Investigating the Human Body - Classroom Activities 14-22

Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Investigating the Human Body
Classroom Activities
The classroom activities are designed to stimulate students’ curiosity for the visit and assist them in
understanding and interpreting the exhibitions they see. They also allow follow-up of students’ experiences in
The Human Body exhibition in the Mind and Body Gallery. The activities outlined in the following pages are
provided to support integrated units of work.
The classroom activities contained in this section include:
Activity 14: Our cells: a world within a world
Level 5
Activity 15: Getting to know cells
Level 5
Activity 16: What is a cell made up of?
Level 5
Activity 17: The cell story
Level 5
Activity 18: Cells, tissues, organs, systems
Level 5
Activity 19: Cell detective
Level 5, VCE Biology
Activity 20: Cells mean life
Level 5&6, VCE Biology
Activity 21: The blood transfusion game
Level 5&6
Activity 22: Making new body parts for humans
Level 5&6
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 14: Our cells: a world within a world [Level 5]
Construct a model of a cell to understand the function of the major cell structures. Develop an understanding
of the human body as composed of different cells and tissues working together. Identify the function of
different cells and tissues and see how the role of the cell relates to the way that it looks (Science knowledge and understanding). Work effectively in a group to use science ideas to make operating models.
Identify, analyse and ask questions in relation to scientific ideas or issues of interest (Science at work).
Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to share information, explore ideas of
others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose (Working in teams). Demonstrate creativity, in
engaging with and exploring ideas in a range of contexts (Thinking Processes – Creativity). Use specialised
language and symbols as appropriate (Communication - Listening, viewing and responding). Use the
communication conventions, forms and language appropriate to the subject to convey a clear message to
meet the needs of the context, purpose and audience (Communication - Presenting).
What you need:
You will need newspapers that have been torn into 5cm X 20cm long strips. You will also need glue. You can easily
make this out of flour and water, mixed together to the consistency of pancake mix. Finally, you will need balloons.
This activity can make a lot of mess but if you prepare in advance with table covers, smocks for the students and
easy access to sinks or buckets of water and towels for washing and drying their hands, it is also very rewarding.
What to do:
Part 1: Making the first stage of the paper-mache cell can take about an hour. The newspaper strips should
be wet on both sides with the glue (but not soaked) and layered evenly around the balloon. When the first
layer is completed the next should be started, until the balloon is quite heavy and has quite a thick layer (half
a centimetre). The paper-mache balloons will then take another 3 or 4 days to dry properly.
Part 2: The second stage of the cell-making process involves cutting the cells in half so that each student
has half a cell to work with. Students will spend the next session making three-dimensional organelles and
suspending them within the cell or constructing the cell features. The age and focus of the students will
determine whether they focus on constructing the range of organelles within a general cell or whether they
modify the features of the cell to resemble a particular specialised cell – for example, a nerve cell or a fat
cell or a muscle cell. The cells will need to dry again for another day or so before the final design phase
where students paint them and then display them around the room.
Part 3: Each student should prepare a short presentation about their particular cell type and present this to
the rest of the class. During the presentation members of the class should be encouraged to ask questions
of the presenter at the end of the presentation. The teacher should use the question-answer time to guide,
clarify, build upon or modify ideas that come up about cells, cell organelles and their functions and the role
of specialised cells in the body.
Activity 15: Getting to know cells [Levels 5, 6 and VCE Biology]
Activity 16: What is a cell made up of? [Levels 5, 6 and VCE Biology]
Level 5: Develop an understanding of the human body as composed of different cells and tissues working
together. Explore the different cell components and the individual tasks that they carry out within the cell.
Become familiar with some of the different cell found in the body (Science - knowledge and understanding).
Level 6: Explain the role of DNA and genes in cell division and genetic inheritance (Science - Knowledge
and understanding).
VCE Biology: Cellular structure, organisation and processes (Unit 1: Unity and Diversity - Cells in action).
What to do:
Refer to Activity 15 Worksheet: Getting to know cells (p174) and
Activity 16 Worksheet: What is a cell made up of? (pp175-177)
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 15 Worksheet
Getting to Know Cells
Q. Draw, colour and label the following cell parts and structures inside the cell below.
(mitochondria, cell membrane, cytoplasm, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, ribosomes)
Q. What is the role of each of the cell parts (organelles) inside the cell?
is a thin skin around
the cell that lets nutrients and water in and out.
are the power
plants that provide energy for the cell to do its
are tiny proteinmaking factories. They know which proteins to
make by reading the genetic instructions.
contains our genetic
instructions in the form of genes and
chromosomes (DNA).
are small sacs that
contain acids and other chemicals that destroy
bacteria, viruses, dead cells and other
are passageways
throughout the cell for transporting fats and
is a jelly-like fluid that surrounds the organelles inside the cell.
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 16 Worksheet
What is a cell made up of?
What to do:
Label and colour in each of the cell organelles in the diagram. Cut along the dotted line and paste the cell
into your workbook (plasma- membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, nuclear pores, endoplasmic
reticulum, golgi bodies, ribosomes, peroxisomes and lysosomes)
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 16 Worksheet
What is a cell made up of?
What to do:
Cut out the following statements into strips and arrange them so that they describe each of the organelles
below. Write the headings in your workbook and paste in the descriptions afterwards. (plasma -membrane,
cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi bodies, peroxisomes,
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have tiny pores that allow certain nutrients, minerals and water, to pass in or out of the cell.
I am a small sac-like organelle containing substances that can destroy poisons, such as alcohol.
I am referred to as the power plants of the cell.
I package proteins and other cell products such as fats and carbohydrate molecules into capsules and move
them from one part of the cell to another, or even out of the cell.
I am a thin skin that surrounds a cell.
