GFS Project Documentation Format - Globsyn Skills

GFS Project Documentation Format
(Every group must submit project documentation (one per group) on the presentation day failing which
they will not be entitled for assessment. Project document must conform to the format given below)
Every documentation must contain project certificates for each member in the group . Format for project
certificate is given at the end of this document.
1>Title Page
Online/Automated Students Registration System using Java6
Group Members :<name> <College> <Registration no>
<name> <College> <Registration no>
2>Index Page
Page No
3>Acknowledgement Page
4>Requirement Specification
Domain Description
o Example :-What is Students Registration System ? Who are the main player /Actor
Problem Definition
o What Automated Student Reguistration System supposed to do ? i.e. what problem of
manual system it is solving
Funtional Requirements
o Example :
 Adding new Student data
 Ading a new course
Hardware /Software Requirements
o Hardware requirement
 Client side
 Server side
o Software Requirement
 Client side
 Server side
4>Database Design
ER Diagram
Table Description
5>Page Flow diagrams
Page flow for each requirement mentioned above
6>Screen Shots
7>Future Scope of Improvements
Format of Project Certificate
This is to certify that Mr/Ms [your name] of [your college name] , registration
number : [your registration number] , has successfully completed a project on [
your project title ] using [JEE/.Net/Java/Oracle Forms/PHP] under the guidance
of Mr/Ms/Mrs [ your faculty name] .
------------------------------------------------[ name of your faculty ]
Globsyn Finishing School
Sample : ( All names are imaginary)
This is to certify that Mr Raju Rastogi of Imperial College of Engineering,
registration number : xxxxxxxxxxx, has successfully completed a project on OnLine
Banking System using JEE under the guidance of Mr Viru Sahastrabudhhe .
Mr Viru Sahastrabudhhe
Globsyn Finishing School