Ceramic Materials Types of Ceramics • Ceramics consist of metallic and non metallic elements joint by ionic or covalent bonds Characteristic properties: – High hardness, – High brittleness, – High melting point, – Low thermal and electrical conductivity, – Good chemical and thermal stability, – High compressive strength. a) Glasses i. Ceramic Glasses: Non crystalline glasses - silica base. Applications: – Pottery, – Bricks, – Tiles, – Cooking ware, – Soil pipes to glasses, – Refractory, – Magnets, electrical devices, – Abrasives or wear resistant materials. ii. Glass Ceramics: Crystalline glasses – also silica base. b) Crystalline ceramics: Most of ceramics except glasses. • Clay based ceramics; white ware, bricks, tiles, pottery, etc. • Advanced ceramics; oxides, nitrides, carbides, etc. 1 Processing of Glasses / Ceramics As general, processing may be considered in two categories, 1. Solidification processing for Glasses, 2. Particulate processing for crystalline ceramics. Glasses 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ceramic Glasses Glasses Glass structures may be 1. Ceramic Glasses: Non crystalline has short range ordered (SRO) structure; 2. Glass Ceramics: Crystalline long range order (LRO) crystalline structures. √ Non crystalline materials with random network (short range ordered (SRO)) structure below glass transition temperature. √ Best example; window glass. √ Main constituents: fused silica (pure SiO2) Ceramic Glasses Ceramic Glasses Glass Ceramics 11 12 Modifiers The modifiers, such as Sodium oxide (Na2O) break up the glassy network and reduce the ability to form a glass. Melting range considerable decreases and thus processing becomes easier. But not good for high Temperature applications. 13 Processing of Glasses Important 14 Process Sequence in Glassworking At high Temperatures; viscosity of glasses can be controlled Processing techniques; a) Glass products (single products) •Pressing •Press and Blow •Drawing of fibers b)Sheet and plate manufacturing (continuous products) The typical process sequence in glassworking: (1) preparation of raw materials and melting, (2) shaping, (3) heat treatment. •Hot rolling •Floating on molten tin bath 15 16 Spinning Spinning of the back sections of cathode ray tubes for TVs and computer monitors: (1) Gob of glass dropped into mold; (2) Rotation of mold to cause spreading of molten glass on mold surface. Pressing (1) glass gob is fed into mold from furnace; (2) pressing into shape by plunger; and (3) plunger is retracted and finished product is removed (symbols v and F indicate motion (velocity) and applied force). 17 Press-and-Blow 18 Drawing of Glass Continuous glass fibers of small diameter (lower limit ~ 0.0025 mm) are produced by pulling strands of molten glass through small orifices in a heated plate made of a platinum alloy. Press-and-blow forming sequence: (1) molten gob is fed into mold cavity; (2) pressing to form a parison; (3) the partially formed parison, held in a neck ring, is transferred to the blow mold, and (4) blown into final shape. 19 20 Rolling of Flat Plate Float Process Starting glass from melting furnace is squeezed through opposing rolls whose gap determines sheet thickness, followed by grinding and polishing for parallelism and smoothness Hot Rolling Molten glass flows onto surface of a molten tin bath, where it spreads evenly across the surface, achieving a uniform thickness and smoothness - no grinding or polishing is needed Floating 21 22 Glass transition (fictive) temperature Glass temperature (fictive or glass transition temperature)- The point where solid glass start to behave as an undercooled liquid. Manufacturing properties of glasses 23 • During crystallization, an abrupt change in the density occurs. • The change in slope indicates the formation of a glass. • Glass does not have melting T (Tm). • Glass ceramics (Crystalline materials) show a fixed Tm and not a Tg. 24 High Temperature Prop of Glasses Melting range: Glass in a liquid form, viscosity 50-500 poise. Working range: Glass can be deformed to desired geometries, viscosity 104-107 poise. Annealing range: To relieve residual stresses, viscosity 1013 poise. Strain point, Glass in completely rigid state, viscosity 1015 poise. 