I am the cell’s largest organelle in multicellular organelles (eukaryotes).
I appear as small dark dots in the cytoplasm of all cells often attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or
suspended free in the cytoplasm.
I am the major site of protein production as I translate the genetic code into proteins.
I am surrounded by a nuclear membrane and I have tiny pores that let certain substances in and out.
I am called the protein factory.
I am a type of liver and stomach for the cell.
I am a membranous network of passageways through the cell's cytoplasm.
I have tiny electrical potential difference across me, like a tiny battery voltage that attracts ions in and out of
the cell. In some cells, such as nerve cells, I am designed to maintain this electrical potential and carry
electrical currents to and from other cells of the body.
I am a sausage shaped organelle that carries out metabolic reactions that recharge the energy molecules
necessary for the life of the cell to continue.
I have a number of different proteins on my surface. Some act as signals for chemical or hormonal
messengers, telling them they have arrived at the correct cell. Others link onto, and transport larger nutrients
or substances into the cell.
I am a small sac-like organelle containing enzymes and acids that digest bacteria, dead cells or worn-out
I house the genetic information in the form of a molecule called DNA folded into structures called
I am like the immune system of the cell, digesting up dangerous substances.
I am a gel like fluid that consists of water, dissolved nutrients, proteins and the metabolic products and
wastes that the cell turns over.
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 16 Worksheet
What is a cell made up of?
What to do:
Research accurately the key events and scientific discoveries and historical contexts, of work leading up to
our current knowledge of cells, cell functions, and the use of cells in modern research, biotechnology and
current applications in medicine. Develop an accurate chronological time-line based on this research and
use it to underpin the dialogue and information presented in your assignment.
You may work individually or in small groups of 2 or 3 for this assignment. Research and present one of the
following topics to the class as a power point or video presentation, a performance or dialogue, or as a
written report.
1. Write a series of diary entries or a compilation of hypothetical journal extracts by one or many scientists
from history – based on , that presents the development of ideas about cells, which has lead to our current
knowledge of cells;
2. Imagine that you are a cell biologist who is able to travel through time and investigate how technologies –
such as microscopes, staining, and cell culturing techniques – have changed our understanding of cells and
their applications in medicine and biotechnology;
3. Rewrite history by changing some of the key events and discoveries that have taken place in cell biology.
How will these alternative events changed our scientific past and lead to a different understanding of cell
science and its application in biotechnology today.
4. Imagine that you are chairing a meeting with a room full of scientists (from the past) to
discuss their current knowledge of cells. Describe the meeting, the people present, what they look like, what
they have to say and how they say it. What are some of the scientific, political, religious or ethical issues that
influence their work, in the time period that they live in? What do the scientist think about our modern
applications of cell biotechnology and associated ethical issues?
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 17: The Cell Story [Level 5]
Develop a chronological time-line and explore how scientific work has led to the discovery of new knowledge
and understanding of cells, cell function, and the use of cells in modern research, biotechnology and modern
medical applications (Science - Knowledge and understanding). Identify, analyse and ask questions in
relation to scientific ideas at different points in time and related issues of interest (Science at work).
Use a range of question types, and locate and select relevant information from varied sources when
undertaking investigations. Identify and synthesise relevant information, use appropriate strategies of
reasoning and analysis to evaluate evidence and consider different points of view (Reasoning, processing
and inquiry) Describe and explain changes that may occur in ideas and beliefs over time (Reflection,
evaluation and metacognition).
Consider different points of view, apply prior knowledge to new situations, challenge assumptions and justify
interpretations (Listening, viewing and responding). Use the communication conventions, forms and
language appropriate to the subject to convey a clear message across a range of presentation forms to meet
the needs of the context, purpose and audience (Presenting). Independently apply a range of processing
skills, functions and equipment to solve problems and create products which contain minimal functional,
typographical, formatting and readability errors (ICT for creating). Select the most appropriate search
engines to locate information on websites (ICT for communicating).
Demonstrate an awareness of different cultural and societal beliefs, values and practices, identifying and
discussing the effect of ethical issues on learning and working with others (The individual learner).
What to do:
Refer to Activity 17 Worksheet: The cell story (p180).
Activity 18: Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems [Level 5]
Develop an understanding of the human body as composed of different cells and tissues working together.
Look at the structure and identify the function of different cells and tissues and see how the role of the cell
relates to the way that it looks. Explore how scientific work has led to the discovery of new knowledge and
understandings in medicine, technology and the human body (Science - knowledge and understanding).
Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to share information, explore ideas of
others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose (Working in teams). Use a range of question
types, and locate and select relevant information from varied sources when undertaking investigations
(Thinking Processes – Reasoning, processing and inquiry). Select the most appropriate search engines to
locate information on websites. Use complex search strategies to refine searches. Judge the integrity of the
located information based on credibility, accuracy, reliability and comprehensiveness (ICT for
communicating). Interpret complex information and evaluate the effectiveness of its presentation
(Communication – Listening, viewing and responding). Use the communication conventions, forms and
language appropriate to the subject to convey a clear message across a range of presentation forms to meet
the needs of the context, purpose and audience (Communication – presenting).
Prior to this activity students should become familiar with the following concepts.
1. Similar cells found together in the body, doing the same thing, are called tissues.
2. A number of different tissues make up our organs that carry out specific tasks for the body; and
3. When different tissues and organs from around the body work together to carry out a task for the body
they are referred to as a body system.
For example, our digestive system is an example of a body system made up of different tissues and organs.
One of these organs is the liver. Our liver contains different tissues including, blood vessels and blood, bile
ducts, and liver tissue. Each of these tissues is made of similar cells, for example, liver tissue is made up of
tiny liver cells.
