MLContext QoC Tutorial

MLContext QoC
José R. Hoyos
6th, January, 2016
This tutorial explains the use of the Quality of Context (QoC) modeling extension of MLContext. This
extension has been designed to allow developers to define quality parameters and quality requirements
for their context models.
This tutorial assumes that you are using Eclipse (version v3.4+ ), and you have previously installed
the MLContext plug-in updated to v1.1 (and the MOFScript plug-in if you want to generate code from
the context model). The MOFScript and the MLContext plugin can be installed and updated from the
MLContext update site. For obtaining information about installing the MLContext plug-in, you can
read the "download and install" section in
The examples of this tutorial have been tested using Eclipse Kepler , Java 1.6 and MOFScript 1.3.4.
It is recommended to first read the MLContext tutorial on context modeling available at
Case study scenario
To illustrate the MLContext QoC modeling capabilities, we will use a case study from [Chabridon et
al., 2013] that is used to explain how QoC is managed with the COSMOS framework [COSMOS
reference]. We will also explain how COSMOS code can be automatically generated from MLContext
models which have a higher level of abstraction and are more readable.
A user (Celina) has a smartphone so it is possible to use its location services. These location services
are based on not only GPS navigation but also 3G and Wifi communication. She has downloaded a
flash sale application in her smartphone to receive a notification whenever a flash sale offer is near her
that matches her preferences. Depending on the quality level of the reported location for Celina, she
receives more detailed indications on how to reach the shop.
The location of the user can be provided by several sensors (GPS, GPRS and Wifi), which has
different QoC properties. For this scenario, three QoC parameters are considered for the location
property (accuracy, freshness and trustworthiness).
Three QoC levels are also defined (high, medium and low) as follows:
freshness >= 0.8
accuracy < 10
trustworthiness >= 0.9
freshness >= 0.8
accuracy < 10
trustworthiness < 0.9
freshness < 0.8
accuracy < 10
trustworthiness < 0.9
In order to promote the reuse and the evolvability of the models, MLContext applies a separation of
concerns to build platform and application-independent context models. This is achieved by
representing the application-specific details (e.g quality constraints or technical details of the sensors)
into application models separated from the context model.
Therefore we will create first a context model for the scenario and then a separated application model
which contains the quality parameters and quality requirements for the application. The application
model will include references to the elements defined in the context model.
Creating a new project
First of all we will create a project in Eclipse for our context model.
In this case, we will create a Generic Project named "Tutorial-2"
Menu File -> New -> Project...
and then, we choose a General Project
We press the
Now we can press the
button and then we can enter the name of the project
button to create the project
The newly created project appears in the package explorer.
The next step is to create a file for our context model, named "Flash_sale.mlctx".
Select the "Tutorial-2" folder and press the right button of the mouse to bring out the pop up window,
and then select New -> File
Enter the name of the file
Press the
button and the new file will open in the editor window.
It is strongly recommended that you have the Problems and Properties tabs views open on your editor
in order to check the syntax errors, and to see the values of the properties of your context model (see
Tutorial on context modeling).
Now, we have the file ready for writing our context model.
Writing the context model
We will create a contextModel named flash_sale with some entities.
flash_sale {
Celina context {}
smartphone context {}
shoeShop context {}
We have specified three entities: the user Celina, her smartphone and one shop that will be used to test
the "flash sale alert" context situation.
Next we specify some properties for the entity Celina. We are interested in knowing her location, her
preferences and the fact that she carries her smartphone. The application will know that the location of
the user Celina is the same of the smartphone only if the user carries it.
contextModel flash_sale {
entity Celina context {
environment {"location" source historic}
{"preferences" source
"carrying" : smartphone}}
entity smartphone context {}
entity shoeShop context {}
We have specified that the "location" property is of environment type (see Tutorial on context
modeling for a list of context types). We have also specified the historic modifier for the property,
because we want to keep a trace of those values (they can be used to compute the speed of the user).
The source keyword indicates that the value of the property is obtained from a source of context (that
will be specified later in the model).
We don't need to specify any properties for the smartphone in this example.
Finally we define some properties for the shoeShop entity: its location and the current saleOffer (if
entity shoeShop context {
environment {"location" : "37.607602, -0.975380" units : "WGS84"}
computational{"saleOffer" source}}
The value for the property "location" is expressed in WGS84 units
Now, we can model the context sources for the properties that have been attached to a source (i.e.
location and preferences for the Celina entity and saleOffer for the shoeShop entity).
