U.L. System No. W-L-3233 Threaded Penetrator

Un iqu e Fir e St op Pr odu ct s Th r e a de d Pe n e t r a t or - Sh e e t Rock Syst e m
( u p t o 2 h ou r s)
U.L. Syst e m N o. W - L- 3 2 3 3
( Guide XHEZ
F Rat ings — 1 and 2 Hr ( See I t em 1)
T Rat ing — 0 Hr
Through- Penet rat ion Firest op Syst em s)
1. W a ll Asse m bly — The 1 or 2 hr fire- rat ed gypsum board/ st ud wall assem bly shall
be const ruct ed of t he m at erials and in t he m anner described in t he individual U300 or
U400 Series Wall or Part it ion Designs in t he UL Fire Resist ance Direct ory and shall
include t he following const ruct ion feat ures:
A. St u ds — Wall fram ing shall consist of eit her wood st uds or st eel channel st uds.
Wood st uds t o consist of nom 2 by 4 in. lum ber spaced 16 in. OC. St eel st uds t o be
m in 3- 5/ 8 in. wide and spaced 24 in. OC.
B. Gypsu m Boa r d* — 5/ 8 in. t hick, 4 ft wide wit h square or t apered edges. The
gypsum board t ype, t hickness, num ber of layers, fast ener t ype and sheet
orient at ion shall be as specified in t he individual U300 or U400 Series Designs in t he
UL Fire Resist ance Direct ory.
The h ou r ly F Ra t in g of t h e fir e st op syst e m is e qu a l t o t h e h ou r ly fir e r a t in g
of t he w a ll a sse m bly in w h ich it is in st a lle d.
2. Ca ble s — Aggregat e cross- sect ional area of cables in Threaded Sleeve t o be m in 8
percent t o m ax 48 percent of t he aggregat e cross- sect ional area of t he Threaded
Sleeve. Cables t o be rigidly support ed on bot h sides of wall assem bly. Any com binat ion
of t he following t ypes and sizes of cables m ay be used:
A. Max 200 pair No. 24 AWG ( or sm aller) copper conduct or cable wit h polyvinyl
chloride ( PVC) j acket ing and insulat ion.
B. Max 1/ C, 750 kcm il power cable wit h copper conduct ors and cross- linked
polyet hylene ( XLPE) j acket ing.
C. Max 3/ C No. 2/ 0 AWG ( or sm aller) alum inum or copper conduct or service
ent rance cable wit h PVC insulat ion and j acket .
D. Max 3/ C No. 8 AWG ( or sm aller) nonm et allic sheat hed ( Rom ex) cable wit h
copper conduct ors, PVC insulat ion and j acket .
E. Max 7/ C No. 2/ 0 AWG ( or sm aller) m ult iconduct or power and cont rol cables wit h
XLPE or PVC insulat ion and XLPE or PVC j acket .
F. Max RG59/ U ( or sm aller) coaxial cable wit h fluorinat ed et hylene insulat ion and
j acket ing.
G. Max 62.5/ 48 fiber opt ic cable wit h PVC insulat ion and j acket ing.
H. Max 4 pair No. 24 AWG ( or sm aller) copper conduct or cat egory 5 wit h Hylar
insulat ion and j acket .
Fir e st op Syst e m — The firest op syst em shall consist of t he following:
A. Fir e st op D e vice * — Threaded st eel sleeve device incorporat ing flat washers
secured by t hreaded couplers. Device shall be inst alled in accordance wit h t he
accom panying inst allat ion inst ruct ions. Device provided in nom 1, 2 and 4 in. sizes.
Max diam of opening in wall for 1, 2 and 4 in. size devices are 1- 1/ 4, 2- 7/ 16 and 41/ 2 in. respect ively.
B. Fill, V oid or Ca vit y M a t e r ia l* — Pu t t y — Min 1 in. t hickness of fill m at erial
applied wit hin t he Threaded Sleeve, flush wit h bot h ends.
* Bearing t he UL Classificat ion Mark