Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’10), Cairo University, Egypt, December 19-21, 2010, Paper ID 293. Transmission Loss Minimization and UPFC Installation Cost using Evolutionary Computation for Improvement of Voltage Stability Nor Rul Hasma Abdullah Ismail Musirin and Muhammad Murtadha Othman Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Universiti Malaysia Pahang Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia & supply using the existing transmission lines. There are few other methods available in solving the problems. In couple of years, the electromechanical equipments were used. Those equipments were switched inductors or capacitors banks and phase-shifting transformer. However all this equipments are not reliable or not efficient enough due to the certain problems related to this equipments. They are not only relatively slow but they also cannot be switched frequently because they tend to wear out quickly [1]. In this context, one possible solution to improve the system operation was the use of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) technologies. It opens up new opportunities for controlling the power, decreasing the losses and enhancing the unstable capacity of existing transmission lines [1]. However not all can be provided by FACTS devices and it is important to select the type of devices in order to achieve the purpose. FACTS devices are solid state converters that have the ability to control various electrical parameters in transmission networks. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is one of the suitable approaches to be chosen according to the purpose. UPFC can effectively control both the active and reactive flows on the lines and voltage magnitudes at the buses. In addition, UPFC can independently provide either positive or negative reactive power injections. The application of UPFC as the main instrument to improve voltage profile has also been addressed in various researches [7, 9, 11]. Some optimization techniques have been applied for the optimal placement of multi-type FACTS devices such as Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Tabu Search (TS) and Simulated Annealing (SA) [4-5]. An evolutionary programming approach to determine the optimal allocation of multi-type FACTS devices [6-7], a Genetic Algorithm technique which proposed for solving the optimal location of FACTS [8, 9] and a particle swarm technique for optimal location of FACTS devices[10-11]. Preedavichit and Srivastava [12] proposed a loss sensitivity approach for placement of series capacitors, phase shifters and static VAR compensators. In this study, EP technique was used as one of the optimization technique. By using EP technique to optimize the size of UPFCs, the loss can be minimized and voltage profile can be improved. Therefore the recovered supply can be used to support the increasing electrical energy demand in Abstract - A critical factor effecting power transmission systems today is power flow control. The increment of load variation in a power transmission system can lead to potential failure on the entire system as the system has to work under a stressed condition. Thus, the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) are integrated in power system to control the power flow in specific lines and improve the security of transmission line. This paper presents Evolutionary Programming (EP) techniques for solving reactive power problem incorporating Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). The objective of the study is to employ EP optimization technique for loss minimization along with installation cost calculation and voltage profile monitoring. The optimizations are made based on two parameters: the location of the devices and it sizes. The UPFC devices are installed in the system in order to enhance the system security; performed on the IEEE 30-bus RTS for several loading conditions. The simulations results are compared with those obtained from the Artificial Immune System (AIS) technique in the attempt to highlight its merit. Index Terms - UPFC; Loss Minimization; Evolutionary Programming; Artificial Immune System; Installation Cost. