Adventures in Healthy Growing Standards Addressed

Adventures in Healthy Growing
Standards Addressed
I. I’m Alive and Growing!
Standards Addressed:
• Science & Technology
o 3.3A. Know the similarities and differences of living things.
§ Identify life processes of living things (growth, digestion, react to environment)
§ Objects and organisms can be grouped by characteristics
§ (Living/non- living, Animals/plants, Food/not food)
o 3.3D. Living things grow and change through life cycles
§ People
§ Trees (Philadelphia School Dist. Mandated Science curriculum)
Environment and Ecology
o 4.6A. Understand that living things are dependent on non- living things in the
environment for survival.
§ Identify and categorize living and nonliving things
Family and Consumer Science
o 11.3G - Classify foods according to senses (School District of Philadelphia mandated
science curriculum)
II. I’m Growing Healthy!
Standards Addressed:
Science and Technology
• 3.3A. Know the similarities and difference of living things
o Describe the needs of plants and animals
• 3.3B. Know that living things are made up of parts that have specific functions i.e., body parts,
plant parts, tree parts (mandated science curriculum)
• 3.3D. Identify changes in living things over time.
Environment and Ecology
• 4.2A. Identify the basic needs of people
o food, air, water, space, shelter
o Environment provides
• 4.4C. Know that food and fiber originate from plants and animals
o Define and identify food and fiber
o Identify what plants and animals need to grow (humans)
4.6A. Understand that living things are dependent on non- living things in the environment for
o Describe the basic needs of an organism
4.8A. Identify the biological requirements of humans
o Identify several ways that people use natural resources (food, medicines, etc)
Family and Consumer Sciences
• 11.3 B. Describe personal hygiene techniques in food handling, hand washing, sneeze control,
signs of spoiled foods
• 11.3C. Explain the importance of eating a varied diet in maintaining health
11.3DClassify foods by groups within the food guide pyramid including serving size and
nutrient function with the body
11.3E. Define energy-yielding nutrients and calories
Health, Safety and Physical Education
• Explain the role of the food guide pyramid in helping people eat a healthy diet
• Identify the steps in a decision- making process
III. I’m a Healthy Consumer!
Standards Addressed:
Environment and Ecology
• 4.4B. Identify the role of the sciences in PA agriculture
o Identify common animals found on a farm
o Identify common plants found on PA farms
o Identify a fiber product from PA farms
• 4.4C. Know that food and fiber originate from plants and animals
o Identify agricultural product based on its origin
o Describe several products and tell their origin
o Describe the journey of a local agricultural product from production to consumer
• 4.8 B. Know that environmental conditions influence where and how people live.
o Identify how regional natural resources influence what people use
Family and Consumer Sciences
• 11.3A. Know the production steps that a food travels from the farm to the consumer
IV. I’m Growing Healthy Foods
Standards Addressed:
Science and Technology
• 3.3 A. Know the similarities and differences of living things
o Describe the basic needs of plants and animals
• 3.3 B. Know that living things are made up of parts that have specific functions (plant
parts/tree parts)
• 3.3 D. Identify changes in living things over time
Environment and Ecology
• 4.2 B. Identify the role of the sciences in PA agriculture
o Identify the parts of important agricultural related plants (corn, soybeans, barley)
4.4 A. Know the importance of agriculture to humans
o Identify humans basic needs
o Know how people depend on agriculture