CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) CS ENERGY PROCEDURE FOR TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED CS-OHS-54 Responsible Officer: Group Manager Health and Safety / Health and Safety Advisor - Electrical Responsible Executive: Executive General Manager Corporate DOC UME NT HIS T OR Y Key Changes New Procedure Prepared By C. Kendrick-Ward Checked By Electrical Safety Taskforce B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Approved By A. Brown Date 14/05/2012 Page 1 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) CONTENTS DOC UME NT HIS T OR Y ............................................................................................................................ 1 1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2 SCOPE.......................................................................................................................................... 3 3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITIES ......................................................................... 3 3.1 CS Energy .....................................................................................................................................3 3.2 Group Health and Safety Manager ................................................................................................ 3 3.3 Power Station Manager ................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Authorised Electrical Person/s ....................................................................................................... 4 4 F UNC T IONAL F L OWC HAR T ....................................................................................................... 5 5 HAZAR DS ..................................................................................................................................... 6 6 R IS K AS S E S S ME NT .................................................................................................................... 6 7 C ONT R OL S .................................................................................................................................. 6 7.1 General Testing to Prove De-Energised Requirements ................................................................. 6 7.2 For Low Voltage ............................................................................................................................ 8 7.3 For High Voltage............................................................................................................................ 8 7.4 Suitable Voltage Testing Devices .................................................................................................. 9 7.5 Low Voltage Contingent Testing .................................................................................................... 9 7.6 Managing Induced Voltages ........................................................................................................ 10 8 F UNC T IONAL F L OWC HAR T S ................................................................................................... 11 9 T R AINING AND C OMP E T E NC Y ................................................................................................ 13 10 R E V IE W ...................................................................................................................................... 13 11 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................................. 13 12 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 18 B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 2 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 1 PURPOSE To describe CS Energy’s requirements relating to electrical testing to prove de-energised. 2 SCOPE This procedure applies to electrical testing to prove de-energised practices undertaken as part of isolations performed on low voltage and high voltage circuits to allow the performance of electrical work across all CS Energy operated and/or maintained sites. 3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITIES 3.1 C S E nergy CS Energy shall be responsible for: • 3.2 Having a documented isolation and access procedure. G roup Health and S afety Manager Group Health and Safety Manager is responsible for ensuring that: • Ensuring all persons who are involved in the test for de-energised procedures have been trained and assessed as competent to perform the roles for which they are responsible, and authorised. • Maintaining a register of all authorised persons with details of any restrictions. • Ensuring audits of the PTW system are carried out. • Maintaining the Register of Authorised personnel. • Enforcing compliance with this procedure. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 3 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 3.3 P ower S tation Manager The Power Station Manager is responsible to: • Monitor the implementation of the Electrical Safety Corporate Standard • Allocate responsibilities and resources to ensure specific practices/procedures are developed to satisfy the Corporate Standard. These responsibilities may be delegated from time to time when the person fulfilling this role is unavailable. 