Syllabus for EGR 245 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II

Syllabus for EGR 245
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II
Instructor: Dr. Clayton Paul, Professor
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Suite 223E, School of Engineering
301-2213 (w)
Textbooks and Supplies:
(1) Course Notes and Copies of Transparencies, by C.R. Paul, available for a nominal fee
from the Copy Center, Auxiliary Services Building.
(2) Suggested Text for Supplementary Reading (but not required): Electrical
Engineering Principles and Applications, by Allan R. Hambley, Third Edition Prentice Hall,
Catalog Description:
An introduction to electronic components: diodes, junction
transistors, field effect transistors, operational amplifiers, and small signal amplifiers. Magnetic
fields and circuits. Rotational and moving iron transducers, AC and DC motors and generators,
transformers, single phase power and stepper motors.
Course Objectives: (Learning Objectives) The student will become proficient in the
analysis of circuits containing the following devices/components.
Diodes: The Shockley diode equation and elementary principles of diode physics, load lines, and
applications consisting of half and full wave rectifiers, the bridge rectifier, AND and OR
gates, and limiters.
Zener Diodes: The zener diode characteristic, load line analysis and an elementary zener
regulated power supply.
BJT’s: Simple understanding of the physics of the BJT, determining the DC operating point of a
typical BJT common-emitter amplifier, the small-signal equivalent circuit and calculation
of the AC parameters of voltage and current gain, and input and output impedance of a
typical common-emitter BJT amplifier. The use of a BJT as a switch.
OpAmp’s: Analysis of ideal OpAmps using the virtual short circuit principle. Important
applications: the inverting and noninverting amplifiers, the summer, the buffer, and active
filters (low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject). Nonideal aspects of OpAmps:
saturation voltage and current.
Three Phase Power Distribution: Balanced Y and delta generator and load configurations,
determination of line-to-line and phase voltages and currents, determination of average
power delivered to the load.
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Magnetic Circuits: Ampere’s law and the circuit analogue for magnetic circuits, properties of
magnetic materials such as hysteresis, saturation and eddy currents, calculation of flux in
simple magnetic circuits and calculation of ampere turns to establish flux in an air gap.
Transformers: Faraday’s law and the right-hand rule, the ideal transformer and impedance
reflection, the actual transformer and its equivalent circuit, calculation of efficiency of
actual transformers given the parameters of the transformer.
Principles of Electric Motors and Generators: Faraday’s law, the BIL law, and the Lorentz
force equation, an elementary generator and motor.
DC Generators and Motors: Calculation of the field current required, back emf versus speed
and field flux, torque versus armature current and field flux. Performance calculations via
the equivalent circuit for separately excited, shunt excited, and series excited motors and
AC Generators and Motors: The equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams showing the relation of
back emf to terminal voltage and current, synchronous motor and generator performance
calculations, use of an unloaded synchronous motor for power factor correction.
Induction Motors: Basic principles of operation, slip, the equivalent circuit and performance
calculations using that equivalent circuit.
Prerequisites: EGR 244
Corequisite: EGR 246L
6 examinations
Final Exam
(No makeup exams will be administered unless you or a representative has contacted me prior
to the exam and received permission to be absent due to a valid excuse.) Tests and the Final
Exam will be closed book and closed notes. You are not allowed to use any supplemental
material on the tests or the final exam.
Mercer Honor Code: states that “I pledge myself to neither give nor receive aid during tests or
for any individual assignments or papers, nor to use any information other than that allowed
by the instructor. I further pledge that I will not allow to go unreported to the proper persons any
violation of the Honor System and that I will give true and complete information to the Honor
Council.” Under penalty of violation of the Mercer honor Code, I hereby state that you are not
allowed to consult tests or exams from previous semesters nor homework solutions given
out in previous semesters.
Course Content: An introduction to electronics and electric machines.
Study of diodes, and
transistors. Use of these nonlinear elements to construct useful signal processing circuits such
as rectifiers and amplifiers. Study of instrumentation circuits and the opamp. Study of magnetic
fields and circuits in the construction of transformers. Study of DC and AC motors and
generators and the induction motor.
Course Standards:
Homework: Homework problem sets will be assigned which serve to clarify the main points of
that period. A due date will be assigned for each set when they are given out. These will be due
at the beginning of the class period for which they are due at which time the detailed solutions to
those homework problems will also be given. No late homework will be accepted unless you
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have contacted me prior to the time the homework is due and have a valid excuse. This
policy will be strictly enforced. These homework problems are critical to your learning of the
material and skills. If you conscientiously work these homework problems and study the solutions
that I will give out, you will have no problem with the test or final exam questions.