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the power transmission systems have been changed a lot. The voltage deviation due to load variation and power transfer limitation were observed due to reactive power unbalances has drawn attention to better utilize the existing transmission line. It also causes a higher impact on power system security and reliability in the world. Hence, the electrical energy demand increases continuously from time to time. This increase should be monitored or observed because few problems could appear with the power flows through the existing electric transmission networks. If this situation fails to be controlled, some lines located on the particular paths might become overloaded [1]. Due to the overloaded conditions the transmission lines will have to be driven close to or even beyond their transfer capacities. Building a new transmission line will not be an efficient way to solve the problems since it is quite complicated and due to the environmental and political reasons [2]. Therefore the only way to overcome this major problem is by developing a new way of transmitting more efficient and economical 825 the system. EP is optimization technique implemented in solving power optimization problems. This method has been thoroughly discussed since its introduction by Fogel in 1960 [13]. It has also been successfully applied to various areas of power systems to solve the optimization problem related to unit commitment [14], optimal reactive power dispatch [14] and reactive power planning [15-16]. Another technique which can address optimization technique is Artificial Immune System (AIS). This paper presents the application of EC to minimize losses and improve voltage profile in power system along with calculation of installation cost. The technique determines the location of UPFC installation based on voltage stability index as the fitness and their optimal sizing. The EP and AIS methods performed on the IEEE 30-bus reliability test system have indicated that the proposed methods are worth in loss minimization scheme. II. Z ij = Z L + jX TCSC , X TCSC = rTCSC . X L (1) where ZL is the impedance of the transmission line, XTCSC is the reactance of the line where TCSC is located and rTCSC is the coefficient which represents the compensation degree of TCSC. Fig. 2 Block diagram of the considered TCSC devices. The SVC can be operated as both inductive and capacitive compensation which can control bus voltage by absorbing or injecting reactive power [10]. The SVC is modelled as a shunt variable susceptance added at both ends of the line. Hence, it is modelled as ideal reactive power injections to perform the steady-state condition at bus i, as shown in Fig. 3 [17]. PROBLEM FORMULATION Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices have several types namely, Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Static VAR Compensator (SVC), static compensator (STATCOM), Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle Regulator (TCPAR) and Thyristor Controlled Static Compensator (TCSC). The optimization of SVCs for solving reactive power control problem involve several equation and constraint; equality constraint and inequality constraint. The equality constraints are the nodal power balance equations, while the inequality constraints are the limits of all control or state variables. The objective function is optimization of real power losses in the power system. Fig. 3 Block diagram of the considered SVC devices. The injected power at bus i is ΔQis = Qsvc . (2) where QSVC is the reactive power injected by the SVC placed bus in MVAR. Hence, the UPFC device constraint limit is given by [18], A. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) design UPFC mode is illustrated in Fig. 1. It consists of two voltage-source converters, which is connected back to back through a DC capacitor. − 0.8 X L ≤ X TCSC ≤ 0.2 X L (3) − 200MVAR ≤ QSVC ≤ 200 MVAR (4) B. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) placement The placement of the UPFCs in the network must be determined and then, the setting of the control parameters of UPFC is optimized by controlling the device parameters. Locations of FACTS devices in the power system are obtained based on the performance using the voltage stability index measured each line for the same operating conditions. UPFCs are installed in the weakest buses and heavily loaded areas to reduce stressed condition in the system. The Static Voltage Stability Index (SVSI) technique was applied as the tool to indicate the UPFCs location into the network. When the load flow program was run, stability indices are calculated for UPFC placed in every line one at a time for the same operating conditions and the system identified five line buses with the highest SVSI for the purpose of installing the UPFC. The EP optimization technique is then used to determine the Fig. 1 UPFC model. In this study, the UPFC is modelled by the simultaneous presence of several FACTS devices in the same power transmission line [18]. A TCSC in the line and SVC at a bus in an adjacent branch incorporated as an UPFC in this paper. The mathematical models of TCSC, is shown in Fig. 2. TCSC can be operated as the inductive or capacitive compensation by decreasing or increasing the reactance of the transmission line branch. Its value is function of the reactance of the line XL where the TCSC is located [17]. 