Steel Towers: Lateral forces STEEL TOWER arc422 Building Technology VI _ Structures III _ Spring 2010 This laboratory project challenges students to empirically investigate the means and methods of resisting lateral forces. Students iteratively design, fabricate and test these means and methods in the context of a structural tower. Towers were selected as the structures most vulnerable to lateral forces generated by seismic and wind conditions. The tower models are eight feet in height and are dimensionally constrained at the bottom and top. Materials are restricted to 1/8” diameter steel rod and 16 gauge sheet steel; the method of assembly is restricted to welding. Projects were categorized into four groups, each with a specific cross-sectional geometric basis [equilateral triangle, circle, square and rectangle]. The towers are evaluated on a floor mounted linear inertial shaker apparatus. This project is executed by teams of four students and consists of two iterations. Each stage consists of a drawing component and a construction component for collective testing and analysis. This laboratory project is preceded by a precedent study through which students research and diagram three high-rise structures. Objectives: following the completion of this project students should be able to: - Understand lateral forces and employ strategies for rendering lateral stability - Understand variations in the magnitudes of stress relative to the given conditions of base and apex - Understand the inherent opportunities and challenges of the diverse geometric schemes - Establish a design strategy that considers the variable conditions, locations and magnitudes of stress, inclusive of quantity and geometric distribution of material - Develop diagramming methods effective in the conception, development and evaluation of your tower’s performance - Address the challenges inherent to steel fabrication and the importance of jigging Course Context: The Steel Tower exercise is administered concurrently with lectures on lateral forces and with computational exercises related to the sizing of steel beams, columns and connections. Project Conditions | teaching | structures | steel towers 219 Equilateral Triangle Scheme - Example Project - Iteration 2 96” Top Level 96” Top Level P. P. 180° P. P. 180° P. P. P. Top Level Plan: Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. Force one P. Top Level Plan: Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” Force two P. •Equilateral triangle scheme. Force one perpendicular to the face of triangle. Force two oblique to the face of the triangle. P. P. Level Seven Plan: 88” Level Twelve P. Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 48” Level 7 96” Top Level 80” Level Eleven P. Diaz.Alcantar.Frederickson.Owen.Lehtinen. 180° P. 96” Top Level 72” Level Ten 88” Level Twelve P. P. Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 0° P. P. Top Level Plan: P. P. 80” Level Eleven P. 9” Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 48” Level 7 64” Level Nine 180° P. 56” Level Eight P. Top Level Plan: Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. Decrease of lateral bracing Level Seven Plan: Force one Decrease of lateral bracing P. •Tapering form responds to forces. •Interconnected triangular floorplates respond to torsion. •The top is rotated 180º Forc from the bottom. •Equilateral triangle sc Force one perpendicula face of triangle. Force t to the face of the triang 96” Top Level P. P. •Adding torsion to introduce a bias and to equilibrate the forces acting on the triangle. Concept: 96” Top Level 90° P. Forc Concept: 90° Force one P. Force two 72” •Equilateral triangle scheme. Level Ten Concept: 48” Level Seven 90° Base Level Plan: P. P. P. Concept: Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 90° 96” Top Level P. 0° P. Level Seven Plan: •Equilateral triangle scheme. Force40”one perpendicular to the Level Six face of triangle. Force two48”oblique Level 7 to the face of the triangle. P. Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. P. P. P. •Adding torsion to introduce a bias and to equilibrate the 64” forces acting on the triangle. Level Nine 88” Level Twelve 80” Level Eleven 32” Level Five 0° P. •Floorplate datum every 8 inches. •Each plate is rotated counter-clockwise 15º. 56” Level Eight 64” Level Nine P. •Floorplate datum every 8 inches. •Each plate is rotated counter-clockwise 15º. •Tapering form responds to forces. •Interconnected triangular floorplates respond to torsion. •The top is rotated 180º from the bottom. 