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
This activity focuses on the four following body systems
• Muscle and skeletal systems – allows us to move, supports our body and protects our insides.
• Circulatory and respiratory system – delivers food and oxygen to every cell in the body and removes cell
wastes, while it transfers oxygen into our blood and carbon dioxide out.
• Digestive system – breaks food down into particles that are small enough to pass into the blood and
processes waste.
• Nervous system – organises our thoughts and sensations, coordinates our actions and stores our
What to do:
Divide the class into four large groups. Each group should work together to focus on the following aspects of
one of the above body systems. The groups should focus on:
1. Name the individual organs that make up your body system;
2. List and describe some of the different cells and tissues that make up each of these organs;
3. Describe the way that the cells, tissues and organ structures work together as a system to carry out the
specific tasks for the body.
4. Use the World Wide Web to research a recent scientific discovery or scientific project from a reputable
news site, about the use of particular cells or tissues (relevant to the body system that you are investigating)
that is being investigated or used in medicine or in research to ultimately benefit the human condition.
5. After researching the individual parts, each group should contribute to a large body- size poster,
illustrating the entire system with its organs and tissues. Alternatively, you may prefer to use an A3 copy of
the body out-line provided on Activity 8 Worksheet: Human body outline (p162). Each group should then
present their research to the rest of the class. This could be in the form of a verbal presentation, a play a
power point presentation or a TV documentary or radio interview.
Activity 19: Cell Detective [Levels 5 and VCE Biology]
Level 5: Develop an understanding of the human body as composed of different cells and tissues working
together. Look at the structure and identify the function of different cells and tissues and see how the role of
the cell relates to the way that it looks. Explain the specific function of various cells and tissue types (Science
- knowledge and understanding). Use specialised language and symbols as appropriate (Communication Listening, viewing and responding). Accept responsibility as a team member and support other members to
share information, explore ideas of others, and work cooperatively to achieve a shared purpose. Reflect on
outcomes and act to improve performance (Working in teams).
VCE Biology: Cellular structure, organisation and processes (Unit 1: Unity and Diversity - Cells in action)
What to do:
This activity can be completed by students individually or with groups of students as a game, trying to score
the most number of correct cell identifications. Before the activity students should discuss the basic outline
of a cell and revise the function of the following cell structures – cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm.
Each student or team should be given a copy of each of the following sheets:
Activity 19 Worksheet A: Cell detective (clues) (pp181-182).
Activity 19 Worksheet B: Cell detective (cell structure) (p183).
Each team must read the structure clues and attempt to match up the appropriate image, with its
corresponding letter in the box beside each clue.
At the end of the session the teacher may choose to discuss the role of each cell or tissue, using:
The Activity 19 Teacher reference material: Cell detective (p184).
If this activity is carried out in small groups, scores may be given for every match that is correct or for the
team that has the quickest and most correct responses.
This game may be made even more interesting by rearranging the images on alternative boards and playing
the game like bingo, with markers placed on the images as the clues are read out. In this case, students
gain points when they have a row, a column or a full board.
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 17 Worksheet
The Cell Story
Microscopes were far from sophisticated in 1665 when Robert Hooke first observed cells in cork tissue, and
in 1674, when Anton van Leeuwenhoek first described the cellular structures of protozoa and bacteria from
tooth scrapings. It wasn’t until after the first description of the cell nuclei in the late 1830s that the scientists
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann contributed significantly to cell theory with their suggestion that
cells together with their nuclei were the fundamental units of all plant and animals. Cells made up the
different tissue of organs and the systems in which they functioned.
The common belief in spontaneous generation – frogs arising from slime, maggots, mould and bacteria from
rotting food, and weeds arising from conditions after rain – was laid to rest in 1855, when Rudolf Virchow
was able to prove that cells (and living organisms) only came about by the division of pre-existing cells.
During the year 1869 the young doctor Frederick Miescher noticed that by adding acid and alkali to the
nuclei of pus cells a grey substance precipitated. He could never have anticipated that this mystery
substance would later be called DNA – the chemical code of life. Instead Frederick called his substance
nuclein, which quite simply means ‘from the nucleus’. In 1879, the biochemist Albrecht Kossel went on to
isolate four nitrogen molecules from nuclein which he named adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. Again,
the importance of this discovery, and the significance of the arrangement of these molecules to the genetic
code, would be established at a much later date.
Also in 1879 Walther Flemming was experimenting with some new staining techniques and to his
amazement observed colourful stained structures in the cell nucleus, which he called chromosomes. By the
end of the century the skilled microscopist August Weisman was able to use a variety of stains to identify a
variety of impressive structures inside the cell, which he called cellular organelles – meaning cell organs.
Science has advanced significantly since these first discoveries took place. Today, we understand the
central role that cells play in living things. It has also become clear that cellular structures and organelles
carry out central roles, within the micro-cosmic world of the cell. Our understanding of the overall function of
cells is pivotal to modern developments in all of the biological sciences, and to the more recent applications
in biotechnology.
Today medicines are extracted from different
cells and cells are being genetically modified to
produce new substances. Cells can be analysed
for their genetic content and attempts are being
made to change genetic material in human cells
so that certain tissue can function better. Special
cells are being investigated for their ability to
generate new tissue and organs, to be used for
tissue – and perhaps even organ-transplants.
The genetic material from the cells of many
plants and animals are also being genetically
modified as food.
Microscopic drawings from Hooke: microscope and burner.
Source: State Library of Victoria.
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 19 Worksheet A
Cell Detective (Clues)
Hard and compact (bone)
I grow in multi-layered columns that look like
growth rings in a tree. I have a large blood
vessel in each of my bony columns that
travels through a central hollow tube. My tiny
cells are on the outside of each ring and they
have thin finger-like extensions that extend
through the hard bony layers towards the
central blood vessel.
