GCSE Choices Form - St Christopher`s School

St Christopher’s School
I/GCSE Options Form 2016/17
Student’s First Name
Student’s Last Name
Form or School
I will be studying the following subjects at GCSE:
1. Mathematics
2. English Language
English Literature
3. Science (select one)
Science / Additional Science
Three separate Science GCSEs
My Option Choices are:
4. My Language Choice (please choose one)
Please refer to advice in the Options Booklet
Students interested in studying two languages
may wish to join the fast track IGCSE French
early morning class
5. My Humanities Choice (please choose one)
My other two Option Subjects – Please refer to the Options Booklet
6. My Option 1 choice is
7. My Option 2 choice is
Please note: If one of your options is Design & Technology, please specify either Graphic Products or Resistant
Reserve Choice
My reserve Option choice if I cannot have Option 1
or Option 2
Students who wish to study early morning (AM) French
If you wish to study AM French, please see the relevant guidance in the MFL and Arabic subject pages.
I would like to study AM French
Signed (Student)
Signed (Parent or Guardian)
Print Name
Contact Telephone Number
Please return this form, duly completed, to Ms Jo Atkinson, Senior Admissions Officer
St Christopher’s School, Saar Campus
Email: admissions@st-chris.net Tel: +973 17605052 Fax: +973 17605020
Infant & Junior Schools
Tel: 17605100 or17605200
Senior School
Tel: 17605300
Tel: 17605052
Principal’s Office
Tel: 17605003
Tel: 17605400
Form Issued: January 2015