72” Level Ten 9” 96” Top Level •Tapering form responds to forces. •Interconnected triangular floorplates respond to torsion. •The top is rotated 180º from the bottom. •Adding torsion to introduce a bias and to equilibrate the forces acting on the triangle. Force one perpendicular to the face of triangle. Force two oblique to the face of the triangle. Force two 9” Level Seven Plan: 88” Level Twelve P. Base Level Plan: 24” Level Four P. 48” Level Seven Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. Base Level Plan: Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. 48” Level 7 40” Level Six P. P. Equilateral Triangle Diagram 24” Level Four P. P. P. 16” Level Three 8” Level Two 72” Level Ten Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” Equilateral Triangle Diagram 0° 180° 8” TYP. P. P. Elevation: Scale: 2-1/2”=1’-0” 9” Elevation: Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 32” Level Five P. P. Elevation: P. P. P. P. P. P. [ m. ] Moment [ v. ] Shear Elevation: primary vertical members Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. P. Elevation: diagonal cross bracing Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 56” Level Eight P. Elevation: diagonal cross bracing Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. P. [ v. ] Shear Elevation: primary vertical members Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 24” Level Four P. P. Top Level Force Diagram: P. P. P. Elevation: Scale: 2-1/2”=1’-0” 0” Base Level 0” Base Level 180° 180° 180° 8” TYP. 0” Base Level P. 64” Level Nine P. 40” Level Six 8” Level Two P. Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 0” Base Level P. 48” Level Seven 32” Level Five 16” Level Three 80” Level Eleven ARC 422: Building Technology VI Lateral Forces [Equilateral Triangle Scheme] P. P. Diaz.Alcantar.Frederickson.Owen.Lehtinen. 56” Level Eight Scale: 3”=1’-0” P. Base Level Plan: P. 48” Level Seven Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 16” Level Three P. 40” Level Six Equilateral Triangle Diagram P. 20 gauge steel shear planes to resolve highest lateral forces on the bottom three floors 8” Level Two 32” Level Five Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. P. P. 8” TYP. 0” Base Level 24” Level Four Corners rounded to allow room for diagonal bracing 0” Base Level P. 90° 90° 16” 90° Level Three 90° Elevation: Shear Plane Detail: P. Equilateral Triangle Diagram P. Elevation: Scale: 6”=1’-0” Scale: 2-1/2”=1’-0” P. Elevation: diagonal cross bracing Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. 8” Level Two P. Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” 8” TYP. 0” Base Level Level 7 Force Diagram: 0” Base Level Scale: 3”=1’-0” P. P. P. Elevation: Elevation: P. Elevation: diagonal cross bracing Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” Scale: 2-1/2”=1’-0” Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. P. Elevation: primary vertical members Scale: 1-1/2”=1’-0” P. P. [ v. ] Shear P. P. P. [ m. ] Moment P. P. P. 0° 0° 0° ARC 422: Building Technology VI Lateral Forces [Equilateral Triangle Scheme] 0° Base Force Diagram: Scale: 3”=1’-0” P. 220 steel towers | structures | teaching | P. LATERAL FORCES SQUARE Our original concept was based upon a strong core with a supporting outer frame that added lateral depth. For the second iteration we wanted to eliminate unnecessary weight while reinforcing critical sections within the tower. The core’s hierarchy is now that a cluster of 3 vertical rods rise up and at the 5th plate a rod stops so that only 2 core rods rise up to the top of the tower. Lateral bracing is more concentrated at the base of the tower and at the critical area in the middle of the tower. Cross bracing is also more concentrated at the base of the tower and spans greater lengths in the upper portions of the tower where reinforcement is not as greatly needed. Unneeded material in the plates was eliminated and replaced with rod that distributes the loads from inner plate to outer plate. TOP (12) PLATE 4.5” x 4.5” OUTER VERTICAL MEMBERS 8’ 4.5” .25” .25” 1” .5” .5” 1” PLATE 11 5_5/8” x 5_5/8” 3 7/8” PLATE 10 DIAGONAL BRACING MEMBERS 2’ 5/16” 4.5” 5/16” 1” 6.75” x 6.75” PLATE 9 7_7/8” x 7_7/8” CROSS SECTION OF TOP (12) PLATE 6” =1’ BIRD’S EYE VIEW OF STRUCTURE 3” =1’ TOP (12) PLATE DIAGONAL BRACING MEMBERS 2’ 8” 4.5” x 