Instructor: Paul 0,Heron Student: Date: Time: l. Simpliw using order of operations: 3 l (1 l 2 1 Answer: 2 . Assignment: MAT080 Integer Arithmetic Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics ) 3 2 1 (l l l) 10. [] 10 14 Simpliv using order of operations. -+ 9 QA 10(12 9) 6 OB 18 QC 16.5 QD 198 Answer: 3. Two coms arc tossed 4000 times. The bar graph shows how the coins arc predicted to land. How many times will two heads occur? The answer 1s Occurances 2nnn 1 1 1 [] 1 1 80 60 40 20 A B C A Two heads B One head and one ta C Two tail s Answer: tfif.. 4. ..- ,fl,f 1000t-.t.t .-t4lftfff;f.Yi ;d.-fdf flllt.ll,iff The school library has an inventory still on the shelves? JA 35,153 books QB 35,053 books oC 35,143 books i.eJD 35,152 books t .flll..I . of 44,274 books. If9,121 Answer: Page l have been checked out, how many arc Instructor: Paul O,Heron Student: Date: Time: 5. Find the greatest common factor for the group of numbers: 60 66 54. Answer: ,lNd,-dit.d, Assignment: MAT080 Integer Arithmetic Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics 6 fIt-.lfl-1 tfljl..fl-tti1-.IlY CN.f.f..If.fli.lff.ttfiffo ...J t.-i.. t --f.P.i.-ftXf.Y.-J-......I..f.Tf.. tf-t.Yf.i .- fdi..Y.d- Page 2 The greatest conmlon factor 1s [] Instructor: Paul O,Heron Program: (201230) Math Placement Student: Date: Time: Assignment: MAT081 Fractions, Decimals and Percents Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics l. Divide 2 1 5 2 The quotient Simpliw your answer. Type mixed number as necessary. a [] l IS proper fraction or 4 Answer: 5 2. 4 5 Subtract: The difference 5 8 6 1s [] 5 Simpliw your answer. Type a proper fraction or mixed number, as necessary. 1 Answer: Lfdi.f.t.`iftldfittldft.if.iffffftfl.i 3. CiFCCL`EILLEIN 3 30 E`LNCULNLfdfUllLftltiffidlilQftiUthiffHmll`llilNtNtUltqtNltjffiLQL-IAINiLYUddLCdCCELtIFUJNIULQlVlidtdlftffffN IY lCilIilf'iNffif. if. LTCdll-LNf..fNffVliti..dId`-fiji.TIN.`li 8 Wnte 25 8 as a decimal. 25 (Type Answer: `tilffd..f.dNCWfItffilittiNdNlliufi-.UlNECilttlHCf`fffi ldqfl flitfflfdfidLiifitiiE rdl-idififUFC.CLLLULHCNffifNffffflff4 [] a decimal.) O.32 IIIlA. 4. There arc 600 turtles in a pond. 30 arc snapping turtles . What percent snapping turtles? of the turtles arc []% arc snapping turtles. Answer: 5. 5 A coin dealer sells bags that arc supposed to There would be contain 34% silver colns. How many silver coins wouldbeinabagof600 Answer: colns? 204 Page l IJULAUILIJ [] colns. l tdddtfdtt-iCC Student: Date: Time: Instructor: Paul OIHeron Assignment: MAT082 Linear Equations Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics Solve: 2(x + 5) 1. 9x 5. Wn.te your answer as an integer, slmplified fraction or mixed number. [] X Answer: Lqi`'t`.cr`cftL.x -Litrlrlrfc L` tt`-au`c.zaat.ttvtucaxL-Qalllfr L-;````... `r 5 2 2 9 a4utcttac- r.