Quickly, easily and efficiently cull unwanted documents

Quickly, easily and efficiently cull unwanted documents from your data. Run,
refine and qualify simple and complex search terms. Hone in on what really
needs to be processed for review without breaking a sweat or the bank.
Simple. Effective. And Radically Efficient.
Document review can be the most expensive component of e-Discovery. But with Kiersted Direct, you can improve efficiency,
and better manage costs. Kiersted Direct puts you in direct control of the culling process, so that you can efficiently search and
cull data before initiating a document review, saving time and money.
Culling Made Easy
Identify and remove unwanted documents at
once with easy-to-use, industry-proven and
accepted culling techniques that are immediately available after data pre-processing.
With a 30-minute tutorial, users will be able to
safely, confidently and accurately peruse and
remove unwanted documents.
Advanced culling is available for the following
Sender Domain
Sender Address
Sender Name
File Type
Location Culling
Kiersted Direct’s Location Culling tool allows you to quickly identify and exclude data en masse – by location. Browse folder
trees taken from network drives, user hard drives, and even email containers. When a nested folder structure is found containing non-relevant material, a single click quickly excludes the entire tree. Location Culling makes it easy to narrow your focus to
pertinent data only.
Domain/Sender Address/Sender Name Culling
Avoid costly review by finding and removing large groups of non-responsive documents. Identify spam, alerts, and general
mass advertising emails, among other things. Review documents using the integrated viewer prior to exclusion, to ensure that
no potentially responsive documents are inadvertently culled.
Create and maintain your own search lists.
Reduce communication lags and opportunities
for error. And run hundreds — even thousands
— of searches, in record time. You can quickly
make smart decisions about what material
to include, and what to exclude from further
processing, reducing your document review to
a manageable size.
Using Direct’s real-time, innovative search
analysis form, users can immediately review
results. Important search hit information
such as documents returned, related nonhits (such as email attachments), unique
documents and total size are displayed. Is
a problematic search term skewing your
results? No worries, turn it off and immediately see how removal of terms will impact
the number of total documents returned.
Unique to Kiersted Direct, Snippet analysis empowers users to quickly ignore repetitive strings of text that are responsive to
your search terms but aren’t the results you are looking for. All too often, search terms yield documents that may contain the
words you are interested in but have nothing to do with what you wanted to find. We’ve all experienced search terms that
returned large numbers of hits due to standard verbiage included in document footers, email disclaimers and signature lines.
Direct collects, aggregates and presents search term Snippets, allowing users to ignore unwanted results and greatly increasing search accuracy.
Available throughout
Direct, the Integrated
Document Viewer with
search hit highlighting
enables users to review
documents prior to
important culling and
search modifications.
Kiersted.com | Salesinfo@kiersted.com | (866) 543-7789 | Houston, TX | New York City, NY | Newport Beach, CA