POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Chapter Eight Transmission Line parameters Resistance, Inductance , Capacitance Resistance :The resistance of a solid round conductor at specified temperature is given by :(36) Where is the conductor resistivity Is the conductor length Is the cross-section area When ac ( alter native current ) flow in an conductor the current distribution is not uniformly over the conductor cross-sectional area and the current density is greatest at the surface of the conductor. This causes the ac resistance to be somewhat high. Than the d.c resistance. This behavior is known as skin effect. At 60 HZ the a.c resistance is about 2 percent higher than dc resistance. *The conductor resistance increase as temper due increase. POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Where are conductor resistance at respectively. T is the temperature constant that depend on the conductor material . for example T for the aluminum is T=228. Inductance (L) Any conductor carrying a current will be surrounded by a magnetic field change with the change of the current. Where is the magnetic linkage flux and this will be change as the changing of the current ( and this lead to make the permeability constant for all flux level as in the air. Henery (H) (1) Where is the flux linkage of the conductor ( web.turn). I is the current flow in the conductor *In any conductor carrying a current there is :1- Internal flux This will be as a concentric circles inside the conductor and caused by the current that flow in the same conductor. 2- External flux This will be as a concentric circles outside or around the conductor and caused by the same current . POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Inductance of conductor to external flux :After the derivative of external linkage flux between The inductance between the Two point that location outside Or external the conductor. r X H/m Flux outside the conductor Due to the current I that Flow in the same conductor *Inductance between two single- phase conductor :- = D POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING H/m where (3) And in the same manner H/m where (4) And the inductance of the Total system is And if Also we can write eq. (3) and (4) by this form (5) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING *Flux linkage in term of self and Mutual inductance As in eq. (1) (6) Where is the Total linkage flux in the conductor 1 is the Total linkage flux in the conductor 2 is the self inductance due to is the Mutual inductance due to is the mutual inductance due to is the self inductance due to Since (7) By comparing eq.(7) with eq. (5) } Self inductance } Mutual inductance (8) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The concept of self and Mutual inductance can be extended to a group of n conductors. Consider n conductors carrying phase currents Such that (9) Generalizing eq. (6), the linkage of conductor are (10) And from eq. (8) (11) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING *Inductance of composite conductor :The current in each Su b conductor of Group A is b c a And the current in each Sub conductor of Group B is Due to eq. (11) and Its application d m n Conductor A Has acurrent +I (12) Conductor A Has acurrent -I +1n +1n The inductance of sub conductor a is (12) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING As so on The average conductor in any sub conductor in group A Since all the sub conductor of conductor A are electrically parallel, so that the inductance o A will be (13) (13) (14) (14) …( …( (15) (15) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Where GMD is the Geometric mean Distance And it is equal for A and B GMR is the Geometric Mean radius And it is not equal for A and B in any time POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Ex1) A single phase has two group of conductor A and B where A consists of 3- wires (sub conductors) a ,b, c each of its have a radius of 0.25 cm ,and the group B consists of two wires d ,e each of its have a radius of 0.5cm. calculate the inductance of the Total system where the distance between the sub conductor is as follow :. So1) d 6 m b 6 m e c Group A Where =0.4 m Group B POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS *Inductance of MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Transmission Line :- a- Symmetrical spacing :consider one meter length of line with three conductors, each with radius r , symmetrically spacing in a triangle (as example ) configuration as shown in the Fig. below Assume we have a balanced D D Current (16) D From eq. (11). The Total flux linkage of phase a is (17) (17) Since Since we have a symmetrical spacing H/m (18) (18) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING b) A symmetrical spacing :with a symmetrical spacing even with balance currents, the voltage drop due to line inductance with be unbalanced, because the inductance of each phase will be not equal. Consider one meter length of of line with three conductor each of radius r as shown in the fig. below . The application of eq. (11) 1 2 3 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING since we have a balance system If we have the parameter a Which is 120 120 120 The equations of inductance a symmetrical spacing as in the Fig above are :- POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (18) *Transpose System :One way to solve the problem of a symmetrical spacing and the different inductance for each phase is :Transpose system which it is :Interchanging the phase configuration every one – third the length so that each conductor is moved to occupy the next physical in regular sequence. And by this method the inductance for each phase will be equal. Such a transposition arrangement is shown in the Fig. below :a a c b b a c 3 c -1First Transpose b -2Second Transpose a -3third Transpose 2 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Now let take this example 1 1 2 3 2 3 Since in a transposed line each phase take all three position. The inductance per phase can be obtained by finding the average value of eq. (18) H/m (19) (19) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 represent first transpose represent second transpose represent third transpose This is another way to solve the problem of transpose system. From eq. (18) ( First transpose ) ( second transpose ) (third transpose ) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (20) MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (20) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING *Bundle System :Bundle system or bundle conductor consists of a two, three, four sub conductors symmetrically arranged in configuration as in the fig. below :d d d d d d -1- -2- d -3- The geometric Mean Radius of each fig. is as below Two sub (conductor) = And so on (three-sub conductor) The advantage of the bundle system is 1- Reduce the inductance of the line, which is reduce the line losses and improves the line capacity and system stability over the use of single conductor. 