3.4 Authoris ed E lectric al P ers on/s Authorised Electrical Person/s are responsible for ensuring that: • All persons who are involved in the test for de-energised procedures have to be trained and assessed as competent to perform the roles for which they are responsible, and authorised to perform. • • Comply at all times with the requirements specified within this Corporate Standard for Electrical Safety Comply with any specific procedures in regards to the work they are performing. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 4 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 4 F UNC T IONAL F L OW C HAR T LV Testing HV Testing If testing under a PTW, check sheet for any specific instructions Will the person access an area within the PPE Zone (ie. 50cm from a live part) or accessing within an arc flash protection boundary? NO If testing under a PTW, check switching sheets for any specific instructions Will the person access an area within the Exclusion Zone or arc flash protection boundary when testing? YES Authorised Electrical Person Authorised Electrical Person PPE Refer to CS Energy procedure Selection Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE CSOHS-34 PPE: - Insulating gloves rated to the highest expected voltage applicable for the task CONDUCT TEST AS PER ISOLATION CONTROL GUIDE PERFORM CONTINGENCY PROCEDURE (Refer to Contingent Testing in this procedure) YES • HV Switching Officer • HV Switching Assistant – • PPE: Refer to CS Energy procedure Selection Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE CS-OHS-34 Are the test results less than 20VAC or 50VDC? NO • HV Switching Officer • HV Switching Assistant – • PPE: Insulating Gloves rated to minimum 1,000V when using the test equipment. Refer to CS Energy procedure Selection Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE CS-OHS34 YES Are induced voltages present? NO NO YES MANAGE INDUCED VOLTAGES (Refer to Managing Induced Voltages in this procedure) Are the test results less than 20VAC or 50VDC? DEENERGISATION CONFIRMED DEENERGISATION CONFIRMED B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 5 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) HAZAR DS 5 In relation to testing to prove de-energised, CSE has implemented a safe system to control risks to health and safety arising from hazards and issues such as, but not limited to: • • • • • • 6 Use of non-rated equipment in classified hazardous areas; Use of poorly maintained test instruments; Contact with live parts; Arc flash; Toxic gases; Damp environments. R IS K AS S E S S ME NT Hazards associated with testing to prove de-energised are to be assessed and managed as part of the "B/D/11/36153" - S1885 - Live Electrical Work Checklist and/or genetic JSEA process. NOTE: This form is not required if the test to prove de-energised is done as part of the isolation process or a test before touch on de-energised and isolated electrical equipment. In this case, only an approved JSEA for the task is required, which can be generic, and signed onto at the start of each shift 7 C ONT R OL S 7.1 G eneral T es ting to P rove De-E nergis ed R equirements 1. Before testing to prove de-energised the PTW process needs to be followed i.e.: WCA, WCD Isolation & Restoration Sheets / Switching Sheets & Authorisation for Electrical Work, 2. On LV equipment, testing to prove de-energised is to be performed by Authorised Electrical Persons and/or Authorised Licensed Electrical Workers. 3. On high voltage equipment, testing to prove de-energised or a method to otherwise confirm isolation is to be performed by a HV Switching Officer & Switching Assistant at each isolation point immediately prior to applying earths 4. For work on electrical equipment or circuits, it is important to ensure that the correct point of isolation is identified, an appropriate means of isolation is used and the supply cannot inadvertently be reinstated while the work is in progress. 5. When testing to prove de-energised on LV circuits, it is important to know the type and level of voltage being tested to ensure that sources of supply have been de-energised i.e. is it AC or DC, Is it low voltage or extra low voltage? 6. No hand tools, other than the approved test instruments are to be used during the testing procedure. 7. Only approved test instruments that have current test and calibration status and are registered on a electrical equipment register are to be used 8. As a minimum Cat III, Type ‘A’ test probes are to be used for testing LV. 9. Prior to the commencement of testing, the test person is to remove all jewellery and metal objects that are in contact with the skin or that is not covered by the Arc Flash Clothing being worn 10. Where applicable, insulating mats are to be used for working on conductive surfaces. 