVo) to ‘I, is obtained by . 7 t AH = AH, + AH2 = & (2Vo AV + AV') - / R 7 V a t. (3) '0 The terms under the integral are of course functions of time i.e. function A proper solution would therefore the nature of the recovery manoeuvre. As hero only a vory crude require the specification of pilots control. estimate of the orders of magnitude is required, it is proIjosod !The drag the integral by making suitably simple assumptions. characteristics are assumed linear within the range of interest Of to evaluate versus speed as It is firther assumed that V(t) can be replaced by where K is a constant. during the mean speed V = (V, + 5) = const and that AV varies symmetrically the recovery so that it can be represented again by a mean AVm = $f if AV is the initial speed error. J?indly mean vertical the duration of the recovery manoeuvre can be related velocity grn and the total recovery height AH as to the tn = F . (4) Hm Thus we obtain zv, AV + AV2 AH = & (5) This expression has been computed to cover a representative range of conditions with the results shown in Fig.3. nvo values of K = a (+-3/+ ai-e considered, K = 0*25 as more representative of a high aspeot ratio wing and. It is seen that the height K = 0.5 as more appropriato for a slender wing. loss resulting from this more realistic analysis is generally much greater than that predicted in Fig.2. It is also seen that the height loss can be minimised by using the fastest possible rooovory technique, i.e. by using a It should bo noted that large mean descent rate irn during the manoeuvre. these sums do not consider the practicability of the implied manoeuvre, c.g* no account is taken of the pitch response characteristics of the aircraft. However, this can be roughly assessed by reference to the given values of the 8 manoeuvre duration requiring completion the curves in t Fig.3 arc The results In practice to less must speed in all in this and overshoots. itself event. is THE POTENTIM, An aircraft that this ignoring the fact values of flight other words to a combination W in and if portions of be noted zero rate of height loss. etc. arc bound that to be effective climb to lead and this requires must clear that a deviation be treated shows the below Cth an engine is of lift off, TJill climb caution a serious restricting failed rate as much only after more zero almost speed height as hazsrd during landings condition on a situation is and this OF STN,LIMG stall if st,alling that substantial a certain incidence in dynamic the incidence, critical is independent manoeuvres mfargin incidence in the of stall norm,?l is speed esceeded. and also may be delayed acceleration to available in is In (Fig.4) is from An, An, also above it V. witn RISK will Assuming level account as Fig.1 Also, aircraft higher into condition multi-engined 3 minimum However I zero rate of climb immediately to the ground, i.e. close a rare a theoretical turbulcncc should a value an aircraft this sp2a. flight to corresponding those of height. recovering and that stalling speed the technique, It ca;?s, lines. represent recoveries. impracticable 4 seconds, as dashed piloting expenditure Taking some obviously than Fig.3 of return an additional less in variations recovery To exclude shovm given favourable be lost R' within an aircraft v&l1 of pilot is the reached the level of stall induced or exceeded. to speed manoeuvre one assumes that and gust these two I. at a given and verticsl one of speed gusts the V, if due associated Can specify speed errors reaching or occuring operationally VT and 1:robability statistical - when flying If distribution a target Lq2 vsi manoeuvre statistical relation (ii) = of induced distributions normal execoding a given acceleration, are independent, (i.e. that 9 the pilot will not simply cancel the gust idm?d loads by scting as a gust alleviator) the total probability of stalling anywhere over the full speed range say during the approach or some other specific flight phase, can be calculated. Evidently neither are these assumptions absolutely true nor can we specify the statistical distribution of the two relevant quantities V and hn with any degree of confidence at least exposure. However, even using rather that 4 such analysis ,$ may be able to reveal at the extremes constituting accident arbitrary assumptions, it is thought some typical qualitative trends. POTENTIAL RISK OF CATASTROPHIC LOSS OF PE?