IMT 101 – 102
Structure of English Language I – II
The aim of this course is to revise already learnt English structures in
order to enable the students to become proficient at it.
IMT 103 – 104
English Writing Skills I - II
The ultimate objective of this course is to give the students an academic
approach to written English. With this end in view, the course aims to
enhance the students’ competence and confidence in writing for
especially academic purposes with particular emphasis on unity, clarity,
fluency, coherence, consistency and linguistic accuracy as well as on
argumentation. Specific stress will be laid on improving the students’
dictionary skills (including thesaurus and combinatory dictionary) so
that they can engage in life-long learning. That the motto of the course
is “Practice Makes Perfect” makes the course feature a huge amount of
drafting, peer-editing and (re)writing on part of the students.
IMT 107 - 108
Introduction to Translation I - II
The course is designed as a series of activities to enhance the students'
linguistic, resourcing, transference and cultural skills as well as their
creativity which are the essential parts of a translator's competence. The
reading assignments will help the students to gain a deeper
understanding translation competence, translation analysis and mental
IMT 109 - 110
English Lexis I - II
This course aims to enhance the students’ knowledge of vocabulary
pertaining to different fields by means of contextual and structural
analysis of texts. Command of vocabulary, word collocations and
proper use of terminology is a ‘sine qua non’ of the profession of
translation. Accordingly, the students are required to consistently
improve their vocabulary and comprehension of complicated, authentic
texts through close reading, textual analysis as well as certain strategies
like guessing the meaning of unfamiliar terms within the context.
IMT 111 - 112
Public Speaking I - II
The objective of this course is to help students achieve adequate mastery
of oral communication skills while addressing to an audience. The
course schedule consists of the basic components such as principles of
effective speech, oral message preparation, overcoming stage fright,
audience analysis, non-verbal communication, effective use of
language, reading from text, objectives in speaking and choice of topics,
planning and preparation of speeches. Critical points of vocabulary
(such as appropriacy) and pronounciation (such as rythym) will also be
covered to improve students' communication skills. A variety of written
tasks and activities will be conducted so that students can learn to
organize their ideas in order to convey the oral message efficiently.
Through oral presentations students will be provided with the
opportunity to practise the theorethical knowledge.Moreover,
developing intercultural awareness has an important place in the
curriculum. The course aims to provide necessary cultural knowledge of
the target culture so that learners can establish a good connection with
the target language and its culture in order to communicate
This course is designed to introduce students with the place of Turkish
language among other languages.
TRD 121 - 122
Turkish Language I - II
This course is designed to introduce students with the place of Turkish
language among other languages. To introduce historical development
and today's modern Turkish. To teach feature of modern Turkish and its
fine usage.
IMT 201 - 202
Theories of Translation I - II
The course is designed to provide the students with the notions of
modern Translation Theory. Starting with the 1970s when translation
studies took a critical turn to establish itself as a distinctive and yet
interdisciplinary field, the course enables the students to gain insight
into the historical background of translation studies and explores the
connections among various schools and approaches in chronological
order. Thereby the course aims to display how the thinking about
translation has developed throughout 20th and 21st centuries and the
ways in which the arguments were built up on one another.
IMT 203 - 204
Written Translation I - II
To develop the students' competence to understand basic approaches to
translation, approach different text types with various translational
objectives and justify their decisions as translators. To carry our
practical translation processes in order to attain this competence.
IMT 205 – 206
Introduction to Interpreting I – II
This course constitutes an introduction to the field and profession of
Interpreting.The program is designed with a view to introducing the
cognitive, physical, psychological and social aspects of interpreting as
well as providing a conceptual insight into the different forms of
interpreting, as practiced today. In line with this primary course
objective, oral communication skills involving public speaking, voice
coaching and technical skills like note-taking will be developed by
means of practice. A secondary objective will be developing the use of
terminology, which is doubtlessly, one of the basic sub-skills required in
the field, by means of context-based vocabulary exercises.
IMT 207 - 208
Comparative Analysis I
The main purpose of this course is to raise students' awareness of
language varieties on morpho-syntactic level and make them gain the
ability to approach issues relating to language in more of an analytıc
IMT 221 - 222
German I - II
This course is designed to introduce students to the language of German
with the purpose of improving their writing and speaking skills.
