To date, Dr. Xian Liu and his research collaborators have had more than 150 papers published or officially accepted, of which more than 70 papers are journal papers.
Selected Journal Papers (after 2005):
• X. Liu, “Secrecy capacity of wireless channels subject to log-normal fading”, accepted by Security and Communication Networks , 2013.
• X. Liu, “Outage probability of secrecy capacity over correlated log-normal fading channels”, IEEE Communications Letters , vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 289-292, 2013.
• X. Liu, “Probability of strictly positive secrecy capacity of the Rician-Rician fading channel”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 50-53, 2013.
• X. Liu, “Performance analysis of a MISO optical satellite communication system with correlated pointing errors”, IET Communications , vol. 6, no. 15, pp. 2503-2511,
• X. Liu, “Optimization of a combined heat and power system with wind turbines”,
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems , vol. 43, no. 1, pp.
1421-1426, 2012.
• X. Liu, “An improved interpolation method for wind power curves”, IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy , vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 528 - 534, 2012.
• X. Liu, “Amount of log-square-Hoyt fading in satellite optical communications”,
IEEE Communications Letters , vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 666-669, 2012
• X. Liu, “Quality of optical channels in wireless SCADA for offshore wind farms”,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 225-232, 2012.
• X. Liu, “Application of filled function method to multimodal economic load dispatch problems”, IET Electronics Letters , vol. 47, no. 18, pp. 1042-1043, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Copula of the trivariate Rayleigh distribution with exponential correlation”,
IET Electronics Letters , vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 624-626, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Optimisation of satellite optical transmission with correlated sways”, IET
Communications , vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 1107-1112, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Copula of the bivariate Nakagami-m distribution”, IET Electronics Letters , vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 343-345, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Optimization of satellite optical transmission subject to log-square-Hoyt fading”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems , vo. 47, no. 4, pp.
3007-3012, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Emission minimisation dispatch constrained by cost and wind power”, IET
Generation, Transmission & Distribution , vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 735-742, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Source-induced fading of a MISO optical satellite communication system described by beta functions”, IET Optoelectronics , vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 28-35, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Impact of beta distributed wind power on economic load dispatch”, Electric
Power Components and Systems , vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 768-779, 2011.
• X. Liu, “Copulas of bivariate Rayleigh and log-normal distributions”, Electronics
Letters , vol. 46, no. 25, pp. 1669–1671, 2010.
• X. Liu, “Economic load dispatch constrained by wind power availability: a wait-andsee approach”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid , vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 347-355, 2010.
• X. Liu and H. Wu, “Novel asterisk 16QAM constellation for COFDM”, IEEE
Communications Letters , vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 596-598, 2010.
• X. Liu, “Compact formulation of economic load dispatch problems with disjoint prohibited-zones”, IET Electronics Letters , vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 715-717, May 13,
• X. Liu and W. Xu, “Economic load dispatch constrained by wind power availability: a here-and-now approach”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy , vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 2-9, 2010.
• X. Liu, “On compact formulation of constraints induced by disjoint prohibitedzones”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems , vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2004-2005, 2010.
• X. Liu, “Outage analysis of inter-satellite optical communication with reciprocal
Pareto fading”, Applied Optics , vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 915-919, 2010.
• X. Liu and W. Xu, “Minimum emission dispatch constrained by stochastic wind power availability and cost”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.
1705-1713, August 2010.
• S. Huang, H. Wu, S. Chang, and X. Liu, “Novel sequence design for low-PMEPR and high-code-rate OFDM systems”, IEEE Transactions on Communications , vol. 58, no.
2, pp. 405-410, 2010.
• X. Liu, “Solution refinement of a wireless optical system model with multi-level modulation”, IET Electronics Letters , vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 475-476, 2009.
• X. Liu, “Corrections to and comments on ‘Optimization of urban optical wireless communication systems’’’, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 2763-2765, 2009.
• X. Liu, “Free-space optics optimization models for building sway and atmospheric interference using variable wavelength”, IEEE Transactions on Communications , vol.
57, no. 2, pp. 492-498, 2009.
• X. Liu, “Optimization of the wireless optical system with Bessel pointing loss factor”,
IEEE Communications Letters , vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 584-586, 2008.
• X. Liu, “Set of binary sequences of length eight applied to reducing the OFDM
PMEPR”, IET Electronics Letters , vol. 44, no. 22, pp. 1331-1332, 2008.
• X. Liu, “Restricting the OFDM PMEPR by a new set of sequences of length 16”, IET
Communications , vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 1293-1300, 2008.
• X. Liu, “Gain and power optimization of the wireless optical system with multi-level modulation”, Applied Optics , vol. 47, no. 16, pp. 2915-2920, 2008.
• X. Liu, “A class of continuously differentiable filled functions for global optimization”, IEEE Trans. SMC-A , vol. 38, pp. 38 - 47, 2008.
