Office of Academic Affairs VCAA News March 2001

Office of Academic Affairs
March 2001
Spring bring's the anticipation of new beginnings and renewed vitality. The end of the
semester is within reach and graduation is ahead. Throughout the semester we have been
engaged across the university in animated conversations in departmental and college
meetings about how best to prepare for "direct admits." The College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences has taken the lead and is actively working with the student services' staff
through meetings and workshops to assure a smooth transition and a meaningful
experience for both faculty and students. Work is already underway to prepare for
orientation, testing, and placement of students. Enrollment Management and External
Affairs are developing a new student view book; the Office of Academic Affairs, in
collaboration with External Affairs, is writing a proposal to the IU Venture Fund that will
ultimately bring additional funds from central administration for targeted recruitment
brochures and materials. You also may have noticed the aggressive campaign underway
in the newspapers and on radio that promotes summer school and graduate programs.
We are anticipating a robust enrollment in summer school. As part of an overall strategy
to increase our summer school enrollments, we need to examine our summer course
offerings. We need to determine if we are providing the optimum choice of courses that
will allow students to expedite degree completion and if we are maximizing use of our
resources and facilities.
Retention Forum: Retention of students remains a high priority for all of the Indiana
University campuses. On March 2, Karen White, Sarah Cooke, Randy Isaacson,
Christine Richardson, Ann Grens and I attended a statewide retention forum sponsored
by the Lilly Foundation at IUPUI. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn what all the
Indiana universities and colleges are doing and to share with others our own retention
strategies. As our Lilly retention funding ceases, we have begun building the
infrastructure to insure that our attention to retention does not fade.
Board of Trustees: At the last Board of Trustees meeting, two significant budget items
were approved for funding:
1) the three year cycle of conversion from associate faculty to lecturers and 2) the new
School of the Arts degree program in Integrated Media.
Undergraduate Inter-Campus Transfers (ICT's) of 100 and 200 level courses:
Indiana is moving toward requirements that would make first and second year courses
taken in any state institution of higher education automatically transferable to any other
institution. Anticipating this, the Board of Trustees directed that IU faculty governance
devise procedures that would make comparable courses transferable among all IU
campuses. All of our academic units are reviewing their 100 and 200 level courses for
comparability. This review will be complete in the next week. 300 and 400 level courses
will be reviewed later this semester and in the summer.
NCA: The formal NCA accreditation report is posted on the Academic Affairs web page.
Our formal response to this report is due to a readers' panel by March 21. Once the final
recommendation of the readers' panel occurs, we will be informed of their decision
regarding our reaccreditation. We should have this response by the end of April. I want
to especially thank the NCA Steering Committee and subcommittee members and all of
those members of the university community who have contributed to this enormous NCA
effort. As we get new information, it will be posted on the academic affairs web page.
Associate Faculty: Last week we honored associate faculty for their many years of
service to IUSB. Congratulations to our associate faculty. A list of those who were
recognized follows:
20 Years
Dental Education
Amelia E. Hazlewood
Alfred P. Large
Mathematics and Computer
David L. Ehlert
5 Years
10 Years
Business and Economics
Business and
Deanna M. Shively
Keith L. Smith
Maryann O. Keating Bartholomew J. Timm
Communication Arts
Kenneth R. Eichinger David R. Hoffman
Doris E. Speicher
Dental Education
Artemis Hoke
Robert R. Allen
15 Years
Cherie Nannfeldt
Genevieve H. Trench Education
Cynthia M. MacWhorter
Foreign Languages
Beth J. Boyer
Mathematics and Computer
Elizabeth M. Conner Susan M. Cox
Velva M. Gay
Kenneth P. Stankiewicz
Sharon K. Novotny Pamela L. Gibboney
Kathleen C. Woodward
John R. Long
Jeanne Benjamin
JoAnn J. Sawyer
Connie S. Everts
Brenda R. Borntrager Library
Rhonda Culbertson
Jennifer Gastaldi
Mathematics and Computer
Lori A. Kimmel
David R. Surma
Sylvester Barnes
Plaques were given to the following faculty:
35 Years
25 Years
Merit Status
Virginia G. Morrow
Celia S. Weiss
Melanie I Alexander
30 Years
Charles A. Atkins
"Direct Admits": Since mid-February, about 160 former Freshman Division students
have been transferred to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) for advising
(in addition to the students normally certified to the College at this time of the year). The
College's eleven departments have begun making first contacts with these students by
telephone, mail, and in person (phase 1 of the campus direct-admits plan).
The CLAS Undecided Advising Committee was appointed by Dean Shillingsburg in
November 2000; it is about to metamorphose into a standing committee of the College as
the Academic Advising Committee. The Committee met three times at the end of the fall
semester and nearly every week this spring semester. Several of these meetings were with
representatives of Student Academic Support Services (SASS), formerly Freshman
Division. The Committee has done the following work to implement phases 1, 2, and 3 of
the new direct-admits policy:
1. Held extensive discussions about the purpose and best methods of academic
2. Conducted a training workshop for CLAS faculty advisers in early March;
3. Sponsored a training workshop by SASS for CLAS faculty advisers during spring
4. Begun collecting and disseminating up-to-date information about placement-test
results, degree requirements, course pre-requisites, etc.;
This same committee for Undecided Advising is currently working on the following
1. Planning a workshop to train CLAS faculty in computer access to student records
in ARC and IUCARE for mid-March;
2. Preparing for CLAS faculty participation in four or five Freshman Orientation
Sessions and several Freshman Information Sessions during the coming summer
(phase 2);
3. Planning for a small core of CLAS faculty to start advising about 900 freshman
without declared majors in the fall semester, along with a wider group of faculty
mentors to provide additional support (phase 3);
4. Planning for the permanent faculty governance of academic advising in the College
and reporting progress so far to the College faculty meetings;
5. Advising the dean and associate dean on creating an Academic Advising Center in
the College;
6. Preparing a report on the College's freshman-advising activities to be presented at
the region V conference of the National Academic Advising Association
(NACADA) in April;
7. Working with department chairs to coordinate advising activities among the
faculty, the College's administrators and staff, and the Committee.
Atheletics: As I write this Newsletter the Women Titans, "our own road runners" are
playing the University of Amherst at Montgomery in the NAIA Division I playoffs in
Memphis, TN.
The next Dean’s Seminar in the 2000-2001 series will be held on Friday, 16 March 2001.
Valerie Larsen, Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology in the School of
Education will present “ACE Technology and Teacher Education.” We will meet in the
Board Room at 12:00 noon (after the Senate meeting). Coffee will be available and you
are welcome to bring your lunch.
Also, please plan to attend the Publication Reception honoring our many faculty and staff
who have published throughout the year 2000. It will be held on Friday, March 23, 2001
at 3pm on the Wiekamp Bridge. I look forward to seeing you there.
Last updated: 14 March 2001