1 Peter # 16 August 30, 2015 “Good Stewards of God’s Varied Grace” 1 Peter 4:7-11 UNDERSTANDING THE CONTEXT OF V.7-11 1. At first glance, this appears to be a collection of various un-related Christian topics. 2. The list of commands in v.7-11 actually fits well in the immediate context of Peter’s letter. • Immediately before Peter’s list of ‘positive commands’ in v.7-11 was his list of ‘negative commands’ in v.3-5. v.3: NOT drunkenness and debauchery → v.7: self-control and sobriety v.3: NOT lust → v.8:earnest love for one another v.3: NOT orgies and drinking parties → v.9: show hospitality to one another v.5: awaiting fearsome coming judgment → v.10: stewards of God’s varied grace 3. Peter is shepherding a community of suffering Christians—many of them persecuted for their faith. • The call to live the Christian life is never negated by special or negative circumstances. GOOD STEWARDS OF GOD’S VARIED GRACE • Steward = a slave responsible for managing his master’s household and for distributing his master’s property (wages, food, etc.) to its members 1. A good steward lives with a clear recognition of “the end”. v.7a • Jesus Christ will return. Acts 1:9-11 “This Jesus…will come…” Ref. 1 John 2:18 • James 4:14: …you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 2. A good steward is self-controlled and sober-minded. v.7b • Self-controlled = the word connotes the cool head and balanced mind • Sober-minded = to keep a head clear. Ref. 1:13; 5:8 • NOTE: Peter links both the end times and prayer with being self-controlled and sober-minded. • Ed Clowney: “Preoccupation with the second coming, particularly by those who have set a date for it, has often led to hysteria rather than sober wisdom.” 3. A good steward loves, not keeping a record of sins with others. v.8 • Wayne Grudem: “Where love abounds in a fellowship of Christians, many small offences, and even some large ones, are readily overlooked and forgotten. But where love is lacking, every word is viewed with suspicion, every action is liable to mis-understanding, and conflicts abound—to Satan’s perverse delight.” → You cannot be a good steward if you constantly point out what you think others are doing wrong. • Earnestly = strenuous, intense. Ref. 1:22-23. I.e., We cannot do this in our own power. Ref. Prov. 10:12 4. A good steward is ‘other-centered’ to the point of sacrificing his own conveniences. v.9 • Hospitality is a calling for all Christians (both a command and Christian duty). • Hospitality is a requirement for elders and deacons. 1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:8 • Heb 13:2: Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares 5. A good steward uses what he has received from God to serve others. v.10-11a • v.10: “Each one” has received a gift from God. • Use it as a good steward of God’s varied grace. Varied → “variety” Ref. 1 Cor 12:4-11 • v.11: “word” = whoever speaks… • v.11: “deed” = whoever serves… 6. A good steward uses their gift for the glory of God. v.11b