• X. Liu, “Corrections to ‘Low PMEPR code based on Star-16-QAM constellations for
OFDM’”, IEEE Communications Letters , vol. 12, no. 1, p.7, 2008.
• X. Liu, Y. Chan, and W. Xu, “Stochastic programming methods applied to network optimization”, Performance Evaluation , vol. 63, no. 9-10, October 2006, pp. 1005-
• X. Liu, “A class of augmented filled functions”, Computational Optimization and
Applications , vol. 33, no. 2/3, pp. 333-347, March 2006.
• S. G. Abdulsalam, W. Xu, W.L.A. Neves, and X. Liu, “Estimation of transformer saturation characteristics from inrush current waveforms”, IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery , vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 170 – 177, 2006.
Selected Conferences Papers (after 2005)
• X. Liu, “Probability of strictly positive secrecy capacity of the Weibull fading channel”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2013.
• X. Liu, “An equal-radius constellation with improved PTMER for optical wireless communications”, Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2013.
• X. Liu, “Performance of source routing in ad hoc networks based on compound
Pareto statistics”, Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2013.
• X. Liu, “A new method of solving the unit commitment problem”, Proc. of IEEE
PESGM 2013.
• X. Liu, “Amount of log-square-Hoyt fading in a satellite optical transmission system: models and solutions”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2012.
• X. Liu, “A unified model of satellite optical transmission with correlated and heterogeneous pointing errors”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2012.
• X. Liu, “On economic dispatch with units being shut down”, Proc. of IEEE PESGM
• X. Liu, “Compact S-Boxes in wireless SCADA for offshore wind farms”, Proc. of
• X. Liu, “Performance of optical links in wireless SCADA for offshore wind farms”,
Proc. of IEEE PESGM 2011.
• X. Liu, “Optimization of satellite optical transmission subject to log-square-Hoyt fading”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2011.
• X. Liu, “Outage behavior of a MISO wireless optical link with pointing and tracking errors”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2011.
• X. Liu, “Combined heat and power dispatch with wind power: a stochastic model and solutions”, Proc. of IEEE PESGM 2010.
• X. Liu, “Impact of beta distributed wind power on emission mitigation dispatch”,
Proc. of IEEE PESGM 2010.
• X. Liu and J. Kim, “Optimization of satellite optical transmission subject to reciprocal Pareto fading”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2010.
• X. Liu and H-C Wu, “Analysis and evaluation of novel asterisk-16QAM constellation family and its application for PMEPR control in Golay-coded OFDM systems”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2010.
• X. Liu, “Suppressing the OFDM PAPR with Star L-QAM”, Proc. of the 20th IEEE
International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications
(PIMRC), 2009, pp. 2409-2413.
• X. Liu, “Capacity allocation for long tailed traffic in packet switching networks”,
Proc. of IEEE ICC 2009.
• X. Liu, “Small logarithmic S-boxes for small ciphers”, Proc. of IEEE Globecom
• X. Liu, “Alternative approaches of capacity assignment for delay bounded traffic”,
Proc. of IEEE Globecom 2008.
• X. Liu, “Performance of the wireless optical communication system with variable wavelength and Bessel pointing loss factor”, Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2008.
• X. Liu, “On the availability of wireless sensor networks”, Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2008.
• X. Liu, “Capacity assignment for delay bounded packet traffic”, Proc. of IEEE
• Z. Taha and X. Liu, “An adaptive coding technique for PAPR reduction”, Proc. of
• X. Liu and W. Xu, “A global optimization approach for electrical machine designs”,
Proc. of IEEE PES 2007 General Meeting .
• X. Liu, “A new approach for solving the multimodal economic load dispatch problem”, Proc. of IEEE PES 2007 General Meeting .
• X. Liu, “The free-space optics system using QCL: models and solutions”, Proc. of
IEEE ICC 2007.
• X. Liu, “Optimality of the second order metrics of the M/M/2 system with heterogeneous service rates”, Proc. of IEEE ICC 2007 .
• Z. Taha and X. Liu, “A PAPR reduction technique using expurgated cyclic codes for
COFDM”, Proc.
of Milcom 2006.
• X. Liu, “The Russian-doll bandwidth constraints for a compound arrival process”,
Proc. of IEEE GLOBEC OM 2006.
• F. Xu, X. Liu, and C. Huang, “SAM: A new bandwidth constraint model for Diffserv-aware MPLS networks”, Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2006.
• Z. Taha and X. Liu, “Investigation of geographic routing metric in sensor networks”,
Proc. of IEEE ICC 2006.
• X. Liu, “A method to minimize the blocking probability for heterogeneous traffic flows”, Proc. of IEEE WCNC 2006.
• X. Liu, “Bit error variances of DPSK and NCFSK in Nakagami-m channels”, Proc. of