My name is I am learning about KN OW What do I know about this? LEARN What did I learn? EVIDE NC E What is my proof? Adventure Science Center, WONDE R What am I wondering about now? 12/9/08 TEACHER DIRECTIONS: KLEW charts are a variation on a KWL chart. You can use this as a starting point for a science investigation. Before you go on a field trip to the science center, complete the KNOW section to help guide instruction. The LEARN can be used after the field trip to record changes in student thinking. EVIDENCE can help students to recall the demonstration or activity that revised or reinforced the concepts. WONDER answers encourage new questions for students to explore. (Recommended for grades 3 - 5) (Information from “Evidence Helps the KWL Get a KLEW,” an article in Science and Children, February 2006) KNOW What do I know about this? LEARN What did I learn? EVIDENCE What is my proof? Adventure Science Center, WONDER What am I wondering about now? 12/9/08