USTA Missouri Valley Point Penalty Suspension System

 USTA Missouri Valley Point Penalty Suspension System Below is a summary. For the complete Regulation, please see USTA Regulation IV.D and IX.B Purpose. The aim of this code is to maintain fair and reasonable standards of conduct by all Missouri Valley players playing in any USTA sanctioned tournament. Application. The Point Penalty Suspension System shall apply to all singles and doubles matches in tournaments on the USTA Junior Tournament Schedule, all tournaments on the USTA Missouri Valley Junior Tournament Schedule, and all USTA Missouri Valley District Endorsement Tournaments. It applies to all conduct during matches, during tournament activities, at tournament facilities, and at facilities such as hotels, dormitories, and homes where players are staying. Player Representatives. Abusive conduct (including coaching) on the part of the player’s coach, relative, representative, or any other person associated with the player including conduct directed toward any player, tournament official, or spectator shall be considered a violation. Violations will result in denial of privileges or exclusion of such person(s) from any or all USTA sanction tournaments in Missouri Valley or such other sanctions as the Junior Competition Committee may impose. Authorized Persons. Persons authorized to file suspension point reports with the referee for infractions they personally witness include: 
Tournament Committee Members (Tournament Director, Referee, etc…) Deputy Referee, Umpires, Court Monitors (if authorized by Referee) Club or Hotel managers, families housing players Sectional Player Development Staff Reports. Code of Conduct reports will be mailed to the Missouri Valley Office immediately following the event. Appropriate sectional offices and the national office will be sent copies of the reports. Players will be given a copy of the report at the site if possible; otherwise a copy will be sent to the player. Lateness for Start of Match Rule. The lateness clock will be started when the schedule match time has arrived, any court is available, and one or more players have not checked in. A player is not deemed to have arrived until checked in and ready to play. A team is not deemed to have arrived until both players have checked in. 
5 minutes or less – loss of toss 5:01 – 10 minutes – loss of toss plus 2 games 10:01 – 15 minutes – loss of toss plus 3 games More than 15 minutes -­‐ default Concurrent Tournament Rule. When entries close, a player shall not be entered in two or more sanctioned tournaments if any parts of the tournament overlap unless each Tournament Committee involved understands the situation and concurs in writing. If entries for the overlapping tournaments close of different dates, approval must be received from all Tournament Committees no later than the entry closing date that occurs last. Suspension Point Schedule Code Violations: For each violation (point, game, default) under the Point Penalty System (excluding time violations immediately after a medical timeout or because of obvious cramping) are assessed two points. Defaults: Suspension points for defaults are in addition to points previously assessed for code violations. 
Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the court ........................................................ 8 Refusal to play or continue to play (for reasons other than illness, injury or personal emergency/circumstance) .................................................................................................... 5 Adult Discipline ..................................................................................................................... 5 No-­‐Show ............................................................................................................................... 5 Late Arrival ............................................................................................................................ 1 Disqualification for ineligibility ............................................................................................. 3 Improper Entry or Withdrawal: 
Being entered when entries close in two or more sanctioned tournaments schedule to overlap unless approved in writing ................................................................................................... 5 Withdrawal from tournament after entries closed for reason other injury, illness, personal emergency/circumstance, or previously authorized entry ................................................... 4 Unsportsmanlike Conduct: 
Unsportsmanlike or inappropriate conduct on court after a match or off court at locations such as the tournament site, hotel, housing, or tournament sponsored event ........................... 5 Not using best efforts to win ................................................................................................ 2 Gross Misconduct: 
Physical violence against another person on or off court by a player, relative coach or other person associated with a player ........................................................................................... 10 Illegal use or possession of drugs ......................................................................................... 8 Possessing or drinking alcoholic beverages .......................................................................... 8 Gambling activity .................................................................................................................. 8 Destruction of property ........................................................................................................ 9 Playing Under Suspension: Playing in any sanctioned tournament suspended ............................... 10 ITF Suspension Points: Each suspension point assessed at ITF tournaments and USTA International Tournaments ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Notification Process. It is the player’s responsibility to track their suspension points. All suspension points will be tracked in the USTA Missouri Valley office. Players and parents can request a copy of the player’s suspension point record to review for discrepancy at any time. Player Suspension. First Suspension – when 10 or more points are accumulated within a 12 month period. 
3 months, no competition in ANY USTA sanctioned events. No acceptance into USTA National Championships during the suspension period, or if there are none, the USTA National Championship event immediately following that period. The 10 points that have caused the suspension will be cleared from the record. Any additional points will remain. Second Suspension – when an additional 8 points are accumulated within a 12 month period immediately following the first suspension. 
Same as first suspension except period to be 6 months. The 8 points that caused the suspension will be cleared from the record. Any additional points will remain. Subsequent Suspensions – when 6 or more points are accumulated within a 12 month period immediately following the second or subsequent suspension. 
Same as first suspension except a period to be determined, not less than one year. The 6 points that caused the suspension will be cleared from the record. Any addition points will remain. Right to Appeal. A suspended player has the right to a hearing with the USTA Missouri Valley Grievance Committee if the player requests such a hearing within 21 days. Effective Date of Suspension. When an appeal is not requested, the suspension will begin 21 days from the dated letter or an earlier date as may be requested in writing. When an appeal is requested and upheld, the suspension will begin from the date of the letter. Honoring Suspensions. National will honor any sectional suspension. Sections will honor National suspensions. Missouri Valley will honor all other sections suspensions. 