Seminar and Training on Scaling Uncertainty and 3D Coupled Code

College Station, Texas
March 31 – April 4, 2014
Seminar and Training on
Scaling Uncertainty
and 3D Coupled Code Calculations
in Nuclear Technology
in cooperation with
Department of Nuclear Engineering of Texas A&M
Objective of the Seminar/Training
To transfer to the participants competence and experience in uncertainty methodologies and 3D coupled code calculations from
activities carried out over the last two decades by a group of experts from different organizations (university professors, researchers
and industrial experts) through participation in benchmarks, International Standard Problems and international cooperation. The
Nuclear Research Group of San Piero a Grado (GRNSPG) of the University of Pisa (UNIPI) will be the leader of the planned
activities. Managers and research strategists would also benefit from attending the Seminar.
The Nuclear Research Group of San Piero a Grado (GRNSPG) of the University of Pisa (UNIPI), the Department of Nuclear
Engineering of Texas A&M (Texas A&M), the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB) and the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Computing (FER) of University of Zagreb are jointly organizing a Seminar and Training to transfer competence,
knowledge and experience in the area of Scaling, Uncertainty and 3D Coupled Code Calculations.
The seminar will take place in College Station, Texas (USA) from March 31 to April 4, 2014. The seminar is open to universities,
vendors, national laboratories and regulatory bodies. At least two years’ experience in the use of a thermal-hydraulic system code is
needed to participate in the course. A minimum of twenty participants is required to organize the seminar. A maximum of 50 persons
will be accepted.
Further information about participation and registration as well as useful practical information can be obtained from Alessandro
Petruzzi at the following email address: Special accommodation will be offered on a separate sheet.
The Network of Nuclear Engineering and Energy Services (NNEES) is in charge of the financial management of 3D SUNCOP. An
internet website with the latest news is available at:
History of the Seminar
The 3D S.UN.COP 2014 in College Station will be the sixteen seminar of its kind organized since 2004. The previous fifteen
seminars were successfully held at:
The University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), 5 – 9 January 2004 (6 participants) and 14 – 18 June 2004 (11 participants);
The Pennsylvania State University (PA, USA), 24 – 28 May 2004 (15 participants);
The University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia), 20 June – 8 July 2005 (19 participants);
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain), 23 January – 10 February 2006 (33 participants);
The Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN), the Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), the Nucleoelectrica Argentina
S.A (NA-SA) and the Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 2 – 14 October 2006 (37 participants);
The Texas A&M University (College Station, Texas, USA), 22 January – 9 February 2007 (26 participants);
The McMaster University, the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), the Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS), the Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), 8 – 26 October 2007 (33 participants);
The Institute for Energy (IE) of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of EC, 13 – 31 October 2008 (35 participants)
The Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden), 12 – 30 October 2009 (38 participants)
The Institute for Energy (IE) of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of EC, 18 October – 5 November 2010 (23 participants)
The General Electric Hitachi (GEH), Wilmington (NC, USA), 28 March – 8 April 2011 (22 participants)
The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Daejeon, South Korea, 16 April – 4 May 2012 (26 participants)
The University of Zagreb (FER), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 5 – 23 November 2012 (31 participants)
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain), 7 - 25 October 2013 (26 participants)
Expected Products
The Seminar will provide a transfer of experience and know-how from recognized experts in the respective fields. It will thus
contribute to maintaining and increasing technical competence and to ensuring the sustainable development of nuclear technology.
CDs containing all lectures will be distributed to the participants.
Organizing Committee
A. Petruzzi
B. Schembri
Scientific Committee
F. D’Auria
Y. Hassan
F. Reventos
D. Grgić
N. Aksan
(Texas A&M)
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
N. Aksan
D. Aumiller
T. Bajs
D. Bestion
F. D’Auria
M. Dzodzo
C. Frepoli
H. Glaeser
Y. Hassan
T. Kozlowski
R. Martin
J. Mišák
A. Petruzzi
N. Popov
F. Reventos
R. Schultz
J. Vedovi
Nuclear Research Group San Piero a Grado (GRNSPG-UNIPI), Switzerland
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (Bettis), USA
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), Croatia
Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA), France
Nuclear Research Group San Piero a Grado (GRNSPG-UNIPI), Italy
Westinghouse Electric Co. (Westinghouse), USA
FpoliSolutions LLC, USA
Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), Germany
Texas A&M University (Texas A&M), USA
University of Illinois (UIUC) USA
Generation mPower (mPower), USA
Nuclear Research Institute (UJV Rez), Czech Republic
McMaster, Canada
School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB), Spain
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
8:30 – 9:15
9:15 – 10:45
Sessions I to XI
10:45 – 11:00
Coffee Breaks
11:00 – 12:30
Sessions I to XI
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:45
Sessions I to XI
15:45 – 16:00
Coffee Breaks
16:00 – 17:30
Sessions I to XI
17:30 – 18:00
19:30 – 22:00
Questions and Answers
Official Dinner
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
About 40 hours teaching will be delivered. Each presentation lasts about 45 minutes. A session for Questions and
Answers is foreseen every day (about 30 minutes). A minimum of 20 participants is required to provide the training.