Since Celina’s smartphone has GPS navigation, 3G and Wifi communication, three sources of context
have been specified to determine Celina's position: GPRS, GPS and WLAN.
contextSource GPRS {
interfaceID: "gprs01"
methodName : "getLocation" {
supply : Celina.location
returnValue : "WGS84"}
contextSource GPS {
interfaceID : "gps01"
methodName : "getLocation" {
supply : Celina.location
returnValue : "WGS84"}
contextSource WLAN {
interfaceID : "wlan01"
methodName : "getLocation" {
supply : Celina.location
returnValue : "WGS84"}
As indicated in the Tutorial on context modeling, the keyword interfaceID specifies the name of the
interface for the context source, and the keyword methodName specifies the name of the method to be
invoked to obtain the value for the property. Each method specifies the property for which the value is
supplied (Celina.location in this case) and the type of the value returned (WGS84 coordinates in this
With regard to the Celina's preferences, we will suppose that her preferences are stored in her
smartphone and can be retrieved by a software agent, so we have defined a ”Smartphone Agent”
source with a method ”getPreferences” as follows.
contextSource Smartphone_Agent {
interfaceID : "sm01"
methodName : "getPreferences" {
supply : Celina.preferences
returnValue : "String"}
A context source "Shop scheduler" would also be defined to express how the sale offers are obtained
from the shoeShop entity.
contextSource Shop_scheduler {
interfaceID : "sh01"
methodName : "getSaleOffer"{
supply : shoeShop.saleOffer
returnValue : "String"}
Once the entities are defined, we can specify the categories to which they belong.
categories {
We have not specified a category for the smartphone entity, so MLContext will generate automatically
one category for it which would be called C_smartphone.
The final context model
This section shows an outline of the final context model.
The complete context model specification can be found in Appendix A.
Writing the application model
The application model is specific for a concrete context-aware application and includes the following
information: technical data about sensors, quality parameters, context situations (optional), quality
levels (optional) and quality requirements (optional).
We will create an application model named "Flash_sale.mlctq". The .mlctq extension is used by
MLContext to identify an application model.
Select the "Tutorial-2" folder and press the right button of the mouse to bring out the pop up window,
and then select New -> File
Enter the name of the file
Press the
button and the new file will open in the editor window.
We will create an application model named "evry2mallqoc" because this is the name of the scenario in
the example [Chabridon et al., 2013]. The application model is defined by using the "qualityModel"
qualityModel evry2mallqoc {
The problems tab will show an error.
This is because the application model needs to refer to a context model. We must specify where is
located the context model by adding an IMPORT sentence.
We need to indicate the absolute path to the Flash_sale.mlctx file. An example of absolute path in
Windows could be as follows.
qualityModel evry2mallqoc {
import "C:\ECLIPSE-PLUGIN\eclipse\workspace\Tutorial-2\Flash_sale.mlctx"
The path will vary depending on where is located your Eclipse workspace.
If you are using Linux, this path will be something like
In Windows (but not in Linux) it is also possible to use a relative path to the Eclipse workspace
import "\Tutorial-2\Flash_sale.mlctx"
If we specify a wrong path we can find two errors among others:
"resource xxx not found"
An exception occurred while resolving the proxy
This is because MLContext can't find the context model.
The problems tab might show some other errors about unreferenced elements if we have defined
references to the context model.
Specify providers
The context sources that we defined in the context model are attached to physical adapters or
Next, we will specify the providers for the three context sources defined for the Celina's location (i.e.
GPRS, GPS and WLAN). A provider is defined by specifying the interface of the context source to
which it is attached (e.g. gps01, wlan01).
provider gprs01 {
name : "3G_cell_id"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {
units : "meters"
accuracy : "500"}}
This is the interfaceID that was defined for the
contextSource GPRS in the context model.
Therefore, the provider "3G_cell_id" is linked to
that context source.
This is the name of the method defined in the
gprs01 interface for which we want to specify
quality parameters.
The definition of a provider consists of three elements: name, location and method. The name is used
to give a unique id to the provider. The location indicates where the provider is located and its value
can be a textual description of the location or an entity from the context model. In our scenario, the
providers for the Celina's location are located in Celina’s smartphone.
