Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/elektrik/ Research Article Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci () : 1 – 14 c TÜBİTAK ⃝ doi:10.3906/elk-1203-7 Optimal placement and sizing of DG units and capacitors simultaneously in radial distribution networks based on the voltage stability security margin 1 Hamid Reza ESMAEILIAN1 , Omid DARIJANY1 , Mohsen MOHAMMADIAN2,∗ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kerman Graduate University of Technology, Kerman, Iran 2 Department of Power Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran Received: 03.03.2012 • Accepted: 01.10.2012 • Published Online: ..2014 • Printed: ..2014 Abstract: This paper presents a novel manner to reach the optimal quantity, placement, and sizing for distributed generation (DG) units and capacitors simultaneously in a radial distribution network as a multiobjective optimization problem. The objective function includes the DG units’ and capacitors’ costs, power losses, and voltage stability margins as a multiobjective optimization problem, which uses a developed genetic algorithm as the first stage in the proposed hierarchical optimization strategy. In order to model the optimization problem, different types of DG units are modeled and the results are investigated and evaluated on an IEEE-33 bus radial distribution network. Key words: Voltage stability, multiobjective optimization, distributed generation allocation, radial distribution networks 1. Introduction Due to the low voltage level and high current in distribution systems, the largest power loss portion among the 3 power system sections, which are generation, transmission, and distribution, belongs to the distribution section, such that the line losses at the distribution level constitute about 5%–13% of the total power generation [1]. Hence, many efforts have been made to decrease the losses in distribution networks. The capacitor placement and the usage of distributed generation (DG) resources are among those efforts to mitigate this problem. Shunt capacitors have been commonly employed to locally compensate for the reactive power in the network and, in consequence, reduce the power loss in the lines and improve the voltage profile. Optimal capacitor placement and sizing was applied to minimize the power loss in many previous researches, such as in [2–5]. In [6], capacitor placement was applied as a multiobjective problem to reduce the annual cost sum of the power loss and the capacitors, as well as to improve the voltage profile. Moreover, in [7], it was shown that shunt capacitors can enhance the system reliability as lines redundant in distribution networks. Therefore, capacitors are applied as an effective economic tool to improve the network performance by providing appropriate placement. DG units are employed at the distribution level to supply power and reduce losses. The optimal sizing and placement of these resources to minimize the power loss, improve the voltage profile, enhance the system reliability indices, etc. is a significant matter that was investigated in many previous studies [8–10]. Nowadays, because of the industrialization of societies and overloading of distribution networks, the voltage stability of these networks has become an important issue. Based on this fact, many objects have been ∗ Correspondence: m.mohammadian@uk.ac.ir 1 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci considered to place and size DG units in distribution networks, but the voltage stability issue has been given less attention. Hence, the present study will address the voltage security margin in the cost function of the proposed optimization problem. In order to evaluate the voltage stability in distribution networks, usually the system equivalence method from the point of each node with a transmission line is used. In [11], an index was introduced to evaluate the system voltage stability. In this method the system voltage stability is evaluated without calculating theZ impedance matrix and only by performing the power flow of the power system. In [12], the mentioned index was used to evaluate the distribution network voltage stability in the presence of DG resources. Because of the features of this index and the simplicity of using it in radial networks, it is also used in this paper. To date, many studies have been done in the field of optimal placement for capacitors and DG units with different aims. In [13,14], a capacitor and DG unit were used to reduce the power loss and improve network performance, but the authors considered these placements separately and the mutual impact of the capacitor placement and DG unit placement on the power system operation indices were not considered. In [15], capacitor and DG unit placement was considered simultaneously to reduce power loss; however, the authors did not take into account the impact of the capacitor and the different types of DG units in the cost function. As mentioned before, the placement and sizing of DG units and capacitors should be modeled simultaneously in the form of an optimization problem. Otherwise, the operation of the power system will not be optimal. This paper attempts to model the DG units and capacitors’ allocation simultaneously