-``4``.t--ttrz.atic uiiQif tNfCcL 5 4 r 1 xiri r ``t`` a4t'`t '.`l`itddrr. u i'c 'rewc`'L'.Ceo-L.'I``It-t.L '`lq`dr_.`. fl..I . .ff.-ffn 4.441144 t4L`.ft.ZIiC`iLL.(ld`tdCILl.`if`a`.(PdCiiCCiCLi. tt t.I.t.t./.t,ffif.Yff i.`i``41(fl`11C4d Which one of the equations below properly models the graph ofthe line shown at right? 2. 4 X oB 2 X y aC 44l4idfiLII.lJ.ii til.dtt-4LidCllCtil.'t.te- . 't;Yr CCtCL.t )\ 10TTfl II OA y 11`11 l 4lll0. 2 4 l 4 X y 2 II -f QD y 2 X 2 . L L -10- .lllljlfl.llPl..l.L` 3. ````` Answer: ` , Iu``` IA```t What ` ````1 p````- t L``z r ``- ` L L`L. .. 4 `L..1lll. t Ill`.Il4llPII..ll.b``. . the equation for the line between the points (1, 2) and(3, 1)? OA fJB IS 3 y X +2 X + 2 3 y 7C 2 7 y aD - 2 3 X 2 2 2 y 7 X +2 3 Answer: Page 1 . Ilt-`ltllll.lPI L t` .LJL tl I. ILPt .lll.l.LI. tll.P I`\.ltt.JL .tt.. .. Instructor: Paul O,Heron Program: (201230) Math Placement Student: Date: Time: Assignment: MAT082 Linear Equations Assessment TestBank: MyMathTest Developmental . Mathematics 4 . Which of the graphs shown below is COITCCt y> for 3x OA 3, OB V X 1. I: J Y 10 l ft+- f-- aC aD Answer: 5. The fimction S(h) = 8h + 1800 can be used to find the salary including bonus, S, for working Ilhl hours. Use this fiinction to detennine the salary including bonus for working 700 hours. The salary for working 700 houi.s is Answer: Uitfd.fftOCN CllffYlECNdCllNtOEZCldftdfCl`tfliffitlitUl.dtC2ff1144Ltftf.ffffff 7400 N.C-t.YLdildtfflfl/U` liCNtE.OdNCNlAf.Nffd ffldtfdtflfl-lfi.tlft $[] ENffiffiil`ti-CfJCQlNfUtfr.fiitftftl,.llilECtifl.ffi Page 2 .L a`vc r'tccwu utxce . trutrooxrcrc'. t N.WMEracrvcaf t ulrurc c.xmr f`tct-co ' OlwLmcrflaffr/yUNfaaeNffft`tdff.(ff.Ju.yoil.x.Y`L`.',.`-cdtff,`'.A;f.. Student: Date: Time: Instructor: Paul O'Heron Assignment: MAT083 Systems of Linear Program: (201230) Math Placement Equations Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics Solve the system of equations by reading the solution off the graph. l. 5x +4y 10- J _ ,_ _f 6- 28 22 3x+5y y X f 1. of equations 1s: The solution to the system O 10 -8 X y TT Answers JI 2 L . V J JLJ JJ IJ J J .LVLJLLLJ .ALJLI.L .1 .P _- .L JJJ `ILJLUL 11Il 4 ,J Lt l b q t I UL 2 JJ J L LV PLJ J LJJLUJL `L.JU LJLA JL J JIJJLJ , L ...........,,.f...t.lP`.``Ib.IIIIP.4lJtdJ.LltITPI tIllltPlLcIllllllllTLP L P....l.ll`Lll It.l..lllllJ.LLIJ.IIll.t J,Ul . ..`. .y 44`JL.J......J..L.`L...IllllTI.J-`..A.llllPIPl`.qd-JJqfllffAj.ALy Solve the system by any method. 3x 23 8y X The solution 9 3y tO the system ofequations 1s: X y Answers 3 4 3. Solve the system of equations. 4 5x+y 7x- 3y 32 The solution to the system of equations 1s: X y Answers 2 6 .Yf t.t.iftif.V,/J flltliITql i.