IMPLICATIONS OF THE NEW PROTON CHARGE rms RADIUS FROM SPECTROSCOPY OF MUON HYDROGEN ATOM Cyril Adamuscin, Stanislav Dubnicka, Anna Zuzana Dubnickova INTRODUCTION The primary building block of the visible Universe the positively charged proton - is compound of (u,u,d)-quarks - ⇒ non-point-like with some nonzero charge distribution - and in EM interactions it manifests (similarly the neutron to be compound of (d,d,u)-quarks) EM structure 1 - the size of charge distribution in a specific reference frame is described by the charge root-meansquare (rms) radius r 2 >. rp = < rEp (1) The charge distribution inside of the proton is defined: as the Fourier transformation of the proton electric form factor (FF) GEp(t), t = q 2 = −Q2 1 Z ρ(r) = GEp(Q2)eiQrd3r 3 (2π) (2) The inverse Fourier transformation then gives 2 GEp(Q ) = Z ρ(r)e−iQrd3r (3) If ρ(r) is spherically symmetric distribution ⇒ the previous relation can be rewritten into the 2 spherical coordinates and by the integration over θ and φ angles one gets 2 GEp(Q ) = 4π Z ∞ 0 sinQr ρ(r)r2dr Qr (4) For the case of Qr << 1 (Qr)3 sinQr ' Qr − + ... 6 (5) and 2 GEp(Q ) = 4π Z ∞ 0 4πQ2 Z ∞ 4 r ρ(r)dr − r ρ(r)dr + ... 6 0 (6) 2 Now, taking into account the charge distribution density normalization Z ∞ 0 ρ(r)4πr2dr = 1 (7) and the definition of charge-mean square radius < 2 rEp >= Z ∞ 0 r2ρ(r)4πr2dr (8) one finally gets Q2 2 GEp(Q ) = 1 − < rEp > +... 6 2 3 (9) from where the relation between charge meansquare radius and proton electric FF is obtained 2 < rEp >= 6 dGEp(t) |t→0. dt (10) There are two completely different sources of experimental information on charge rms radius rp of the proton: • elastic electron-proton scattering • the precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen The newest Review of Particle Physics N.Nakamura et al (Particle Data Group), J. of Phys.G37(2010) 075021 gives the value r 2 > = 0.8768(69)f m rp = < rEp 4 (11) based mainly on precision spectroscopy of electron hydrogen atom and calculation of bound state in QED. DETERMINATION OF PROTON CHARGE rms RADIUS BY ELASTIC ELECTRON-PROTON SCATTERING First of all - two types of elastic processes are used for obtaining of experimental information on GEp(t): • unpolarized elastic scattering e−p → e−p • the longitudinally polarized electron beam → → in the polarization transfer process − e p → e− p from which proton charge rms radius can be determined. 5 Unpolarized e−p → e−p scattering The corresponding differential cross-section in Lab. system in one-photon-exchange approximation, with E0 - electron beam energy and θ - electron scattering angle, is dσ(e−p → e−p) dσ = [A(t) + B(t)tan2θ/2] (12) dΩ dΩM ott where A(t), B(t) - proton structure functions and dσ α2 cos2θ/2 1 = dΩM ott 4E02 sin4θ/2 1 + (2E0/mp)sin2θ/2 (13) is the relativistic Rutherford cross-section of massless electron scattering from point-like proton. The structure of the proton (similarly of the neutron) is completely described by electric GEp(t) and magnetic GM p(t) FFs (spin 1/2 particle) and G2Ep(t) − t/4m2pG2M p(t) A(t) = ; 1 − t/4m2p 6 B(t) = −2.t/4m2pG2M p(t). (14) Note, that the ratio dσ(e−p → e−p) dσ / dΩ dΩM ott (15) when evaluated for a fixed squared momentum transfer −t and plotted against tan2θ/2 yields a straight line. The slope and intercept of this line yields information on GEp(t) and GM p(t) - Rosenbluth technique. Figure 1: Experimental data on proton electric and magnetic form factors. However - in the differential cross-section (12) 7 Figure 2: Experimental data on neutron electric and magnetic form factors. with (14) G2M p(t) is multiplied by (−t/4m2p) - factor, ⇒ with −t increased the measured cross-section (12) becomes dominant by G2M p(t)-part contribution - making the extraction of G2Ep(t) more and more difficult. Therefore the first method of a determination of GpE (t) is considered to be unreliable! In despite of this fact, the data on unpolarized elastic electron-proton scattering for very low 8 values of −t have been used I.Sick, Phys. Lett B576 (2003) 62 P.G.Blunden, I.Sick, Phys. Rev. C72 (2005) 057601 for determination of the proton charge rms radius. A sophisticated data analysis, based on a continuedfraction expansion of GEp(t), was carried out and very large value rp = 0.895(18)f m (16) of the proton charge rms radius has been found. However, this result was criticized by A.De Rujula, Phys. Lett. B693 (2010) 555 because it is based on an extrapolation of data with a large spread and a poor χ2 per degree of freedom. 