Session I
Welcome and Objectives of the Seminar
Representatives of Local Institution, Y. Hassan (Texas A&M)
Presentation of the Activities and Introduction to the Seminar
F. D’Auria (GRNSPG), Y. Hassan (Texas A&M), A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG),
F. Reventos (UPC), T. Bajs (FER)
Session II
Session III
Session IV
Lecture 0A: Presentation of the Topics of the Seminar
A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
System Codes: Evaluation, Application and Modelling
Lecture 1:
System Code Models and Capabilities
R. Martin (B&W mPower, USA)
Lecture 2:
Role and Features of Thermal-hydraulic System Codes in
Nuclear Reactor Safety
F. D’Auria (GRNSPG, Italy)
Scaling Analysis
Lecture 3:
The scaling Issue - F. D’Auria (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 4:
Scaling of Thermal-hydraulic Phenomena: Addressing the
Scaling Issue - F. D’Auria (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 5:
EMDAP Method for Scaling Analysis
M. Dzodzo (Westinghouse, USA)
Lecture 6:
Scaling of thermal-hydraulic phenomena and contribution
of UPTF experiments to resolve some scale-up
uncertainties - H. Glaeser (GRS, Germany)
Lecture 7:
Scaled Calculations for 3 Loop PWR
F. Reventos (ETSEIB, Spain)
Experimental Campaign for System Thermal-Hydraulics
Lecture 8:
Lesson Learned from OECD/CSNI International Standard
Problems - N. Aksan (Switzerland)
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
Session V
Session VI
Lecture 9:
Characterization and Results from ISP-26 ROSA IV
LSTFT Cold Leg Small Break LOCA Experiment
N. Aksan (Switzerland)
Lecture 10:
Characterization and Results from ISP-27 BETHSY Test
9.1.b (BDBA Multiple Failure Test) Experiment
T. Bajs (Enconet, Croatia)
Lecture 11:
Overview of Experimental Program for Assessing System
Thermal-Hydraulics Codes
R. Schultz (INL, USA)
Computer Code Verification and Validation
Lecture 12:
Overview of CSNI Separate Effects Test Facility Matrices
for Validation of Best Estimate Thermal-Hydraulic
Computer Codes - N. Aksan (Switzerland)
Lecture 13:
Overview of CSNI Integral Effects Test Facility Matrices
for Validation of Best Estimate Thermal-Hydraulic
Computer Codes - N. Aksan (Switzerland)
Lecture 14:
V&V for RELAP5-3D
R. Schultz (INL, USA)
Lecture 15:
Computer Code Validation and Safety Culture
N. Popov (McMaster)
Sensitivity and Uncertainty Methods for Reactor Safety
Lecture 16:
The Origin of Uncertainties
A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 17:
Approaches to Calculating Uncertainty
A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 18:
Topics Relevant for Uncertainty Evaluation (TRUE)
F. D’Auria (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 19:
The Features of the UMAE Methodology
F. D’Auria (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 20:
CSAU and EMDAP (RG 1.157 and RG 1.203)
Methodologies with particular emphasis to the PIRT
C. Frepoli (FpoliSolutions LLC, USA)
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
Session VII
Session VIII
Lecture 21:
Overview of Uncertainty Methods and Comparison with
CSAU Methodology
F. D’Auria (GRNSPGI, Italy)
Lecture 22:
CIAU Method for Uncertainty Evaluation of Code Results
A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 23:
GRS Method for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation of
Code Results and Applications
H. Glaeser (GRS, Germany)
User Effect and Procedures for Qualifying System ThermalHydraulic Calculations
Lecture 24:
User Effect on the Thermalhydraulic Transient System
Codes Calculations: Sample Cases
N. Aksan (Switzerland)
Lecture 25:
Qualifying, Validating and Documenting a TH Input Deck
F. Reventos (GRNSPG, Spain)
Lecture 26:
Procedures for Nodalization Qualification (at Steady State
and at Transient Level)
A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 27:
The FFTBM for Accuracy Evaluation: A Supporting
Method for Uncertainty Tools
A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
Applications of Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty Methodologies
Lecture 28:
Evaluation of Safety Margins of Operating Reactors Using
“Best Estimate” Methods Including Uncertainty Analysis
H. Glaeser (GRS, Germany)
Lecture 29:
The BEMUSE Programme (Best Estimate – Uncertainty
and Sensitivity Evaluation)
F. Reventos (ETSEIB, Spain), A. Petruzzi (GRNSPG, Italy)