Round and red (red blood cells)
I contain a pigment called haemoglobin that
makes me turn red when I absorb oxygen.
My cell membrane is very flexible and is
concave like a round ball that has been
pinched in on both sides. I do not have a
Fighting fit (white blood cells)
I am made up of many tiny cells that exist
quite close together. My cells make a hard
but flexible white substance and release it
into the environment around myself. Each of
my tiny cells is entombed in a capsule
surrounded by this flexible white substance.
Inside my cells I have many tiny sacs that
contain toxic chemicals. I use these
chemicals to destroy damaged cells in the
body and dangerous invaders that have
entered the body. I have many finger-like
extensions that help me to move around and
grab onto to my prey so that I may engulf
and destroy them.
Strong and flexible (cartilage)
Conscious moves (skeletal muscle)
When you look at me under a very highpowered microscope you can see contracting
fibres inside my cells. These fibres look like
rows of step-ladders. They extend from one
end of my cells to the other and they shorten
and return to normal length with signals from
the brain. My nucleus is usually found
pushed against the edge of the cell wall.
Moving to the rhythm (heart muscle)
My cells are interconnected, almost as if they
are woven into each other. The contracting
fibres inside my cells look like long stepladders that extend from one end of the cell
to the other and they also weave from one
cell into other adjacent cells. The nucleus of
these cells is often pushed up against the
edge of the cell membrane.
☐ Smooth moves (Smooth muscle)
My cells are long and tapered at both ends
and are packed together tightly. Each cell
has a central nucleus and fibres that make
my cells contract and relax. However, you
cannot see my fibres under a microscope
because they are not arranged in regular
Red and white (blood smear)
A blood smear contains many small red blood
cells and larger defence cells called white
blood cells. White blood cells are not always
white in colour despite their name. White
blood cells in a blood smear are easily
recognised because they are bigger than red
blood cells and rounder. Some have a lumpy
nucleus and under a microscope they appear
to have more than one.
☐ The processing plant (liver tissue)
I am made up of groups of cells arranged in
circles. My cells make many different
chemicals that they secrete into tiny blood
vessels and ducts. These vessels and ducts
flow towards large central ducts which gives
me a star shaped design. Each star shaped
cluster of liver cells is surrounded by six
other clusters.
Making juices (glands)
My cells are often packed together into tight
groups. The inside of my cells appear white
in colour because of the chemicals that they
make and store. They release these
chemicals into empty spaces called ducts.
These ducts are short tubes that drain the
special chemicals (hormones or enzymes)
into different parts of the body
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Hold me in (skin cells)
My cells have many layers and are well
suited for protecting the body. The deep cell
layers are round, a little square or elongated.
They continuously divide and push new
formed cells towards the top surface. As the
cells move toward the top surfaces they
become thinner and thinner.
Gobble-dee guts (intestine cells)
My cells are long and tube-like and well suited
for sucking in nutrients and digestive juices
from the digestive tract. Nutrients are
absorbed into columnar cells from the thin
membrane that faces the inside of the
digestive tube. The nucleus is elongated and
is found near the bottom of the cell at the
opposite end
Warm padding (fat cells)
My cells protect the body from cold, provide
padding from physical injury and store a white
oily substance which is an important form of
energy storage. The cells in fat tissue are
generally round and cloudy looking because
of the oily substance that they contain inside.
The nucleus in fat cells is pushed to the outer
edge of the membrane.
Nervous messages (neurons)
I have a large star-shaped cell body with
small finger-like extensions that make
connections and receive input messages
from surrounding cells and tissue. I also have
a longer and thicker extension that carries
information in the form of electrical
messages to other parts of the body.
Brain defence (brain cells)
I have a very small cell body with a tiny
nucleus inside. I have many highly branched
“feathery” extensions that reach outward
from my central cell body and connect me
with the surrounding tissue.
Swimming sperm (sperm cells)
I am one of millions of tiny cells produced in
the male reproductive tissue. I look like a tadpole. I have a long tail-like extension that
whips around and propels me forward and a
tiny head with a nucleus inside. When I fuse
with an ovum, a new individual may grow.
Ova and out (egg cell / ovum)
I am a large round cell with a nucleus and I
am produced in the female reproductive
tissues. I have a jelly-like covering that
makes my outer membrane look thick and
lumpy. When I fuse with a sperm cell, a new
individual may grow.
Cells divide (cell division)
I am a dividing cell. I have tightly folded
genetic material called chromosomes that
are separated and pulled toward opposite
sides of me Eventually I will pinch off in the
middle and form two cells from one.
It’s in your genes (chromosomes)
I am found in the nucleus of cells. I am made
of an extremely long chemical called DNA
folded into structures called chromosomes.
Many chromosomes are folded into the shape
of the letter X. Boys have one chromosome
that looks like the letter Y.
Head nurse (brain cells)
I am found in large numbers in the brain. I am
shaped like a star. My long extensions
branch out and make connections with blood
vessels and nerve cells. I keep nerve cells
healthy by providing them with nutrients.
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 19 Worksheet B
Cell Detective (Cell Structure)
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 19 Teacher Reference Material
Cell Detective
Hard and compact (bone) image a
Compact bone is a hard calcium substance that
grows in layered columns. Tiny bone cells on the
outskirts of each ring make and release a hard
calcium substance which forms the layers. Although
bone cells are trapped within hard capsules they
receive oxygen and nutrients from the blood supply
because of their thin finger-like extensions that
reach through the bony layers towards the large
Round and red (red blood cells) image o
(Red blood cells, white blood cells and a clear liquid
called plasma make up our blood.) There are
between 4 and 6 million red blood cells in each
millilitre of your blood. These cells do not have a
nucleus and they cannot divide and form new cells.