9 → → Polarization transfer process − e p → e− p Utilization of the longitudinally polarized elec→ tron beams in the polarization transfer process − ep→ → e− p - makes possible to measure GEp(t) with very high precision. − → The polarization P of the recoil proton has only two nonzero components A.I.Akhiezer, M.P.Rekalo, Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 4 (1974) 277. • perpendicular Pt to the proton momentum in scattering plane r h Pt = (−2) τ (1 + τ )GEpGM ptanθ/2 I0 10 (17) • parallel Pl to the proton momentum in the scattering plane h(Ee + Ee0 ) r Pl = τ (1 + τ )G2M ptan2θ/2 I0mp (18) where h is the electron beam helicity, I0 = G2Ep +τ [1+2(τ +1)tan2θ/2]G2M p and τ = Q2/4m2p. ⇒ GEp Pt (Ee + Ee0 ) =− tanθ/2 GM p Pl 2mp (19) Recently in Jlab M.K.Jones et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 1398 O.Gayon et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 092301 V.Panjabi et al, Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) 055202 have measured simultaneously Pt and Pl of the recoil pro→ → ton in the polarization process − e p → e− p. 11 The new data on the ratio µpGEp(Q2)/GM p(Q2) for 0.49GeV 2 ≤ Q2 ≤ 5.54GeV 2 have been obtained by (19) (see Fig. 3) Figure 3: New JLab polarization data on the ratio µp GEp (t)/GM p (t) They confirm the Rosenbluth method in a determination of GEp(Q2) space-like behavior from the e−p → e−p process to be unreliable !. 12 In order to find the corresponding behavior of GEp(t) in extended space-like region, we have analyzed all existing nucleon FF data by our 10 resonance Unitary and Analytic model S.Dubnicka, A.Z.Dubnickova, P.Weisenpacher, J. Phys. G29 (2003) 405 of the nucleon EM structure - excluding the Rosenbluth space-like GEp(t) data - and replacing them by JLab proton polarization data on the ratio µpGEp(t)/GM p(t). The results are presented in Figs. 4 and 5 by full lines. 13 Figure 4: Theoretical behavior of proton electric and magnetic form factors. Figure 5: Theoretical behavior of neutron electric and magnetic form factors. Description of that ratio is presented in Fig. 6a. 14 Figure 6: a)JLab polarization data, b)Charge distribution behavior The corresponding charge distribution inside of the proton C.Adamuscin, S.Dubnicka, A.Z.Dubnickova, P.Weisenpacher, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 55 (2005) 228 is presented on Fig.6b by full line, generating the value of the proton charge mean-square radius ¿ rp2 À = 0.7208(117)fm2. Just the square-root of the latter gives 15 the proton charge rms radius rp = 0.8490(69)f m, (20) however, different from the value r 2 > = 0.8768(69)f m rp = < rEp (21) given by the newest Review of Particle Physics (2010). A couple of years we have been disappointed with this disagreement, but only until to the muon hadrogen atom experiment in 2010. 16 DETERMINATION OF PROTON CHARGE rms RADIUS BY PRECISION SPECTROSCOPY IN MUON HYDROGEN ATOM This method is based on precision measurement of Lamb shift W.E.Lamb and R.C.Retherford, Phys. Rev. 72 (1947) 241 i.e. the energy difference measurement between 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 states in hydrogen atom and its comparison with a theoretical formula for energy difference, dependent explicitly on the charge rms radius rp of the proton, to be calculated in the framework of QED. 17 The proton charge rms radius r 2 > = 0.8768(69)f m, rp = < rEp given by the newest Review