Lecture 30:
Industrial Methods to combine Uncertainties
C. Frepoli (FpoliSolutions LLC, USA)
Lecture 31:
A Paradigm for Realistic Large Break LOCA
R. Martin (mPower, USA)
Lecture 32:
Best Estimate and Uncertainty Analysis for CANDU
N. Popov (McMaster, Canada)
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
Session IX
Session X
Lecture 33:
GEH Techniques for Establishing and Confirming
Uncertainties for Transient and Accident Applications
J. Vedovi (GEH, USA)
Lecture 34:
Use of Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty Methods for BWR
Stability Evaluations
J. Vedovi (GEH, USA)
Lecture 35: Application of the UMAE Methodology for the
Uncertainty Evaluation in Support to the SEOP
Background Analysis
T. Bajs (Enconet, Croatia)
3D Neutron-Kinetics/Thermal-Hydraulics (NK-TH) Coupling
Lecture 36:
Procedures and Codes for XS Generation
T. Kozlowski (UIUC, USA)
Lecture 37:
Basis for Coupling 3D Neutron-Kinetics/ThermalHydraulics Codes
T. Kozlowski (UIUC, USA)
Lecture 38:
Numerical concerns associated with use of coupled
thermal-hydraulic analyses
D. Aumiller (Bectel-Bettis, USA)
Lecture 39:
PWR/WWER 3D NK-TH Coupled Analysis
T. Kozlowski (UIUC, USA)
Lecture 40:
Uncertainty Quantification for Strong Coupled Phenomena
D. Aumiller (Bectel-Bettis, USA)
3D Neutron-Kinetics/Thermal-Hydraulics (NK-TH) Coupling
Lecture 41:
Models and Capabilities of CFD Codes
Y. Hassan (Texas A&M, USA)
Lecture 42:
Validation Activities for CFD Codes
Y. Hassan (Texas A&M, USA)
Lecture 43:
Two-phase CFD activities in CSNI-GAMA-WG3 and in
EC Projects
D. Bestion (CEA, France)
Lecture 44:
Two-phase CFD application to boiling flows and CHF
D. Bestion (CEA, France)
Lecture 45:
Two-phase CFD application to stratified flow, DCC and
D. Bestion (CEA, France)
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
Session XI
Relevant Topics in Best Estimate Licensing Approach
Lecture 46:
Comprehensive Set of Acceptance Criteria for
Deterministic Safety Analysis
J. Misak (UJV, Czech Republic)
Lecture 47:
Approaches to Safety Analysis for Licensing of NPPs
according to IAEA Safety Standards
J. Misak (UJV, Czech Republic)
Lecture 48:
Safety Analysis Issues Associated with Implementation of
New Generation Reactors
J. Misak (UJV, Czech Republic)
3D S.UN.COP 2014: 16th Seminar
March 31 – April 4, 2014
Seminar and Training on Scaling, Uncertainty and
3D Coupled Code Calculations in Nuclear Technology
March 31 – April 4, 2014, College Station, Texas, USA
REGISTRATION FORM (Please use block letters)
To be returned by 16 March 2014
Last name: .................................................... First name: ..................................................................................... Sex: ...................
Title:.........................Organization:.................................................................................................V.A.T # ……………..................
Organization Address:........................................................................................................................................................................
City: ............................................. State: ....................................... Zip Code: ..……..………. Country ……..…………………..
Phone:……………………….…... Fax: …………………………. Email: ……………………..………………………………...
(Please type all information as you wish it to appear on your name badge)
If yes, please provide:
Passport Number: _____________________________________________________________________
Issuing Date:
Expiration Date: _____________________________________________________________________
Registration Fees
Include the proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks and one official dinner:
March 31 – 4 April 2014
– 3D S.UN.COP: 16th Seminar ………….……………………….....….
$ 3300
* Bank charges to be added to registration fees
Payment Terms and Cancellation Policy
Payment is due by February 28, 2014
50% cancellation fee applies if cancellation of the registration occurs up to 6 weeks before the starting of the course
100% cancellation fee applies if cancellation of the registration occurs 6 weeks or less before the starting of the course
Payment of the registration fee is by bank transfer. Information will be provided separately
The Registration Form should be sent to:
Alessandro Petruzzi :
FAX #: 0039 050 2210384