Introduction to Power Electronics ECEN 4797/5797

Introduction to Power Electronics"
ECEN 4797/5797
•  Instructor: Prof. Bob Erickson!
Office: ECOT 356!
Telephone: (303) 492-7003!
Office hours: To be announced!
Telephone office hours: To be announced!
•  Course web site:!
–  Includes lecture slides, handouts, homework
assignments, links to online lecture files!
•  Textbook:!
–  Erickson and Maksimovic, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, second edition,
Springer, ISBN 0-7923-7270-0.!
•  Prerequisite:!
–  A 3-4 semester sequence of undergraduate EE circuits and electronics courses
(at Univ. of Colorado: ECEN 3250) !
Coursework in Power Electronics"
at the University of Colorado
•  Power electronics courses!
–  ECEN 4797/5797 (this course): Intro to power electronics (Fall)!
–  ECEN 5807 Modeling and Control of Power Electronics Systems (Alt
Spring semesters, including S ‘15)!
–  ECEN 5817 Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power
Electronics (Alt Spring semesters, including S ‘14)!
–  ECEN 4517/5517 Power Electronics Laboratory (Spring)!
•  Professional Certificate in Power Electronics!
–  ECEN 5797, 5807, and 5817!
•  Formats for this course!
–  On-campus, for senior or graduate credit!
–  Web-based lectures: recorded with ECHO 360 system, with
viewing through the Flash viewer. For technical help, contact (CAETE)!
•  Homework!
Due at beginning of class on date listed on Lecture Schedule web page!
Submit online via D2L dropbox; late homework not accepted!
Homework counts 50% of grade!
You may speak with others about the homework, but turn in your own work!
Homework and exam problems of additional depth and complexity for
those earning graduate credit; separately graded !
•  Exams!
Midterm exam: one-week take-home exam, 17% of grade!
Final exam: five-day take-home exam, 33% of grade!
See course schedule page for dates!
See course vitals page for details!
Desire-2-Learn (D2L) Site!
!Log on with your campus IdentiKey!
Dropbox for submission of homework and exams!
•  Scan, save as pdf, then upload to the D2L dropbox!
•  For on-campus students: a scanner is available within the SRC!
•  Automatic deadline at beginning of class!
A log of your grades for all assignments!
•  When grading is complete, your grade will appear online!
•  Running total of your overall course grade!
•  Grader will post comments and annotations online!
Homework solutions!
•  Posted within D2L after submission deadline!
Student discussion forum!
•  You can post questions and discussions with your classmates!
•  Normally questions will not be answered by Prof. Erickson!
•  Posting of homework solutions in the forum is prohibited!
Off-campus students
•  Viewing of lectures!
–  Lectures are normally available online by the end of the day of the oncampus lecture!
•  Assignments!
–  Use the D2L site to upload your pdf file: same as for on-campus students!
–  Generally, by Friday the lectures will finish covering the material needed for
the homework assignment due the following Friday. So you can work the
homework over the weekend.!
–  Check out the D2L student forums!
–  Due dates and times are the same as for the on-campus students!
•  Educational Officers!
–  Not needed!
•  See course vitals page!
–  Link to academic calendar for CAETE students, including add/drop
Key dates
•  Drop deadlines!
–  September 11: last day to drop the course and receive full tuition refund, with
no “W” grade appearing on transcript!
–  November 1: last day to drop the course via MyCUInfo!
•  Tentative exam dates!
–  Midterm exam: 1 week take-home exam. Available through D2L on Oct. 18,
due on Oct. 25.!
–  Final exam: Four day take-home exam. Available through D2L on Dec. 13,
due on Dec. 17.!
•  Grades assigned in December appear on your permanent
university transcript!
•  Campus holidays!
–  Labor day: Sept. 2!
–  Fall break / Thanksgiving holiday: Nov. 25-29!