~GRkWCE When an aircraft flies below minimum drag speed, the available margin of thrust over drag will decrease progressively with decreasing speed until a point is reached at which level flight can just be sustained with the available engine power (Fig.1). Below this speed (Vo) the excess drag will lead to a speed divergence from which recovery is only possible by increasing It has been shown earlier in the rate of descent, i.e. by losing height. Section 2 that at least during approach and landing, flight in tnis regime is However, a short term drop below this critical speed, the not permissible. zero rate of climb speed, due to a brief exposure to a tail gust, will not neither mill speed divergence be of necessarily lead to speed divergence, necessity fatal at the final stages of an approach provided that the aircraft has enough elevator po;ver and tail clearance for a safe touch d~~,n at the required large incidence. Although these conditions may well be claimed to provide further relief the results of tho analysis in Section 2 suggest that any drop of speed below zero rate of climb speed close to the ground is almost as impermissible as is reaching the stall. The probability of experiencing an impermissible speed divergence can -thUS conservatively be stated to be equivalent to the probability of flying at a speed V c v. when in close proximity to the ground. . 5 CALCULATIOXS ANI RESbL!i'S As was said before the prodiction bjr statistical analysis of the potential exposure to such flying hazards as the stall or speed divcrgcnco, leans heavily on a series of assumptions. For instance the awareness of the existence of these hazards will obviously rostrain the pilot, although it will not affect the gust-induced variations. Tnerc will also be a strong correlation between the occurrence of gust induced speed variations and non;lal IO acceleration peaks, but here the corresponding probability speed and normal acceleration are treated as independent; detail The principal the following distributions of variables, are assumed to have a normal distribution, assumptions are made: In (i) Speed variability is described by a normal distribution round a chosen mean speed V . This mean speed represents a speed target m selected by the pilot and available statistical data suggests that in practice it lies above the corresponding target speed (VT) recommended in the flight manuals. : Two values are considered Vm/VS = I-35 corresponding to a 3@ speed margin and Vm/vS = I.25 corresponding to a 2q: margin. In both casesthe pilot is assumed to allom himself a 5$margin above the recommended target speed. The statistical variability of speed is described by the standard deviation; two values are considered, = 0.07 Ifs and GV =: 0005 '\TS, to represent conditions typical for OV flight in severe and moderate turbulence respectively. (ii) Normal acceleration is assumed to contain two independent contri- butions, one resulting from piloted manoeuvres, the other being gust Considering lift off or approach as relevant flight phases induced. it is necessary to account for the required pull up in the flare and for this reason the mean normal acceleration is taken as 1*05g or 1*03g respectively, the incremental variations being normally distributed about this mean. Pilot induced manoeuvring is assumed to produce normal accelerations constant proportional to V2, i.e. the Pilot is assumed to use approximately Gust induced normal accelerations control movement irrespective'of speed.* are varied in proportion to V, as corresponds to real conditions. In order to cover a plausible environments" are considered. range three distinct "acceleration * It is not suggested that +&is relationship is a correct representation of Other laws may real flying practice or even a particularly plausible one. be more appropriate but for the present purpose such subtleties are irrelevant. St~~dzrd Flight environment Pilot i$iuccd P Smooth /q2 0.03 ‘r is/ Moderate 0*04 0v Ps/ "g" deviation of Gust in$xed G O*O2 (11 g i’s/ "g" g Moan "g" nm 1*ogg 2 ~*Wg g Severe The sum of the two contributions normal distribution quantity is plotted The probability with a standard against V/vs for of experiencing to the normal act 1 r tion is again 2 This deviation of cn = r +. G the three cases conzidcrcd in Fig.5. a stall. is now deterk.ned a by the combination of the probabilities of finding oneself at a givon sped and at the same time of experiencing a normal acceleration equal to or greater than Mathematically .lhi3 mean3 multithat defining the stall at that speed. plying the probability of flying at a given spsed (as dcfincd by the assumed variability cv) by the probability of at each speed sxcocding the corresThis product i3 a distriponding stalling incidence (plotLed in Fig.6). Exn~ples of bution n\nction of the probability of stalling against aped. such distribution functions for the case of a moderate Plight environment It can be seen that that maximum stalling risk is are shown in Fig.