4.5” PLATE 8 8” MODULE I: STEEL STRUCTURES 9” x 9” PLATE 11 1’ 1.5” 5_5/8” x 5_5/8” 5/16” 5/16” 1.75” 1.75” CORE MEMBERS 8.5’ 3 3/16” .75” OUTER PLATE 10 3/8” 1” 3/8” 3 3/16” PLATE 7 10_1/8” x 10_1/8” OUTER SIDE BRACING MEMBERS AT CRITICAL SECTIONS 8” 3 1/16” 8” 6.75” x 6.75” OUTER PLATE 9 PLATE 6 11.25 “ x 11.25” 8” 7_7/8” x 7_7/8” 1’ 1.5” DIAGONAL BRACING MEMBERS 1’5” 8” 9” x 9” WORM’S EYE VIEW OF STRUCTURE 3” =1’ 5 7/8” OUTER PLATE 8 OUTER PLATE 7 DIAGONAL BRACING MEMBERS 1’5” 8” 8” 10_1/8” x 10_1/8” OUTER SIDE BRACING MEMBERS AT CRITICAL SECTIONS 2’ 3 1/16” 8’ OUTER PLATE 6 OUTER PLATE 5 CROSS SECTION OF PLATE 4 6” =1’ DIAGONAL BRACING MEMBERS 10” 8” 1’_3/8” x 1’_3/8” OUTER PLATE 4 DIAGONAL BRACING MEMBERS 9.75” 1’ 1.5” x 1’ 1.5” 8” 1’ _3/8” x 1’_3/8” PLATE 4 1’ 1.5” x 1’ 1.5” .75” 8” 11.25 “ x 11.25” PLATE 5 GROUP 2: CLAYTON CALKINS JESSICA ENGLUND BRITTANY PETERS Square Scheme - Example Project - Iteration 2 CONCEPT AND CONSTRUCTION: 9” .75” 1.25” 2” 1” 2” 1.25” DIAGONAL SECTION VERTICALLY THRU PLATES 2”= 1’ 4 3/16” 8” OUTER PLATE 2 1’ 1.5” x 1’ 1.5” PLATE 2 1’ x 1’ .75” 5/16” OUTER PLATE 3 1’ 1.5” x 1’ 1.5” PLATE 3 PLATE 1 10.5” x 10.5” BASE PLATE CROSS SECTION OF BASE PLATE 6” =1’ ELEVATION 2” = 1’ SHEAR DIAGRAM MOMENT DIAGRAM The form of our structure was designed to relieve and distribute some of the moment stresses near the bottom of the tower. PLATE PLANS 1.5” = 1’ These force diagrams assume a loading condition portrayed in the deflection diagram. For the vertical members, the same pattern continues the full height. | structures ARC 422 SPRING 2010 Scale: 2” = 1’ 5/16” 9” x 9” | teaching 9” x 9” 4 3/16” 8” BASE PLATE GROUP 2: CLAYTON CALKINS JESSICA ENGLUND BRITTANY PETERS PLATE 1 10.5” x 10.5” ARC 422 SPRING 2010 MODULE I: STEEL STRUCTURES LATERAL FORCES SQUARE 9” 8” 1’ x 1’ | steel towers 221 Rectangle Scheme - Example Project - Iteration 2 Rectangle extruded into an inverse of the base rectangle. Both the top and bottom measuring 1’ by 6”. The same concept of inversion was used but repeated into four modules. Modules spaced farther apart as the tower grows in height. A Taper was introduced to reduce the dead load of the steel. The top plate measures 1/2 of the base. The floor plates were also introduced every 8”, also helping with overall stiffness. Spacing between modules: (16”, 24”, 24”, 32”) In order to respond to the bias given from the tapering modules; tension lines were added along the outside using triangular geometries to attatch to. This aspect of the project has beendeveloped further by extending them further laterally. Moment Elev 1 (stage D) A B 6” C Moment Elev 1 (stage E) D E Bending moment weakness and response (tension lines) 3” Pretensioning Elev. 2 1 1/2” = 1’0” Elev. 1 1 1/2” = 1’0” February 23, 2010 Design Development 1 Rod spot welded as point of reference for placement of tension 2 Tension rods welded in place for pre-tensioning 3 Turnbuckle replaces orginal rod and as turnbuckle jack expands outward, it forces rods into tension 1 2 3 4 TEAM 5 - Reid Olson, Romiar Karamooz, Sean Bollinger, Emily Akaba, Dani Alvarez 4 Triangular compression pieces are added to hold tension rods in place and turnbuckle jack is removed 7 Axonometric 3” = 1’0” 6” 13 13 February 23, 2010 1’-0” 442 LAB iteration 1 8’-0” Process 8” typ. 12 12 11 6 11 10 5 9 10 8 4 7 6 3 8 5 4 2 1 2 1 Plan sections at floor plates (@8”) 2-1/2” = 1’0” 222 steel towers | Elevation Force Diagrams/Deformation 2-1/2” = 1’0” structures | P Leveled jigs and welded using them to maintain plum verticality Cardboard jigs placed on tube stock core 442 LAB iteration 1 3 TEAM (4,5 or 6) - Reid Olson, Romiar Karamooz, Sean Bollinger, Emily Akaba, Dani Alvarez 9 teaching | LATERAL FORCES - LABORATORY PROJECT Module I: Steel Structure - ARC 422 Building Technology VI - Spring 2010 Circle Scheme - Example Project - Iteration 2 LATERAL FORCES - LABORATORY PROJECT ELEVATION/ PLAN/ SECTION GEOMETRIC RELATIONSHIP Module I: Steel Structure - ARC 422 Building Technology VI 5” Spring 2010 GEOMETRIC RELATIONSHIP ELEVATION/ PLAN/ SECTION 5” Tier 3 8’-0” Single 1/8” Steel Rod Tier 3 8’-0” Single 1/8” Steel Rod 5”-4” Tier 2 5”-4” Double 1/8” Steel Rod Tier 2 Double 1/8” Steel Rod ISOMETRIC ISOMETRIC 2’-8” 2’-8” STRATEGY The overall strategy of the tower utilizes the diagrid structure due to the light weight and redundant functionality of the members. STRATEGY The overall strategy of the tower