-fh,f;i.f.. .l..f.-itfif Page l ;lfi...I.dl,iff fiil-ifli.lll..ill.fl.ftYftd frl.f 4LPI PlPI. Student: Date: Time: 4. Instructor: Paul O,Heron Assignment: MAT083 Systems of Linear Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics Equations A motel clerk counts his $I and $10 bills at the end ofa day. He finds that he has a total of 56 bills having a combined monetary value of $146. Find the number ofbills of each denomlnation Let x Let y the number the number of $I bills of $10 bills You need to solve: that he has. .411l [] The clerk has Answers ones and [] X +y= 56 X + lOy 146 I-Illll11ll tens. 46 10 `.`.4 `Kr..LL`.NLQ4_.tLL-L Lltl`t.NALL`Lu,.OLQ`IJ`AI`JLL.,`..L O`U`H`4A`.ALL.A..V-`.,L`LALNL..LV.```L4`LL4L`..-``.``4.4LL4```.``V 5. Joan Arlington mvests $400 into two accounts. One is invested at 4% simple annual interest while the other is at 2% slmple interest. Ifher yearly income from the two investments is $10, how much does she have at each rate? QA Choose the system this problem. f.i.-fiffi. Answer: Y/Y- -//f-/I-ffJIF-l .I. tt-fN 20/o 10 O.04x + O.02y 400 x+y= 400 10 aD x+y=400 of equations needed to solve f..f.f..Ylf.fl.I..tif.YffiffffNtffffA-4.Jfddf.ffVd4d...itf.ti.fl 400 O.04x + O.02y the amount invested at 4 o/o the amount invested at 10 oB x+y= QC Let x Let y x+y 4x+ 2y ld.lNt.if.i14.fl.ffVl-ifftlf..41l.Yll.I..I.dtfit i.`0 Page 2 O.04x + O.02y F,d.,...-f l..lldff.I.YCNN.dlilt't; ; .f.- r,1 f.-r.'...Tft lilf.lfd O.06 ifff.`tf.`f.Yf.ifffdf ,-J,. ,- -',- lr..i Instructor: Paul 0,Heron Program: (201230) Math Placement Student: Date: Time: Assignment: MAT084 Polynomials Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics l. Add: (7x 8+ 6x + 2)+(5x 8 + 5x+ 6). Put your answer into descending exponent form. The suzn I 1s [] llx+ 8 12x 8+ Answer: 1). Put Multiply: (5x+ 3)(3x 2. The product IS your answer into descending exponent form. 3 fldt.fff.Fid,f.1..fl Factor: 3x 2+X 3. The factors arc: Il-`ll`HILVL..Lf.VJ..1``-`.. 4. . Solve: X 2+ X .RP_I. `44.tltJI 5. (3x ,..`,,.,.,A,.,n.,.sw,,erj `,,., .,,..,.,,..,,,.,,...A,,,,,n [] 2 . Wn.te Cff`l.ffffllftiffllNtHlddtfdlf.lilfdl'-fl.Y.f..VLNFIFVifflffilfiffiffii` J.-N.-lfdf,dd;ildl.Tlf l (Axt B)(xt D). your answer in the form [] - 2) (x + I) llx+ 30 - 6, - 5 swer; Ll4LI4LLlLL4W_`LL4L4_O_Ltt4_14 [] 15x 2+4x Answer: Lllt_AELI`L`LI`LL`L . x,` `. ` O. ., `ue`."``o `,...".,.. `.Ll.`a`..`.b`..A``AL`L;L....AL``` ......1...``..``L`.J.t,`L.,``FL``LLc.,tx`f`t,`-.J ``` ``;.L.-` ..` .``-`I-`.-``...AA..A`.L`tL``.-L,.o...`r.-I`L ```......u``l````..z-s.Ll`LL`L.tut...J `flfllt.1.J``II-``l..IIll`L``P.LlPL`l.I.I,L..`j`l-Lll-L.fl.Li.ffA`q`f`ff..yfy Enter your answers separated by a conmla.. J,J,``,. `J``m,` JJun, ` uJA-e vt .J`-Lve J p.