PAPER TITLE (TITLE) Author Name(s) (Authors) Author

Author Name(s) (Authors)
Author Affiliation(s) (Affiliations)
This template was created in MS Word 2003 and
saved as “Word 97-2000 & 6.0/95 – RTF”. It provides
authors with most of the formatting specifications
needed to prepare their paper. Margins, column
widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in;
examples of the type styles are provided throughout
this document and are identified in italic type, within
parentheses, following the example. (Body Text)
Each submission must be a minimum of 2 pages
and a maximum of 4 pages (8.5” x 11”). Submissions
must be in English only. All papers must be submitted
electronically in doc or docx, format through the online
submission process.
Major headings are to be bold UPPER CASE,
double spaced above and below, and centered. Arial
10-point font is preferred for major headings.
Subheadings should be upper and lower case,
underlined. They should start at the left edge of the
page and occupy a separate line. Arial 10-point font is
preferred for subheadings.
Indent paragraphs by 1/4" (6mm). Left and rightjustify your columns. Arial 10-point font is preferred for
Positioning of figures and tables
Margins should be set at 1” (2.5 cm) top and
bottom. Left and right margins should be 3/4" (19mm).
The title, author(s), and affiliation(s) should be in a
1.5” (3.8 cm) space, as shown above.
The text should use a single space, two-column
format where each column is 3 3/8" wide (86mm) and
spacing of 1/4" (6mm) between columns.
Title (Heading 2)
The title should be in bold UPPERCASE letters
and centered. Author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s)
should be capitalized as appropriate and centered,
with affiliation(s) italicized. Authors should be listed
with their first name followed by their last name (e.g.
Albert Einstein). This information should appear on the
first page only as indicated above. Arial 12-point font is
preferred for titles and affiliations.
Figure captions should be below the figures; table
headings should appear above the tables. Large
figures and tables may span the full width of the page.
Photograph prints can be scanned and integrated
in an appropriate position in your document, not
provided separately.
Table 1: Example of table heading (Table Heading)
Table text
Table Column Heading
Table Subheading
Table text
Table text
We suggest that you use a text box to insert
illustrations. This method is somewhat more stable
than directly inserting a picture.
To have non-visible lines on your frame, select
the frame, use the MSWord “Format” menu item,
select “Text Box”, select “Colors and Lines” and
choose No Fill and No Line.
Fonts within a figure should not be smaller than
an 8-point font.
Figure 1: Example of a figure caption (figure caption)
It is suggested that adequate space be allowed
between each equation and adjacent text. This is
especially important when subscripts and superscripts
are used.
E = mc2
Unless there are six authors or more give all authors'
names; do not use “et al”. References and citations
should be prepared in accordance with the APA
Publication Manual, 5th ed. Cite in the text by author
and year of publication (Smith, 1983) and include an
alphabetical list at the end of the article. Accuracy of
reference data is the responsibility of the author.
Journal article: Jutai, J.W., Rigby, P., Ryan, S., &
Stickel, S. (2000). Psychosocial impact of electronic
aids to daily living. Assistive Technology, 12, 123–131.
Book: Staney, K.M. (2002). Handbook of virtual
environments: Design, implementation, and
applications. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Proceedings or Chapter in a Book: Smit, R.O. (2002).
Assistive technology outcome assessment prototypes:
Measuring “INGO” variables of “outcomes.” in R.
Simpson (Ed.), Proceedings of the RESNA 25th
Annual Conference (pp. 239–341). Minneapolis, MN:
RESNA Press.
Website: Electronic and Mechanical Assistive
Technologies (2002). Ziska environmental control unit.
Retrieved December 10, 2003, from http://