826 suitable value of the UPFC. The concept of the SVSI is demonstrated through a simple two-bus system model. The mathematical formulation for SVSI [1] is given as in equation (5); SVSI ji = 2 (X 2 ji +R 2 ji )(P 2 ji +Q 2 ji ) 1) Initialization: An initial population of xi parent individual is selected randomly within their feasible range as denote below: xim = [ xTCSC( y ) i , xTCSC( y ) i , xTCSC( y ) i , xTCSC ( y ) i , 1 (5) 5 2 where, i is the sending bus, j is the receiving bus, Rji is the line resistance Xji is the line reactance, Pji is the real power at the receiving end, Qji is the reactive power at the receiving end and Vi the sending end voltage. SVSI has a value between 0 and 1, in which 0 represents the no-load condition and 1 represents unstable condition. Therefore, to obtain stability in the system, SVSI has to be maintained far below 1. C. Cost of Installation The cost of installation of UPFC devices has been mathematically formulated and is given by [2] (6) where IC is the installation cost of UPFC devices in US$ and CUPFC is the cost of UPFC devices in US$/KVAR. Installation cost includes the sum of installation cost of all the devices and it can be calculated using the cost function given by [2]: CUPFC = 0.0003 S 2 − 0.2691S + 188 .22 (US $ / KVAR ) (7) S = Q2 − Q1 (8) 4 1 2 3 4 (9) 5 where i= 1,2,3,4,…m. The variable, m indicated the population size from a set of random distributions ranging from min max min max to xTCSC and Qsvc to Qsvc . It represents the xTCSC compensation degree of UPFC. The variables y1 until y5 indicated the five bus at the sensitive line. The initial parent should verify the constraints which is the fitness function of the system. 2) Mutation: During mutation, the Gaussian mutation operator is performed to generate new population (offspring) to the selected individual (parents), xi,j randomly by using a standard deviation, σ which is the square root of the variance. The standard deviation decides the features of offspring produced related to its parent. Each element of the offspring individual is calculated according to the following equation: ( ) xi +m, j = xi , j + N 0, σ i2, j , ⎛ fi ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎝ f max ⎠ σ i , j = β (x j max − x j min )⎜⎜ (10) where xi+m = mutated parent (offsprings) xi,j = parent N (μ , σ 2 ) = Gaussian random variable with mean μ and variance σ2 β = mutation scale. 0< β <1 xj max=maximum random number for every variable xj min =minimum random number for every variable fi= fitness for the ith random number fmax= maximum fitness The mutation scale, β can be manually adjusted to achieve better convergence. The lower value of β, convergence of EP is expected to occur more quickly and vice versa. 3) Tournament Selection: EP employs a selection through the tournament scheme as to choose the survivals to the next generation. This selection is used to identify the candidates that can be transcribed into the next generation from the combined population of the parents and offspring. In this tournament, an individual is randomly selected from the set of parents and offsprings population. The populations of individuals with better fitness function were sorted in ascending order. The first half or the population would be retained as a new individuals or parent to the next generation and the others will be removed from the pools. The process is continued until a convergence is reached. 4) Convergence Criterion: The convergence criterion is based on the difference between the maximum and minimum where, S is operating range of UPFC in MVAR, Q1 is reactive power flow through the branch before UPFC installation and Q2 is reactive power flow through the branch after UPFC installation. III. 3 xTCSC( y ) i , Qsvc( y ) i , Qsvc( y ) i , Qsvc( y ) i , Qsvc ( y ) i , Qsvc( y ) i ] Vi − 2 X jiQ ji − 2 R ji Pji IC = CUPFC × S × 1000 . 2 EVOLUTIONARY PROGRAMMING In this study EP is used as the main optimization technique to solve the reactive power dispatch problem; which involves initialization, fitness computation, mutation, combination, tournament selection and transcription of next generation. The process for the optimal solution is started by determining a population of candidate solution over a number of generations randomly. The strength of each of candidate solution is determined by its fitness function which is evaluated based on the constraint in the objective function of the minimization respectively. The individuals that survived according to fitness function referred to as the objective function. If the individuals pursue the fitness setting range during the initialization, the fittest individuals will survive to the next generation, while others will be combined through a process of mutation to create new populations. Finally, the new population is evaluated and the process is repeated. The procedure of the proposed method is summarized as follows: 827 fitness of the objective function. The optimal solution is achieved when there is no significant changed between the new generation and the last generation. If fitnessmax and fitnessmin