11. During the isolating process, each electrical isolation point must be proven to be effectively isolated by ensuring that electrical disconnection has occurred. Proving electrical disconnection has occurred can be completed by either: B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 6 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) On LV equipment, a test for de-energised is to be conducted at the load side of the isolation points by an Authorised Electrical Person to prove that the isolation point is disconnected correctly during the isolation process. (The Test Meter is to be tested on a known power source before & after the test is carried out). The results of this test for de-energised are to be recorded in the WCD item column. Utilising a separated /visible break isolation point Accessing incorrectly isolated equipment could result in electric shock or injury to personnel or damage to equipment. 12. A test for de-energised must be carried out by an Authorised Electrical Worker before commencing work on any exposed part. This test is to be carried out regardless of the method of disconnection employed during the isolating process. This test is also to be completed at the start of each new shift/ day. (Test before Touch) by the Authorised Licensed Electrical Worker before commencing work and at the start of each new shift/day. 13. Assess to the LV panel/cubicles with arc flash hazards. This can be determined by a label indicating the potential arc flash energy or if not labelled, level 2 arc flash/shock hazard management PPE is to be used. "B/D/11/30960" - CS-OHS-34 - Selection, Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE 14. Low Voltage Testing for de-energised requires normal live work precautions to be undertaken unless the part being tested in not exposed and no arc flash hazards exist. If the equipment to be worked on has live exposed parts, then apart from the minimal site-specific PPE, the following PPE requirements apply refer to "B/D/11/30960" - CS-OHS-34 - Selection, Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE 15. If the LV equipment to be worked on has live exposed parts, then apart from the minimal sitespecific PPE, work specific PPE, barriers and safety observers are required. 16. Proving de-energisation All electrical equipment and conductors shall be treated as energized, until proven to be de-energized. Any voltage tests used to prove de-energisation shall be conducted in the following sequence: a) b) c) d) Test the voltage tester on a known voltage source for correct operation. Test between all conductors and a known earth. Test between all conductors. Retest the voltage tester on a known voltage source for correct operation. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 7 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) WARNING: WHEN VOLTAGE TESTERS ARE USED TO PROVE DE-ENERGIZATION, THEY SHALL BE TESTED FOR CORRECT OPERATION IMMEDIATELY BEFORE USE, AND AGAIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE, PARTICULARLY IF THE TEST RESULT INDICATES ZERO VOLTAGE, TO CONFIRM THAT THE INSTRUMENT IS STILL WORKING CORRECTLY. Only competent persons shall perform the tests. WARNING: THE USE OF TESTERS THAT DETECT AN ELECTRIC FIELD SURROUNDING AN ENERGIZED CONDUCTOR ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR CABLES THAT ARE SURROUNDED BY A METALLIC SCREEN, CABLES CARRYING DIRECT CURRENT AND IN SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCES. 7.2 F or L ow V oltage • • • 7.3 If the person(s) involved in performing the testing has any part of their body within the Exclusion Zone of an energised exposed part or within an arc flash protection boundary, they are to wear PPE as described in the CS Energy procedure "B/D/11/30960" - CS-OHS-34 - Selection, Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE. Verification of the test to prove de-energised task is to be recorded if a test to prove de-energised is required. If testing to prove de-energised task cannot be performed as per this CS Energy procedure, the Person in control of electrical equipment is to be consulted to determine an alternative test method. Where such a method is used, this process is to be documented within the JSEA risk assessment that relates to the work task. For example (Where mechanical interlocking ensures a Circuit Breaker is physically racked out before operating earths on the load side can be applied and these earths are rated for the fault current, then the verified application of these earths can be substituted for the test to prove de-energised) F or High V oltage • If the person(s) involved in performing the testing has any part of their body within the Exclusion Zone of an energised exposed part or within an arc flash protection boundary, they are to wear PPE as described in the CS Energy procedure "B/D/11/30960" - CS-OHS-34 - Selection, Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE • • Verification of the test to prove de-energised task is to be recorded on the WCD item no. If a testing to prove de-energised task cannot be performed as per this CS Energy procedure, the Person in control of electrical equipment is to be consulted to determine an alternative test method. Where such a method is used, this process is to be documented within the JSEA risk assessment that relates to the work task. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 8 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 7.4 S uitable V oltage T es ting Devic es Approved test instruments are to be inspected for damage prior to each test use. Approved test instruments are to be tested on a test source before and after proving de-energised. Test instruments approved for use throughout CSE as per: AS/NZS 3100:2009 AS61010.1, Approval and test specification – General requirements for electrical equipment Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control & Laboratory Use – Part 1: General requirements. Guide to selecting a safe multimeter HB 187 –2006, 7.5 L ow V oltage C ontingent T es ting NOTE: This procedure is to be performed by a CSE Authorised Licensed Electrical Worker only. If a non-conclusive LV test result is obtained (higher than 20 volts AC or 50 volts DC) when testing to prove de-energised, further testing is to be conducted to determine whether it is from a sustained voltage source. The procedure for measuring sustained voltages is as follows: The Principle behind this test is to determine if a sustained voltage remains present. Testing is performed between each phase and earth. 1. This method can only be used when the measured voltage is: I. 50 volts AC or lower; or II. 120 volts DC or lower. Note: If the voltage is greater than these, go to Step 7 below. Otherwise go to Step 2 below. 2. Connect a resistance of 20 kΩ in parallel with the voltmeter when measuring the voltage. This resistor shall plug directly into the testing meter’s lead sockets so that no exposed parts are introduced. Note: This is done to place a load in the circuit to check if the source voltage is sustained at this load. Conductor Multimeter R B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 9 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 3. If measuring AC voltage, the sustained voltage is above 20 volts, go to Step 5). 4. If measuring DC voltage, the sustained voltage is above 50 volts, go to Step 5). 5. If an acceptable test is not obtained then substitute the resistor connected in Step 2 with one of 3kΩ resistance and repeat the sustained voltage measurement Note: This is again done to place a load in the circuit to check if the source voltage is sustained at this load at this lower resistance. 6. If the sustained voltage remains above the values listed in Steps 3 and 4 then the circuit is to be considered as not proven de-energised – go to Step 7. 7. Report any instances of circuits not being able to be proven de-energised to the Person in control of electrical equipment immediately so that further investigation can be conducted into the cause. 7.6 Managing Induc ed V oltages Where an induced voltage has been identified, the following process is to be used as a guide. Testing for Induced Voltages and managing induced voltages may only be performed by CSE Authorised Licensed Electrical Workers. If this is part of WCD forward isolation, inductive voltage hazards must be managed before signing off the step on the WCD. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 10 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 8 F UNC T IONAL F L OW C HAR T S 1. 3. Electrical work is required in a panel where induced voltage has been confirmed as part of the isolation process using Contingency Testing procedure Can the source of induction be identified and isolated? Consider as live until proven de-energised Controls/Comments Isolate source of induction. Add additional step to isolation and add Danger Tag Add the additional isolation point/s added to the isolation guide. This is necessary to comply with Safe System of Work processes Connect earth between wiring and known earth point. Using correct PPE Add additional step to isolation and add Danger Tag Remove wiring from terminal and insulate suitably to prevent contact with anything or open knifegate (and prevent its reclosure) Add additional step to isolation and add Danger Tag Include the following information in the isolation step: Wire ID; and Terminal number to be reinserted in Yes No 2. Can the cabling with the induced voltage on it be isolated further upstream of the equipment? Yes No 4. Can a temporary earth be connected to the wiring to remove the induced voltage? Yes No 5. Can wiring be disconnected to isolate the induction from the equipment? Yes No 6. Yes 7. Do work and reinstate equipment to original condition 8. If equipment has been altered, conduct functional checks before surrendering permit and re-energisation of the equipment. 9. Update WMS/Isolation Control Guide if necessary for longer term management Confirm that the induced voltage is no longer present on equipment to be worked on. No Consult the site PTW administrator before progressing. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 11 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) Electrical Switchboard Isolation - Request for door available to be opened Operations Responsibility Open 415V Isolator Test for De-energised Isolate LOCK and TAG YES Close/ Secure DOOR Can the door be CLOSED? NO Barricade area with WARNING TAPE and SIGNAGE appropriate to the JSEA made between the Electrical Worker and PTWO ISSUE PTW Submit a P5 Notification to install an internal locking device to the shaft if the isolator OIC to include in the JSEA the hazards and the controls in place with the door not able to be closed ISSUE PTW B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 12 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) 9 T R AINING AND C OMP E T E NC Y Training as described in the Corporate Electrical Safety Standard CS-OHS-31 and CS-PTW-SOP-02 Training and Authorisation in the PTW System. 