FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013/14 BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN* (A) Original Item # Item # in Budget (B) Document Level 1 (C) Bargaining Unit Area Recommendation Implications (G) Items used to Estimated complete the Budget Impact budget Instructional Support Shifting responsibilities within department (mail, insurance claims, vendor payments, employee Reduction of 2 bookkeeping positions and payments, etc), more planning necessary by school restructure the supervisory roles to personnel, no more last minute or emergency support other NonUnit reductions processing. Accountability for following district elsewhere. Currently the department has procedures.Administrators will need clearer 12 staff. This will be a 17% reduction. expectations and training. 150,000 150,000 Instructional Support Eliminate human resource support position. Currently the department has 7 staff. This will be a 14% reduction. Need to reassign additional duties: worker's comp, subfinder, medical leaves, medical claims. Generally reduced level of service from human resource, particularly at a time when reductions will increase workload and need for support. 80,000 Instructional Support Reduction based upon current projected estimates for summer 2014 capital work. Future bond or sinking fund may assist with funding of items in the Reduce Capital Projects Budget. future. Also includes the reduction of the full amount Reduction aligned to list provided by of the busses of $800,000, but the addition of one Facilities for 2014/15 work. No busses will mechanic due to not purchasing busses for two be purchased in 2014/15 consecutive years. Instructional Support Eliminate Skilled Maintenance Position. Currently there are 14 positions. This is a reduction of 7%. Redistribution of work to other positions. Instructional Support Eliminate 1 Maintenance Secretary Position. Currently the department has 7 staff in the office. This will be a 14% reduction. Instructional Support Elimination of Board of Education Support Position upon retirement of the individual Additional duties to other central office staff. currently holding this position in Examine the needs of the board of education from September, 2014. staff on a regular basis. Instructional Support Move Noon-aides to the Nutition Service Budget. Costs that are part of playground supervision cannot be charged to the Nutrition Service Fund. Adjustment Amount 152,955 2.00 80,000 81,933 1.00 400,000 975,000 971,565 (1.00) 80,000 80,000 86,446 1.00 80,000 80,000 74,703 1.00 85,000 85,000 83,260 1.00 As funding that can be transferred to the General Fund is limited, the portion of time noon supervisors are spending in the cafeterias is being charged directly to Nutrition Services. 50,000 50,000 50,000 NA Eliminate election budget. The amount for this year was rolled into the forecast. This amount would be removed. Budget will not include funds for an election in 2014/15. May need to add if committee decides that one is needed following study. There may be an election in 2014/15 depending upon results of the capital planning advisory committee which would need to be budgeted once we know. 73,000 73,000 73,000 NA Instructional Support PD Travel/Events will continue to be carefully critiqued and aligned to initiatives Minimal dollar amount. Some needs that may require use of these funds. Just because something isn't offered in Michigan doesn't mean it cannot be attended. Analysis of ways of meeting needs must be continued. 10 Instructional Support Provide only basic EAP services to employees. Supports social/emotional needs. Supports Renegotiate Ulliance Program (Employee mandated services. Used by a limited number of Assistance Program) employees. 5-10% 9 11 Instructional Support Technology Fund Transfer to General Fund. 10 12 Instructional Support 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 ESP 2 ESP 3 4 CMC 5 ESP 6 NONUNIT 7 Instructional Support 8 9 11 13 CMC HS ESP Instruction 12 14 HS 13 15 HS Instruction 14 16 HS Instruction FASA Instruction Loss of coordination within department: scheduling, ordering materials, etc. Work will have to be redistributed. Implementing a time card system may be necessary. - - $ Adjusted Positions - - 50,000 - - Phone system router upgrade to wait. Spare routers are available from closed schools. 200,000 200,000 200,000 Reduction of Custodial Services at the high school level. Rework of the custodial schedule to achieve savings. 45,000 45,000 62,118 1.00 Eliminate responsibility room paraprofessionals at the High Schools. These rooms are designed to be for in school suspension. As a district the use is inconsistent and the staff is utilized in other ways. Reduced "in school" suspension opportunities at the High Schools, which may result in more out of school supsensions, or more students serving suspensions directly with HS administrators. Alternatives to suspension will continued to be investigated; which coordinates with the recommendations of the Disproportionality Task Team. 111,000 111,000 143,648 3.00 Administrator position has performed additional projects such as after school homework help system, IB support as well as electronic class recovery work. Reduced administrator but added counseling tech support. 180,000 115,000 117,864 - Reduction of amount allocated. Funds remain to meet supplies/training needs. 84,000 84,000 84,000 FPS students will no longer be enrolled in International Academy in Bloomfield Hills. 