`zcp. Lv`v `` ` ` p`e`co pL t t L u..,,- `, ``, J `` J` `` ` `` ` ``" ` JteLu , t ` .``` `. . .L`V-. ` `,```urp. Lw`Jezrt ./ L, f ` `L`a ` LI.IJYL`bIlh..4.,..l .,``l `....J1.J.Jp.A .Vl..I. Simpliy: Assume that arc needed. [] y fldffall'fl.d.fd.`fitrfdf.iltift.lNffff.vlNmlVfr.Tffffwl.YpfSu,.. ,.yf f.efff.l.f.;Jfff..f variables under the radical represent nonnegative numbers, so no absolute value bars 8 4 2 - .``,Attttt`r -Arr. .v. Ari f f v,ffr.crlrf,vr..J lII4lffblll.fllflifllfflt*fffff.bffff.ffd...f f-yJffff.dfffjgffff. a .-u..t..-lyl..rr.d..t-t;rtvrtsfr..r..4-r...r.rt t.fffN ...t.-vr--rs-irrtf.-,ro-dtoor-`r.v`-vf.`-r.`-ta..116-cnrrn-c.vrt.zfp-r Page J .r.r,.'. r..-t.-tvrfrt.rrtcta .V..,Of.LTf.YQ.D..'fffA-ly tllff.D.f-f ldl Instructor: Paul O,Heron Program: (201230) Math Placement Student: Date: Time: Assignment: MAT085 Quadratic Equations and Circles Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics 1. Find the domain and the range of the hnction shown ln the graph at nght. The domain is: aA ( 8 5) oB jC ( 10,10) 5) 7B (1,4) YJC ( The range is: mA. (-8, Answers LF A B 2 . Combine I+ as much as possible. Type an exact answer, using radicals as needed. Ans Answer: 6h Page l 10,10) Instructor: Paul OIHeron Student: Date: Time: Assignment: MAT085 Quadratic Equations and Circles Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment Test Bank: MyMathTest Developmental Mathematics Which of the following cholces 3. 2 3p 6p oA 2 0? 6 ( 6) p 6 ( p 6 6 4 2) 2) 2 (3 ) Answer: .tltll. 2 6) 2+4 ( p I/Ltl Vlt.. .L 2) 2 (3 ) fJD LL 6) 2+4 6) p 4 2) 2 (3 ) QC l.tU_LLllLlLPlt 4 2 (3 ) aB 1 2 of the quadratic formula to solve the conect application IS I. IlL..LI`UILII JL ILIJLUtIII II .Lt.L .FALL fl .1 Il Select the graph which matches the circle whose equation is shown. 4. (x+2) 2 + (y+ l) 2 16 aB QA QC D II l ---..- --.. 11- .1 L..i . .. I I. Illtlll.l l -..-..-../...t f . t 1 Il 1 T IT P I I -1 l l X -` Y f 10 IIII `` ...l `` 10 IIlL -. .--.---- ,__,,_L. .A-' L__,_ ,_.-.-..- , 24l flL4 I tl.4llltll4PI4 IP IIIllLI 4P I4t.IPl4P .III ..- .- j IIIIllLllll;ll -. .-..-..-..-..-..-. 10- _,.// -l .IP.It . . ..-..-'.-. -..-- --.-..------ IlL X r 1 ,...!...,..J ,i-.".t t,_. -: -.-1_ Ill. . 1 ., < > i Answer: LLLLULLttL``` x Y 10 * . I. . _ ____ . T 11 t .Illll. . . . . I . I. . . . I. I . . l I. _.__ ._ L .I I f > It Il II. ----. _.. ,_,_. -_.__ f < .z. f I..`fllztltt..dll III. -...-.---- I_. tEl 4lIll01ll.I. ,__.__ .lt.I..l l 1___.- 40 :,-.-.. ./IllP.ll.IIIL.IIllllll.l lI1l4l.I; 4 LIIIl \ X < L .lltIIIIJll.llI.lllllltl.Ittlltliltlllllt LllLLlLLIL luqtNL.t4144_444_44L444_1`14. Page 2 IIUI > < I I IU LUILLIILLULLlLLJLLIIJ IdLILLLLMLLItI > Instructor: Paul OHeron Student: Date: Time: Assignment: MAT085 Quadratic Equations and Circles Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics 5. Select the graph that matches the parabola whose equatlon is shown. X y 2 6x+ 13 QA QB OD LM QC iy /iy iy 10.