10 R E V IE W This procedure will be reviewed every three years or as necessary due to changes in legislation by the Corporate Electrical Safety Committee. 11 DEFINITIONS Term AC Arc Flash Arc Flash Protection Boundary Arc Rated Clothing ATPV Authorised Electrical Person Authorised Licensed Electrical Worker Competent DC De-commissioned plant De-energise De-energised Definition Alternating current. Arc Flash is the result of a rapid release of energy due to an arcing fault between a phase bus bar and another phase bus bar, neutral or a ground. During an arc fault the air is the conductor. As a consequence, a person in proximity to such an arc flash can be injured. This rapid release of energy can be accompanied by a blast. An approach limit at a distance from live parts that are uninsulated or exposed within which a person could receive a second degree burn. (IEEE1584:2002 Clause 3.13). Means clothing that has an ATPV rating. Means Arc Thermal Performance Value. A reported value from electric arc testing. This value is presented in calories per square centimetre and represents the maximum capability for arc-flash protection of a particular garment, fabric or item of arc flash PPE. A person with the knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform work on or near a low voltage exposed live part. Authorised Electrical Persons must successfully complete and be current in the following training modules: Authorised Electrical Persons and Electrical Safety Observers, Rescue from Low Voltage Equipment and Resuscitation. A person who is the holder of a Queensland electrical workers license (or equivalent). Authorised Licensed Electrical Workers must successfully complete and be current in the following training modules: Queensland Electrical Work licence or equivalent, Electrical Safety Observers, Specific Requirements for Electrical Work, Rescue from Low Voltage Equipment and Resuscitation. Having acquired the knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform the task required, in a safe and effective manner. For example, for undertaking electrical work the person is a Licensed Electrical Worker and has undertaken specific CSE Electrical Authorisation Training. Direct current. Plant that has been permanently removed from service and had all energy sources removed. The process of disconnecting lines or apparatus from all conducting sources of electrical energy. Disconnected from all conducting sources of electrical energy but may be energised by capacitive charge or induction. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 13 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) Term Definition Designated area A clearly identified area for which a risk assessment has been undertaken and approval has been received from the HV OIC stating the area is safe to carry out normal high voltage work. Direct contact Means a person is in direct contact with an electrical part if: • The person is touching the electrical part with the person’s bare hands or another bare part of the person’s body, or • The person is touching a conductive object with a bare part of the person’s body and the conductive object is touching the electrical part, or • An article of clothing worn by the person is touching the electrical part, or • An article of clothing worn by the person is touching a conductive object and the conductive object is touching the electrical part. • • Operating plant is in direct contact with an electrical part if: Any part of the operating plant is touching the electrical part, or Anything the operating plant is handling is touching the electrical part. A vehicle is in direct contact with an electrical part if: Any part of the vehicle is touching the electrical part, or Anything being carried or otherwise handled by the vehicle is touching the electrical part. Having been connected to the general mass of earth in such a manner as to remove any residual electrical energy in a conductor or conducting object. Means that the parts are not connected to an electrical source. Disconnection may be achieved by de-energising, isolating, separating or breaking connections, or through all of these methods. A part that is disconnected may still require discharging to remove all electric and other energy. Any apparatus, appliance, cable, conductor, fitting, insulator, material, meter or wire: • Used for controlling, generating, supplying, transforming or transmitting electricity at a voltage greater than extra low voltage: • Operated by electricity at a voltage greater than extra low voltage; • That is or forms part of, a cathodic protection system. CS Energy Individual labelling of lines and apparatus to provide positive identification during switching operations. • • Discharged Disconnected Electrical Equipment Employer Equipment Designation Exclusion Zone