as a nonlinear multitask optimization problem, including the voltage stability margin as a security index. Moreover, the mentioned optimization manner also improves other tasks, such as power losses and costs. Meanwhile, this paper shows that the optimal operation planning of the network will be achieved by the capacitors’ and DG units’ simultaneous placement, in comparison with planning separately or individually. The sizing and placement of DG units and capacitors is a discrete, nonlinear, and nondifferentiable problem; hence, the genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to solve the optimization problem in this paper. The GA is a metaheuristic search algorithm that has been used in many power system problems, such as in unit commitment [16], transmission expansion planning [17], placement of reactive power resources [18], and so on. Moreover, in this paper, the backward/forward sweep method is utilized to perform the power flow in the distribution network. In order to consider the impact of a photovoltaic (PV) type of DG unit on power flow equations, the developed backward/forward power flow is used to calculate the power loss and the voltage stability index (SI) in the fitness function of the optimization problem. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the voltage SI to evaluate the distribution network security level. Different types of DG units, with the characteristics of each, are described in Section 3. Section 4 introduces the backward/forward power flow as a precise method to perform the power ?ow in the distribution networks containing DG units. The optimization problem formulation is presented in Section 5. The GA as an evolutionary search algorithm is described in Section 6. The proposed algorithm for solving the optimization problem is presented in Section 7. Section 8 shows the simulation results of applying the proposed algorithm to the IEEE 33-bus network for different combinations of DG units and capacitors. Finally, the conclusion is given in Section 9. 2. Voltage SI Voltage stability is considered as the potential of a power system in maintaining its buses’ voltage amplitude against the increment of the load demand. To date, many different indices have been introduced to evaluate the 2 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci power systems’ security level from the point of voltage static stability. By considering the radial distribution networks’ properties, the following index is used for the present paper [11]. SIi = Vs4 − 4Vs2 (Ri PLi + Xi QLi ) − 4(Xi PLi + Ri QLi )2 i = 1, ..., N (1) In the i th node of Figures 1 and 2, Vs is the source voltage (substation voltage) and Ri , Xi are the equivalent resistance and reactance, which are gained using the following equation: ∑ Zeqi = Ri + jXi = Zk Ik . Ii (2) In Eq. (2), the sigma is applied to all of the branches that belong to the path from the i th node to the source (substation) (S). c Im Ic a b h i S Ia Ib Ih m VS Ii Zeqi = Ri + jXi Vi S In n Ii Figure 1. A typical radial distribution network. Figure 2. Equivalent network from the point of the i th node. PLi and QLi are the total active and reactive powers flowing through the i th node, respectively, which are gained using the following equations: PLi = Re[Vi Ii∗ ], (3) QLi = Im[Vi Ii∗ ]. (4) If N is the total number of system nodes, the voltage SI for all of the nodes of 2 through N is calculated using the mentioned method (the first node is the substation node and the SI is considered as 1 for it). The node with the smallest voltage SI is the weakest node and the voltage collapse phenomenon will start from that node. In other words, the weakest node voltage SI proposes the potential of a distribution network against the increment of the load demand and is defined as follows: SIsystem = min {Vs4 − 4Vs2 (Ri PLi + Xi QLi ) − 4(Xi PLi + Ri QLi )2 }. i∈2,...,N (5) 3. Different types of DG resources DG resources are classified into 4 groups based on the ability of delivering active and reactive powers [19,20]: Type 1: Active power producers like PV arrays and fuel cells, which are connected to the grid by means of inverters. This type can only produce active power. Type 2: Reactive power (Q) producers like synchronous condensers, which can only produce reactive power. Type 3: Active power producers and reactive power consumers (PQ). This type of DG unit produces active power and absorbs reactive power from the grid. For example, fixed speed wind turbines that use an 3 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci induction generator to produce electricity are placed within this type of DG. In fixed speed, wind turbines’ reactive power is consumed to produce active power. Type 4: Active and reactive power producers (PV bus voltage regulator). This type of DG unit produces reactive power to maintain the voltage of the bus to which they are connected. Wind turbines that have converters and diesel generators are categorized as this type of DG. By considering the properties of these resources and in order to model them in the mentioned optimization problem, the injected active and reactive powers to the i th node are modeled as follows: Pi = PDGi − PDi , Qi = QDGi − QDi = αi × PDGi − QDi αi = (sign) × tan(cos−1 (P FDGi )), (6) , (7) (8) where PDi and QDi are the demanding active and reactive powers of the i th node load; PDGi and QDGi are the generating active and reactive powers of the DG unit connected to the i th node; and P FDGi is the DG power factor. The power factor depends on the DG type and the operating condition of the DG unit. For type 1: P FDG = 1 , for type 2: P FDG = 0, for type 3: 0 < PF DG < 0 and sign = −1 ; and, finally, for type 4: 0 <PF DG < 0 and sign = +1. In this paper, all of the DG types except for type 2 are studied. The power factor of DG type 3 is considered as 0.9 lag, and the reactive power maximum and minimum limits of DG type 4 is ±0.8 times the active power [21]. 