The Green Letters - Principles of Spiritual Growth Chapter 6

The Green Letters - Principles of Spiritual Growth
“Because in Him all the fullness (pleroma) of the Godhead settles down and feels at ease bodily, and you are
continually in Him being in a state of completion (pleroo) who is the Head of all rule and authority.”
Col.2:9, 10 (Lit. Trans)
“A Christian shares in the same state of completion, fullness that belongs to Jesus Christ in His present position in
His humanity at the Father’s right hand. Being a part of the fullness is the fulfillment of the relationship that
Christ provided for believers from Pentecost forward.”
“Christ pointed forward to this time, Pentecost in His prayer recorded at John 17:20-24.
When the day of Pentecost arrived, God’s program went into effect. Grace believers were put into a unity and in
that oneness they share the “fullness” being counted to be absolutely complete in their position in Christ.”
(From the book, “The Christian in Christ” by Dave Spurbeck Th. M.)
Chapter 6
“Complete (fullness) in Him”
Paragraph 1&2: What are the source facts mentioned in these paragraphs?
Paragraph 3: Consider the two principles this paragraph. What is practical reality?
Paragraph 4: Explain the “Grace ladder”.
Paragraph 5&6: What is the believer’s part in Christ’s finished work?
Paragraph 7&8: These paragraphs address making the divine life personal not just
theoretical, discuss.
Paragraph 9: How is the “divine life” lived out by nature?
Paragraph 10: How can failure turn out to be a positive?
Paragraph 11: How does the believer win?
Paragraph 12: Read.