utilizes the diagrid The tower is built of 24 individual rods, 12 traveling structure due to the12light weight and redundant in a clockwise rotation, counterclockwise, each functionality of the members. rod making one full revolution around the tower. Tier 1 Theoftower built ofdirection 24 individual rods, 12 traveling The 12 each is rotation are further paired a clockwise 12 counterclockwise, each into in 6 goups of tworotation, each. Each of these two paired making onetogether full revolution the tower. rodsrod become closer as thearound height also decreases in radius as it rises. These two strategies Thethe 12decreasing of each rotation direction further reflect moment of the are tower as it paired into 6ingoups of two each. Each of these two paired increases height. rods become closer together as the height also decreases radius as ithelp rises. two strategies Rings encirclinginthe tower toThese resist outward reflect theasdecreasing moment of thethe tower forces, acting tension rings to restrain out-as it wardincreases bucklinginofheight. the tower when an axial load is 8” Triple 1/8” Steel Rod Tier 1 8” Triple 1/8” Steel Rod 9” 9” 422_LAB 1/2_TEAM 11 422_LAB 1/2_TEAM 11 | teaching | structures imposed. Rings encircling the tower help to resist outward forces, acting as tension rings to restrain the outward buckling of the tower when an axial load is imposed. BACHELIER, GARCIAVONBORSTEL, HANSEN, LUTHALA, TAYLOR BACHELIER, GARCIAVONBORSTEL, HANSEN, LUTHALA, TAYLOR | steel towers 223 Diverse Schemes - Diverse Example Projects PLAN SECTIONS, PLAN, SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS CRITICAL DIMENSIONS SCALE: 3” = 1’ PLAN SECTIONS, SCALE: 3” = 1’ DIMENSIONS OF EACH EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE DATUM SCALE: 3” = 1’ ELEVATION, ELEVATION, FROM ANGLED SIDE OF BASE SCALE: 3” = 1’ Concept Statement: Our project is based on the idea of a torsion tower which uses a rotating triangular form. As thirteen levels of triangular plates are stacked on top of one another, each subsequent triangle is reduced by 3/16" and is rotated by 15°. This torsion throughout the structure implements a form-bias that helps to resolve lateral forces. Another resolution to lateral forces comes from cross bracing, which continues from the bottom of the tower to the top. This is different from our previous iteration, in which cross bracing stopped in the center of the tower. Additionally, our triangular plates are now strengthened by rods along the bottom of their perimeter which act as tension rings. Hierarchy is implemented by separate vertical members that move through the three points of the triangle and rotate with the tower. The rods are in bundles that reduce from three to two to one as they move upward. This is in observance of the idea that the bottom of the tower receives the most forces and thus needs the most material. The other resolution to vertical hierarchy and lateral stability is the shear plates added to the edges of the first seven levels. In our last iteration, the tower failed in its seventh floor so we chose to strengthen this level and those below it. Our hope is that with a strong base, the tower can withstand the forces which would otherwise cause it to buckle. There are two moves happening as the tower rises vertically: rotation and tapering. The following concept sketches depict those ideas separately and combined. Concept A: Triangles are consistently the same size and are rotating Concept B: Triangles are tapering in size and are oriented in the same direction FROM FLAT SIDE OF BASE SCALE: 3” = 1’ 8” 8” Combination: Triangles are both rotating and tapering 8” concept sketches P P P P plan P 3D force diagrams 2.5” = 1’-0” P deformation (plan) diagram P 1.5” = 1’-0” 1.5” = 1’-0” 3D force diagram 1’-0” = 1’-0” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” triangulation 1’-0” = 1’-0” Iteration 2 - concept, 3D force diagrams, deformation 8” 8” m_bassey s_elliott p_wojtczak e_shallcross d_terrasi sp_2010 arc_422 8’ 80” Bundle detail 3” = 1’0” The bundle connects the four towers by the four inner corners. 56” 8ʼ 32” 80” 64” 48” 9” 32” 4.5” 8ʼ 9” 9” 8ʼ Concept Diagram - Four individual towers that are bundled and held together by exterior bracing. 9” ARC 422_lab1_TEAM 1 224 J_Hollis, A_Jalalian, E_Lindberg, N_Rodriguez steel towers | ARC 422_lab2_TEAM 1 structures | 3” J_Hollis, A_Jalalian, E_Lindberg, N_Rodriguez teaching |