represent the maximum and minimum values of the objective functions inside a given parent generation, the convergence criterion process will be achieved if: fitnessmax – fitnessmin ≤ 0.0001 START size of UPFCs to be installed and transferred into the load flow programme for evaluating the total losses. Tests are performed at several loading conditions. Several inequality constraints are set in this study so as to achieve the optimal solution. V. RESULT AND DISCUSSION (11) The proposed method has been tested on a IEEE 30-bus RTS system, which consist of 5 voltage control buses, 24 load buses, 1 slack bus, 41 interconnected lines and 4 transformer tap changers. The base power is 100MVA. There were two constraints assigned before the UPFCs sizing is optimized. The constraints were total loss to be less than the loss_set and voltage at the loaded bus higher than V_set. The loss_set and V_set are the total loss and voltage at the loaded bus before the optimization process was conducted. Result for losses minimization and voltage profile improvement at bus 26 is tabulated in Table I. From the table, bus 26 was subjected to variation of loading conditions. Loading factor, λ is increased gradually in order to observe the effect of total losses with the installation of UPFCs to the system. Find the 5 sensitive line and assign x to UPFC parameter Set the loading factor Calculate fitness by running load flow programme to evaluate total loss Run load flow Calculate index Determine the maximum, minimum, average and summation of fitness Sort index in descending order Mutate the parents (Generate offsprings) Display 5 highest index (Sensitive Line) 29 Find Qline before UPFCs installation Set the UPFCs constraints Total Losses at bus 26 (MW) Recalculate fitness by running load flow programme to evaluate total loss Combine parent and offsprings Generate random no,x as a control variable of UPFC (x1,x2,...xn) n= no. of UPFCs installation Perform selection by ranking process 27 25 23 21 19 17 2 Fig 5. Transmission loss profiles using EP and AIS with bus 26 loaded Solution converge? Fill in population pool 1.5 Yes Find Qline after UPFCs installation Voltage at bus 26 (p.u) Yes 3.2 Total Losses after optimised with AIS No No 3 Total Losses after optimised with EP Yes Polulation pool is full? λ at bus 26 (p.u) Total Losses before installation of UPFC Transcribe new generations Constraint violation? 2.5 Calculate cost of installations Determine xi min and x i max END 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 a 0.6 0.5 2 Fig. 4 Flowchart of EP for UPFC Implementation 2.5 3 λ at bus 26 (p.u) Voltage before installation of UPFC IV. METHODOLOGY Voltage after optimised with EP Voltage after optimised with AIS The Evolutionary Programming (EP) optimization technique was implemented in the following procedures as shown in Fig. 4. Ten initial variables i.e. x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8 , x9 and x10 are generated randomly. These values will be the Fig 6. 828 Voltage profiles for bus 26 loaded 3.2 TABLE I EFFECT OF UPFC INSTALLATION FOR LOSS MINIMIZATION AND COST INSTALLATION AT BUS 26 λ factor (p.u.) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.2 Analysis SVSI (p.u.) Total Loss % ∆Loss Pre-UPFC 0.3197 (MW) 20.3 Post-UPFC 0.395 18.3 Pre-UPFC 0.3636 22.3 Post-UPFC 0.2974 18.7 Pre-UPFC Post-UPFC Pre-UPFC Post-UPFC 0.538 0.3965 0.6431 0.431 26.2 19.1 28.9 19.5 Vm (p.u.) Cost (US$) 0.845 9.6 10,764.80 1.115 0.783 16.1 11,762.92 1.013 0.688 1.153 0.636 1.080 27.2 32.7 21,223.23 28,559.57 TABLE II LOCATION AND SIZE OF UPFC WHEN BUS 26 WAS REACTIVELY LOADED λ factor (p.u.) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.2 Vm (p.u.) Analysis X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 2 0.19 Per Unit 15 0.26 34 0.38 6 0.18 5 0 2 0 MVAr 15 0 34 0 6 0 Line No Pre-UPFC 0.845 5 0.20 Post-UPFC 1.115 0.17 -0.23 -0.53 -0.67 -0.65 -92.49 -26.45 -41.64 -29.90 45.73 34 0.38 -0.22 34 0.38 -0.21 15 0.38 -0.22 5 0.20 0.19 5 0.20 -0.28 5 0.20 0.07 2 0.19 -0.07 2 0.19 -0.37 2 0.19 -0.04 15 0.26 -0.69 15 0.26 -0.54 12 0.26 0.04 6 0.18 -0.29 6 0.18 -0.43 6 0.40 -0.10 34 0 -22.22 34 0 -42.79 15 0 -44.43 5 0 -10.22 5 0 -21.25 5 0 173.81 2 0 17.95 2 0 -9.64 2 0 42.08 15 0 33.98 15 0 -44.87 12 0 -55.41 6 0 -140.71 6 0 -88.28 6 0 15.65 Line No Pre-UPFC Post-UPFC Line No Pre-UPFC Post-UPFC Line No Pre-UPFC Post-UPFC 0.783 1.013 0.688 1.153 0.636 1.080 .TABLE III COMPARISON RESULTS FOR UPFC BETWEEN EP AND AIS WHEN BUS 26 WAS REACTIVELY LOADED λ factor (p.u.) Post UPFC Pre UPFC EP AIS Voltage Loss Voltage Loss %∆Loss Cost Voltage Loss %∆Loss Cost 2.0 0.8445 20.3 1.1148 18.3 9.6 $10,764.80 1.1876 20.2 0.1 $11,913.93 2.5 0.7831 22.3 1.0133 18.7 16.1 $11,762.92 1.0261 22.2 0.3 $39,406.71 3.0 0.6878 26.2 1.1528 19.1 27.2 $21,223.23 1.3877 25.9 1.0 $19,413.65 3.2 0.6358 28.9 1.0797 19.5 32.7 $28,559.42 1.2584 28.4 1.7 $28,559.57 The loading