75,000 75,000 90,111 Elimination of an additional Administrator at one high school. This is offset by the addition of one counseling technician to support the IB program. Reduce IB material allocation. The current budget was based upon the original design estimates. Current allocation will cover needed materials and training costs. Remove funding for the students who were previously sent to Bloomfield Hills International Academy from budget. As 2013-14 is the last year for FPS students in IA (senior class is graduating), this is the amount used when the forecast was created. - NA NA 1.00 FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013/14 BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN* (A) Original Item # 15 16 17 Item # in Budget (B) Document Level 17 18 19 HS MS MS 18 20 19 21 PRE 20 22 21 23 21 24 (C) Bargaining Unit FASA FASA UE Recommendation Implications (G) Items used to Estimated complete the Budget Impact budget Adjustment Amount Adjusted Positions Reduction in student activity account allocation @ HS. Approximately $50,000 was allocated from the general fund to assist with competitions and other fees. Approximately $20,000 remains. Concerns that are unknown centrally will need to be solicited from HS staff/administration. Some schools believe this will not have an impact others believe this will. Schools have a carryover annually. 30,000 30,000 30,000 Instruction Restructure MS AP at EMS. Due to the declining enrollment at East, the additional .5 support can be reduced to ensure administrative support is aligned with MS administrative allocation by student enrollment. Could cause reduction of one full administrative school role within the staffing process. 84,000 84,000 89,912 0.50 Instruction Restructure Athletic Director position increasing it .50 to full time. This position will take on additional duties as well as we will then reduce .60 fte teacher released time at the high schools. Current AD support is minimally doable at current .5 FTE. Restructuring postion with other administrative duties that may be less intensive . Restructure of postion with duties is an add to the budget, the way to offset this add to net to zero is to reduce 1/2 of the release at each high school. 83,000 - (6,668) 0.10 100,000 100,000 80,634 33,000 33,000 33,964 0.50 562,100 321,200 355,378 4.00 Instruction NA Instruction Fewer opportunities for students in the sports which will be reduced. The "pool" of students with experience in these sports will be reduced, which Move to one athletic team at the middle may negatively impact high school programs. May school level. We currently provide two increase participation in the remaining teams that teams at each school for several sports. do not have "limited" participation, examples: track, Football, girls and boys basketball, girls cross country, wrestling. Potentially, our MS would volleyball would be reduced to one team. be less attractive to families due to reduced The other teams are one combined opportunities in sports. Values survey identifies school team. sports as important--this is a partial reduction. Eliminate the Special Education clerical support from Alameda. This was an allocation over and above the current Work load would shift to other ESP special allocation to assist with IEP processing. education staff at 10 mile and/or Farmington The new software will aid the work. Community School. Instruction Enrollment in 5-6 classes per student staffing ratio of 26:1. We are currently below the target. This is about continuing to create efficiencies in school schedules and eliminating low enrollment classes. FEA Instruction Maintains .5 media specialists at each upper elementary. This does not equate to closing media centers. Teachers may need to provide more support for media use. Reverses a recent Eliminate additional UE media specialist recommendation from the media department to time. This returns to the staffing levels of provide more professional media staff at the Upper the last few years. Elementaries. 64,240 - ESP Instruction Special Education Department Reductions.of paraprofessionals to align with student enrollment Reductions to align with student enrollments 69,696 278,784 295,033 8.00 Need to develop a "different" method of supporting science kits, additional work to a Central Office member/or business department staff. We may or may not continue to provide services to other districts. We will continue to provide kits to our own district. Potential elimination of service with other districts has not yet been discussed with those districts. This does not directly impact the internal workgroup who is addressing the design/implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards 80,300 80,300 88,845 1.00 161,280 161,280 150,931 2.00 160,600 160,600 177,690 2.00 Fewer opportunities for teachers to be released from their classrooms to design/implement district initiatives. Will bring focus and keeps teachers in their classrooms. Slowdown to implementation of current and future inititatives. Reduced ability to "study" projects that could positively impact the District. May require extra duty payments to move some work forward (hourly rate for extra duty is higher than hourly sub rate). 210,000 210,000 210,000 NA Difficult to fill/keep coaches. Boosters may want to incentivize coaches. 10,000 10,000 10,000 NA MS UE Area Instruction ESP FEA 22 25 FEA Instruction Elimination of Science Kit Coordinator. 