English - Church of The Holy Cross

Church of the Holy Cross
450 Clementi Ave One Singapore 129955 www.holycross.org.sg
OUR MISSION: We strive to deepen our faith by knowing the Word of God,
living it in love and service, thereby being witnesses of Christ.
Fr. Richards Ambrose 67771173
Fr. Peter Zhang S.Q.
Fr. Jovita Ho K.W.
2nd Collection this weekend for
the Apostolate of St. Vincent de Paul.
2nd Oct 2016
27th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
* Thank you for your generous donation *
1st reading:
Habakkuk 1:2-3,2:2-4
P.A.R.I.S.H Holy Hour
Fri 7 Oct * 8pm * Main Church
2nd reading:
2 Timothy 1:6-8,13-14
6.15pm evening Mass as usual.
Luke 17:5-10
Month of the Holy Rosary
October, being month of the Holy Rosary,
you are invited to join members of the
Rosary Crusade to pray the
Rosary at Our Lady’s Grotto
after the 5pm Mass on Sundays.
All are Welcome!
Parish Faith Formation 2016 - Movie Night
Movie Title: “Padre Pio”
Fri 14 Oct - Part I
Fri 21 Oct - Part II
Many twelve-step programs
use the phrase
“Let go and let God.”
In all their simplicity, these
five words are the heart
of today’s readings. For
people who struggle with
addictive behavior, these
words plainly remind us that
we can’t manage, control,
or manipulate certain
areas of our lives. How many
times can we look back in
our lives and find evidence
of some plan at work other
than our own? These are the
moments when, for whatever
reasons, we let someone
greater than ourselves
work the plan. We probably
didn’t even recognize at the
time that we were letting go
of anything, but in retrospect,
we see God’s hand and loving
presence. It is our awareness
of these moments that gives
us the courage and initiative
to let go again later on.
It is this courage and
initiative that are highlighted
in today’s readings.
We come to call it “faith.”
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
8pm @ the Auditorium (Level 4)
* Food and drinks are not allowed in the auditorium *
Simple meals and drinks will be available for sale from 7pm at the canteen.
2017 Pilgrimage to Italy with Fr. Jovita
“The Jewels of Italy Pilgrimage”
11 days 8 nights
Thu 9 Mar (ETD 2025hr) - Sun 19 Mar (ETA 2155hr)
SGD 3,778 (twin sharing) - based on 20 paying pax
SGD 3,478 (twin sharing) - based on 25 paying pax
SGD 3,350 (twin sharing) - based on 30 paying pax
SGD 700 Single Room Supplement
Closing date: 31 Dec 2016
Interested parishioners can get more information at the secretariat.
Sacrament of Confirmation
** Sun 23 Oct 2016 @ 11.30am Mass **
Adults who have not received the Sacrament
of Confirmation and wish to do so, may
register now. Registration forms are available
outside the Parish Office at level 2 (lift lobby).
* Closing Date: Sun 9 Oct 2016 *
There will be a compulsory preparatory session
on Mon 17 Oct at 7.30pm in Room 03-05.
Baptism: 6 Nov 2016
Closing Date: 16 Oct 2016
Compulsory Preparation Session: 23 Oct 2016
** Registration with incomplete documents will not be accepted **
Lauds - 6.15am, Mass - 6.30am
Vespers - 6pm, Mass - 6.15pm
Lauds - 6.15am, Mass - 6.30am
Novena - 4.15pm
Sunset Mass - 5pm
Mandarin - 6.30pm
7.30am, 9.30am, 11.30am & 5pm
Tagalog (Every 3rd Sun) - 3.30pm
Public Holiday:
Morning Mass @ 8am
No Lauds before Mass
P.A.R.I.S.H Holy Hour:
Every 1st Friday at 8pm
Prayer Room Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri: 7am - 9.45pm
Sat & Sun: 7am - 6.15pm
Public Holidays: 7am - 9.30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
15 minutes before sunset mass
on Saturday and all masses on
Infant Baptism:
1st Sunday of:
Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep & Nov.
Funeral Arrangements:
Please check with the Parish Office
for the availability of the Priest
and Church before confirming
the timing for cremation or burial.
Wedding: Please contact the
Secretariat, at least six months
before for availability of dates.
Parish Counseling Service
This is available every Wednesday
evening. Please email to
for an appointment.
Church of the Holy Cross - Charismatic Prayer Group
Come PRAISE and THANK the LORD with us on Tuesdays 7.45pm @ St. Michael Room at Level 1
Topics for Talks in Oct 2016
4 Oct: W aiting Upon the Lord
11 Oct: M y P ilgrim age
18 Oct: N ight of Recollection
25 Oct: Fellow ship
All are Welcome!
MISSION – Our Christian Vocation
Church of the Holy Cross - ABLAZE
A seminar/retreat organized by the parish to promote
a greater awareness of Christian Mission.
Young Adults - ABLAZE invites you
to the last talk of the series:
Aim: To ex plore the teachings of the Church on
Christian Mission as well as better
understand it’s purpose and relevance in our daily lives.
8 Oct: Office I njustice and the Virtue of Courage
Spiritual Director: Fr Larry Radice, an Am erican
Maryknoll missionary, who is currently serving in Asia.
Date: 3-10 Dec 2016
Place: Redemptorist Centre, Pataya/Thailand
Cost: $800 per person
For registration and enquiries, please contact:
George @ 97399216 or georgejc@gmail.com or
Irene Tan @ 98290309 or irenetanbh@hotmail.com
For more information, please visit:
Closing date: 2 Oct 2016
Time: 10.30am to 12nn
Venue: St. Michael's Room
* NO REGISTRATION required *
Sanctuary Care is a new fostering service by Boys’ Town.
We assist low-income families who need short-term
childcare help, such as those who are ill or facing a family
or pregnancy crisis. We are currently recruiting foster
parents to provide a loving home on a short-term
voluntary basis for children in need.
Contact us today at sanctuarycare@boystown.org.sg
or call 62210588 to find out how you can help.
We will look forward to hearing from you.
Marriage Encounter (ME) facilities life changing w eekends for m arried couples.
It benefits both young couples as well as those who are married for many years.
The next available ME Weekend is 7-9 Oct (English).
For registration or enquiries, contact Joseph & Reenie 9670 5390 or
email mewkend@gmail.com or visit www.MEsingapore.sg
Clarity’s Introductory Guide to Understanding Anxiety Workshop
Overwhelmed by Anxiety? Do you suffer from panic attacks?
Clarity is introducing a new workshop on understanding anxiety through a series of interactive activities.
Sat 22 Oct * 2–4 pm * Blk 854 Yishun Ring Road #01-3511 (S.760854)
Fees: FOC * Seats are limited
To Register, call 67577990 or email: registration@clarity-singapore.org
Let dance be your prayer. Discover what moves you, and how to move together with God
in a one-day dance workshop using Ignatian themes. Dancing skills not essential.
Presented by Bro Nicholas Lye and Anthony Siow.
Sat 29 Oct * 9am-6pm at CANA The Catholic Centre * $50 including lunch
Register at canatheplacetobe2013@gmail.com or seek.anthony@gmail.com