factor, λ was increased up to 3.2 p.u.. The five location of UPFCs installation in the network are also identified by using SVSI technique and shown in the Table II. Different loading condition shows a different location for UPFCs placement in the system as it depends on which line are the weakest subjected to loading factor variation. The application for minimization of losses as the objective function using EP has significantly reduced the losses and increased the voltage profile value at the loaded bus; hence improving the voltage stability in a system. It is observed that the total losses value decreased accordingly and the voltage profiles for post-UPFC are higher with the increment in the loading factor. This implies that with the implementation of UPFC optimization, voltage has been improved, while total losses have been reduced indicating voltage stability improvement. For instance, at loading condition of 3.2 p.u. the losses have been reduced from 28.9 MW to 19.5 MW with the reduction of 32.7%. In order to achieve this reduction, the values of UPFCs are -0.22 p.u. and -44.43 MVAR, 0.07 p.u. and 173.81, -0.04 p.u. and 42.08 MVAR, 0.04 p.u. and -55.41 MVAR, -0.10 p.u. and 15.65 MVAR which should be installed at line number 15, 5, 2, 12 and 6 respectively. Comparative study was performed by implementing similar scheme using AIS. The comparisons are made in terms of total loss minimization, voltage profile and installation cost. Table III tabulates the results of comparative studies using EP and AIS. From Table III and Fig. 5, it is observed that when EP was used to optimize the size of UPFC, it gives better results as compared to AIS in terms of total losses. However, as shown in Fig. 6, it is observed that when AIS was used to optimize the size of UPFC, it outperformed EP in term of 829 voltage profile enhancement. At loading factor, λ = 3.2 p.u., AIS methods has improved the voltage profile from 0.6358.u. to 1.2584p.u. as compared to EP which can only manage to increase the voltage up to 1.0797 p.u.. As for the installation cost, at loading factor equal to 2.5 p.u., an installation cost of five UPFCs devices equal to $11,762.92 is obtained by EP technique, while for the same number of UPFCs devices the installation cost obtained by AIS technique is $39,406.71which is higher whereas the reduction of total losses is lower than EP. [11] [12] [13] [14] VI. CONCLUSION [15] This paper has presented the application of evolutionary computation technique for loss minimization and UPFC installation cost. In this study, EP and AIS methods are applied at bus 26 for the minimization of real power loss as the objective function. Simulation is carried out on the IEEE 30-bus RTS system. Both the EP and AIS techniques performed well in most cases. Simulation results demonstrated that the proposed EP technique is feasible for loss minimization scheme in other power system network. For future work, other FACTS devices such as TCSC, SVC and TCPAR can be incorporated together to achieve similar task. [16] [17] [18] Devices Considering System Loadability and Cost of Installation”, Power Engineering Conference, Vol. 21, 2005, pp.716 -721. H. I. Shaheen, G. I. Rashed, and S. J. Cheng, “Optimal Location and Parameters Setting of Unified Power Flow Controller Based on Evolutionary Optimization Techniques”, IEEE PES 2007 General Meeting, 2007, pp. 1-8. P. 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Abraham, “Application of PSO Technique for Optimal Location of FACTS Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Musirin obtained Diploma of Electrical Power Engineering in 1987, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Hons) in 1990; both from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MSc in Pulsed Power Technology in 1992 from University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia in 2004. He has published 2 books and more than 120 technical papers in the international and national, conferences and journals. His research interest includes power system stability, optimization techniques, distributed generation and artificial intelligence. To date he is currently the Chair, IEEE Malaysia-Power and Energy (PES) Chapter. Dr. Muhammad Murtadha Othman received B.Eng. (Hons) from Staffordshire University, England in 1998; M.Sc from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2000 and Ph.D from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2006. His area of research interests are artificial intelligence, transfer capability assessment and reliability studies in a deregulated power system. To date, he is currently the Chair, Centre for Electrical Power Engineering Studies (CEPES) (Formerly known as the Head of Department), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. He is also a member of IEEE. He has published more than 50 papers in the international and national, conferences and journals. 830