4. Backward-forward power flow in the presence of DG The R/X ratio in distribution networks is high and so the conventional power flow methods like the Newton– Raphson and fast decoupled methods, considering their procedure of derivation, may not converge in solving the power flow problem of this type of network. Hence, these methods are not suitable. Based on this, for solving the power flow problem of distribution networks, the known backward-forward method is used. The backward-forward sweep method has been widely used to solve power flow problems in distribution networks because it converges very fast and consumes less computational memory. The common algorithm of the power flow consists of 2 basic steps of the backward-forward sweep, which iterates in a loop so that the convergence of the power flow is gained [22,23]. One of the recent challenges in the backward-forward sweep power flow calculations is the penetration of DG units in distribution networks. In the presence of PV-type DG units, the conventional power flow method is not suitable for the distribution system and some changes need to be done in this method. The forwardbackward power flow method is divided into 3 types, which are current summation, power summation, and impedance summation. In this paper, the power summation method [24] with an added term for the DG unit management is used. 4.1. Power flow modeling The first step in performing the power flow is numbering the branches or, in other words, the distribution lines. In order to do this, first the network needs to be layered. For layering the network, the proposed strategy starts from the main node and moves forward to the ending nodes. The lines between this node and the next nodes 4 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci constitute the first layer. The second layer consists of the lines between these layers and the next layers located after them. After the network layering, it starts from the main node and the branches are numbered from 1 to Nb . The number allocated to the branches of the lower layer is bigger than the number of the upper layer branches (in radial networks,Nb = N − 1, where N is the number of nodes and Nb is the number of branches). The algorithm steps are as follows. 4.1.1. Backward sweep By starting from the ending buses and moving backward to the slack bus, the power flow through each branch is calculated using Eq. (9). ∑ Sn = Si + Sm + Lossn (9) m∈M Here, Sn is the power flowing through the n th branch, i is the last node of the n th branch, Si is the power of the load connected to the i th node, M is the sum of the branches that are connected to the nth branch in i th node, Sm is the power of the mth branch, and Lossn is the nth branch loss (which is considered as 0 in the first iteration). 4.1.2. Forward sweep By starting from the branches connected to the slack bus and moving forward to the ending branches, the currents in the sending bus of the nth branch (j) and the voltages in the receiving bus of the nth branch (i) are calculated using Eqs. (10) and (11). The branch losses are calculated using Eq. (12). Hence: ( Jn = Sn Vj )∗ , V i = V j − Zn × Jn (10) , ( ) Lossn = V j − V i × J ∗n (11) . (12) 4.2. Calculating the voltage deviation After performing steps 4.1.1. and 4.1.2. in each iteration, the voltage deviation for all of the buses is calculated using Eq. (13): (k) (k−1) (k) ∆V i = V i − V i (13) , where k is the numerator of the iteration numbers. If any of the ∆V i values are bigger than the convergence criterion ( ε), steps 4.1.1. and 4.1.2. are repeated so that the convergence is gained. 4.3. Considering DG units in the power flow algorithm The DG units are controlled like PQ buses. Hence, they can be modeled as passive (negative) loads, but for considering DG units that are controlled like PV buses, more complicated procedures are needed in the power flow calculations. 5 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci In order to control the voltage of PV nodes, the compensation technique from [25] is used. For gaining the voltage profile in a PV node, the accurate generated reactive current injection is specified by the unit. For this purpose, in each PV bus, the constant values for the DG are specified. The mentioned parameters are the active power (P) and voltage amplitude (V). Next, in the power flow algorithm, this bus is considered as a PQ bus. After the power flow is converged, the voltage deviation of the PV bus from the specified value is calculated using Eq. (14): i i − Vcal ≤ ε i = 1 : nP V , (14) ∆V i = Vsp i is the specified value of where ∆V i is the voltage deviation in the ith node, nP V is the PV node number, Vsp i the voltage amplitude in the i th bus, and Vcal is the calculated value of the voltage amplitude in the i th bus. If the voltage deviation is at a specified limit, the PV node voltage is converged to the specified value. Otherwise, by the DG reactive power compensation, this voltage remains at the specified value. The amount of reactive power required for compensation is calculated by: X.