-- -- -.---.-- --.--.--. \y ....V.. l i X -J 1 1....4 10 ,.,.A. ... .1...F.,l-..-I Y !,._ . P.i.-t-lif.t....IP. I.41.; ` X _J b; :I J . 14...-4.-.IP.;.-J,I-t-/lt., !.: . I: .:4 t f - . .:_ > < t. .` !.- ff'-- j...4 _ . . :l 1Q . .J1 I I II..LLI -4 I .[l I i- I:....9._ . LI..fLl . Y ` -.-- 1 X Y f tI44ll4I1l111114.Pl1t1t1 . .Ilt.I..lll IIll-lllPl tlltl tlll.I.LI. PP- . .Il.lllldlllllP..1/ t.It.Illtlt.t..l. I IP _ -- ...t... f i I :f ...f. -.-lt It.----.--.-f-..f..-`- --.--.--.--.---..... -- ----...-'.... ... ,., `.-....-..`.-..- ..I -- `.----- < ,l , 1Q -...-_f X 4444 22l42 41 14 P t tttt4 tttt- -`i -J...................._... .._._._-c_- J.--'.-----.- P I.I `/ _- Iltl-il-..-i,1 IIlll Ittlltl.tlltl. --fl --.--.-- .dILIl. 10- tl tf Illll > Answer: Page 3 < i > < .1Lt tf UJII L > Student: Date: Time: Instructor: Paul O,Heron Assignment: MAT086 Rational Program: (201230) Math Placement Expressions and Equations Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics l. X 2 Factor and reduce X X 2 X 2 2x 35 + 6x+ 2 6x+ 5 + x+ ( x+ 7) l . Multiply 35 [] 5 Answer: 2x 2 9x 8 5x 8 6 6x 9 and simpliw: Note: Express your answer m the fonn ofa slmplified numenc fraction followed by x raised to an 29 _-5 97 10 X X or exponent. For example: 37 5 The simplified quotient Answer: 3. _5 X I . IS [] 7 4 Add the rational expressions and slmplify: 3x+ QA l + (x+ 6) 2 (x+ 3) 9 (x+ 6)(x+ 3) QB oC 3 (2x+ 9) 3x+ 15 (x+ 6)(x+ 3) QD 3 (x+ 6)(x+ 3) Answer: .V.-t-..Vf.-dfldftdf/dff rofmrtr.-. C .t-I`ftfrdf.lfrrr.-rt- ftff..fifri.t..lfd...df.-,..-. r-t.-.-r- fl..drft,r.-f.- .-,..;r;.-,fr.'. f ffltft.f'.II.Il l Page l r..f.-I.dti.fii Student: Date: Time: Instructor: Paul O,Heron Assignment: MAT086 Rational Program: (201230) Math Placement Expressions and Equations Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics Solve. 4. Select the conect choice below and, ifnecessary, fill in the answer box to complete your answer. 2 Leave your answer as a reduced (improper) fraction where necessary. 8 p+4 2 p p oB There is no solution. _ 14 A, _ Answer: aA 5 JItIAPJL.JIIJI The speed ofa stream is 4 mph. miles downstream. 5. Using the table shown in still water? QA 13 r 5 r+4 QC oD 5 tl Ill I I `L`-L ng the speed `JUVtllttlttlt DL Pt-t`P`tP`L I l r+4 4 `1 ` 11 4`` .1.LF.````` -``P.. P ` `1 ` .`Pl``A,` JP ` P. 111`4_U`IJLlJIDlQlJIIlL.14_V..J Page 2 LlALP-l`tLI.L.l`tl`_.14fJ4_IJIIJltLuJlgVlJ 41tl 1tllYltllJllH.fLl`.lJtlJtlJqLt.vy.