To the Point Hidden Valley Neal Lopinot T his point type is named after Hidden Valley Rock Shelter, a site that was located along a tributary of Joachim Creek in Jefferson County, Missouri. Excavations were undertaken there in 1939–1941 by the Academy of Science of St. Louis, with support from the Work Projects Administration (Adams 1941, Figure 1. Hidden Valley point 1949). The lowest deposits, from 23wb304. Illustration by which Chapman (1948:140) Del Thompson. referred to as Hidden Valley Shelter One, yielded several examples of the contracting stemmed point that became known as the Hidden Valley point. Unfortunately, Hidden Valley Rock Shelter was destroyed in 1941 by the Aubuchon Sand Quarry Company, shortly after three weeks of intensive archaeological investigations. Description Adams (1941:191) originally described the Hidden Valley Stemmed type as consisting of “very long projectile points with [contracting] stems, elongated S shaped edges and concave bases, [and] a long curved blade.” It is now known that Hidden Valley points are much more variable Figure 2. Hidden Valley point preforms from the Big Eddy site, 23ce426. Photo courtesy of Center for Archaeological Research. in length, and that the stem and base are usually ground. Resharpened specimens may exhibit left beveling and fine serrations. Unresharpened specimens generally exhibit short barbs, but repeated resharpenings ultimately resulted in removal of the barbs (Sandstrom and Ray 2004:51). Age Hidden Valley points date to the Early Archaic period. Unfortunately, most radiocarbon ages for Hidden Valley points derive from mixed deposits in rockshelters and caves. Based on dates from several rockshelters and caves, O’Brien and Wood (1998:129) suggest that Hidden Valley points date to 7500–6800 b.c., or to early Early Archaic times. More recent radiocarbon and stratigraphic evidence from the Big Eddy site (23ce426) indicate that Hidden Valley points date later, appearing after Rice Lobed points. At Big Eddy, bracketing radiocarbon ages indicate that the Hidden Valley occupation dates to about 5900–5200 b.c., or toward the end of the Early Archaic sequence (Ray and Lopinot 2005:246–247). Distribution As defined here, this point is distributed throughout the Ozarks of Missouri, but mainly north of the Ozarks Divide. It is uncommon to rare elsewhere in Missouri. They Figure 3. Basally ground Hidden Valley point from 23sl591 near Creve Coeur Lake. Note the fossil at the corner break. From the collection of Richard Martens; photo courtesy of Richard Martens. Figure 4. Hidden Valley points from Hidden Valley Rock Shelter, 23je135. Illustration by Eleanor Chapman. have also been found at Modoc Rock Shelter (Fowler 1959) and the Nochta site in the American Bottom of Illinois (Higgins 1990:71–72), for example, so its range does extend slightly eastward across the Mississippi River. At least at Big Eddy, Hidden Valley points were found in stratigraphic association with Searcy points/knives. Comments The identification of contracting stemmed points can be a difficult undertaking, particularly if one is dealing with broken specimens or those that had been repeatedly resharpened. Attributes such as short barbs, stem grinding, beveling, and serrations help differentiate Hidden Valley points from younger contracting stemmed points. O’Brien and Wood (1998:129) contend that Rice Contracting Stemmed points (Chapman 1975:252–253) appear to be the same as Hidden Valley. A slightly different perspective is presented by Ray and Lopinot (2005:235), who suggest that there are some subtle technological differences distinguishing the two cognate forms. References Cited Adams, Robert McC. 1941 Archaeological Investigations in Jefferson County, Missouri, 1939–40. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis 30(5):151–221. 1949 Archaeological Investigations in Jefferson County, Missouri. The Missouri Archaeologist 11(3–4):1–72. Chapman, Carl H. 1948 A Preliminary Survey of Missouri Archaeology: Part IV, Ancient Cultures and Sequence. The Missouri Archaeologist 10(4):136–164. 1975 The Archaeology of Missouri, I. University of Missouri Press, Columbia. Figure 5. Hidden Valley points from the Big Eddy site, 23ce426. Photo courtesy of Center for Archaeological Research. Fowler, Melvin L. 1959 Modoc Rock Shelter: A Summary and Analysis of Four Seasons of Excavations. Report of Investigations No. 8. Illinois State Museum, Springfield. Higgins, Michael J. 1990 The Nochta Site: The Early, Middle, and Late Archaic Occupations (11-Ms-128). American Bottom Archaeology FAI-270 Site Reports Vol. 21. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Ray, Jack H., and Neal H. Lopinot 2005 Early Archaic. In Regional Research and the Archaic Record at the Big Eddy Site (23ce426), Southwest Missouri, edited by Neal H. Lopinot, Jack H. Ray, and Michael D. Conner, pp. 223–283. Special Publication No. 4. Center for Archaeological Research, Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield. O’Brien, Michael J., and W. Raymond Wood 1998 The Prehistory of Missouri. University of Missouri Press, Columbia. Sandstrom, Carl B., and Jack H. Ray 2004 A Point Identification Guide for Southwest Missouri. Ozarks Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society, Springfield. Editor’s note: The MAS invites contributions of photos from members for future To the Point editions. The next featured point will be Searcy, also referred to as Rice Lanceolate. To be considered, points must be from an ASM- or DNR-registered site, and not acquired through purchase. Full credit will be given to the member to whom the point belongs. Please send point information and photos via e-mail or U.S. Mail to the MAS office.