RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED - Tube

RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
1. Applications of the socket
2. Solder instructions of the socket
3. Drawing of the assembled socket
4. Section drawing of the socket with IN-8 tube
5. Drawing and technical data of the tube contacts
6. Technical data and pinout of the IN-8 (ИН-8) Nixie tube
7. Technical data and pinout of the IN-2 (ИН-2) Nixie tube
8. Technical data of the included LED
9. Example of use: Schematic of a Nixie Clock
10. Example of use: Sockets mounted on an assembly board
11. Example of use: Nixie clock with IN-8 tubes mounted in a case
12. Example of use: IN-2 Nixie tube
1. Applications of the socket
The RSH27 Nixie tube socket with LED can be used for all tubes with RSH27 base.
The Russian spelling of this base is “РШ27”.
Here you see an example picture of the RSH27 base:
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
The currently known Nixie tubes and Dekatrons with this base are:
- Nixie tube IN-8 (Russian spelling: ИН-8)
- Nixie tube IN-2 (Russian spelling: ИН-2)
- Dekatron tube A-107
- Dekatron tube A-108
- Dekatron tube A-109
Since the listed Dekatrons are seldom and unusual, this description does mainly concentrate at the Nixie
The socket provides the opportunity to apply a 3 mm LED under the tube to generate the very impressive
floor lighting effect.
without floor lighting
with blue floor lighting
You can use other LEDs instead of the included one, of course.
You can use the tube contacts in your own PCB layout, too. The contacts will fit for all tubes with 1 mm
(0.04”) pin diameter.
The socket has a black coated surface. This is very expedient for the case mounting at a Nixie clock,
because the black surface looks neutral.
2. Solder instructions of the socket
- Apply all contacts to the tube pins
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
- Insert the tube with the contacts into the drills of the board and align the tube right-angled to the board
surface. The top side of the board is marked with “FRONT”. As a standard you can align the front of the
tube in direction of the marking “FRONT”. You also can align the tube to you own requirements.
Therefore 12 solder pads are available at the board whereof only 11 are used. The standard alignment
for IN-8 tubes you can learn from the “Drawing of the assembled socket” below. The IN-2 tube you can
align to your own requirements in the board. The pin markings and the marking “FRONT” you can ignore
for IN-2 tubes.
- Solder the contacts carefully from the bottom side. Don’t use too much solder, otherwise the solder may
flow into the inner side of the contacts. If you want, you can cut the thin part of the pins.
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
- Pull the tube out of the socket.
- The following step only is necessary if you want to use the floor lighting feature by a LED:
Solder the LED to the board. It must be assembled from the top side, of course. The distance between
LED and tube bottom should be kept small. Note the drawing “Section drawing of the socket with IN-8
tube” below for that.
- Record the position of the anode and the cathode of the LED. You can choose the direction freely.
- Solder the connection wires from the bottom side to the corresponding solder pads of the socket. The pin
markings at the bottom side of the socket match to a IN-8 Nixie tube in case you use the standard
- Put the tube into the socket.
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
3. Drawing of the assembled socket
- all dimensions in mm
- The drawing shows the standard alignment for IN-8 tubes, at which the tube front (pin 6) shows an
angle of 30° to the mounting holes. You also can align the tube to you own requirements, of course
Here you see the blank board from top and bottom side:
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
4. Section drawing of the socket with IN-8 tube
all dimensions in mm
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
5. Drawing and technical data of the tube contacts
all dimensions in mm
Technical data:
- Material: tinned brass, fully gold plated
- Diameter of the pad drill for the 1.5 mm diameter: 1.6 ± 0.05 mm (0.063 ± 0.002”)
- Diameter of the pad drill for the 0.6 mm diameter: 0.75 ± 0.1 mm (0.03 ± 0.004”)
6. Technical data and pinout of the IN-8 (ИН-8) Nixie tube
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
Displayed symbols
Base and socket
Digit height
Dimension tube bottom to digits
Tube diameter nominal
Tube diameter maximal
Tube height bottom to top
Tube height total
Ignition voltage
Anode voltage maximal
Anode voltage nominal
Anode voltage minimal
Voltage drop
Cathode current nominal
Cathode current maximal
Life expectancy minimal
U A max
U A min
I K max
RSH27 (РШ27)
18 mm (0.71")
14 mm (0.55")
18 mm (0.71")
19 mm (0.75")
55 mm (2.17")
62 mm (2.44")
170 V
200 V
180 V
170 V
150 V
2.5 mA
3.5 mA
10000 h
13 g
100 cd/m²
Pinout of the Nixie tube IN-8 (ИН-8):
Bottom view
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Cathode digit 1
Cathode digit 2
Cathode digit 3
Cathode digit 4
Cathode digit 5
Cathode digit 6
Cathode digit 7
Cathode digit 8
Cathode digit 9
Cathode digit 0
RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
7. Technical data and pinout of the IN-2 (ИН-2) Nixie tube
Displayed symbols
Base and socket
Digit height
Tube diameter nominal
Tube diameter maximal
Tube height total
Ignition voltage
Anode voltage maximal
Anode voltage nominal
Anode voltage minimal
Voltage drop
Cathode current nominal
Cathode current maximal
U A max
U A min
I K max
RSH27 (РШ27)
9 mm (0.35")
18 mm (0.71")
19 mm (0.75")
40 mm (1.57")
170 V
200 V
180 V
170 V
150 V
1.5 mA
2 mA
10 g
Pinout of the Nixie tube IN-2 (ИН-2):
Bottom view
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Cathode digit 1
Cathode digit 2
Cathode digit 3
Cathode digit 4
Cathode digit 5
Cathode digit 6
Cathode digit 7
Cathode digit 8
Cathode digit 9
Cathode digit 0
RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
8. Technical data of the included LED
Color: blue
Wave length: approx. 430 nm
Light intensity: 2000 mcd
Angle of radiation: approx. 15°
luminous flux: 0.1 lm
Rated current: 20-30 mA
Voltage drop: 3.3 V
Power consumption at current 20 mA: 66 mW
Diameter: 3 mm (0.12”)
9. Example of use: Schematic of a Nixie Clock
On the next page you see an example of the schematic of a simple Nixie Clock which uses IN-8 tubes.
You can modify the circuitry according to your own requirements for all other Nixie tubes. The circuit
provides the possibility to connect a DCF77 receiver or a GPS receiver. Furthermore a RTC is installed,
glow lamp separators and the LED floor lighting.
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Schematic of a simple IN-8 Nixie Clock
RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
10. Example of use: Sockets mounted on an assembly board
The following pictures show how to mount the sockets at an assembly board as example (computer
You could mount the assembly board in a case as shown in the next picture (computer animation)
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
11. Example of use: Nixie clock with IN-8 tubes mounted in a case
At the following pictures you see a IN-8 Nixie clock mounted in a gorgeous stainless steel case as
example. Exactly the same principle as described precedent was used here. There’s no limit for your
fantasy for the case, of course. Have fun building it!
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
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RSH27 Nixie Tube Socket with LED
12. Example of use: IN-2 Nixie tube
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