QRP L Matcher for 2 End Fed Long wires: LD = 158m KD = 42m ON7DY - 20150318 Target was to match both wires for use in combination with the Ultimate3 QRP WSPR beacon for 7 10 an 14Mc On hand of the SWR analyzer Fox Delta (I2TKZ K7SNF VU2FD) both long wires react as: Long wire 42m – 6m agl: Long wire 158m – 6m agl: The fact that end fed wires react with very high impedances, the use of a L tuner seems a solution. The values of the L and C components where determined on hand of a TRX (TS590S) and an automatic tuner MFJ993B, witch results in: L tuner - bepalen H en C waarden Freq 14000 14100 14200 Antenne 158m µH C in pF 0,17 0,080 0 105 105 90 Antenne 48m µH C in pF 0,35 0,350 0,25 75 75 75 WSPR freq range 10100 10140 10150 0,52 0,720 0,6 265 193 193 0,97 1,150 0,97 250 235 235 7000 7040 7100 7200 1,83 1,480 1,48 1,32 412 458 412 412 0,43 0,250 0,25 0,17 958 912 735 633 WSPR freq range WSPR freq range If used toroid’s, I chose the T37-2 because more turns on the core makes it less critical. micro H Korte ant Lange ant 14Mc 0,35 0,08 FT37-61 #tr 2 1 T37-2 #tr 9 4 10Mc 1,15 0,72 FT37-61 #tr 5 4 T37-2 #tr 17 13 7Mc 0,25 1,48 FT37-61 #tr 2 5 T37-2 #tr 8 19 The practical realisation is base don a variable capacitor 25-245pF in combination with 2 switchable capacitors 100pf and 680pf. The selection of coils is made by a rotary switch 5 positions The basic drawings are as below: Using the SWR analyser it is possible, although not so easy, to find the resonance points for both antennas for the WSPR freq 7 10 and 14Mc Long wire End Fed 42m – 14.101 – SWR 1.03 Long wire End Fed 42m – 7.059 – SWR 1.02 Long wire End Fed 42m – 10.121 – SWR 1.03 Long wire End Fed 158m – 14.181 – SWR 1.35 Long wire end Fed 158m – 7.042 – SWR 1.18 Long wire end Fed 158m – 10.135 – SWR 1.21 How the prototype look like See some SWR results to compare both antennas in combination with the Ultimate3 QRP beacon – 350mW – KD 42m - LD 158m 20150315 12u 20m LD 20150228 12u 20m KD 20150307 12u 30m KD 20150314 12u 30m LD 20150225 12uur 40m KD 20150314 12u 40m LD