of Particle Physics K.Nakamura et al (Particle Data Group), J. of Phys. G37 (2010) 075021 has been extracted from the electron hydrogen spectroscopy. r 2 > However, a much better determination of rp = < rEp is expected to be obtained by measuring the Lamb shift in muon hydrogen atom - an atom formed by a proton p and a negative muonµ−, where the total theoretically predicted energy difference 18 F =1 F =2 between measured 2S1/2 and 2P3/2 states takes the form ∆E = [209.9779(49) − 5.2262rp2 + 0.0347rp3]meV (22) r 2 > given in f m. with rp = < rEp In the muon hydrogen atom: • the muon is about 200 times heavier than the electron • the atomic Bohr radius is correspondingly about 200 times smaller in µp in comparison with ep hydrogen atom • in this manner effects of the finite size of the proton on the muon hydrogen atom spectroscopy are thus enhanced 19 A measurement of the muon hydrogen atom Lamb shift has been considered to be one of the fundamental experiments in atomic spectroscopy more than 40 years, but only recent progress in muon beams and laser technology made such an experiment possible. The experiment was performed R. Pohl et al, Nature Vol. 466 (2010) 213 at the πE5 beam-line of the proton accelerator at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. F =1 F =2 The measured transition 2S1/2 − 2P3/2 has been found to be 49881.88(76)GHz, which corresponds to the energy difference ∆E = 206.2949(32)meV . 20 By a comparison of this result with the previous theoretically estimated energy difference (22) one finds 10 times more precise proton charge rms radius rp = 0.84184(67)f m (23) disproving the value of Review of Particle Physics (2010) rp = 0.87680(690)f m, obtained by an electron hydrogen atom spectroscopy, but coinciding with our proton charge rms radius rp = 0.84895(688)f m, predicted 5 years earlier C.Adamuscin, S.Dubnicka, A.Z.Dubnickova, P.Weisenpacher, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 55 (2005) 228 by the analysis of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors data in the framework of the U nitary&Analytic model of nucleon EM structure. 21 Nevertheless, there was some criticism A.De Rujula, Phys. Lett. B693 (2010) 555 A.De Rujula, Phys. Lett. B697 (2011) 26 of the proton charge rms radius value rp = 0.84184(67)f m obtained by measuring Lamb shift in the muon hydrogen atom, as it can be strongly dependent on the chosen model form of GEp(t). The problem is concerned of the third coefficient at the theoretically predicted energy difference ∆E between measured 2S1F =1/2 and 2P3F =1/2 states, which depends on the third Zemach moment 3 < r >(2)= Z d3rr3ρ(2)(r) (24) with ρ(2)(r) = Z → − d3r2ρcharge(| − r −→ r2 |)ρcharge(r2). 22 (25) If Fourier transform of GEp(t) for ρ is inserted and integrated by parts, one finds the third Zemach moment to be 48 Z ∞ dQ 2 Q2 2 2 < r >(2)= [G (Q ) − 1 + r] π 0 Q4 Ep 3 p 3 (26) By integration of various shapes of G2Ep(Q2) one gets values M.O.Distler, J.C.Bernauer, T.Walcher, Phys. Lett. B696 (2011) 343 shown in Table GEp dipole 2 < rEp > < r3 >(2) f =< r3 >(2) /rp3 0.6581 2.023 3.789 Friar-Sick 0.801 2.71 3.78 De Rujula 0.771 36.2 53.5 non-dipole 0.7207 2.38 3.89 23 2 < rEp > is determined from the slope of G2Ep(Q2) at Q2 = 0. De Rujula has suggested a Toy model to be excluded by experiment. We have completed the results by a realistic non-dipole behavior of GEp(t), obtained in a global analysis of all existing nucleon FF data by our U nitary&Analytic model of nucleon EM structure, which gives results compatible with other authors, besides De Rujula. So, we can conclude that muon hydrogen experiment represents a very sophisticated result beyond any doubt and its coincidence with our result confirms non-dipole behavior of GEp(t) in the space-like region, revealed first time by JLab proton polarization data, and increases our belief in existence of the zero of GEp(t) at t ≈ −13GeV 2, hoping to be confirmed experimentally. 24