Publications for Xiaofeng Wu 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Publications for Xiaofeng Wu
Fung, K., Clark, H., Lewis, G., Wu, X. (2016). A computational
approach to the twin paradox in curved spacetime. European
Journal of Physics, 37(5), 1-12. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Kwan, T., Wu, X. (2016). Maximum power point tracking using
a variable antecedent fuzzy logic controller. Solar Energy, 137,
189-200. <a
Kwan, T., Wu, X. (2016). Power and mass optimization of the
hybrid solar panel and thermoelectric generators. Applied
Energy, 165, 297-307. <a
Luo, H., Chu, S., Wu, X., Wang, Z., Wu, F. (2016). Traffic
collisions early warning aided by small unmanned aerial vehicle
companion [Forthcoming]. Telecommunication Systems. <a
Kwan, T., Lee, K., Yan, J., Wu, X. (2015). An air bearing table
for satellite attitude control simulation. 2015 IEEE 10th
Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA),
Danvers, MA: ICIEA 2015 Organizers. <a
Wu, Z., Feng, G., Luo, H., Wu, X. (2015). Development of a
Visual Reality Headset and Its Applications in 3D Interactive
Bike Race Games. The eleventh International Conference on
Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal
Processing (IIH�?MSP 2015), Los Alamitos: (IEEE) Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA 2013),
Japan: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Bai, X., Wu, X., Xiao, S. (2012). A Design of One bit
processing based Model Predict Control. 31st Chinese Control
Conference, China: Chinese Control Conference Organising
Soh, J., Wu, X. (2012). A FPGA-based approach to attitude
determination for nanosatellites. The 7th IEEE Conference on
Industrial Electronics and Applications, Piscataway, NJ, USA:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Xiao, S., Li, Y., Wu, X., Bai, X. (2012). Design of Imaging
Guidance System with Double Optical Wedges. 2012 IEEE
EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Sciences,
Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
Funamoto, J., Khachan, J., Wu, X., Israel, A., Verma, R.
(2012). Electric (ion) propulsion devices for satellites of any
size: The Charge Exchange Thruster (CXT). 11th Australian
Space Science Conference, Sydney: National Space Society of
Australia Ltd.
Funamoto, J., Wu, X., Cairns, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Betters,
C., Fogarty, L., Leon-Saval, S., Monger, A., Xiao, S. (2012).
Engineering i-INSPIRE - a Pico-Satellite from Australia. 11th
Australian Space Science Conference, Sydney: National Space
Society of Australia Ltd.
Xiao, S., Wu, X., Betters, C., Cairns, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J.,
Bai, X. (2012). I-INSPIRE - Australia's first university picosatellite mission. 63rd International Astronautical Congress
2012, CD: CD Proceedings.
Xiao, S., Wu, X., Cairns, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Betters, C.,
Funamoto, J., Leon-Saval, S., Fogarty, L., Monger, A., Bai, X.
(2012). i-INSPIRE Tube-Satellite Bus Design. 11th Australian
Space Science Conference, Sydney: National Space Society of
Australia Ltd.
Bai, X., Wu, X. (2014). 1-Bit processing based model
predictive control for fractionated satellite missions. Acta
Astronautica, 95, 37-50. <a
Bai, X., Hagel, P., Wu, X., Xiao, S. (2012). Improved model
predictive control for virtual satellite attitude control. Journal of
University of Science and Technology of China, 42(7), 1-9. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Sun, X., Wu, X. (2014). A cubesat attitude control system with
linear piezoelectric actuator. 2014 Symposium on
Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications,
Piscataway, USA: IEEE.
Bai, X., Hagel, P., Wu, X., Xiao, S. (2012). Improved Model
Predictive Control for Virtual Satellite Attitude Control. 31st
Chinese Control Conference, China: Chinese Control
Conference Organising Committee.
Soh, J., Wu, X. (2014). A Modular FPGA-based
Implementation of the Unscented Kalman Filter. 2014
NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems
(AHS), Danvers, MA: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
Betters, C., Cairns, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Wu, X., Fogarty, L.,
Funamoto, J., Leon-Saval, S., Monger, A., Xiao, S. (2012).
Instrumentation of the i-INSPIRE satellite. 11th Australian
Space Science Conference, Sydney: National Space Society of
Australia Ltd.
Bai, X., Wu, X., Xiao, S. (2012). Modified model predictive
control in a virtual satellite. American Control Conference
(ACC) 2012, Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE.