-/. Integrating these associated tith speeds well above the stalling sped. functions from 0 < V c CJ gives then the total probabiliLy of stalling for an The30 integrals were computed aircraft flying in the particular environment. for all combinations of the above liisted assumptions and are presented in Table 1 and plotted in Fig.8. In the case of an sircraft being limited by zero rate of climb speed the O&J danger to be considered is that of speed rathor than by a stall, The probability of this happening is then simply the falling below V,. speed distribution function. integral between 0 < V < V. of the appropriate This integral defines the probability of encountering a speed divergence Substituting which recovery is only possible at the expense of height. from V. 12 for VS used as a data3 speed in the stall analysis, these integrals have been evaluated for the same conditiong as treated above. The results are also given in TaUe 1 and Fig.8. To make The comparison between the stalling case and the performance limited aircraft absolutely fair, the zero rate of climb speed should be computed not for for the stall the lg colidition but for the mean "g" > 100 assumed analysis. The probabilities derived %y this procedure rind shonn in Pig.8 appear rather high in the more adverse con&i tions, in fact in some cases they appear to be in obvious contradiction to, the known very low incidence of stalling observed in real life. Before any interpretation is attempted of these results, the following reservations must be noted: W The calculations do not claim to predict absolute figures, they are clearly based on a series of arbitrary assumptions, which are not Nevertheless they should be derived from operational statistics. adequate to allow relative comparison between the various cases. (ii) The quoted probabilities refer to particukz onvironmentd To obtain from these an overall probability of conditions (weather), one would have to multipa experiencing the specific incident considered, the results again with the probability ta exist. This will obviously give those shown in Fig.8. for total. thcsc environment c&ditions probabilities much lower than (iii) The cases cvdustcd for a mean speea V, = 1.25 VS ap:>ropriate to an assumed recommended target speed of 205; above stalling speed, are not realistic when applied to the stalling case itself, since such low These are only margins are not permitted by airworthiness regulation. shown as a basis for comparison with the zero rate of climb speed case. 6 DISCUSSION The results of these namely that the probabilitjr calcuistions show of course the expected - other things being equal - of stalling craft due to a combination of low speed and the application acceleration is much greater thari the probability of flying Also it is seen that a reduction of the speed margin of the the vulncrabili.kJ to operational speed by 1% Vs increases factor of bektiecn IO2 to 104. ' If of just one compares the potential falling below Vs = V,, it danger of stdling is seen that - except of normal at V < Vs alone. sclrctca target either an aircraft for trends, an air- hazard by a with the extreme that case 13 (o?V = 0*05 V ) and in a smooth environment S instance a 25:; margin olffcrs better protection against speed diver,-ence Vo than does the 35’: margin against stalling. with small It speed variability would appear that, if present margins provide adoquatc stall - for below protect- ion, zero rate of climb speed could be equally protected by a margin I& It can be argued that when V. is only critical after smaller than these. engine failure which itself is a rare event, the overall probability of dropping belo& V. is substantially reduced and an even smaller V. - margin might be acceptable. Gl3'NERALCOKSID-XlL~TIOXS . 