Week Class topics/discussion Homework/project/readings Coaching Article: Four Frames 1 2 Networking & Intro Coaching introduction Changing the Culture vs. Changing the woman: Part I Journal – expectations for this class; initial reaction; questions you would like to see answered; experiences you want to share What is Coaching? document Article: Ann Marie Slaughter – “Why women still can’t have it all” 3 Part II Article: Nature - Imposter Syndrome; Nature value of mistakes article 4 Imposter Syndrome Task: Implicit Bias test Coaching Session ideas: Selecting a project for this course; Exploring areas for coaching each other; identifying short term, long term, and career goal statements NOTES -Disclaimer: this material will make you think and reflect, and may make you uncomfortable (as will unstructured parts of class) -State that they should sit by someone with whom they want to be paired for coaching IF they have a preference -Philosophy of class: you are the DRIVER – options for projects, reading, etc, based on what you want to learn -Coaching objective: hope is pairings and/or skills learned will be a support to you and others you encounter beyond time at Purdue -Four frames = facilitating success for all (no one is an accommodation) -Men as allies -Goldiblox video (see below) -Banducci - perhaps pay consulting fee for class session development; “Dispel bias in perception of competence and identify, articulate, and utilize new competencies that increase inclusion, productivity, innovation and promotability of women and men” -Coaching pair assignments -Coaching Commitment Form -Corporate alum (guest speaker) -Slaughter: “fingering America’s social and business policies rather than women’s level of ambition, in explaining the dearth of women at the top” -Center for American progress – share that all professionals (men and women) are working more than 50 hours a week (increase since late 1970s) -Coaching and the Engineering Design Process -Sample role play and debrief (use alum/Sue) -Growth vs. fixed mindset -Chronicles article -Colbert and value of failure Article: “How stereotypes can drive women to quit science” -Mona Bapat or corporate/faculty (guest speaker) Journal – reflection on personal achievements, obstacles you have overcome and celebrate your acquired skills Task: Listening skills assessment -Related themes: gender schemas, micro-messaging (microagression), physical environment (e.g., posters of white men only in CS departments) -NCWIT articles & CV male/female name study http://www.terrydjohnson.com/teaching -In place of overt sexism/discrimination Article: 5 Implicit Bias & Stereotype Threat Project: One-page proposal due TODAY Journal – reflection on implicit bias/stereotype threat 6 Gendered Communication Article: “When Scientists Choose Motherhood” Self-Discovery task –personality, work preferences, leadership style, learning style, etc. Must use at least 2 approved surveys*. 7 Playing Devil’s Advocate Career Toolkit: Pick 2 of these chapters to read and complete questions at end: 2, 6, 8, 10, 11 Journal reflection – list self-discovery survey results and reflect on the results: how do/don’t the results Coaching Session ideas: How to make the most of this semester/upcoming summer; one new challenge to overcome or new skill to acquire through coaching; any class topic -Patrice Buzzanell/Beth Holloway (guest speakers) -Individualistic and Relational language (Banducci) -Coaching: powerful questions and acknowledging -Share access and important information about these online tools: Myers-Briggs, StrengthsQuest, Gregoric Learning Styles, Love Language, -*Students can find and submit other tools for approval -For journal: why do these surveys and this reflection? It is vital to know oneself and one’s formative influences before leading and influencing others and to make informed decisions about your future -For journal: think also about people who have influenced your growth, development and identity (e.g. mentors, friends, role models, family) align with beliefs, values, and passions that inform your action and that ground you, with key transformative experiences, and/or with personal qualities that define who you are Career Toolkit: Pick 2 of these chapters to read and complete questions at end: 4, 5, 6 8 Managing your career -Corporate alum (guest speaker) -Negotiating (Ch 8) -Networking (Ch 6) -Communication (Ch 10); CareerTrack seminar -Managing your career (Ch 2, 11) Project: Rubric due TODAY Journal reflection – reflection on your reaction to this class so far and compare to journal entry on first day 9 Academic/Corporate culture: Part I Coaching pairs No assignment! Enjoy Spring Break! Coaching Session ideas: How to prepare for this summer; Steps to take now to manage your career; How to evaluate positions and companies for the career/culture you desire; How can you advocate for yourself and your needs 10 Spring Break N/A N/A 11 Academic/Corporate culture: Part II 12 Confidence/selfpromotion/sponsorship Career Toolkit: (Ch 4) Journal Career Toolkit: Pick 1 of these chapters to read and complete questions at end: 1, 11 -What do you want in your career? (Ch 6) -Working on a team (Ch 4); meeting etiquette; EI -Work-life balance (Beth/Eric – both talked to bosses in preparation for kids coming) -Workplace generational differences -Finding the right job (Ch 5, 6) - Stress that with one bad position, don’t give up on engineering altogether! N/A -Corporate alum (guest speaker) Coaching Session -Corporate alum (guest speaker) -CareerTrack seminar -Lifelong learning: growth vs fixed mindset (Ch 4) 13 Leadership Project: Final project (including rubric) due TODAY for peer assessment (include copy for instructor) -Corporate alum (guest speaker) -Emotional intelligence (Ch 1) -Coaching, situational leadership, giving/receiving feedback -Leadership (Ch 11); CareerTrack seminar Journal Documents: Coaching resources; Resources WIEP+ 14 Presenting your best self in the workplace -Joel Ebarb (guest speaker) OR -Corporate alum (guest speaker) Journal – reflection on topics related to solutions for barriers to success and retention for WIE Coaching: what’s next & resources 15 16 Resources beyond WIEP: Creating a Culture of Inclusion Outreach and messaging: maximizing your elevator speech Documents: Changing the Conversation Coaching Session ideas: How will you continue to use coaching skills learned; causes for which you have passion and/or experience Project: Peer assessments due back to your classmate (include copy for instructor) FINAL Journal – see above Finals week: Class Projects (2 hours) Finals week: Class Discussion on Projects (2 hours) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArNAB9GFDog&feature=youtu.be -National organizations like SWE & WEPAN -Corporate Women’s Affinity Network; Women’s Initiative Network -Take initiative and form your own if there isn’t one nearby -WIEP website with different options depending on degree of help needed/involvement alum want (from articles/topics for Women’s groups about professional skills for women up to changing the culture articles/organizations) -Excerpts from Miss Representation -Fun and celebration class -Introduce students to our alumni network and our methods (based on Changing the Conversation) for pre-college outreach -Choose degree of involvement from 0, conversations starters with girls/public, WIEP speaker, outreach programming -Students should come prepared to discuss not only their project but their classmate’s project (e.g., what learned about topic-own and peer’s, doing a selfdirected project, assessing the work of others, etc.)