TÜV A safe and easy solution for a complex problem Load extrapolation acc. to IEC 61400-1 Ed.3 Load calculation k Extreme value extraction k Stochastic modelling k Extrapolation to 50 years k Load limits Advantages Conform to amendment of IEC 61400-1:2005, Ed. 3 Statistically secured results Easy applicable Realistic predictions of extreme loads Stable solutions Only few simulations needed to keep results within a small bandwidth Confidence level to fit results to the reliability required or to comply with different safety factors No expensive computer resource or data preparation References A. Heitmann, A. Binder, E. v. Collani, K. Al-Ghazali, W. Sans Design Load Definition by LEXPOL Wind Energy Vol. 11, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 2008 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121528239/issue A.Heitmann, E. v. Collani, K. Al-Ghazali Risk Assessment and Prediction of Maximum Loads for Wind Turbines. EWEC, Brüssel 2008 A. Heitmann, E. v. Collani, K. Al-Ghazali, E. Böhme, T. Hahm Experiences with a new probabilistic method fort he extrapolation of extreme loads according to IEC 61400-1 Ed. 3: Wind Turbines – Part I. EWEC, Mailand 2007 Reference project ENERCON Load Assumptions Wind Turbine ENERCON E-126 TÜV NORD Group Department Dynamic Systems Wind Energy Große Bahnstraße 31 22525 Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49 (0)40 8557-2417 Fax.: +49 (0)40 8557-2552 windenergy@tuev-nord.de www.tuev-nord.de In August 2005 a new Edition of the IEC, the IEC 61400-1 Edition 3, was published. Within this new edition load extrapolation, i.e. load predictions, is an issue of the design load case DLC 1.1. Making predictions about future developments is difficult, because many different developments may occur in more or less identical situations. Nevertheless, anybody can make predictions and many different methods have been developed. From divination and astrology, to the deterministic natural laws of classical science and the probabilistic methods of the last century, the stochastic approach has been developed, representing the actual state of the art. TÜV NORD developed in collaboration with Stochastikon GmbH, Würzburg, Germany, a stochastic approach, which meets the requirements of the IEC Ed. 3 and the corresponding reliability of the stochastic prediction procedures can be guaranteed in contrast to alternative procedures. The approach is implemented in the software program LEXPOL. Order your test version today! Company profile TÜV NORD in Wind Energy TÜV NORD Group, with a workforce of more than 8,000, is one of Germany's largest technical service providers. We owe our leading market position to our technical competence and a wide range of consulting, testing and servicing activities in the Systems, Mobility, Certification, Energy and Systems Engineering, Academy and International Divisions. Within the field of wind energy TÜV NORD is one of the leading accredited certification bodies for wind turbines world wide. We certify wind turbines according to all international certification guidelines like IEC, EN, GL, Danish approval scheme, DIBt and TAPS. Within the certification process the design of the whole wind turbine is assessed including the load assumptions, the safety concept and all components. The manufacturing evaluation including the quality management system (ISO) is necessary for a type certification as well as different measurements within the Type Testing. The certification can also be done for separate components like gear boxes, rotor blades, generators, … . The necessary gear box prototype test can be supported by our gear box test stand at DMT. Besides the type certification for turbine manufacturers all services for wind farm projects can be offered from one hand. Wind farm planners, operators or financers get the whole spectrum of project related assessment services, like: Due Diligences project certifications comparison of site conditions with certification of turbines (e.g. acc. to IEC WT01) assessments of resources/wind potential maps/ energy yield prognosis soil assessments, foundation consultancy, building surveillance sound immission prognoses, shadow flicker analyses turbulence reports environmental impact studies risk analyses 3-D flow calculations compliance with local grid codes/LVFRT measurements assessment of grid connection concepts manufacturing inspections of components or whole turbines The combination of the type certification and site assessments are also a special service from TÜV NORD. Site specific conditions have a big influence on the economic efficiency and safety of wind turbines. Every special site with either cold climate, hot climate, earthquake zones or special flow conditions like on cliffs etc. can be displayed and assessed with the possible result of a project certificate. The operation of the turbines can be accompanied by TÜV NORD with commissioning inspections, periodical inspections, special inspections, such as condition-based monitoring, non-destructive testing and damage analyses to ensure performance, availability and safety. TÜV NORD Group Department Dynamic Systems · Wind Energy Große Bahnstraße 31 · 22525 Hamburg · Germany Tel.: +49 (0)40 8557-2417 · Fax.: +49 (0)40 8557-2552 windenergy@tuev-nord.de · www.tuev-nord.de Lexpol EP 04.09 1000 dia TÜV