IMT 223 - 224
French I – II
This course is designed to teach the basic concepts of French Language
IMT 225 – 226
Spanish I – II
This level corresponds to the first half of what is being referred by the
CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as
A1. By the end of this level students should RECOGNIZE, if being
addressed with a clear and slowly pace language, basic words and
expressions related to everyday situations. They will also be able to
UNDERSTAND simple phrases and to participate in a simple
CONVERSATION provided the interlocutor is willing to reformulate
what just been said or to retell it in another words or at a slower pace.
Students should know how to ask and answer questions concerning
issues related to everyday life. (S)he will use simple but accurate
expressions to describe, for instance, the place where (s)he lives as well
as the people (s)he knows. Moreover, (s)he will be able to WRITE short
and simple letters and to fill forms with personal data (e.g. name,
nationality, type of job, address…)
IMT 231 – 232
Linguistics I - II
The aim of this course is to familiarize the students with the methods,
concepts and terminology of linguistic analysis and enable tham to have
an understanding of the structure of human language. Comparison of
languages through the analysis of data selected form several languages,
mainly English and Turkish, is intended to enhance the students'
understanding of the differences among languages as well as universal
aspects of grammar.
OB 229 - 230
Organizational Behavior I - II
The aim of this course is to introduce organizational behaviour and to
develop awareness about the ways of creating effective organizations
through individual and group behaviours and organization systems. The
course enables students to grasp the core concepts such as values and
attitudes, job satisfaction, job commitment, motivation, leadership,
group dynamics, communication, conflict, stress, and so forth as well as
diagnose and analyse the processes on individual and group levels
within work settings.
TDE 105 - 440
Turkish Writing Skills I - II
This course is designed to introduce students with the ways of Turkish
language. Ways of wrıtten expression are given with some sample texts.
To teach feature of modern Turkish and its fine usage.
IMT 301 – 302
Theoretical Approaches to Translation Practice
I - II
To examine the processes, strategies, fundamental theories and practices
regarding translation and interpreting. To ensure the accurate and fluent
use of A and B languages while engaging in interpreting. To improve
terminological knowledge in different subject matters relevant to
interpreting situations. To elaborate on challenges regarding interpreting
in real life and offer solutions to overcome such challenges. To improve
public speaking skills and perform pronunciation practices.
IMT 303 - 304
Translation I - II
The course aims to develop students' translating competence by
exposing them to various text types. Course assignments will include
practice in written translation from English into Turkish and from
Turkish into English, utilizing authentic texts drawn from an extensive
variety of topics that include, but are not limited to, current events,
economics, politics, international relations, and scientific, technical,
cultural as well as literary text types. Students will apply text analysis to
identify the purpose of translation and write commentary which will
reflect their translation process and explain problems they have defined
on four levels - pragmatic, convention-related, linguistic, text-specific-,
and their solutions to these problems, i.e; the decisions they have taken
in line with the purpose of translation. In addition, assigned readings
and class discussions will help them to describe translational
phenomena brought to their attention.
IMT 305 – 306
Interpreting I - II
The course is designed to familiarize students with synchronization
required in simultaneous interpreting. Students will be offered a great
variety of texts and presentations which they will be asked to interpret
onsight. The issue areas encompass finance, economics, diplomacy,
information technology , medicine etc. Moreover, they will be
supplemented with specialized vocabulary in each area.
IMT 307 - 308
Textual Analyses I - II
The course is designed to provide the students with the competence of
developing different reading approaches throughout their tranlastionoriented reading acts. To carry out various reading processes through
practical text analysis tasks .
IMT 321 - 322
German III – IV
The course is designed for students to improve German writing and
speaking skills.
IMT 323 – 324
French III – IV
The course is designed to teach intermediate level of grammatical rules
and reading-writing skills in French.
IMT 325 - 326
Spanish III - IV
At the end of this course, the students will be able to communicate in
Present and Past Tenses and will know how to use daily speech in
restaurants, entertainment Places etc and ask and give directions.