Lecture Transparencies: The primary points of the lectures will be given via overhead
transparencies. One of my important functions (if not the most important function) as your teacher
is to outline the material in a form that emphasizes the most important points, skills and
concepts of the material to be covered so that your learning of the material will be optimized
and increased. Reading the textbook is an important part of any course because your lifelong
learning will be primarily by that mode so it is important for you to develop the skill of reading
technical text and learning from that; however, the important points may sometimes be obscured
by the verbage of the text. My job is to help you “distinguish the trees from the forest.” These
transparencies are intended to highlight the most important points and concepts for that purpose.
The blackboard will be used to work problems and sketch other results that clarify these main
points. Copies of the lecture transparencies can be obtained at nominal cost from the Mercer
Copy Center in the Auxiliary Services Building. (You must give them a phone call and a 3-hour
Class Attendance and Participation:
I require that you be on time for class. Being late
for class is very disruptive. I require that you attend class each period as well as the scheduled
recitations; however, I realize that there may be a few instances where you must be absent.
Nevertheless, you are responsible for all business conducted during regularly scheduled
class periods. For example, if we change a test date, it will be given in class and your missing
that day will not be a valid excuse for missing the test. If the only purpose of this campus with all
its buildings was for me to write on the board and you to dutifully copy these notes, study them
and then take tests, we could save you considerable money by (1) mailing you the notes and text
and (2) establishing regional testing centers. So what’s the purpose of our gathering together in
one place? I believe that the primary purpose is to allow and facilitate our interaction (you and
me and your colleagues). We can share ideas and ways of understanding the material that
cannot be conveyed in written material; hence, it is important that we interact both in class and
out of class to maximize your learning. This will primarily be accomplished by asking questions.
I assure you that your final grade will not depend on the type (or number of) questions you ask; it
will only depend on your performance on the exams.
All I ask of you is to behave responsibility as you would when you go to work in industry,
and show me the respect due me as you would your senior managers in your industrial
When you enter my classroom turn off all electronic devices (except calculators) and don’t
turn them on again until you have left the classroom!! I will not tolerate cell phones going
off during my classes! I will also not tolerate your looking at your cell phone and, for
example, reading text mail! If you haven’t learned civilized and respectful behavior yet, do
so now. Do not listen to music or anything else with ear phones!
Reading Assignments and Exercise Problems: The following schedule shows the sections of
the text that you should read before coming to that class. First a note about “reading the text”.
This is intended to familiarize you with the major points, terminology, etc. we will be discussing in
class. It is NOT intended to make you an expert on that material. Don’t get hung up on messy
formulas or points you don’t readily understand. Generally, after class you can go back over that
material and will understand the points you didn’t on first reading.
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Important Additional Information:
Students with a documented disability should inform the instructor at the close of the first
class meeting. The instructor will refer you to the office of Student Support Services
(SSS) for consultation regarding evaluation, documentation of your disability, and
recommendations for accommodation, if needed. Students will receive from SSS the
Faculty Accommodation Form. On this form SSS will identify reasonable
accommodations for this class. The form must be given to the course instructor for
signature and then returned to SSS.
To take full advantage of disability services, it is recommended that students contact the
Office of Student Support Services, immediately. The office is located on the third floor of
the Connell Student Center.
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The semiconductor diode, terminal characteristics
Load lines
Load lines (cont.), equivalent circuits and the ideal diode
Applications (half-wave, full-wave and bridge rectifiers)
Applications (logic gates, limiter), zener diodes
Zener diode regulated power supplies
429-434, 434-436
Test #1
The concept of an amplifier
The BJT and terminal characteristics
The BJT amplifier, load lines and biasing
466-471, 478-481
565-570, 582-584
10 The BJT amplifier model
11 The BJT as a switch (a LED driver)
12 The operational amplifier (opamp), the ideal opamp
13 The inverting amp (ideal opamp vs the finite gain opamp),
610-612, 630-640
negative feedback and saturation, max output current and effect of load
14 Noninverting amp, buffer, summer, comparator
Test #2
15 Transducer applications (strain gauges, thermistors, thermocouples)
16 Frequency response
17 Frequency response
18 Integrators and differentiators
19 Active filters
20 Active filters
Test #3
21 Three-phase power
22 Magnetic fields, Ampere’s law
23 Magnetic circuits
24 Mutual inductance, ideal transformers, Faraday’s law
663-666, 668-672
666-668, 679-683, 686-694
25 Real transformers and equivalent circuits
Test #4
26 The elementary DC motor and generator
27 Equivalent circuit of a DC machine
28 The separately-excited DC generator and motor
29 The series DC generator and motor
30 The shunt DC generator and motor
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Test #5
31 Synchronous AC generators
32 Synchronous AC motors
33 Power factor correction with an AC motor
34 The induction motor
35 The equivalent circuit of induction motors
Test #6
36 Course Review
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