25 26 Annealing of Glass τ η= dν dz η = ηo exp Qn RT Heating to elevated temperature and holding to eliminate stresses and temperature gradients; then slow cooling to suppress stress formation, then more rapid cooling to room temperature • Annealing temperatures are ~ 500°C • Annealing has the same function in glassworking as in metalworking – to relieve stresses • Annealing is performed in tunnel-like furnaces, called lehrs, in which the products flow slowly through the hot chamber on conveyors η: viscosity Poise (Pa s g/cm.) τ: shear stress, dυ/dz: velocity gradient. ηwater: 0.01poise at 20oC ηglycerin: 15 poise •Qn activation energy for viscosity: T η . •Amount of modifiers (breaks up the structure) Qn , η . 27 28 Tempered Glass Important • Heating the glass to the working range (above Tg), • Quenching of surfaces by air jets; the surfaces cool first, contract and harden while interior is still plastic. • As the internal glass cools and contracts compressive stresses on surfaces; toughness extremely increases. • Surface becomes resistant to scratching and breaking. • Products: windows for tall buildings, all-glass doors, safety glasses, and other products requiring toughened glass. 29 30 Processing of Glasses / Ceramics As general, processing may be considered in two categories: 1. Solidification processing for Glasses 2. Particulate processing for crystalline ceramics: Clay based ceramics: • Powder preparation • Forming/Shaping • Drying • Sintering Particulate ceramics 31 Advanced ceramics: • Powder preparation • Forming/Shaping • Sintering Special methods: • Hot pressing • Hot isostatic pressing 32 Clay based crystalline ceramics 33 34 35 36 Particulate processing Shaping of Clay based Ceramics • • • • • (a) Article (b) Microstructure • • • • Steps Preparation of raw materials, Shaping, Drying, and Firing (sintering) Hand modeling Jiggering Plastic pressing Extrusion Slip casting 37 38 Extrusion Jiggering (Sııvama) Movie- jiggering (1) wet clay slug is placed on a convex mold; Movie-tempered glasses (2) batting; and (3) a jigger tool imparts the final product shape. 39 40 Pressing Movie- pressing 41 Slip Casting 42 Drain Casting Important Slip; a suspension of ceramic powders in liquid, Slip is poured into a porous plaster of Paris mold so that water from the mix is absorbed into the plaster to form a firm layer of ceramic at the mold surface. • The slip composition is 25% to 40% liquid • Two principal variations: – Drain casting - the mold is inverted to drain excess slip after a semi-solid layer has been formed, thus producing a hollow product – Solid casting - to produce solid products, adequate time is required. 43 Movie- slip casting (1) (2) (3) (4) slip is poured into mold cavity, water is absorbed into plaster mold to form a firm layer, excess slip is poured out, part is removed from mold and trimmed. 44 Drying Rate and Volume Reduction Drying of Clay based Ceramics Drying process occurs in two stages: • Stage 1 - drying rate is rapid and constant as water evaporates from the surface into the surrounding air and water from the interior migrates by capillary action to the surface to replace it – This is when shrinkage occurs, with the risk of warping and cracking • Stage 2 - moisture content has been reduced to where the ceramic grains are in contact – Little or no further shrinkage occurs Typical drying rate curve and associated volume reduction for a ceramic body. Drying rate in second stage is depicted as a straight line; it is sometimes concave or convex. 45 46 Drying Large dimensional changes can causes residual stresses and therefore cracking during drying Types of water in the structure • Interparticle water • Pore water. During drying • Drying of interparticle moisture decrease in volume. High risk for crack or break. • Dimensional change continues until particles touches each other. • Drying of pore moisture No dimensional changes. Min. risk for cracking. 47 After shaping and drying, a sintering / firing is needed to gain the ceramic a strength of Clay based Ceramics. It will be discussed later with the advanced ceramics. 