`4``l IVC.fl .t `L JlDN-`JltILO4-OII.JllllTt-t-AJJLIIIt 13 of the boat r + 4 13 + Answer: L proper equation for r+4 4 r IL IS a 13 5 r 1`_ solving, what 13 (r +4) 13 tLL.11`- aid upstream in the same time it takes to travel 5 4 B ItDHtllJlJILL`14_L`l7 as an A boat travels tl IJlllLTI4-ItllDIIIIIA`LDIIt..l.tPIIIILIIILI....t Assignment: MAT087 Geometry Instructor: Paul O,Heron Student: Date: Time: Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics Find the penmeter and area of the triangle. l. 25 The penmeter []ft The area []ft2 Answers 60 150 JYJtllfffl.l,f.IfffNll-ffb.I Ill Il,flfflit-fitl.tiitlVt Leave your answer as an integer or m radical form. c PJ-PAL 3. r-.u t-. YIs-l..'.. Vltd..lldltv - INl -ltdl.-V.d Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the mlsslng side of the n.ght triangle shown. 2. J I i t-l..'.vlV .N..l.d,.vlN I llI. .-o.-Jsous-Jt-fa,--e.r-Ji-rfi f..l dfitt.rdft.lldlT..f-'..ffd....lifld..-n lltTI 8 7 [] Answer: JJJJ V`JJLJVJ fi J-FA 113 IJ 411V1`111 JJ` `JJJ J L LL``,`,L,J L 4 ` 4 ` J`. U /`JLJL L ` J 4 4``VAVJL/LJ ,LL ` 4 ` I L L Find the clrcumference and area of the circle shown at right. FTI The clrcumference QA 12n ft 1s: oB 12ft QC 6n ft QD 36n ft The area is: QA 36a ft2 B QC 6n ft2 12n ft2 Answers Page I D 12 ft2 L L V V `L` ` PL 4 ` ` V /` /Y / AL Tf e . ruc or: r ra .. s . a e; e; a a e e a lace CSt e . a . a ICS l . . I I . . I I l l I . l . e e SSCSS es er a . a C elo cn al . . CO C Assignment: MAT088 Introduction to Tngonometry Instructor: Paul O,Heron Student: Date: Time: Program: (201230) Math Placement Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics l. You arc given an angle of2180 What is the measure of the reference angle? . aA 38 0 1420 B aC 2180 QD 520 Answer: 2 . Two sides ofa nght tn.angle ABC (C is angle) arc given. Find sin 0 - f)A L sin 0 QB E sin 0 9 oC C 4 4Wi 97 9 97 - A 4 QD sin 0 9 Answer: C ,......L.ll`li``tllll`l``tlUI4tllll..t`.Il-L.JLt.L..4..L.1.L,L4.P4tl..f.J-. 3. 4_L4_IWHlllJII Which expresslon would be conect for hnding the length of one side the oA 6 roof shown? oB (270 ) COS 6 COS QC oD 6 (27) Answer: B Page l l (270 ) 6 Sm (270 ) Assignment: MAT088 Introduction to Tngonometry Instructor: Paul O,Heron Program: (201230) Math Placement Student: Date: Time: Assessment (2) Test Bank: MyMathTest: Developmental Mathematics 4. Which of the following expresslons would be conect for finding the angie of inclination, A, from the ground to the cloud? 1229 yds A COS mC sinA aB 1229 A 1495 OD 1495 1229 Answer: 5. tO degrees. radians 3 2a radians 3 Answer: A sinA 1495 1229 1229 1495 ffi.iifYiIltN.lfffNfdlflff.fFdlfZfNICIFNFINVIEWFIITINVJFNffffdftif.f.Efifft.ifl-fNttfNfff tNtN Convert the angle in radians 2n cos ==). [] o 120 Page 2 fffM..f'.fffitlif tfY i t.fl.I. f.YfNfIff-Nfffll. .tf