We can specify some quality parameters for each of the method defined in the context source interface
(identified by the keyword method). In our scenario, there is only one method defined in the interface
(getLocation) and we have specified an accuracy of 500 meters for the GPRS provider (this data is
obtained from the manufacturers' specification).
The list of quality parameters supported for MLContext can be found in Appendix B.
We can specify the other providers for the GPS and WLAN sources of context as follows.
provider gps01 {
name : "GPS_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {units : "GPRS"}}
provider wlan01 {
name : "WIFI_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {units : "GPRS"}}
provider wlan01 {
name : "Bluetooth_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {units : "GPRS"}}
Note that several providers can be defined for a given interface. For instance, we have defined two
providers for the interface ”wlan01” of the WLAN context source in our context model. The Celina
user position could therefore be obtained from two different providers (”WIFI manager” and
”Bluetooth manager”) from the WLAN context source attached to this entity.
We also define the ”User profile manager” and the ”Shop manager” providers in the same way.
These two providers do not have any quality parameters in this example
provider sm01 {
name : "User_profile_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getPreferences }
provider sh01 {
name : "Shop_manager"
location : "Shop"
method : getSaleOffer }
Specify context situations
A context situation is a set of constraints on context information so that when these constraints are
satisfied in the sensed environment, the situation is said to occur. This set of constraints constitutes a
logic predicate. For example, the health status of a patient could be based on his/her context
information about temperature, blood pressure and pulse so that the context situation ”the patient is
ill” could be formed of the ”temperature>37ºC” constraint among others. We will refer to context
facts as such constraints on context information (e.g. temperature > 37, pulse < 72). Therefore, a
context situation is a boolean expression that is based on context facts.
We can define a ”flash_sale_alert” context situation that checks if the user is near a shop that has a
flash sale offer matching the user preferences.
situation flash_sale_alert {
AND #Celina.preferences==#shoeShop.saleOffer
This context situation is formed of two context fact connected by the AND logic operator. References
to context properties (i.e. properties of entities defined in the context model) are preceded by the
symbol '#' (e.g. #Celina.location).
The first context fact checks if the location of Celina is equal to the location of the shoe shop. The
second one checks if Celina's preferences are equal to the shoe shop sale offers.
MLContext has the following relational operators: ==, <,>,<=,>=, !=, as well as logic operators:
AND, OR, NOT. We can also use parentheses (round brackets) in the expressions.
The comparison #Celina.preferences==#shoeShop.saleOffer is an oversimplified way to
check if Celina' preferences match the store sale offers. On the one hand the user Celina might have
more than one preference. On the other hand, the shop can also have more than one offer.
We can specify that the task of comparing preferences and sale offers will be carried out by an extern
function. Therefore the context situation would be defined as follows.
situation flash_sale_alert {
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#Celina.preferences, #shoeShop.saleOffer)==true
This definition makes use of an extern function "_flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info" which has
two parameters: Celina preferences and the shoeShop sale offers. In MLContext, a call to a extern
function is specified by using the name of the extern function preceded by an underscore "_".
The context situation we have defined can be applied only to the user Celina and the shoeShop, but we
are interested in check this situation for any user and any shop. In this sense we can parameterize the
context situation as follows.
situation flash_sale_alert (u:User, s:Shop) {
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#u.preferences, #s.saleOffer)==true
We have added two parameters (u, s) to the context situation of type User and Shop respectively. The
type of a parameter can be any of the categories defined in the context model. MLContext also allows
us to define parameters using the primitive types Int, Float, String and Boolean.
Now, we can use these parameters in the context facts instead of the user Celina and the shoeShop
(e.g. #u.location).
MLContext checks if the property location belongs to the User category (in this example). For
example if we wrote #u.position, MLContext will report the following error.
Note: MLContext infers the properties of the Categories from the entities belonging to them.
Now, we want to compute the user location in a more precise way. As the user is moving we can
compute the value of the real position based in the reported location and the speed of the user.
Therefore we can introduce a "_Speed" function which computes the speed vector of the user using
the position history of the user as stored on the smartphone (note that we specified the historic
modifier for the user location property in the context model).
We can also use an ”_AdjustedLocation” function which will compute the value of the real position,
based in the reported location and the speed of the user.