Sun, X., Wu, X. (2013). Novel Ultrasonic Motor Driver Design
for CubeSat Reaction Wheel. 2013 IEEE International
Fogarty, L., Xiao, S., Funamoto, J., Cairns, I., Bland-Hawthorn,
J., Wu, X., Betters, C., Leon-Saval, S., Monger, A. (2012). The
i-INSPIRE Satellite - a university pico-satellite project. Space
Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and
Millimeter Wave, Bellingham, WA: SPIE - International
Society for Optical Engineering. <a
Fogarty, L., Cairns, I., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Wu, X., Betters, C.,
Funamoto, J., Leon-Saval, S., Monger, A., Xiao, S. (2012). The
initial - INtegrated SPectrograph, Imager and Radiation
Explorer (i-INSPIRE) - a university satellite project. 11th
Australian Space Science Conference, Sydney: National Space
Society of Australia Ltd.
Bai, X., Wu, X. (2011). A Simulation and Visualization
Platform for Fractionated
Spacecraft Attitude Control System. 2011 IEEE International
Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICMA
2011), Beijing, China: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers. <a
Bai, X., Wu, X. (2011). Customized Processor Architecture for
Model Predictive Control in Magnetic Actuated Small
Satellites. In Jian Lee (Eds.), Advanced Electrical and
Electronics Engineering (Lecture Notes in Electrical
Engineering), (pp. 71-79). Chennai, India: Springer.
Chen, X., Wu, X. (2011). Design and Implementation of Model
Predictive Control Algorithms for Small Satellite Three-Axis
Stabilization. Information and Automation (ICIA), 2011 IEEE
International Conference, China: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers. <a
Wu, X., Sam, M., Xiao, S. (2011). Targeted processor
architecture for embedded real-time control using (delta)operator. 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications ICIEA 2011, Piscataway, NJ, USA: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
Wu, X., Bai, X. (2010). A Fractional Attitude Decision and
Control System Design for a Virtual Satellite. 49th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2010), Atlanta:
(IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. <a
Wu, X., Yang, F., Lishman, R. (2010). Land cover change
detection using texture analysis. Journal of Computer Science,
6(1), 92-100.
Chen, X., Wu, X. (2010). Model Predictive Control of Cube
Satellite with Magneto-torquers. 2010 IEEE International
Conference on Information and Automation, USA: (IEEE)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Wu, X., Cai, J., Wang, M. (2008). Global chaos
synchronization of the parametrically excited Duffing
oscillators by linear state error feedback control. Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals, 36(1), 121-128. <a
Wu, X., Chouliaras, V., Nunez-Yanez, J., Goodall, R. (2007). A
Novel Delta-Sigma Control System Processor and Its VLSI
Implementation. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale
Integration (VLSI) Systems, 16(3), 217-228.
Wu, X., Cai, J., Wang, M. (2007). Robust synchronization of
chaotic horizontal platform systems with phase difference.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 305(3), 481-491. <a
Cai, J., Wu, X., Chen, S. (2007). Synchronization criteria for
non-autonomous chaotic systems via sinusoidal state error
feedback control. Physica Scripta: an international journal for
experimental and theoretical physics, 75(3), 379-386. <a
Wu, X., Chouliaras, V., Nunez-Yanez, J., Goodall, R.,
Vladimirova, T. (2006). A Novel Processor Architecture for
Real-Time Control. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference; ACSAC,
Berlin: Springer.
Wu, X., Vladimirova, T. (2006). A Self-reconfigurable Systemon-Chip Architecture for Satellite On-Board Computer
Maintenance. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference; ACSAC, Berlin:
Cai, J., Wu, X., Chen, S. (2006). Chaos Synchronization
Criteria and Costs of Sinusoidally Coupled Horizontal Platform
Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2007, 868521-86852-10. <a
Wu, X., Cai, J., Wang, M. (2006). Master-slave chaos
synchronization criteria for the horizontal platform systems via
linear state error feedback control. Journal of Sound and
Vibration, 295(1-2), 378-387. <a
Wu, X., Cai, J., Zhao, Y. (2006). Some new algebraic criteria
for chaos synchronization of Chua's circuits by linear state error
feedback control. International Journal of Circuit Theory and
Applications, 34(3), 265-280. <a
Wu, X., Goodall, R. (2005). One-bit processing for digital
control. IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Applications,
152(4), 403-410.
Wu, X., Chouliaras, V., Goodall, R. (2004). An ApplicationSpecific Processor Hard Macro for Real-time Control. IEEE
International SOC Conference, USA: (IEEE) Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Wu, X., Goodall, R. (2004). FPGA-Based Control System
Processing with Delta Sigma Modulation. 5th World Congress
on Intelligent Control and Automation WCICA 2004, United
States: (IEEE) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.