7 The above process of attempting to arrive at a safety margin against novel flight hazard by statistical analysis is based essentially on the customary approach of applying past experience to a new design. In this approach the operative word is always: "other things being equal". condition t!lat other things are equal is of course not automatically and further regulations are needed to ensure handling characteristics make the avoidance of a given hazardous condition equally easy, an a The satisfied which With the conventionel. aircraft, for instance, safety from stalling rests not only on the choice of suitable low speed margins but moreover on the aircraft possessing clearly distinguishable stall warning, either natural or synthetic. If szo rate of climb speed or indeed any other phenomenon replaces the stall as the primary lam speed hazard it may be necessary to warn the pilot of the approach to this condition by an equivalent vmrning. Physically "&is may well take the form of the well proven stick-shake*. If take-off directors are used the warning may be incorporated into this instrumenta The sensing sign& however, is rather complex as zero rate of climb speed is a function of aircraft weight as well as those parameters affecting engine power such as air temperature and altitude. Yrequently zero rate of climb speed will only bc a practical hazard during take off and in this case a simple pracomputed setting may be adequate, Another the fact that aspect affecting in the approach the aircraft limited by zero rate to this hazard it will in addition of climb be f&ing below minimum drag speed. It is generally recognised that in this regime speed control is more difficult and there appears to be a possibility therefore, that speed errors become larger and more frequent and as a consequence the potential cxponure to zero rate of climb speed is sharply increased. essential However, to consider in practice, this is not nocessariljr so and it the two primary low speed regimes separately. is is (i) In take off full poxer is used at least until a height is reached at which zero rate of climb speed ceases to be a hazard. In this configuration the aircraft flies with excess poxer, usually converted into rate of climb and the speed instability associated with flight below minimum drag speed a0Os not arise, unless the pilot attempts to fly a constant climb gradient. (ii) In the approach where the constraint to the glide path can lead to temporary speed divergenccj zero rate of climb speed is usually well In any case it outside the practical range of even gross speed errors, is now generally accepted that aircraft approaching below minimum drag speed require automatic throttle control and this should in fact lead to improved speed holding when compared vtith conventional aircraft. In this case there is, hoxvor, still one aspect that nec&s consideration. If the authority of th.e automatic throttle control is too limited, from _ time to time speed may fall below the operating range of the system and from then on, if the pilot is unaware of this situation speea will be lost rather rapidly. Since automatic throttle control may develop a habit in pilots to pay less attention to speed, it is imperative to ensure that the autothrottle authority to cope with all is not only reliable but also has enough likely extremes. It may be advisable to warn the pilot of a condition thrust under its command for 8 when the autothrottle applies more than a brief moment. all the COMcLUSIONS The high induced drag of the modern low aspect ratio aircraft is capable of generating a condition at very low speed below which drag exceeds the If a0pm available engine thrust so that level flight cannot be maintained. to this speed no stall or other prohibitive control problem arises, this "zero flight rate of climb speed" may then constitute the extreme limit of safe and operational speeds must be chosen to provide adequate margins loss of pcrf'ormance below against the accidental exposure to irrecoverable this speed. Statistical considerations indicate however, that such margins could be significantly lower than those rk@red to protect more conventional aircraft against the stall. It may be desirable, nevertheless, to provide the aircraft limited by zero rate of climb speed xith a warning device similar to those developed for stall protection. Table Standard deviation of speed % 0*07 vs ~ Standard Manoeuvre deviation g UP o*04 (v/$) 2 0*03 (v/Q2 of Gust g uG r Probability idean manoeuvre n m 0*05 v& 1905 O-04 v/v, I.05 O-02 I.03 v& I with Vm = I.35 VS 7 Probability ivith V, = I-25 I of being at of stalling of being at of stalling v d vs = v. v < vs = v. I g O-2 x IO t -6 _ 0.05 I vs o*g (v/fq2 0.04 (v/+q2 @03 (v&T2 0.05 vfis I*05 o*Q4 v& 1.05 0=02 I.03 v/vs i i 10*000003 1 i x 10 -6 440 x IO -6 110 x IO'" 3looo 15 x 10 -6 x loo6 -6 1~0x10 12 x 