Lab 9: Op Amp Limitations U.C. Davis Physics 116A INTRODUCTION Now replace R2 with a 10kΩ resistor and then with a 100kΩ resistor and measure AV and fB for each. (You don't need to draw a complete graph for these; just find fB .) Compare all three of these gain-bandwidth products. Is AV f B approximately constant? For your lab report, compare all three AV f B 's, and calculate what AV would be for fB = 300, 000 Hz for this op amp. Previously, we have used op amps as if they were ideal. This week, we will measure some of their real-life limitations. 1. SLEW R A T E The slew rate is the maximum dvout dt that the op amp is capable of. This idea is pictured in figure 1. vout 3. I NPUT O FFSET V O L T A G E A real-life op amp behaves as if it has a small battery between its + and - inputs. This is called the "input offset voltage", Vio, and here we will try to measure it. Use the circuit in figure 2. Resistors R+ and R− balance the effects of the bias current (which we'll measure in the next section) by balancing the input resistances to ground. For your report, measure the output voltage and compute Vio = Vout / AV . (You can use either the calculated gain for this circuit or you can measure it.) dvout = this slope dt t Figure 1: The slew rate of an op amp. Build a noninverting amplifier using V in (not used) R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ , the unity gain configuration. For your lab report, measure the slew rate for your op amp. To do this, use a square wave input and measure the slope of the leading edge of the output waveform, as in figure 1. + _ R + 100 Ω 2. G AIN -B ANDWIDTH P RODUCT V out 100k Ω R_ 100 Ω Op amps can only amplify at their full calculated gain up to a certain maximum frequency, fB , the "break frequency". This maximum frequency is dependent on the gain of the circuit the op amp is in, but the "gainbandwidth product" AV f B is roughly constant for any particular op amp IC. Construct a noninverting op amp initially with R1 = 1kΩ and R2 = 33kΩ . Measure and plot AV vs. f for f = 100Hz through f = 100kHz . From your graph, find the frequency where AV drops to 0.707AV,low freq.. This is the break frequency fB . Calculate the gain-bandwidth product AV f B . For your report, include the graph of AV vs. f, the break frequency, and the gain-bandwidth product. Figure 2: Circuit to measure input offset bias. 4. Z EROING V I O Vio is typically around 20 mV. For some applications, like the ones we used last week, this is a negligibly small voltage and we can simply ignore it. For other applications, like for measuring a 2 mV signal, it can be disastrous. So, the manufacturer has provided a way to deliberately add a small voltage to Vio so that the total input offset voltage is 0. This process is called "zeroing" or "nulling" the op amp. 20 -15V -15V 10 k Ω pot V pin 1 in pin 5 (not used) Figure 3: Add this to figure 2 to zero Vio. Use the same circuit as above with the addition shown in figure 3. Adjust the potentiometer until the output voltage is zero. For your lab report, note how close to zero you can get the total Vio to be. You now have an op amp with Vio ≈ 0 which is suitable for amplifying very small voltages. Keep this circuit for the sections that follow. R+ 10k Ω R4 = 10kΩ Figure 4: Circuit to measure input offset current. The ideal op amp requires zero current into its inputs. A real-world op amp, however, requires a very small current, I bias, to drive it. Here, we will measure this current. Continue to use the zeroed op amp circuit from above and replace R+ with a 10k resistor. To calculate I bias, note that Vin = − I bias R+ and that the rest of the circuit is a noninverting amplifier with Vout = AV Vin so −Vin −Vout = . R+ AV R+ (We are neglecting the voltage drop produced by R− since R− << R+ so V− << V+ .) For your report, measure V out and calculate your I bias. 6. I NPUT O FFSET C U R R E N T , I O S The currents required by the two inputs are never exactly equal in the real world. Here, we measure the difference between the two input bias currents, which is called the input offset current, I o s. Modify your previous circuit by adding R4 as shown in figure 4. R4 should have the value R+ − R− = 10kΩ − 100Ω = 9 .9 kΩ but we can approximate this with 10kΩ. Now, if the two I bias currents are equal, V+ − V− = 0 and Vout = 0 . If one or the other is greater, Vout ≠ 0 and Io s = V 100k Ω R_ 100 Ω 5. B IAS C U R R E N T , I B I A S I bias = + _ −Vout . R+ AV Include your I o s in your report. 21 out