2- Reduce the corona losses . 3-Reuce the Radio in deference. POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Ex2) A double circuit of conductors as shown in the Fig. below. Calculate the inductance per phase per km if the system is transpose at equal distance. The diameter of the conductor is 5 cm. So1) a In order to solve the problem 1.5m We must first know the b There are two way to solve the 1.5m Problem. c From the fig. above we see that 3m So that in order to get a per phase inductance (Balance system) and we have a transpose system We must take an equivalent GMR Where POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING In all cases Where (first transpose) (second transpose) (third transpose) OR in other meaning (general from) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Ex3) line, each phase has two parallel conductor and the radius of the conductor is 0.205 cm. If the distance between the different conductor is as in the fig. below. Calculate the reactance in ( ohm ) per one km. if the frequency is 50 HZ and the phases are transpose the location between its at equal distance. 6.05 0.4 m 6.05 0.4 m 0.4 m So1) Transpose states -1-2-3Not 1) The Distance of sub conductor for each phase is equally 2) The Distance of sub conductor for each phases for the three stages of complete transpose are equally POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Also 3) for all cases of tanspose stages ( general form) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Ex4) what is the bandle system, what is the advantage of it, show that from the two fig. below by calculating the inductance per phase per km of the line in each fig. below. Note that the diameter of the conductor is 5 cm So1) Fig -1- From the Fig. (1) Fig -2- From the fig. (2) a 0.6m b 4m 4m 4m 0.6m c 4m 0.6m POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The bundle system cause a reduction in the inductance By POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Capacitance :- Where C is the capacitance r is the charge V is the voltage is the radius of the Conductor. For one meter length of the conductor. The electric flux density (D) at a radius X is given Where is the charge ( coulomb / one meter ) and A is the area of the surface of an axial length of One meter of the conductor. Along uniformly charged conductor has lines of electric flux extending radials out from the conductor surface The electric field intensity E may be found from the relation POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Where MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING E is the electric field intensity V/m Is the relative permittivity of the vacuum is the relative permittivity of free space = 8.85 is the relative permittivity of the air = 1 V/M (21) The potential difference between cylinder from position is define as the work done in moving a unit charge of coulomb from Through the electric field produced by the charge on the conductor (22) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING f/m (23) * Capacitance of single – phase lines :Assuming conductor q alone to Have a charge of The voltage between conductor 1 and 2 is r r D Now assume only conductor 2 having a charge of between conductor 2 and 1 is . The voltage Since From the principle of superposition, the potential difference due to presence of both charge is POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING For single – phase line v/m (23) f/m (24) Equation (24) give the line – to line capacitance between the conductor (between conductor ) ( between each n Conductor and the neutral ) f/m (25) MF/KM (26) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS *Capacitance of MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING lines :- After take the complete transpose Of this fig. and make a dative for The capacitance F/M (27) Mf/km (28) * if we have bundle system. The same process as in the inductance MF/KM (29) Note : In the inductance the radius is . But the capacitance contain radius r . POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING *The derive of Consider one meter length of line with 3 conductors each of its has a radius of r as shown in the fig. below Since we have a balanced system (30) For complete transpose as shown in the fig. above POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Also , similarly we find the average voltage b Where For balance 3 voltage 130 a 130 c (31) Mf/km (32) POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING The effect of earth on the capacitance of transmossion earth F/M (33) is the capacitance of each phase ( conductor ) To the neutral .( earth) Note :- POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (34) *The effect of earth on the capacitance of single-phase (35) Also POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Ex5) transmission line of 10km , as shown in the fig. below. The radius of each conductor is 0.885 cm and the phase are transpose at equal distance also the resistivity of the line is ( Find the resistance, inductance, capacitance and the charging current of the line . 5.4 Note that : The voltage The line is 33kv And the frequency Is 50 Hz So1) 3m 3m 5.4 m 6.3m Note that So that we must take But in the first let calculate POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS MISSAN UNIVERSITY\ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING In order to get GMR, as we say before there are two way to the solution :1)