They have a very flexible membrane and are
pinched in at both sides. They contain haemoglobin
and this makes the red blood cell turn red when it
absorbs oxygen.
Strong and flexible (cartilage) image d
Cartilage tissue is made up of tiny cells that make
and release a hard but flexible and porous
substance into the environment around themselves.
Cartilage is often found at moving joints. It is not
supplied with many internal blood vessels. Oxygen
and nutrients in the body fluids are forced through
the porous cartilage tissue when the joints of the
body move.
Conscious moves (skeletal muscle) image r
Skeletal muscle is the muscle that allows us to move
our body when we want to. It consists of long muscle
cells that shorten and then relax with messages from
the brain. Under high magnification you can see the
banded contracting fibres within the cells. They
extend from one end of the skeletal muscle cell to
the other. Nerve signals from the brain cause fibres
from each end of the cell to pull themselves closer
together. When the nerve signals stop the fibres
release and the muscle relaxes and extends.
Moving to the rhythm (heart muscle) image p
Cardiac muscle is the muscle that is found in the
heart. The muscle cells are so interconnected as to
appear woven together. The banded contracting
fibres in these cells extend from one end of the cell
to the other and across cell junctions into adjacent
cells. The fibres and cells shorten rhythmically
without us having to consciously think about it.
Because cardiac cells are so full of contracting fibres
the nuclei are pushed up against the edge of the cell
Smooth moves (smooth muscle) image g
Smooth muscle cells move the parts of our body that
we don’t think about, such as tissues around our
digestive tract, blood vessels and the iris in our
eyes. Smooth muscle cells are long and tapered at
both ends and often forms rings around tubes and
vessels that contract rhythmically after receiving
signals from the brain and other chemical
messengers. Each cell has a central nucleus.
Smooth muscle cells have non-regular contracting
fibres inside them which are not as easily seen. This
is why they are called ‘smooth’ muscle cells.
Fighting fit (macrophage cells – white blood
cells) image j
Macrophage cells are a type of white blood cell
important in the body’s defence against invading
bacteria, viruses and even cancer cells. They attach
to, engulf and destroy dangerous invaders. They
also destroy other particles and dead cells that could
lead to the body being damaged. They have tiny
sacs inside them that carry toxic chemicals and they
also have many finger-like cell extensions that help
the cell to move around and attach to the particles
that they engulf.
Red and white (blood smear) image s
A blood smear can contain many different red and
white blood cells. White blood cells are not always
white in colour despite their name. Neutrophils are
the most common type of white blood cell in the
blood. They seem quite large compared to the small
red blood cells that surround them. These cells are
easily recognised because their nucleus is quite
knobby, so when you look at them under a
microscope they often appear to have several
The processing plant (liver) image I
The liver is a very important organ in the body. It is a
chemical processing factory and has many
functions. The liver is made up of clusters of liver
cells called lobes that secrete a number of special
chemicals into tiny blood vessels and ducts. Under
high magnification these drainage ducts are seen
radiating toward a large blood vessel in the centre of
each lobe. Each cluster of liver tissue is surrounded
by another six lobes. This is why liver tissue is called
hepatocyte tissue.
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Making juices (glands) image l
Glands make and secrete special chemicals –
hormones or enzymes – into tiny passages that lead
to surfaces or cavities of different organs in the
body. Gland cells are often packed together into
tight clusters. The cytoplasm appears to be white
because of all the hormones or enzymes that they
make and store. The hormone and enzymes are
released into empty spaces near the cells. These
are the ducts or tubes that carry the special
chemicals to specific parts of the body or to the
blood where they can affect the body in different
Hold me in (skin cells) image t
Skin cells are made of layered (stratified) epithelial
cells. The layering makes them well adapted for
protection. The deep cell layers are round or
columnar and they continuously divide and push the
older skin cells towards the top or outer surface. As
the cells move progressively toward the top surfaces
they become thinner and thinner and eventually are
shed to the environment by everyday wear and tear.
Gobble-dee guts (intestine cells) image e
The cells (columnar epithelium) of the small intestine
are generally quite tall and well adapted for the
absorption of nutrients and digestive juices from the
digestive tract. Nutrients are absorbed into columnar
cells from the free surface that faces the inside of
the digestive tract (lumen). The nucleus is elongated
and is found near the base of the cell, opposite the
Warm padding (fat cells) image f
Fat tissue contains cells that store fat in the body.
Fat cells are a very important part of the body’s
protection. They protect the body from cold and
provide padding from physical injury. Fat cells are
also important energy stores. The cells in fat tissue
are generally round and cloudy looking because of
the fat (lipids) that they contain. The nucleus in fat
cells is pushed to the outer edge of the membrane.
Nervous messages (neurons) image m Nerve
cells (neurons) are the cells that relay messages in
the brain and the nervous system. Neurons have a
large star-shaped cell body. Dendrites are small
finger-like extensions that extend from the cell body,
making connections and receiving input messages
from surrounding nerve cells and tissue. An axon is
a long process that may extend up to a metre in
length. It carries electrical messages from the
neuron to other cells, tissues and organs of the
body. These are the signals that tell the body what
to do and how to respond to the environment.
Head nurse (astrocyte cells) image b
An astrocyte is a type of cell found in large numbers
in brain tissue. The function of astrocytes is to
exchange nutrients between the blood and brain
tissue, and to service the nerve cells so they remain
strong and healthy. Astrocytes are star shaped and
have long branched extensions that wrap around the
nerve cells and blood vessels that they service.