Taking into account these new functions, the context situation will be defined as follows.
situation flash_sale_alert (u:User, s:Shop) {
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#u.preferences,#s.saleOffer)==true
Next, we can improve the legibility of the specification because MLContext allows composition of
context situations.
We can split this definition into two context situations.
situation flash_sale_alert (u:User, s:Shop) {
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#u.preferences,#s.saleOffer)==true
situation user_near_shop(u:User, s:Shop) {
Specify quality requirements
We can specify quality requirements for any context fact, including those that invoke a context
situation. For example:
situation flash_sale_alert (u:User, s:Shop) {
user_near_shop(#u,#s) [freshness >= "0.8", accuracy < "10", trustworthiness >= "0.9"]
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#u.preferences,#s.saleOffer)==true
In this example we have specified quality requirements for freshness, accuracy and trustworthiness
when computing the "user_near_shop" context situation.
Specify quality levels
Another way of specifying quality requirements is by defining quality levels. A quality level specifies
restrictions on the values that can take one or more quality parameters.
Each level is identified by a unique label. We will define three quality levels in this scenario as
quality {
QUALITY_HIGH : [freshness >= "0.8", accuracy <"10", trustworthiness >= "0.9"]
QUALITY_MEDIUM : [freshness >= "0.8", accuracy <"10", trustworthiness < "0.9"]
QUALITY_LOW : [freshness < "0.8", accuracy <"10", trustworthiness < "0.9"]
Now we can use these quality levels to specify quality requirements in the context situations
situation flash_sale_alert (u:User, s:Shop) {
user_near_shop(#u,#s) [QUALITY_HIGH]
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#u.preferences,#s.saleOffer)==true
The final application model
This section shows an outline of the final application model.
The complete context model specification can be found in Appendix C.
Generating code from the model
This section assumes that you have installed and configured the MOFScript plug-ing.
If not, you can install it from Eclipse:
Menu Help-> Install New Software... and press de Add.. button to add the MOFScript Site.
When the Add site window appears, you can enter the following url in "Location":
You can adjust your MOFScript preferences from Menu Window->Preferences->MOFScript
The output directory for the
generated code
if you check this option, Eclipse will generate a project with links to the generated code
First, you need to copy the file MLContext.m2t in your project (it contains the MLContext API).
Next you must copy the file containing the model transformation (cosmos.m2t).
Both files (MLContext.m2t and cosmos.m2t) can
Note: MOFScript creates the generated files in its default folder. You can specify the folder to store
the generated code. To do so, select the cosmos.m2t file and right-click the mouse. Then select
To execute the transformation select the file cosmos.m2t and click the right mouse button to open the
pop-up menu:
Select MOFScript -> Execute.
A new window opens to select the file containing the .mlctq model. Select the file Flash_sale.mlctq
from your project.
Press OK.
Another window opens to select the file containing the .mlctx model. Select the file Flash_sale.mlctx
from your project.
Press OK.
The code generation starts and new files are generated in the Root Generation Dir specified in the
MOFScript plug-in preferences.
If you have selected the "Generate Eclipse Project with links" in the MOFScript plug-in preferences a
new project will be added in the explorer window with links to the new generated files.
If not you will find these files in the output directory.
links to generated files
The file flash_sale_report.txt contains the generation reports for the context model.
The file flash_sale_alert.cosmos and the user_near_shop.cosmos files contain the generated COSMOS
DSL specification for the flash_sale_alert and user_near shop context situations respectively. This
transformation generates a COSMOS dsl file for each of the context situations defined in the model.
However only the flash_sale_alert.cosmos is necessary because it already includes the user_near_shop
specification (the context situation flash_sale_alert include a call to the other context situation).