∆Q = ∆V, (15) where X is the sensitivity matrix of the PV node (with the size of nP V −unconverged × nP V −unconverged ). The diagonal elements of the X matrix are the summation of the reactance of the branches between each unconverged PV node and the source node. The off-diagonal elements of the X matrix are the summation of the reactance of the common branches between each unconverged PV node and source node. nP V −unconverged is the number of PV nodes in which the voltage magnitude has not converged to the specified value, ∆Q is the injected reactive power vector and its size is nP V −unconverged × 1 , and ∆V is the voltage deviation vector and its size is nP V −unconverged × 1 . If ∆V > , the DG should generate active power to maintain the voltage in the specified value. If ∆V < 0, the DG should absorb reactive power to maintain the voltage in the specified value (the DG should decrease the reactive power injection to the network). Hence: Qicalnew = Qicalold ± ∆Qi i = 1 : npv , (16) where Qicalnew is the new calculated value for the i th bus DG injection and Qi≀↕⌈ is the calculated value for the i th bus DG reactive power generation in the previous iteration. After calculating ∆Q, the generated reactive power value should be controlled using Eq. (17). If the reactive power (Q) is outside the limit, its value should be adjusted to the limit. Qimin ≤ Qicalnew ≤ Qimax (17) After performing the aforementioned procedure, the power flow calculation is performed again and the mentioned steps are repeated. If the voltages of all of the PV nodes converge to the specified value, then the proposed algorithm has also converged. 5. Optimization problem formulation The recommended objective function of the multiobjective optimization problem is considered as below: ∑ ∑ PLoss Costcap CostDG SI M inF = k1 × + k2 × + k3 × − k4 × , PLoss0 Costcapmax CostDGmax SI0 6 (18) ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci 4 ∑ ki = 1, (19) i=1 where PLoss0 is the total losses of the network before the installation of the DG units and the capacitors, PLoss is the total losses of the network after the installation of the DG units and the capacitors, sumCostcap is the sum of the cost of the installed capacitors [26], and Costcapmax is the cost of the biggest summation of capacitors that can be installed. Qc ≤ Qcmax Here, ∑ (20) CostDG is the sum of the installed DG units’ cost. The capital cost of the DG units is different because of their types [27], but in general it can be defined as in Eq. (21): CostDGi = Ki × PDGi , (21) where Ki is the constant coefficient (US$/kW). In this paper, it is assumed that 8 generators exist (Table 1), where CostDGmax is the cost of the biggest DG unit that can be installed. PDG ≤ PDGmax (22) Here, SI0 is the system voltage SI before the installation of the DG units and the capacitors, SI is the system voltage stability index, and ki is the weighting constants, which are selected as follows: k1 = 0.6, k2 = 0.1, k3 = 0.2, k4 = 0.1. In addition, all of the buses’ voltage constraints and thermal limits of the lines are modeled as inequality conditions in the multiobjective optimization problem. Table 1. Characteristics of the DG units. Capacity (kW) 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 Capital cost (USD$/kW) 2121 1500 1225 1061 949 866 802 750 6. Genetic algorithm GAs are search algorithms based on the process of biological evolution. In this algorithm, the problem variables are defined as binary strings that are known as genes. A set of genes constitutes a chromosome that is one of the possible solutions of the problem. The basic structure of the GA is as follows: first, a randomly constructed initial population of chromosomes is generated. Next, the fitness of each chromosome is defined by the objective function. The selection operator chooses the chromosomes with better fitness among the population. Using crossover and mutation operators, a new population is produced. The iterative loop is executed until the termination condition is satisfied [28]. 