Brain defence (microglial cells) image k Microglial
cells are cells that occur in the brain in relatively
small numbers. They have a tiny nucleus inside a
very small cell body. They also have many highly
branched feathery processes that extend from the
central cell body that connect them to the
surrounding tissue. They respond to tissue damage
by transforming into large defender cells that engulf
and destroy invading cells and damaged tissue.
Swimming cells (sperm cells) image c
Sperm cells are produced in the male reproductive
tissues. They are small and elongated with a tiny
nucleus inside the head of the cell. They have only
half the genetic material of other cells. Sperm cells
have a long tail-like extension that whips around and
propels the sperm forward. When sperm cells join
with an egg cell during fertilisation a new cell is
formed that can develop into a new baby.
Ova to you (egg cell / ovum) image n
Ova are sometimes called egg cells. They are large
round cells that are produced in the female
reproductive tissues. They contain a nucleus that
has half the amount of genetic material to a normal
body cell. When an ovum joins up with a sperm cell
during fertilisation a complete cell is formed that can
grow into a new baby.
Divide and multiply (mitosis) image h
As our bodies grow our cells divide and become
specialised. When a cell divides the genetic material
folds up into paired structures called chromosomes.
Each pair is separated and pulled toward different
poles in the cell. Under a microscope you can see
this separation of chromosomes. The cell then
pinches off in the middle and forms two cells from
It’s in your genes (chromosomes) image q
Our genetic material is found inside the nucleus of
cells. It is an extremely long molecular chemical
called DNA. DNA tells the cells of our bodies what to
make. DNA can only be seen with a microscope.
DNA is folded into larger structures called
chromosomes. These can be seen under a powerful
microscope. We have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
One set from our father and one set from our
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 20: Cells Mean Life [Levels 5&6, VCE Biology]
Develop vocabulary for a range of terms related to cells and their structural organisation and function in the
Level 5: Develop an understanding of the human body as composed of different cells and tissues working
together (Science - Knowledge and understanding). Use a range of question types, and locate and select
relevant information from varied sources when undertaking investigations (Thinking Processes - Reasoning,
processing and inquiry).
Level 6: Explain the role of DNA and genes in cell division and genetic inheritance (Science - Knowledge
and understanding). Use pertinent questions to explore, clarify and elaborate complex meaning
(Communication - Listening, viewing and responding).
VCE Biology: Cellular structure, organisation and processes (Unit 1: Unity and Diversity - Cells in action).
What to do:
Refer to Activity 20 Worksheet: Cells mean life (pp189-190).
Answers to crossword
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 21: The Blood Transfusion Game [Levels 5 and 6]
Level 5: Learn about the ABO blood group system, while playing a game about blood transfusion and the
clotting system. Explore how scientific work has led to the discovery of new knowledge and understanding
about blood donations for humans (Science - Knowledge and understanding). Identify, analyse and ask
questions in relation to scientific ideas or issues of interest (Science at work). Use a range of question types,
and locate and select relevant information from varied sources when undertaking investigations (Thinking
Processes - Reasoning, processing and inquiry).
Level 6: Learn about the ABO blood group system, while playing a game about blood transfusion and the
clotting system (Science - Knowledge and understanding). Provide examples of the work of scientists that
demonstrate different approaches to knowledge about cells. Construct working models and visual aids that
demonstrate scientific ideas (Science at work). Generate questions that explore perspectives. Make informed
decisions based on analysis of various perspectives and, sometimes contradictory, information (Thinking
Processes -Reasoning, processing and inquiry).
What to do:
Part 1:
Discuss the following information about blood groups with the class before they play the game.
Part 2: How to play
• Each student is given a copy of the Activity 21 Worksheet: The ABO blood groups (p191); and the ABO
blood group – record sheet (p193) record their points as they play the game.
• Choose someone to cut out each of the boxes from the Worksheet: A, B, AB and O cards (p192). Put the
squares into a box and shake them around inside. Each student should select one of these squares from
the box without looking. These become the students designated blood group. Students should keep their
blood groups and corresponding numbers secret from other students if they want to win the game.
• When each student has selected a blood group take the remaining squares from the box and call out the
numbers so that each student can cross these numbers off their ABO blood group – record sheet. It
may be useful to reproduce this number grid on a board at the front of the class and record the results of
the blood transfusion, of the recipient’s blood group against the donor number.
• The game moves around the room from student to student, in one direction – each student represents a
recipient requiring a blood donation.
• The student whose turn it is calls out their blood group type and then chooses a number from the sheet
(or the board) to become their blood transfusion donor.
• The teacher refers to a copy of the Worksheet: A, B, AB and O cards (p192) and determines whether the
donor blood is a good match for the recipient, or whether they have developed blood clotting from the
blood transfusion. Only the teacher has a copy of this sheet. The teacher does not disclose the blood
group of the donor to the class.
• If the transfusion results in clotting, the recipient is out of the game, their number is crossed off
everyone’s table (and from the board) and the student’s blood group is recorded in the “Clot box” at the
top of the ABO blood group – record sheet. If the transfusion outcome is no clotting, the recipient lives to
play another round. Their blood group is not recorded in the “Clot box”. The order of blood groups
recorded in the “Clot box” give us statistical information about the likelihood of blood groups to clot.
Students must not choose the same donor, more than once.
• The class records the results of each transfusion onto their own copy of the Worksheet: ABO blood
group – record sheet. This is best done recording (clotting) or (no clotting) beside the recipient blood
group and the donor number. For example, an A blood group recipient chooses donor number 16 and
the result is clotting. This would be recorded as: 16: A: (clotting). The next time a B recipient may choose
16 as the donor and the result may be no clotting: 16: B: (no clotting). If you are blood group B you might
be smart not to choose 16 as a donor in your next round.
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Part 3: Universal donor, universal receiver
Student Questions:
• Which blood group appears to be the most successful transfusion receiver? Why do you think this is?