Appendix A – Context model specification
contextModel flash_sale {
//-----entities----entity Celina context {
environment {"location" source historic}
{"preferences" source
"carrying" : smartphone}}
entity smartphone context {}
entity shoeShop context {
environment{"location" : "37.607602, -0.975380" units : "WGS84"}
computational{"saleOffer" source}}
//-----context sources----contextSource GPRS {
interfaceID : "gprs01"
methodName : "getLocation" {
supply : Celina.location
returnValue : "WGS84"}
contextSource GPS {
interfaceID : "gps01"
methodName : "getLocation" {
supply : Celina.location
returnValue : "WGS84"}
contextSource WLAN {
interfaceID : "wlan01"
methodName : "getLocation" {
supply : Celina.location
returnValue : "WGS84"}
contextSource Smartphone_Agent {
interfaceID : "sm01"
methodName : "getPreferences" {
supply : Celina.preferences
returnValue : "String"}
contextSource Shop_scheduler {
interfaceID : "sh01"
methodName : "getSaleOffer"{
supply : shoeShop.saleOffer
returnValue : "String"}
//-----categories----categories {
Appendix B –Quality parameters
units. A unit is "a quantity chosen as a standard in terms of which other quantities may be
expressed". They are used to express the value of data information. On the one hand, sources
of context may provide a value using different units from those required by an application. On
the other hand, the application could not know the units in which a value is expressed. A
context-aware framework should be able of converting the value supplied by the source to the
units required by the application.
precision. Precision is "the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged
conditions show the same results". Precision it is also called repeatability or reproducibility.
An ideal sensor would output the same value every time the value is measured, but real sensors
output a range of values relative to the actual correct value. For example, for a weight of
exactly 1.110 gr. we can use a weight sensor with a precision of 0.1 gr. and the output values
for successive measures will vary considerably (e.g. 1.121 gr., 1.100 gr., 1.107 gr., etc.). All
those measures differ from the second decimal position because the precision of the sensor is
0.1 gr.
accuracy. The accuracy of a measurement is "the degree of closeness of a quantity to its actual
(true) value". Therefore the accuracy of a sensor is the maximum difference between the true
value and the supplied value at the output of the sensor. Actually, despite its name, this
parameter expresses inaccuracy, and it can be expressed as a percentage or in absolute terms.
The difference between precision and accuracy is correctness. For example, a precise
measurement of 1.128 gr. (with a precision of 0.001 grams) has this value every time it is
measured but it could be wrong if the true value is 1.120 gr.
range. The range of the sensor is "the maximum and minimum values of applied parameter
that can be measured". For example, the output of a weight sensor will be wrong when we
apply a weight of 1020 grams if it has a range from 0 to 1000 grams, because it exceeds the
maximum weight. A context-aware application should take this into account. The range of a
sensor can be expressed by means of its maximum and minimum values.
freshness. Freshness refers to "how current the provided information is at the time of
delivery". A source of context should indicate the time of the data acquisition. For example, a
navigation system needs updated information about the user's location). While some
information remains valid over time, other may become discredited or obsolete.
trustworthiness. Trustworthiness is "the extent to which information is regarded as true and
credible". Sometimes, it is seen as expected accuracy, but there are some differences. While
accuracy refers to the verifiable precision of a value supplied by a sensor, believability refers
to trusting the value of the data without checking it.
Appendix C – Application model specification
qualityModel evry2mallqoc {
import "\Tutorial-2\Flash_sale.mlctx"
//linux users must use absolute path
provider gprs01 {
name : "3G_cell_id"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {
units : "meters"
accuracy : "500"}}
provider gps01 {
name : "GPS_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {units : "GPRS"}}
provider wlan01 {
name : "WIFI_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {units : "GPRS"}}
provider wlan01 {
name : "Bluetooth_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getLocation {units : "GPRS"}}
provider sm01 {
name : "User_profile_manager"
location : smartphone
method : getPreferences }
provider sh01 {
name : "Shop_manager"
location : "Shop"
method : getSaleOffer }
//context situations
situation flash_sale_alert (u:User, s:Shop) {
user_near_shop(#u,#s) [QUALITY_HIGH]
AND _flash_sale_offer_matching_user_info (#u.preferences,#s.saleOffer)==true
situation user_near_shop(u:User, s:Shop) {
//quality levels section
quality {
QUALITY_HIGH : [freshness >= "0.8", accuracy <"10", trustworthiness >= "0.9"]
QUALITY_MEDIUM : [freshness >= "0.8", accuracy <"10", trustworthiness < "0.9"]
QUALITY_LOW : [freshness < "0.8", accuracy <"10", trustworthiness < "0.9"]
S. Chabridon, D. Conan, Z. Abid, C. Taconet, Building ubiquitous qoc-aware applications through
model-driven software engineering, Science of Computer Programming 78 (10) (2013) 1912 – 1929.