Essential Question: What are some types of scientific investigations? Name Date Period Unit 1 Lesson 2- Scientific Investigations Two types of scientific investigations 1. Experiments 2. Observations Experiments Usually in a Lab Controlled Observations Use your Senses (hearing, seeing, etc.) Includes Making Models Essential Question: What are some parts of scientific investigations? Parts of a scientific investigation 1. Hypothesis- a testable idea or explanation 2. Independent Variable: the manipulated variable 3. Dependent Variable: the variable that changes as a result of the manipulation of the Independent Variable. 4. Observations and Data: the information gathered during an experiment via observation (with senses or tools) Essential Question: What are some Scientific Methods? There are seven methods listed. A scientist will not always use each method. It is important, however, to know the general order, importance, and purpose of each step. See foldable for more info. Characteristics of good science. • Repetition: if an experiment can be repeated by the same person to get the same result, it provides support for the findings. • Replication: if another scientist can replicate the same experiment and get the same results it provides more support for the findings. *More accuracy = More trials More trials can be replication or repetition. Either way it provides more accurate results. Note: if an investigation does not support your hypothesis, you can not change the data, change your hypothesis, or change the procedure. Your options are, 1) conduct more trials to insure the data does not support your hypothesis What if my experiment does not support my hypothesis? You should 1. Conduct more trials to make sure the data is accurate 2. Revise your hypothesis and do a new experiment You can not • change the data • change your hypothesis • change the procedure.