A down-scaled over-actuated vehicle equipped with autonomous corner module functionality Johannes Edrén, edren@kth.se PhD student at KTH Vehicle Dynamics, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden This poster presents a functional down-scaled prototype of a passenger car with capability to control steering, wheel torques, wheel loads and camber individually. The chassis technology is based on a modularised platform, referred to as Autonomous Corner Modules (ACM), which simplifies the re-use of components at the four corners of the vehicle and between different vehicles. Here, an insight in the design of the vehicle and the selection of electrical actuators and sensors to provide all ACM functions is given. The 1:6 scaled prototype is later to be used in vehicle dynamics research. VEHICLE FUNCTIONS Steering angles, wheel torque, camber angles and vertical wheel force/position is individually controlled. MOTION CAPABILITIES Vehicle side slip and yaw rate are decoupled, which gives the possibility to mimic the planar vehicle behaviour of most passenger vehicles on the roads today. In addition, since vertical load can be individually controlled, also vehicle roll and pitch can be mimicked. Chassis design The chassis is basically consisting of two aluminium profiles connecting all the parts together. The suspension of each wheel consists of a single upper A-arm connected to the wheel hub carrier and to the spring/damper unit. Control The driver input signals are transferred via a regular radiocontrol system with a transmitter and a receiver. This is connected to a small netbook pc with onboard controller software. Actuators At each wheel corner there are three robotic actuators attached. The wheel motors are brushed DC motors with planetary gearboxes. The speed controllers consist of two dual motor drivers with regenerative braking ability. Wheels and tyres The tyre is filled with foam rubber which gives the tyre different stiffness in different directions. One set of wheels chosen is a tyre with a cord moulded into the tyre carcass. This will give the possibility to fill the tyre with pressurized air instead of foam giving a more realistic tyre design, with more realistic behaviour as a consequence. Sensors The installed sensors have been selected to give a sufficient level of reliable measurements and estimations of the vehicle's states. Wheel speed Internal Measuring Unit PARAMETER ESTIMATION By sensing force using the actuators, wheel characteristics can be measured on-board. Cornering stiffness can be given by measuring the force via the actuators. The slip angle will be Actuators calculated using the IMU signals. Wheel motors (brushed dc .05 One method is to use steady state with planetary gearbox) ~1000 rpm cornering and measure the Speed 4.2 Nm acceleration, speed and steering Max torque 15:1 angles, thus estimating wheel side Gear ratio force as a function of wheel slip- Sensors angles. Wheel speed sensors (optical) Video Online “Hjulia” www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzQsRhNmKc Actuators (steering/ride/camber) AX12 Speed 0.196 s/60 deg Max torque 1.6 Nm Gear ratio 254:1 Vehicle Data Mass ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4 ~10 kg Wheel base 450 mm IMU (internal measurement unit) yaw rate, x-acceleration, y-acceleration Width 250 mm Actuator forces/positions Cornering force, tyre load Height 140 mm Wheel motor current sensors Used for estimating wheel torques Wheel size Ø 100 mm CONCLUSION This poster presents a down-scaled vehicle with ACM functionality that is capable of controlling wheel torque, steering, camber as well as wheel load individually. The long-term aim of the project is to improve drivability and safety in hybrid electric vehicles, by developing solutions for vehicle motion control that utilize the benefits of electro-mechanical actuators. This vehicle will be a valuable research platform for evaluation of over-actuation strategies, and the effect of non-ideal sensors and actuators for control of vehicle motion in real time. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is financed by SHC, the Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre. It is one of the work-packages in the project “Generic vehicle motion modelling and control for enhanced driving dynamics and energy management”. I would like to thank my supervisors Annika Stensson Trigell, Lars Drugge and Jenny Jerrelind at KTH Vehicle Dynamics, and Mats Jonasson at Volvo Car Corporation. I also want to thank Kent Lindgren and Danilo Prelevic at MWL for help with the prototype. SHC Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre