Focus Readers Respond FOCUS is the news magazine of the MAA. It contains information about MAA activities, news about mathematics and the mathematical community, and lively articles about interesting new (sometimes not so new) ideas in mathematics, mathematics education, and related areas. It is published nine times a year and is received by all members of the MAA. A recent Focus Readership Survey showed that our readers are your target market. Focus Readership Demographics Focus College/University Employees work in the following fields Focus reader's work in the following jobs Other 13% Other 12% Department Chair 8% Student 12% Administrator 3% College/University 6% Government 3% Business 7% Professor 78% High School 6% Focus Reading Habits Focus readers spend a great deal of time reading large portions of the magazine! Average amount of Focus read per issue Average amount of time spent reading Focus Rarely 6% One to three hours 18% Occasionally 22% Fifteen minutes or less 20% Always 33% Regularly 39% Half hour to one hour 62% Focus Readers Recreationally Speaking Purchasing Behavior of Focus Readers Focus readers activities within the last 3 months Went to a movie Insurance Visited a museum Movie DVD's/Videos Took a vacation Home Electronics Attended a concert Computer Hardware/Software Attended a play/theater event Office Equipment Attended a sporting event Books 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% None of the above 0% 10% 20% Top hobbies and interests of Focus readers 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% : (in order of prominence) • Reading • Travel • Computers/Internet • Music • Eating Out • Exercise/Fitness • Puzzles • Watching TV • Sports Outdoor activities • Board games • Going to movies • Cooking • Concerts • Gardening Source: Focus Readership Survey, Spring 2006; detailed results available upon request. More information regarding advertising opportunities in other MAA publications at: To place an ad call: 1.866.821.1221 Or e-mail: Focus circulation: 27,000 FOCUS The Newsletter of the Mathematical Association of America The Mathematical Association of America ®