GUIDELINES FOR REQUESTING BUDGET REVISIONS (includes budget modifications, carry forward of unexpended funds, extensions and requests to spend a budget surplus) 1. Principal investigators should discuss budget revisions with the LSDF grants manager prior to submitting requests. 2. Each type of budget revision described below has a specific timeline requirement associated with it. 3. Ensure that invoice, progress report and invention disclosure submissions are up to date, as failure to do so may delay the budget revision process. HOW TO SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR BUDGET REVISIONS 1. Budget revision documents must be concurred and submitted by the grantee organization’s authorized individual. 2. Email a PDF copy of the revision request to the LSDF grants manager at 3. Requests should include a table or chart representation of the budget that summarizes the originally approved budget, any subsequent revisions, and any proposed changes. Requirements for budget modifications Budget categories may be over-expended by up to 125% of the approved total without preapproval by LSDF. Expenditures of 125% and greater triggers the need for a budget modification which requires pre-approval from LSDF. Request letter signed by principal investigator and organization’s authorized individual. Provide budget information in table/chart format, including proposed budget revision. Provide justification for revision; include information regarding effect on milestone/timeline completion and include milestone/timeline revisions if applicable. Requirements for re-budgeting of unexpended funds (i.e., “annual carry forward”) Carrying forward unexpended funds within an annual budget to a subsequent budget period (i.e., “carry forward”) requires pre-approval from LSDF. Unexpended funds may only be rebudgeted into the subsequent budget period. Requests must be received by LSDF at least 60 days prior to the end of the current budget period. Request letter signed by principal investigator and organization’s authorized individual. Provide budget information in table/chart format, including proposed allocation of the proposed carry forward amount into the subsequent period. Include projection of funds anticipated to remain at end of current budget year. Updated May 2010 Provide rationale for carry forward; discuss specific reasons for under-spending. Include information regarding effect on milestone/timeline completion, and include milestone/timeline revisions if applicable. Final annual carry forward amount will be determined after receipt of the Annual Financial Report. Requirements for no-cost extension requests No-cost extensions require pre-approval from LSDF. At least 75% of the total grant period must be completed prior to an extension request. Extension requests must be submitted at least 60 days in advance of the end of the grant period. Requests must be received by LSDF at least 60 days prior to end of the grant period. Request letter signed by principal investigator and organization’s authorized individual. Provide projection of funds anticipated to remain at end of grant period. Provide justification for the no-cost extension; discuss specific reasons for underspending, incomplete milestones, and provide plans for completing the remaining milestones and the associated timeline during the extension period. Final amount applicable to the extension period will be determined after receipt of the applicable Annual Financial Report. Requirements for requests to spend a budget surplus Requests to spend budget surplus funds are submitted to LSDF when milestones are completed and unexpended funds are identified to remain. Expenditure of surplus funds requires pre-approval from LSDF. Requests must be received by LSDF during the grant period. Request letter signed by principal investigator and organization’s authorized individual. Provide projection of funds anticipated to remain. Surplus revision requests must include scientific narrative describing the new work proposed, and be accompanied by new milestones and timeline for their completion. Surplus expenditure requests may be referred by LSDF to outside expert review. Final amount of surplus funds will be determined after receipt and approval of the last invoice applicable to milestone completion. Updated May 2010