7 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci 7. Problem algorithm The proposed algorithm is shown in Figure 3 based on the GA. If the number of buses in the network is assumed as N, then the number of candidate buses for the DG unit installation and the capacitor placement is N − 1 (in the slack bus, no DG unit or capacitor is installed). In this case, the length of each string or chromosome is 2N − 2. Each chromosome presents the capacity of the installed DG unit or capacitor in the related bus. If 0 is placed in any of the bits, it shows that no DG unit or capacitor is placed in that bus. The capacity of the DG units is within (0– PDGmax ) in the defined steps and the capacity of the capacitors changes in the defined steps in the range of (0 − QC max ). The structure of each chromosome is shown in Figure 4. For the studied problem in this paper, the GA parameters are selected as in Table 2. Start A Acquiring network data A Execution of power flow program and calculation of power losses and voltage stability index Network without DGs and capacitors to find base o bjective f unction terms (PLoss 0 , SI 0 ) Generating initial population randomly B Execution of power flow program and calculation of power losses and voltage stability index C A B Evaluation f itness of all individuals Yes End C Best individuals Termination condition met? f i (x ) k1 × k3 × PLoss PLoss 0 Σ Cost DG Cost DG max k4× No Crossover & mutation Offspring Roulette wheel selection Generating new population Figure 3. Flowchart of the proposed method. 8 k2 × C Σ Cost cap Cost cap max SI SI 0 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci X1 X2 XN-1 DGs capacity in each node XN XN+1 X2N-2 Capacitors capacity in each node Figure 4. Chromosome structure. Table 2. GA parameters. Population size 120 Selection function Roulette wheel No. of variables 33 × 2 – 2 Crossover Single point Crossover rate 0.9 Mutation rate 0.035 8. Results and discussion In order to simulate the proposed problem, the IEEE 33-bus radial network is used (Figure 5). The network base voltage is 12.66 kV and the base apparent power is 10 MVA. The network data, including the resistance and reactance of the lines and the loads connected to nodes, were presented in [29]. For the cost evaluation of the capacitor banks, the given data in [26] are used. In order to show the importance of studying the simultaneous placement and sizing of the DG units and the capacitors, first, for the proposed network, the quantity, placement, and sizes of the different DG units and the capacitors are presented separately, and, finally, the simultaneous quantity, placement, and sizing of the DG units and the capacitors is determined and the results are compared. Figure 5. The studied IEEE 33-bus radial network. 8.1. The base case (network without a DG unit and capacitor) In this case study, the network losses are equal to 202.676 kW and the security index of the nodes’ voltage stability is shown in Figure 6. It has been shown that bus 18 is the weakest bus, which has a voltage magnitude of around 0.913 pu and its voltage SI is 0.682. 8.2. Optimal quantity, placement, and capacities of the DG units In this section, the quantity, placement, and capacities of different DG units regarding the minimum value of the problem objective function are defined. In this case, the term related to the capacitors’ cost in the objective functions is not present and the capacity of the DG units increases up to a maximum value of 2000 kW in steps 9 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci Voltage stability index of 250 kW, which is shown in Table 1. The results for the different types of DG are shown in Table 3. Table 4 shows the voltage SI, system losses, and the objective function value after the installation of different DG units. 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 1 5 9 13 17 21 Bus number 25 29 33 Figure 6. The node voltage SI in the base case. Table 3. Optimal quantity, placement, and capacities of the different DG units. DG type 1 3 4 PDG (kW) 750 750 500 500 1000 Bus No. 14 31 14 14 30 Table 4. Losses and voltage SI of the system and the objective function value after the installation of the DG units. DG type 1 3 4 Ploss 92.47 173.66 37.452 SISys 0.839 0.712 0.912 ∆Ploss /Ploss0 54.3% 14.32% 81.52% F 0.396 0.510 0.219 8.3. Optimal capacitor placement In this section, the quantity, placement, and optimal capacities of the required capacitors regarding the minimum value of the multiobjective cost function are defined. For this purpose, the term related to the cost of the DG units in the objective function is eliminated. The maximum capacity of the capacitors is considered to be 1500 Kvar. The results of the algorithm are given in Tables 5 and 6. Table 5. Optimal quantity, placement, and capacities of the capacitors. Bus No. 14 30 Qc (kVar) 450 900 Table 6. Losses and voltage SI of the system and the objective function value after the installation of the capacitors. Ploss 137.098 10 SISys 0.771 ∆Ploss / Ploss0 32.35% F 0.376 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci 8.4. Optimal placement of the DG units after installation of the capacitors In this section, the quantity, placement, and optimal capacities of the DG units after installation of optimal capacitors is done for the different types of DGs. This section is necessary for the simultaneous discussion of optimal placement of DGs and capacitors. The results for different types of DGs are shown in Table 7. Table 8 presents the voltage SI, system losses, and the objective function value after the installation of different types of DGs. Table 7. Optimal quantity, placement, and capacities of the different DG units after of the installation of the capacitors. Type 1 3 4 PDG (kW) 1250 750 1500 Bus No. 29 14 29 Table 8. Losses and voltage SI of the system and the objective function value after the installation of the DG units and