23 26 FEA Instruction Special Education Department Reductions of teaching positions to align with student enrollment 24 27 FEA Instruction Fewer sections, most classes will range between 2628 students, may incur overage payments for classes with higher enrollments, meeting with principals to define numbers/impact and account for declining enrollment. Reductions to align with student enrollments This is the recommended reduction by Quality Instruction Coaches--0.5 at each upper elementary and each middle school. With the reduction of instructional leadership, coordinators, professional development subs and instructional department budgets, quality instruction coaches will be the Reduce Quality Instruction Coaches by 2 primary vehicle for professional development within FTE (1 at UE and MS levels) the district. 25 28 Instruction Reduce use of subs for Professional Development. Less dollars available to release teachers during the school day and pay for substitutes. 26 29 Instruction Eliminate PESG Coaching Longevity. Longevity will only be paid for district employees, not PESG. NA - FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013/14 BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN* (A) Original Item # 27 Item # in Budget (B) Document Level 31 ALL 28 1 29 4 30 6 32 33 35 34 11 NONUNIT HS 12 18 FEA ESP 15 FEA HS FASA 19 HS/MS 20 HS/MS Area Instruction NONUNIT 8 31 (C) Bargaining Unit FEA Recommendation Implications As the schools have had carryover funds from year to year, we are targeting an amount to reduce their annual allocation so that the budgets are determined based upon School Improvement and Per Pupil Reduction. This amount District Improvement needs. Less flexibility for represents the average carryover amount schools to spend dollars and increased school-level for the last 10 years. This amount would accountability for creating budgets aligned to be reduced prorata for the K-12 schools. School Improvement Plans. Instructional Support CO Team Compensation Reduction Instructional Support Board Room Control Reduced by 1/2 Instructional Support This is a target but factors that are uncontrollable such as utilities, cost of diesel, salt and overtime. Some portion of these budgets are included in Reduced all instructional support budgets personnel and other items already targeted for 1-2%. reduction. IS Furlough days Less compensation for roles that will accept increased duties as a result of reductions. Have to have some skilled support on site. CO Team will have to provide a supplementary duty. Critical to continue to have good communication to our community. 245,000 245,000 NA 36,000 36,543 NA 2,500 2,500 2,553 NA 20,000 20,000 20,000 NA 17,000 - - 642,400 803,000 888,445 10.00 142,600 142,600 143,280 2.00 tbd One day for Non Unit would equate to $17,000. Determine a number of days. May be part of a compensation reduction. Eliminate low enrollment electives, loss of some electives including some AP classes, more inflexibility in scheduling for students who want a handful of specific courses. May incur overage payments for classes with higher enrollments. Meetings underway with Principals to help to define number and areas. For some teachers, this may increase the total number of students they see each day. Benchmarking against other districts may help. Additional duties to building secretaries; bilingual testing (wida), meap testing, mme testing, nwea testing, testing out, management of district materials. ESP support of the instructional department has fluctuated over time. Examination of redistribution of the work will be necessary, but this will result in less service being provided to the school buildings. Adjusted Positions Instruction Instruction Reduce 2 instructional clerical support positions (ESP or Non-unit). This will retain three clerical positions within instruction. Aligns with administrative restructuring. Instruction Move duties to Executive Director of Human Resources. Concern for the completion of the ancillary components of the evaluation model that are unique to their roles. If large reductions of instruction this will effect our ability to move forward. Connectivity to the admin model will be impacted as well. Challeging to move forward without the support --study of implementation of initiatives over the years demonstrates a higher need for support in the first 3 years of implementation--the original design of implementation would have this position in Eliminate teacher evaluation coordinator. place for one more year. Concern for the The current position is released 1/2 time completion of the ancillary components of the and teaches the other half of the day. evaluation model that are unique to their roles. 40,150 40,150 44,423 0.50 Instruction Restructure of Farmington Central High School Administrator Principal will remain at Farmington Central High School in a shared role. Restructuring may include assigning other administrative roles/assignments or restructuring other positions. 180,000 - - - Instruction Increase Athletic Pay to Participate Target a dollar amount for increase in athletic participation fees, such as an increase of $50 per student in the current HS structure. Families may respond negatively to the increased payment with frustration over having to pay more for no greater level of service. May need to reset payment and include a cap or 'not to exceed' when a student participates in multiple sports. 