Moreover they will be able to describe people, professions, places, and
things. Besides, they will also be able to write and read simple
paragraphs e.g. biographies.Several modifiers, adverbs and conjunctions
will also be taught
IMT 327 - 328
Special Topics in Translation III - IV
This course aims to provide a comprehensive viewpoint regarding legal
traslation from English into Turkish with particular emphasis on
criminal law, contractual law and international law as well as foreign
policy.The program is designed with a view to familiarizing the students
with different strategies employed in dealing with the difficulties arising
from the complex nature of legal language and legal terminology.
Accordingly, legal terms and terms and proverbs of Latin origin
frequently used in legal English will be taughtso that students will be
advised of employing techniques suited to the nature and structure of
the text to be translated in their actual translation practices.
IMT 329 - 330
Survey of the EU Policies I - II
Theoretical analysis of the definitions of culture, identity, the
multicultural society and traditions in cultural studies. Analytical
survey of the emergence of the idea of Europe, European identity and
Europeanness. Study of the political discourse emerging from the role
and impact of the EU will be done in order to facilitate students’
performance in translation and conference interpreting.
IMT 401 - 402
Professional Translation Practice I - II
The course aims to expose students to various commercial, business,
financial, marketing and public relations documents used in the business
world. These documents include, but are not limited to, contracts,
agreements, standards, business correspondence, fiscal reports,
marketing and PR campaigns. Course assignments will include
translation of these documents from English into Turkish and from
Turkish into English. Students will carry out a guided terminology and
text-conventions research related to these assignments.
IMT 403 – 404
Translation Criticism I - II
This course aims to offer a comprehensive overview of translation
criticism which has evolved into a theoretical and analytical enterprise
over the recent decades – in the past it used to be regarded as a
linguistics-based “error-hunting” activity. The material to be studied
relates to the current approaches to translation criticism including
functional, descriptive and critical discourse analyses. Students will
become familiar with these approaches by reading theoretical texts on
translation criticism. They will also be asked to present and submit their
own critiques of translated literary texts.
IMT 405 - 406
Theoretical Approaches to Interpreting Practice
I - II
To examine the processes, relevant strategies, fundamental theories,
paradigms and practices regarding interpreting. To analyze problem
solving strategies in interpreting and gain critical insight. To develop
critical thinking skills for various interpreting cases. To examine
common terminology and expression mistakes made in source and
target languages. To develop analytical and critical perspective for
process and product in interpreting practices.
IMT 407 - 408
Research Methods – Translation Project
Students will be provided the opportunity to practise the theoretical
knowledge on topics of interests in the field.
IMT 421 – 422
German V – VI
The course is designed to give students an advanced level of reading
and writing practices on German.
IMT 423 – 424
French V – VI
The course is designed to give students an advanced level of reading
and writing practices on French.
IMT 425 - 426
Spanish V - VI
This level corresponds to the first half of what is being referred by the
CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) as
A2. By the end of these two levels, the student will UNDERSTAND
vocabulary and sentences related to various subjects ranging from
personal interest matters such as basic personal and family information,
places of residences and work. The student will also be able to
apprehend the main ideas when trying to understand brief, clear and
simple messages. As for the READING part, (s)he will read brief and
simple texts and will be able to retrieve information from them. The
student will be in a position to COMMUNICATE in situations
involving simple and usual tasks requiring simple and direct interchange
of information. (S)he should be capable of using some sentences and
expressions related to family and other people terms, her/his conditions
of life, her/his educational background as well as her/his actual or
previous job. (S)he will also have to be able to WRITE notes and brief
messages regarding her/his inmediate needs.
IMT 427 - 428
Special Topics in Translation V - VI
Commenting on theoretical approaches, improving the ability of critical
thinking and argumentation; those two basises of the course will be
exposed through practise texts and audiovisual materials. The main goal
of the course is not an argumentation of inner theoretical and specific
problems of social sciences but to provide an experience to the students
on thinking, understanding, conceptualizing a sistematic “how to”
guideline for them and for their “interdisciplinaire translations
difficulties”, as well as knowledge of research principles on related
discipline. Printed and audiovisual materials will be used with an
interactive way (from dramas, mocumentaries and documentaries to
newspapers comments on politico-economic topics, etc.) Planning of the
course and theoretical articles' choices depend on the student's overall
attitude and aspect.
IMT 433 - 434
Otoman Turkish for Translators I - II
This course draws on diverse readings and their analysis so as to
develop a comprehensive understanding of Ottoman Turkish