Exclusion Zones For a person for an electrical part, or for operating plant or a vehicle for an electrical part, means the safe distance from the part stated for the person, plant or vehicle. Exclusion Zones to exposed HV conductors or articles are defined for authorised electrical workers and Instructed persons in Schedule 2 of the Queensland Electrical Safety Regulations 2010 and Code of Practice Working Near Exposed Live Parts. See Section 12.3 Attachment 3 B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 14 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) Term Extra Low Voltage (ELV) Flame Retardant Clothing High Voltage (HV) High Voltage System Induced Voltage Isolated Isolation Isolation Lock (Red) Isolation Point Isolator Instructed person Lethal Current Lines and Apparatus Low Voltage (LV) Ω Multiple Feeds Non-commissioned /De-commissioned On or near Definition Means voltage of 50V or less AC RMS, or 120V or less ripple-free DC. Clothing that has properties which suppress or delay the combustion or propagation of flame. Voltage in excess of 1000V AC or 1500V The HV system includes all lines and apparatus normally energised at high voltage. For the purposes of HV isolation, the HV system shall extend to LV isolation point(s) where necessary. For Rectiformers, from the diodes to the DC isolators are part of the HV system. A voltage due to electromagnetic or capacitive coupling that may be present in an isolated conductor if it is located near to or run in parallel with an energised conductor. Disconnected from all possible sources of supply and rendered incapable of being made live without premeditated and deliberate operation. The process of disconnecting high voltage lines and apparatus from all sources of high voltage supply by isolation points. The process of separating all sources of energy from an item of plant. Individually keyed and numbered locks that are used to lock High Voltage Isolation Points and Operator Earths. A suitable means of disconnection that is open to allow access and having an isolation Lock and tag. A device, when in the open position, is capable of preventing accidental energisation by lightning or switching surge For an electrical part, means a person who is acting under the supervision of an authorised person for the electrical part. Current in excess of 10mA alternating current or 300 mA direct current through the human body as specified in Australian Standard AS60479.1-2010 Effects of current on human beings and livestock. Those parts of any conductor or articles, such as underground cables, overhead lines or electrical plant and equipment, which are normally energised at a high voltage. Voltage greater than extra low voltage, but not more than 1000V AC RMS or 1500V ripple-free DC. (50V AC to 1000V AC, and 120V ripple-free DC to 1500V ripple-free DC) Symbol representing ohms, a unit of measure of electrical resistance. There is more than one source of power to that equipment Lines and apparatus which cannot be energised by a normal switching operation. A situation where an electrical worker is working on or near exposed energised conductors or live conductive parts and there is a reasonable possibility that the electrical worker’s body, or any conducting medium the electrical worker may be carrying or touching during the course of the work, may come closer to the exposed energised conductors or live conductive parts than 500mm. The term ‘on or near exposed energised conductors or live conductive parts’ does not apply if the uninsulated and energised part is safely and securely shielded be design, or segregated and protected with barricades or insulated shrouding or insulating material to prevent inadvertent or direct contact. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 15 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) Term Person in Control Phasing Out (or Phased) Plant PPE PTW (Permit to Work) PTW board PTWO – PTW Officer Safety Barrier Safety Observer Electrical Definition The person who is in control of the electrical equipment at a particular location. For CSE this is the site manager. A Test to determine whether energised conductors are the same polarity and may be satisfactorily connected. Plant is any: • installations, equipment and pressure vessels directly involved in electricity generation, • fixed installations, equipment and machinery, • a component of plant, and • A fitting, connection, accessory or adjunct to plant. (This includes any plant hard-wired, permanently piped or physically connected to an energy source.) Personal protective equipment A PTW is an authorisation, on the prescribed form, giving approval for work on specified equipment. The three accepted types of PTW allowable under the CS Energy PTW System are:• PTW – Issued for Work • PTW – Issued for Test • PTW – Issued for Access A lockable board that: • is used to house all isolation and PTW documentation once the PTW is issued, • is used to secure the key(s) of a PTWO lock once isolations have been made and locked out, and • is capable of having an OIC lock and personal locks attached to it to secure access to the PTWO key(s) The PTWO is an authorised person who