Symbols and Abbreviations ORG needs better ORGanization SNPP Don’t use a Singular Noun with a Plural Pronoun (e.g., the client enjoyed their session.) SDS Use Simple Direct Sentences YOW Say it in Your Own Words PV Avoid using Passive Voice (e.g., there is, there are, it is, etc.) NAT Not Assigned Topic WSP Reread Writing Effective Short Papers + Good, yes ? Unclear ?? Confusing delete a nd close up, print as one word insert here insertspace stet let marked text stand (in other words I changed my mind after making corrections and liked it better the way you wrote it in the first place order the Change the order pete or PEte If lowercase, change to CAPITALS; if CAPITALS, change to lowercase insert punctuation Paragraph needed Something wrong, spelling, word usage, punctuation, etc. Fragment, incomplete sentence. Run-on sentence Condense, say more in fewer words Let's talk Meet with me as soon as possible about your paper. I can help you improve.