• Which blood group appears to be the least successful transfusion receiver? Why do you think this is?
• Which blood groups appear to have a similar success rate of receiving transfusions? Why is this?
Activity 22: Making New Body Parts for Humans [Levels 5 and 6]
Level 5: Develop an understanding of the human immune system as composed of different cells and tissues
working together for the survival of the human body. Learn about the human immune system and its impact
on replacement cells, tissues and organs for replacement body parts for humans. Explore how scientific work
has led to the discovery of new knowledge and understanding about human replacement tissues and organs
(Science - Knowledge and understanding). Identify, analyse and ask questions in relation to scientific ideas
or issues of interest (Science at work). Use a range of question types, and locate and select relevant
information from varied sources when undertaking investigations (Thinking Processes - Reasoning,
processing and inquiry). Apply creative thinking strategies to explore possibilities and generate multiple
options, problem definitions and solutions. Demonstrate creativity, in engaging with and exploring ideas in a
range of contexts (Thinking Processes – Creativity). Judge the integrity of the located information based on
credibility, accuracy, reliability and comprehensiveness (ICT for communicating). Independently apply a
range of processing skills, functions and equipment to solve problems and create products which contain
minimal functional, typographical, formatting and readability errors (ICT for creating).Use the communication
conventions, forms and language appropriate to the subject to convey a clear message through a creative
presentation to meet the needs of the context, purpose and audience (Communication – Presenting).
Interpret complex information and evaluate the effectiveness of its presentation (Communication - Listening,
viewing and responding).
Level 6: Develop an understanding of the human immune system as composed of different cells and tissues
working together for the survival of the human body. Explain the coordination and regulatory functions of
humans with regard to growing new cells and tissue for human transplantation purposes (Science Knowledge and understanding). Use relevant science concepts about cell and tissue cloning to debate
contentious and/or ethically based issues of broad community concern. Provide examples of the work of
scientists that demonstrate different approaches to cell and tissue cloning. Construct working models and
visual aids that demonstrate scientific ideas (Science at work). Generate questions that explore
perspectives. Make informed decisions based on analysis of various perspectives and, sometimes
contradictory, information (Thinking Processes -Reasoning, processing and inquiry). Individually, and as
team members, apply a range of techniques, equipment and procedures that minimise the cost, effort and
time of processing ICT solutions and maximise the accuracy, clarity and completeness of the information
(ICT for creating). Apply selectively a range of creative thinking strategies to broaden knowledge and engage
with contentious, ambiguous, novel and complex ideas (Thinking Processes – Creativity). Use subjectspecific language and conventions in accordance with the purpose of the presentation to communicate
complex information (Communication – Presenting). When listening, viewing and responding, consider
alternative views, recognise multiple possible interpretations and respond with insight. Use pertinent
questions to explore, clarify and elaborate complex meaning (Communication - Listening, viewing and
What to do:
Refer to Activity 22 Worksheet: Making new body parts for humans (p194).
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 20 Worksheet
Cells Mean Life
1. Sex cells that have only one set of chromosomes. They occur by a
process of division called meiosis. G_ _ _ t _ _
5. A small single cell micro-organism is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are made from amino acids, coded by genes.
11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the process of producing offspring so that a
species continues to survive after the death of an individual. It begins at the
level of the cells.
12. In mammals the male sex cells are called _ _ _ _ _
13. The genetic material that occurs in every cell is called deoxyribonucleic
acid, most often known as _ _ _
14. Initials of lymphatic system.
Electronmicrograph of cell division –
mitosis. Source: National University
Hospital of Singapore
16. A _ _ _ _ _ is a unique microscopic organism that must infect and multiply inside a host cell to survive.
21. The cells of complex multicellular organisms have a membrane bound nucleus and are called E_ _ _ _ _ _tic cells
25. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refers to all of the chemical reactions that take place in a cell to build or break down molecules
and to make energy.
28. The cellular tissue that excretes body waste, senses our external environment and covers and protect the surface of
our body is commonly referred to as _ _ _ _
29. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are tiny structures inside cells that carry out all of its individual metabolic and biochemical tasks.
34. The thin skin around the outside of cells is called the p_ _ _ _ _ membrane. It consists of a lipid (fat) bilayer
embedded with proteins and sugar molecules.
35. G_ _ _ _ bodies are small capsules inside the cell that store proteins before they are excreted.
38. C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s are genetic structures in the nucleus of cells that consist of tightly coiled strands of DNA.
39. Cells have a flexible cyto_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that enables the cell to move, change shape and divide.
40. _ _ _ _ _ cells are specialised cells that transmit messages via electrical impulses.
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
2. _t_ _ _ _ is the process of cell division where a parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells.
3. The initials of the network of passages that weave throughout the cell cytoplasm are _ _
4. A section of the genetic code (or DNA) that encodes for a single protein is called a _ _ _ _
6. The early developing organism that has non specialised cells is called an _ _b_ _ _.
7. When an organism reproduces without swapping genetic material with another organism, it is called _ _ _ _ _ a_
8. Single cell organisms such as bacteria, have simple _ _ _ k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ cells which do not contain a nuclear
9. All cells in the body, except for the sex cells, contain two copies of the genetic code & are called s_ _ _ _ _ _ cells.
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is the largest organelle in a eukaryotic cell. It contains chromosomes. (plural)
14. Cells are the building blocks for all _ _ _ _ forms.
15. An _ _ _ _ _ is where the female gametes (sex cells) are produced
17. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ code is the three letter code that translates into a protein sequence.
18. ----- are the building blocks of all living things.
19. Embryonic _ t _ _ - _ _ _ _ s occur in embryo’s and have the potential to become any of the specialised cells of the
20. The organelles that carry out the metabolic chemical reactions that provide energy for cells are called _ _ _ _ _ _ o_
_ _ _.