capacitors. DG type 1 3 4 Ploss 60.88 82.198 56.63 SISys 0.838 0.813 0.912 ∆Ploss / Ploss0 69.97% 59.44% 72.06% F 0.3079 0.339 0.3071 8.5. Simultaneous optimal placement of DGs and capacitors In this section, the simultaneous placements and capacities of the DG units and capacitors are done for the different types of DG. The results gained from the algorithm shown in Figure 3 are presented in Table 9. Table 10 presents the voltage SI, system losses, and the objective function value after the installation of different DG units and capacitors. The voltage SI of the network buses is presented in Figures 7, 8, and 9 for the 4 cases of the base case, after the installation of the DG units, after the installation of the capacitors, and after the simultaneous installation of the DG units and the capacitors. Moreover, the buses’ voltages before and after the installation of the DG units and capacitors for the different types of DG are shown in Figures 10, 11, and 12. Table 9. Optimal quantity, placement, and sizes of the different DG units and capacitors. DG type 1 3 4 PDG (kW) 750 500 1000 – 500 1000 Bus No. 32 16 12 – 14 30 Qc (kVar) 900 – 900 900 – – Bus No. 30 – 12 30 – – Table 10. Losses and voltage SI of the system and the objective function value after the installation of the DG units and capacitors. DG type 1 3 4 Ploss 51.92 67.689 37.452 SISys 0.862 0.837 0.912 ∆Ploss /Ploss0 74.38% 66.51% 81.52% F 0.304 0.328 0.219 11 ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci Base case With capacitor With DG With DG and capacitor (simultaneously) With DG and capacitor (separately) 1 1.05 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 1 5 9 13 17 21 Bus number 25 29 33 5 1 Voltage (pu) 0.95 0.85 0.8 13 17 21 Bus number 25 29 33 Base case With capacitor With DG With DG and capacitor (simultaneously) With DG and capacitor (separately) 1.02 0.9 9 Figure 8. Bus voltage SI before and after the installation of DG type 3 and the capacitor. Base case With capacitor With DG With DG and capacitor (simultaneously) With DG and capacitor (separately) 1 Voltage stability index 0.9 0.85 0.7 1.05 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.75 0.92 0.7 0.65 1 5 9 13 17 21 Bus number 25 29 0.9 33 Figure 9. Bus voltage SI before and after the installation of DG type 4 and the capacitor. 0.96 0.92 0.92 9 13 17 21 Bus number 25 29 33 Figure 11. Bus voltages before and after the installation of DG type 3 and the capacitor. 17 21 Bus number 25 29 33 0.96 0.94 5 13 0.98 0.94 1 9 Base case With capacitor With DG With DG and capacitor (simultaneously) With DG and capacitor (separately) 1 0.98 0.9 5 1.02 Voltage (pu) 1 1 Figure 10. Bus voltages before and after the installation of DG type 1 and the capacitor. Base case With capacitor With DG With DG and capacitor (simultaneously) With DG and capacitor (separately) 1.02 Voltage (pu) 0.95 0.65 1 Figure 7. Bus voltage SI before and after the installation of DG type 1 and the capacitor. 12 1 Voltage stability index Voltage stability index 1.05 Base case With capacitor With DG With DG and capacitor (simultaneously) With DG and capacitor (separately) 0.9 1 5 9 13 17 21 Bus number 25 29 33 Figure 12. Bus voltages before and after the installation of DG type 4 and the capacitor. ESMAEILIAN et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci According to the above simulation results, if the operation from the network is in the presence of DG types 1 and 4, better conditions are provided than operation in the presence of the capacitors, which shows that the role of these types of DG is more effective than that of the capacitors. The simulation results also show that the optimal operation of the network occurs in the simultaneous expansion planning of DG resources and capacitors. This matter is especially more obvious in the case of DG type 3. In the case of DG type 4, according to the optimization problem objective function and the selected weighting factors, the simulation results in the presence of DG units alone, and also by considering the capacitors and DG units simultaneously, are identical. This is because of the reactive power generation by the DG units, and therefore there is no need to pay an extra cost for the capacitors. Comparing the results, it is obvious that optimal operation from the network is obtained by the simultaneous placement of DG units and capacitors. 9. Conclusion In this paper, the optimal placement of DG units and capacitors simultaneously is modeled as a nonlinear optimal problem. Hence, the quantity, placement, and sizes of the DG units and capacitors are calculated in a novel approach based on the multiobjective problem. The voltage SI is applied in the proposed optimization approach as a security index and it covers the security requirement in the mentioned optimal placement. The simulation results show that the optimal operation of the network occurs in the simultaneous expansion planning of the DG units and capacitors. References [1] J.B. Bunch, R.D. Miller, J.E. Wheeler, “Distribution system integrated voltage and reactive power control”, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 101, pp. 284–288, 1982. [2] R.A. Gallego, A.J. Monticelli, R. 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