100,000 100,000 100,000 Instruction Work of redesign to be addressed through the department and its leadership. Support for Restructure Instructional technology integration is needed. .33 Position not Technology/Media at the secondary level filled in the current year. 26,000 - - - 225,091 225,091 1.00 37,000 0.63 $ 5,529,657 42.23 Instruction 36 Instructional Support Reduce Instructional Administrative Postion A reduction of one administrative position due to the Assistant Superintendent leaving to become a Superintendent in another district. Reduction of clerical position in Nutrition Services due to retirement. Realignment of work responsibilities. $ 4,806,866 Items in Reduction Plan which were reduced in 2013/14 budget $ Total Reduction Plan $ Items in Reduction Plan which were reduced in 2014/15 budget 30 245,000 Adjustment Amount Enrollment in middle school and high school classes per student staffing ratio. Middle school is at 25:1 and high school is at 28:1. This is about continuing to create efficiencies in school schedules and eliminating low enrollment classes. 35 37 (G) Items used to Estimated complete the Budget Impact budget Instruction Reduced central instruction budgets. Less improvement type funding. Dollars will need to come from school based per pupil allocations. Reduced doability for improvements. Zero based budgeting will define work to be done in priority order. Slowed implementation of some initiatives. May reinforce a narrow focus. NA $ 5,286,505 286,962 NA 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 286,962 NA 5,006,866 $ 5,486,505 $ 5,816,619 200,000 200,000 42.23 FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013/14 BUDGET REDUCTION PLAN* (A) Original Item # Item # in Budget (B) Document Level (C) Bargaining Unit Area Recommendation General Fund Nutrition Services Fund Implications (G) Items used to Estimated complete the Budget Impact budget Adjustment Adjusted Amount Positions 5,779,619 41.60 37,000 0.63 $ $ Adjustments Made Not included in Budget Document Plus: Items Added Upon Board Discussion 5/21/14 From Additional Considerations List 17 HS 13 16 FEA Instruction Reduction of Hall Monitors/Parking Lot Attendants at the HS. This amount represents a portion of the safety piece of the high school environment. (9 of 12 hourly positions) Board would like to see further information on this. Are there alternatives to this? Examined alternatives and determined that one position would be reduced from each of the three comprehensive high schools to maintain a level of hallway supervision. Staff are hourly and not considered in count of fte. 74,000 - Instruction Restructure Administrative Positions in the Instructional Department Reduction of the .50 data analyst position. 90,000 0.50 Eliminate Math/ELA coordinators. Subject content work will need to be performed by others throughout the District. This reduction combined with other instructional department reductions, reduces the ability to provide professional development to our staff. May have to rely even more on the professional development provided by Oakland School Consultants (knowing we've also reduced sub time for staff). Principals, department chairs and teacherleaders will have to accept additional responsibilities for moving forward instructional/curriculum initiatives. This may produce a slowing down of implementation/innovation, as new leaders will have to build their background knowledge and skills. Must identify work we will stop doing due to limited staff & capacity. 160,600 2.00 Reduce 2 instructional clerical support positions (ESP or Non-unit). This will retain three clerical positions within instruction. Aligns with administrative restructuring. Additional duties to building secretaries; bilingual testing (wida), meap testing, mme testing, nwea testing, testing out, management of district materials. ESP support of the instructional department has fluctuated over time. Examination of redistribution of the work will be necessary, but this will result in less service being provided to the school buildings. Wait until new superintendent arrives to determine level of work redistribution. (143,280) (2.00) Instruction Restructure MS AP at EMS. Due to the declining enrollment at East, the additional .5 support can be reduced to ensure administrative support is aligned with MS administrative allocation by student enrollment. Could cause reduction of one full administrative school role within the staffing process. (89,912) (0.50) Instruction Current AD support is minimally doable at current .5 FTE. Restructuring postion with other administrative duties that may be less intensive . Restructure Athletic Director position Restructure of postion with duties is an add to the increasing it .50 to full time. This position budget, the way to offset this add to net to zero is to will take on additional duties as well as we reduce 1/2 of the release at each high school. will then reduce .60 fte teacher released Concluded to maintain current structure with review time at the high schools. in the future. 6,668 (0.10) Instruction Less: Items Added Reduced Upon Board Discussion 5/21/14 From Considerations List 32 ESP Instruction Less: Items Removed from Considerations Upon Subsequent Discussion after 5/21/2014 16 17 18 19 MS FASA MS FASA The columns marked in gray are the columns included in the budget document to compare to the imformation received previously. * The budget is an ongoing process and is always subject to change based upon the best known factors at the time it is created. Upon additional information becoming available, the budget is revised twiced during the school year as we monitor and track revenue and expenditure assumptions