Hitler`s Enabling Act: passed 23rd March 1933.

Hitler's Enabling Act: passed 23rd March 1933.
With this tiny half page Enabling Act Hitler was able to ban political parties and seize absolute
power. The six EU constitutional treaties, finalized on 1st January 2009 by the 294 page Lisbon
Treaty, will hand far more power to unelected EU politicians than did this little Enabling Act.
History is repeating itself in Europe, but on a far larger scale. Here's the Enabling Act in full:
Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Empire
The Reichstag has enacted the following law, which is hereby proclaimed with the assent of the
Reichsrat, it having been established that the requirements for a constitutional amendment have
been fulfilled:
Article 1
In addition to the procedure prescribed by the constitution, laws of the Reich may also be enacted
by the government of the Reich. This includes the laws referred to by Articles 85 Paragraph 2 and
Article 87 of the constitution.[1]
Article 2
Laws enacted by the government of the Reich may deviate from the constitution as long as they
do not affect the institutions of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The rights of the President remain
Article 3
They shall take effect on the day following the announcement, unless they prescribe a different
date. Articles 68 to 77 of the Constitution do not apply to laws enacted by the Reich government.
Article 4
Treaties of the Reich with foreign states which affect matters of Reich legislation shall not require
the approval of the bodies of the legislature. The government of the Reich shall issue the
regulations required for the execution of such treaties.
Article 5
This law takes effect with the day of its proclamation. It loses force on 1 April 1937 or if the
present Reich government is replaced by another.
END. That's all it was.
The six EU Constitutional treaties confer much greater dictatorial powers, and the EU is more
corrupt now than was Hitler's movement in 1933. The EU Budget Director, Marta Andreasen was
fired for telling the truth, namely that 95% or the EU budget is unaccounted for, and the auditors
have refused to sign off its accounts for 13 years. The EU achieves its ends here through our
corrupt British politicians and by stealth.
The European Court of Justice case 274/99 ruled it was illegal to criticize the EU. That gave the
EU a legal case to abolish some of Britain’s parties as soon as they dare. But clause 8A-4 of the
Lisbon Treaty makes it quite clear the EU doesn't want national parties, which the Madrid Party
finance conference defined as those with voters in less than ten nations. The Lib-Dem, Labour
and Conservative parties have voters in only one nation. The Lisbon Treaty gives the EU more
than enough power to close all our British political parties, and it has warned us in advance.
The Enabling Act: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_act_of_1933
The Lisbon Treaty: http://eutruth.org.uk/lisbontreaty.pdf
(The old 465 page EU constitution, still a good summary:) europa.eu.int/constitution/en/lstoc1_en.htm
One page summary of the Reform or Lisbon treaty: http://eutruth.org.uk/reformtreatysum.pdf
David Noakes. 07974 437 097. http://eutruth.org.uk