22. R_ _ _ s_ _ _ _ are tiny organelles, often called the protein making factories of the cell.
23. The thick gel like fluid inside cells called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _contains nutrients, metabolic products and wastes.
24. A collection of cells that work together to perform a particular task within an organism is known as _ _ _
26. _ _ _ _ s_ _ is the process where cells duplicate, reshuffle their genetic material and divide to produce gametes (sex
cells) in the ovaries or testes.
27. _ _ _ _ s_m_ _ are small capsules in cells that contain proteins & acids that digest bacteria, dead cells & worn-out
30. The first cell of a new organism which is formed by the fusion of two gametes is called a
_ _ _o_ _.
31. There are white and red _ _ _ _ _ cells which
are different types of specialised cells.
32. Clonal t_ _ _s can occur when an embryo
splits in half.
33. A _ _ _ _ _ is a genetically identical cell or
36. Proteins consist of a chain of amino _ _ _ _s
that are folded into a particular shape and carry
out a particular function in the body.
37. DNA contains a _ _ _ _ for all the proteins in
our body.
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 21 Worksheet
The ABO Blood Groups
Different people have different blood. The differences occur because of two chemicals that are found in our
blood. These are referred to as chemical A and chemical B. Some people have chemical A in their blood (A
blood group). Some people have chemical B in their blood (B blood group). Some people have both of these
chemicals in their blood (AB blood group); and some people have neither of these chemicals in their blood
(O blood group). This means that there are four different types of blood groups A, B, AB, and O.
Sometimes, when people get sick or lose a lot of blood they need to receive a blood transfusion from a
donor. Before a transfusion is given the donor’s and the receiver’s blood group must be matched. This is
because our body’s defence system only recognises the chemicals that occur in our own body, and it will not
attack new blood with these same chemicals. If blood with different chemicals is put into our body, our
immune system does not recognise it. It thinks this blood is foreign and dangerous and sets about to destroy
So, if someone else’s blood is put into your body and it has the same chemicals as your own blood group,
your defence system will not attack it. If someone else’s blood is put into your blood but it contains different
chemicals to your blood group, your body’s defence system will make a sticky substance that clumps-up the
new blood and destroys it. If this happens it is very dangerous because the clumpy blood will clog up the
circulation and stops the blood from flowing around your body.
Look at the table below and discuss which blood can be mixed together.
Table 1: The ABO Blood groups
• Why is the AB blood group called a universal receiver?
• Why is the O blood group called the universal donor?
• Draw a picture of: a) blood after a successful transfusion; and b) clumpy blood after an unsuccessful
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Activity 21 Worksheet
A, 8, AB & 0 Cards
A. 89
O zo
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Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 21 Worksheet
ABO Blood Group-number Record Sheet
What is your designated blood group?
Clot Box
What do the results from this game tell us about the different types of blood?
A Museum Victoria experience
Investigating the Human Body Classroom activities: 14 - 22
Activity 22 Worksheet
Making New Body Parts for Humans
What to do:
Work in groups to research biological the following questions. Organise your ideas and information into a
creative presentation (poster presentation, powerpoint, or news report) for other class members.
Part 1: Organ and tissue transplants – person to person
Until we can fully understand and simulate the working complexity of the human body, the ultimate
replacement part is a live organ or tissue. Today, transplanting living tissue from person to person is a
regular surgical procedure. However, it has limitations. A major limitation with organ and tissue
transplantation is rejection.
Use diagrams to describe how the human immune system causes rejection of donor transplant tissue and
organ in the body?
The first truly successful organ transplant was performed in Boston, in 1954. How was rejection overcome
during this kidney transplantation? Explain how this was possible at the cellular level. Today many organs
and tissue are transplanted from distant relatives and unrelated donors.
What are the organs that are sourced from people that have died?
What are the organs that are sourced from living donors?
How is organ rejection overcome today?
Why do you think researchers are seeking other alternatives to person to person organ and tissue transfer?
Part 2: Making new replacements
Around half of all people who need a transplant die while on the waiting list, increasing the pressure on
researchers and regulatory bodies to develop other tissue and organs sources for replacement purposes.
Choose one of the following topics and complete a research project that clearly describes the processes
involved and answers each of the following questions.
A. Growing your own – tissue culture and engineering
• What is tissue culture?
• Draw a diagram that explains the process involved in growing tissue culture.
• Explain why tissue culturing is also called tissue cloning?
• Which tissues and organs are currently being cultured or engineered?
• How are these cultures used in replacement tissue or organ therapy? Generally culture cells are sourced
from embryonic, fetal, newborn foreskin, cord serum or bone marrow because adult tissue is far less
robust, and will stop dividing and replicating much sooner than the more versatile and youthful cells.
• Why do you think experimentation and harvesting of particular types of tissue could be highly
Therapeutic cloning of human stem cells
What are embryonic stem cells?
Draw a diagram and explain the process involved in culturing and differentiating embryonic stem cells.
Why is experimentation and harvesting of embryonic stem cells highly controversial?
Researchers hope to learn enough about reprogramming adult cells to revert to ES cells. What recent
experiment showed that this process is possible in at least some mammals? Draw a diagram and explain
each step of this famous experiment and how it proved reprogramming of adult cells is possible. (clue:
Dolly the sheep)
Animals to humans – xenotransplantation
What is xenotransplantation?
What is the current major limitation of xenotransplantation?
Why are biotechnology researchers turning to animals for replacement tissue and organs?
Explain how the antibody mediated defence system caused rejection of xenotransplantation tissue.
When were the first xenotransplants carried out?
What tissues were transferred?
What was the general result of these early experiments?
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