10 -6 6700 x 13 x IO -6 3600 x IO -6 0*16 0~0000& x 10 -6 x 10 -6 0.2 x IO -6 630 x IO IO 39 x IO -6 -6 -6 VS 16 s-YNBOLS D K = H AH m n m 'k v v. Vm vs AV Avo cG o-n "h % height recovery height aircraft mass normal acceleration mean normal acceleration thrust duration of manoeuvre speed zero rate of climb speed mean speed stslling speed incremental speed initial speed excursion from either Vs or V. rms gust induced normal acceleration ms normal accelera'tion 33x3 pilot induced normal acceleration rms speed variability . t FIG.1 DRAG DEFINITION FULL THRUSr ALL ONE ENGINE FAILED AND THRUST OF ZERO VERSUS ENGINES / SPEED RATE OF CLIMB AND THE SPEED I RECOVERY FIG. 2 POTENTIAL HEIGHT LOSS FOR RECOVERY FROM FLIGHT AV KNOTS BELOW ZERO RATE OF CLIMB SPEED V, ASSUMING NO ENERGY LOSSES K * 025 K =o-so 400 MEAN Vf RTICAL VELOCITY ft AH AH t,’ 200 I (j m :sb&oc 400p 400 Ft AH ‘AH 40sec. LR 200 20 sec. 400ft I?,: AH ZOf VS&C AH 200fL -20 -10 AV KNOTS 0 -20 I -IO AV 0 KNOTS FIG .3. HEIGHT AH AND TIME tR LOST IN RECOVERY FROM SPEED AV KNOTS BELOW ZERO RATE OF CLIMB SPEED V. FOR A RANGE OF AIRCRAFT AND RECOVERY MANOEUVRES- tR I.0 I@3 Is2 FIG.4 NORMAL ACCELERATION ABOVE STALLING 01 I-0 v/vs MARGIN SPEED I I.3 I.1 Iv2 AVAILABLE Vs I I*4 vvs FIG. 5 ASSUMED STANDARD DEVIATION OF NORM AL ACCELERATION AS A FUNCTION OF SPEED l-4 180 101 I-2 v/v, l-3 PROBAB FIG.6 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDING STALLING INCIDENCE WHEN FLYING AT A GIVEN SPEED V AS A FUNCTION OF V/V, AND OF THE SEVERITY OF FLIGHT ENVIRONMENT I*3 0.3 f”lOCE:RATE FLIGHT OIVIRONMENT FIG. 7 TYPICAL EXAMPLES FOR PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS OF g - STALLING OVER THE SPEED RANGE SPEED VARIABILITY Ov=Oe07 Vs NORMALLY DISTRIBUTED ABOUT Vm FLlf+fT CALM ENWRONMENT ROUGH MOOERATE I . 1 I ,,I,; ‘PROBABILf TY /OF STALLING PRUBAB/LITY -4 IO lO-6 --I FIG.8 ---m-- (al FLIGHT CALM OF FALLING -J6ELOW VsV Pm = ‘-35 “0 C” = 0.07 0 vs (if()) E:NVlROWMEtdT MOOERATf ROUGH I lO-2 PROBABILITY lO-4 F STALLING PROBABILITY 1O-6 PR06ABlLlTY IO OF FALLING BELOW vs v. - (0 I O"z FIG. 8 09 r, = o*o5 vs (vo) FIG.8 COMPARISON OF PROBABILITY OF STALLING AGAINST PROBABILITY OF DROPPING BELOW V. FOR A RANGE Of ASSUMED FLIGHT ENVIRONMENTS Printed in figland the Royal Aircraft for Her Najesty’s Stationery BstabIishment, Farnborough. Office by Dd.125875.KY. I A.R.C. C.P.931 thy 1966 Pinsker, W. J. G. ~3.4013.66: 533.4015.32: 533.6433: 533.4013.61: 656.7.08 533.4013.66: 533.&o\ 5.32: Y3.693.3: 533.6.ol3.61: 656.7.08 C.P.%l my 1966 AJLC. Plnsker, W. J. 0. “ZERO RAlC DF CLI?lE!SPEED AS A Low SPEL;DLIHITAtI@4 FOR THE STALLAIRCRAFT w=O ItAlE OF (ZIMB w AS A LM SPEED LMITATICN FURTHESTAU-FREEAImAFT m amapt An attempt is 1~48 t0 assess the signirito night safety or a condition at low speedstire drag exceeds the available engine thrust. For the low aspect ratio elicraft and especially with slenbr wing designs having practically no stall, ths azero rate or climb speedr derined by the condition imy constitute the lovwst limit of the practical speed i%nge. Methodsare suggested to assess the necessary nmrgins to plPtoct aitcrart of this general class against the accidental, posslbly oatastrophic, loss or prronsence below this speed. is 1~48 t0 assess the signiri0m0e to riight sarety or a at low speeds where drag exceeds the available engine thrust. For the low aspect ratio aircrart and especially with slender wing designs having practically no stall, the “zero rate or climb speed defined by the condition amy constitute the lorrcst limit or the practical speedrange. Methodsare suggestedto assessthe necessary margins to protect aircraft of this general class against the accidental, possibly catastrophic, loss 0r perrormancebelow this speed condition A&C. C.P.931 MSY 1966 T~ 533.6.~ 5.32: 533.693.3: 533.6.013.6r : 656.7.08 Pinsker. W. J. G. “ZERORATEOFCLIHB SPED” AS A Low SPEEDLIMITATION FCRTHESTALL-FREE AIiVXAFT An attempt is madeto assess the signiticance to flight safety of a condition at low speedswhere drag exceeds the available engine thrust. For the low aspect ratio aircraft and especially with slender wing designs having practically no stall, the ItzerO rate of climb speed@defined by the condition may constitute the lowest limit of the Practical speed range. Methodsare aggested to assessthe necessary margins to protect airc!%rt or thls general class against the accidental, possibly catastrophic, loss 0r perroncance below this speed. - _. .- - - -- I C.P. No. 93 I C.P. No. 93 I S.O. CODE No. 23-9017-31