has successfully completed all appropriate PTW training and is deemed competent to isolate the plant and issue a PTW allowing work to safely proceed, then on return close the PTW and restore the plant. Suitable barriers or earthed metal shields installed between the person and the conductors or electrical articles. A suitably trained and competent person who is authorised to observes individuals of a Work Group to ensure compliance with safety precautions. A Safety Observer – Electrical Shall: • Have an electrical work licence. • Be competent in rescue from electrical equipment • Be competent in resuscitation techniques • Competent to perform the task they are to observe • Be assessed in the last 6 months to be competent to rescue a person performing electrical work and provide resuscitation. • Know where all isolation points are located and how to operate them for the work being performed. • In addition, Safety Observers – Electrical are to receive specific instructions in their duties from the Switching Officer and/or OIC on each occasion B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 16 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) Term Definition Separated Isolation Point Isolation point where two electrical conductors have been physically separated by racking out the switchboard load from the supply in accordance with manufacture’s guidelines. Additionally, a visible break between a load and a supply can be deemed a separated isolation point (eg. Removed Fuse) Indicates that a statement is mandatory Indicates a recommendation There is only one primary feed of supply to the equipment being isolated – 415V or 6.6KV motor supply. Heater and other control supplies are considered secondary supplies. A SPTWO coordinates the day to day requirements of the PTW System. Shall Should Single primary Feed SPTWO (Senior PTW Officer) Standard Test Finger Supervise (electrical work) Substation Test Before Touching Test to Prove Deenergised Test Tag A device used to determine minimum clearances around electrical parts as per the dimensions set out in the IEC Standard 61010 Means technical supervision of electrical work to ensure the requested scope is completed. Any location where HV supply is converted, transformed or switched. An electrical test performed by an Authorised Licensed Electrical Worker immediately prior to working on a de-energised electrical part. A process that involves the testing of electrical circuitry with a voltage measurement device to determine the electrical status, and confirm that the circuitry is de-energised as a result of isolation protocols. A notice in the form of a blue tag that: • • • • • Untrained person (electrical part) WCA (Application for PTW) Is fixed to points of control for running a test or introducing a hazardous energy source; Provides warning and information to persons involved in plant isolation, access, inspection, maintenance and repair; Identifies a step number corresponding to the associated PTW issued for Test; Signifies that the point of control is not to be interfered with or operated under any circumstances unless authorisation is given by the HV OIC; Must only be hung or removed by a PTWO. Means a person who is not an authorised person or an instructed person for the electrical part. An electronically generated form specifying the plant item and scope of work. B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Page 17 CS-OHS-54 (AMD 05/12) Term Definition Work Area The lines and apparatus to which access for work/testing has been given, defined by a tape or rope barrier. WORK AREA Work Group / Work party WCD 12 All persons who perform specific work activities as coordinated by an OIC. Work clearance document that provides the identification and operations to be performed in carrying out plant isolation. (Also commonly known as an isolation/restoration sheet) REFERENCES Reference No "B/D/11/30957" "B/D/12/11085" IN DRAFT "B/D/11/19583" "B/D/11/30960" "B/D/11/36153" "B/D/10/21585" "B/D/12/7104" Reference Title Queensland Electrical Safety Act 2002 Queensland Electrical Safety Regulations 2002 Queensland Electrical Safety Code of Practice – Working Near Exposed Live Parts 2010 Queensland Electrical Safety Code of Practice – Electrical Work 2010 Queensland Electrical Safety Code of Practice – Risk Management 2010 Queensland Electrical Safety Code of Practice – Work 2010 Queensland Electricity Entity Procedures for Safe Access to High Voltage Electrical Apparatus (Orange Book) CS-OHS-31 - Electrical Safety Management CS-OHS-36 - Barricades & Signage CS-OHS-57 - Isolation of Electrical Circuits by the Officer in Charge of Work CS-PTW-SOP-02 - Training and Authorisation of Roles in the PTW System CS-OHS-34 - Selection, Maintenance and Use of Electrical Safety Equipment and PPE S1885 – Live Electrical Work Checklist Form S1878 - Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA) Template S1976 - High Voltage (HV) Work Control Checklist B/D/12/768 – CS-OHS-54 – TEST TO PROVE DE-ENERGISED THIS DOCUMENT IS UNCONTROLLED IN HARD COPY FORMAT Author Qld Govt Qld Govt CS Energy CS Energy CS Energy CS Energy CS Energy CS Energy CS Energy CS Energy Page 18