48 Advanced crystalline ceramics 49 50 51 52 53 54 Applications • Ceramics are used in a wide range of technologies such as: – Refractory, spark plugs, dielectrics capacitors in electronics, sensors/actuators, abrasives, biomaterials, magnets, magnetic recording media, etc. • Example: The space shuttle makes use of ~25,000 reusable, lightweight, highly porous ceramic tiles that protect the aluminum frame from the heat generated during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. © 55 56 57 Shaping of the advanced Ceramics Important 58 Starting Materials for shaping • The starting material for all of ceramic items is powder • For traditional ceramics, the powders are usually mixed with water to temporarily bind the particles together and own proper features for shaping into green state • For new ceramics, substances other than water may be used as binders during shaping • After shaping, the green parts are fired (sintered): – To effect a solid state reaction which bonds the material into a hard solid mass Producing a green ceramic (green body) Pressing (shown) Slip casting (shown) Tape casting Extrusion (shown) Injection (shown) Cold Isostatic pressing 59 60 Tape Casting Cold isostatic pressing Tape casting – Used to make thin sheets of ceramics using a ceramic slurry • Minimize the porosity in the shaped ceramics • Thus maximize the density in the sintered part •The ceramic slurry used in both tape casting and slip casting •Slurry consists of also binders, plasticizers, etc. •The slurry is cast in to a mold in slip casting •The slurry is coated on a carrier film (plastic substrate) in tape casting. 61 62 After shaping, sintering (firing) is required to get strengthened ceramics to provide the bonding between the particles… No melting in the particles involved in sintering.. 63 64 Sintering / Firing Heating to the temperatures of 0.7-0.9 Tm to bond the ceramic particles together with diffusion (no melting!!). Bonding of ceramic particles Directly bonding by diffusion Liquid phase sintering (ceramic bonds) by a glassy phase and reduce porosity. Reaction bonding with a chemical reaction between grains Elimination of pores from the body: With grain boundary diffusion and/or bulk diffusion, Volume shrinkage and densification: Due to the reduce in pore size or elimination of pores, Increase in rigidity and strength. Film! 65 66 Important Direct bonding of the particles during sintering. Crystalline advanced ceramics Liquid phase sintering (ceramic bond): bonding of particles with a glassy phase. In clay based ceramics. Not desired in crystalline ceramics 67 Pores 68 Treatment of Fracture in Ceramics σ critical σ= 2 Eγ = πa K f πa a ⇒ σmax R ⇒ σmax a : The length of the surface crack (or one half the length of an internal crack). γ : The surface energy (per unit area). KIC : Fracture toughness σ : Allowable max. stress which does not cause brittle or sudden fracture K1 ≤ K1C 69 70 Failure in Ceramics Factors effecting the brittle fracture; 1. Small cracks/flaws, 2. Porosity, 3. Glassy phases, 4. Grain size, 5. Foreign inclusions. Equations point out that: 1. The mechanical properties on the size of flaws present in the ceramic. 2. Manufacturing processes important to minimize the flaw for improving the strength of ceramics. 3. The flaws are most important in tensile stresses acting on the material. Compressive stresses try to close the cracks so no problem. 71 • Both crystalline and non-crystalline ceramics are very brittle due to the presence of flaws or porosities. Any flaw or crack or imperfection limits tensile strength, causes stress concentration and magnification of applied stress. • Ceramics with a small grain size are stronger than those with coarse-grain sizes. (Finer grain sizes help reducing stresses developed at grain boundaries due to anisotropic expansion and contraction). 72 Porosity in Ceramics Apparent porosity - The percentage of a ceramic body that is composed of interconnected porosity (open to surface) True porosity - The percentage of a ceramic body that is composed of both closed and interconnected porosity. Bulk density - The mass of a ceramic body per unit volume, including closed and interconnected porosity. Special Methods: Both sintering and pressure involved. 73 74 Hot pressing • Applying a uniaxial pressure and temperature during sintering to minimize the porosity in the sintered part. • Almost 100% densities can be obtained. • But the geometries that can be obtained are very limited. 75 76 Hot isostatic pressing 77 • Applying the hydrostatic pressure and temperature during sintering to minimize the porosity in the part. • Almost 100% densitiy can be riched. • Many different geometries can be obtained. 79 78